WARNING: This class has serious issues that can lead to subtle segfaults. Do not use it unless you read trac 8200 first: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8200
Bases: sage.structure.unique_representation.UniqueRepresentation, sage.structure.parent.Parent
A class for creating dummy parents for testing ElementWrapper
Bases: sage.structure.element.Element
A class for wrapping Sage or Python objects as Sage elements
WARNING: This class has serious issues that can lead to subtle segfaults. Do not use it unless you read trac 8200 first: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8200
sage: from sage.structure.element_wrapper import DummyParent
sage: parent = DummyParent("A parent")
sage: o = ElementWrapper("bla", parent = parent); o
sage: isinstance(o, sage.structure.element.Element)
sage: o.parent()
A parent
sage: o.value
Note that o is not an instance of str, but rather contains a str. Therefore, o does not inherit the string methods. On the other hand, it is provided with reasonable default implementations for equality testing, hashing, etc.
The typical use case of is for trivially
constructing new element classes from preexisting Sage or Python
classes, with a containment relation. Here we construct the
tropical monoid of integers endowed with min as
multiplication. There, it is desirable not to inherit the
factor method from Integer:
sage: class MinMonoid(Parent):
... def _repr_(self):
... return "The min monoid"
sage: M = MinMonoid()
sage: class MinMonoidElement(ElementWrapper):
... wrapped_class = Integer
... def __mul__(self, other):
... return MinMonoidElement(min(self.value, other.value), parent = self.parent())
sage: x = MinMonoidElement(5, parent = M); x
sage: x.parent()
The min monoid
sage: x.value
sage: y = MinMonoidElement(3, parent = M)
sage: x * y
This example was voluntarily kept to a bare minimum. See the examples in the categories (e.g. Semigroups().example()) for several full featured applications.
Caveat: the order between the value and the parent argument is likely to change shortly. At this point, all the code using it in the Sage library will be updated. There will be no transition period.
Bases: sage.structure.element_wrapper.ElementWrapper
Test class for the default __copy() method of subclasses of ElementWrapper.
sage: from sage.structure.element_wrapper import ElementWrapperTester
sage: x = ElementWrapperTester()
sage: x.append(2); y = copy(x); y.append(42)
sage: type(y)
<class 'sage.structure.element_wrapper.ElementWrapperTester'>
sage: x, y
([n=1, value=[2]], [n=2, value=[2, 42]])
sage: x.append(21); x.append(7)
sage: x, y
([n=3, value=[2, 21, 7]], [n=2, value=[2, 42]])
sage: x.__dict__, y.__dict__
({'value': [2, 21, 7], 'n': 3}, {'value': [2, 42], 'n': 2})
sage: from sage.structure.element_wrapper import ElementWrapperTester
sage: x = ElementWrapperTester()
sage: x.append(2); x
[n=1, value=[2]]