Unique Representation

class sage.structure.unique_representation.UniqueRepresentation

Bases: object

Classes derived from UniqueRepresentation inherit a unique representation behavior for their instances.


The short story: to construct a class whose instances have a unique representation behavior one just has to do:

sage: class MyClass(UniqueRepresentation):
...       # all the rest as usual
...       pass

Everything below is for the curious or for advanced usage.

What is unique representation?

Instances of a class have a unique representation behavior when several instances constructed with the same arguments share the same memory representation. For example, calling twice:

sage: f = GF(7)
sage: g = GF(7)

to create the finite field of order 7 actually gives back the same object:

sage: f == g
sage: f is g

This is a standard design pattern. Besides saving memory, it allows for sharing cached data (say representation theoretical information about a group) as well as for further optimizations (fast hashing, equality testing). This behaviour is typically desirable for parents and categories. It can also be useful for intensive computations where one wants to cache all the operations on a small set of elements (say the multiplication table of a small group), and access this cache as quickly as possible.

The UniqueRepresentation and UniqueFactory classes provide two alternative implementations of this design pattern. Both implementations have their own merits. UniqueRepresentation is very easy to use: a class just needs to derive from it, or make sure some of its super classes does. For basic usage . Also, it groups together the class and the factory in a single gadget; in the example above, one would want to do:

sage: isinstance(f, GF)         # todo: not implemented

but this does not work, because GF is only the factory.

On the other hand the UniqueRepresentation class is more intrusive, as it imposes a behavior (and a metaclass) to all the subclasses. Its implementation is also more technical, which leads to some subtleties.


We start with a simple class whose constructor takes a single value as argument (TODO: find a more meaningful example):

sage: class MyClass(UniqueRepresentation):
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value

Two coexisting instances of MyClass created with the same argument data are guaranteed to share the same identity:

sage: x = MyClass(1)
sage: y = MyClass(1)
sage: x is y
sage: z = MyClass(2)
sage: x is z

In particular, modifying any one of them modifies the other (reference effect):

sage: x.value = 3
sage: x.value, y.value
(3, 3)
sage: y.value = 1
sage: x.value, y.value
(1, 1)

Unless overridden by the derived class, equality testing is implemented by comparing identities, which is as fast as it can get:

sage: x == y
sage: z = MyClass(2)
sage: x == z, x is z
(False, False)

Similarly, the identity is used as hash function, which is also as fast as it can get. However this means that the hash function may change in between Sage sessions, or even within the same Sage session (see below). Subclasses should overload __hash__() if this could be a problem.

The arguments can consist of any combination of positional or keyword arguments, as taken by a usual __init__() function. However, all values passed in should be hashable:

sage: MyClass(value = [1,2,3])
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Argument preprocessing

Sometimes, one wants to do some preprocessing on the arguments, to put them in some canonical form. The following example illustrates how to achieve this; it takes as argument any iterable, and canonicalizes it into a tuple (which is hashable!):

sage: class MyClass2(UniqueRepresentation):
...       @staticmethod
...       def __classcall__(cls, iterable):
...           t = tuple(iterable)
...           return super(MyClass2, cls).__classcall__(cls, t)
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
sage: x = MyClass2([1,2,3])
sage: y = MyClass2(tuple([1,2,3]))
sage: z = MyClass2(i for i in [1,2,3])
sage: x.value
(1, 2, 3)
sage: x is y, y is z
(True, True)

A similar situation arises when the constructor accepts default values for some of its parameters. Alas, the obvious implementation does not work:

sage: class MyClass3(UniqueRepresentation):
...       def __init__(self, value = 3):
...           self.value = value
sage: MyClass3(3) is MyClass3()

Instead, one should do:

sage: class MyClass3(UniqueRepresentation):
...       @staticmethod
...       def __classcall__(cls, value = 3):
...           return super(MyClass3, cls).__classcall__(cls, value)
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
sage: MyClass3(3) is MyClass3()

A bit of explanation is in order. First, the call MyClass2([1,2,3]) triggers a call to MyClass2.__classcall__(MyClass2, [1,2,3]). This is an extension of the standard Python behavior, needed by UniqueRepresentation, and implemented by the ClasscallMetaclass. Then, MyClass2.__classcall__ does the desired transformations on the arguments. Finally, it uses super to call the default implementation of __classcall__ provided by UniqueRepresentation. This one in turn handles the caching and, if needed, constructs and initializes a new object in the class using __new__() and __init__() as usual.


  • __classcall__() is a staticmethod (like, implicitly, __new__())
  • the preprocessing on the arguments should be idempotent. Namely, If MyClass2.__classcall__() calls UniqueRepresentation.__classcall__(<some_arguments>), then it should accept <some_arguments> as its own input, and pass it down unmodified to UniqueRepresentation.__classcall__().
  • MyClass2.__classcall__() should return the result of UniqueRepresentation.__classcall__() without modifying it.

Other than that MyClass2.__classcall__() may play any tricks, like acting as a Factory and returning object from other classes.

Unique representation and mutability

UniqueRepresentation is primarily intended for implementing objects which are (at least semantically) immutable. This is in particular assumed by the default implementations of copy and deepcopy:

sage: copy(x) is x
sage: from copy import deepcopy
sage: deepcopy(x) is x

Using UniqueRepresentation on mutable objects may lead to subtle behavior:

sage: t = MyClass(3)
sage: z = MyClass(2)
sage: t.value = 2

Now x and z have the same data structure, but are not considered as equal:

sage: t.value == z.value
sage: t == z

More on unique representation and identity

UniqueRepresentation is implemented by mean of a cache. This cache uses weak references so that, when all other references to, say, MyClass(1) have been deleted, the instance is actually deleted from memory. A later call to MyClass(1) reconstructs the instance from scratch, most likely with a different id.

TODO: add an example illustrating this behavior

Unique representation and pickling

The default Python pickling implementation (by reconstructing an object from its class and dictionary, see “The pickle protocol” in the Python Library Reference) does not preserves unique representation, as Python has no chance to know whether and where the same object already exists.

UniqueRepresentation tries to ensure appropriate pickling by implementing a __reduce__() method returning the arguments passed to the constructor:

sage: import __main__             # Fake MyClass being defined in a python module
sage: __main__.MyClass = MyClass
sage: x = MyClass(1)
sage: loads(dumps(x)) is x

UniqueRepresentation uses the __reduce__() pickle protocol rather than __getnewargs__() because the later does not handle keyword arguments:

sage: x = MyClass(value = 1)
sage: x.__reduce__()
(<function unreduce at ...>, (<class '__main__.MyClass'>, (), {'value': 1}))
sage: x is loads(dumps(x))

Caveat: the default implementation of __reduce__() in UniqueRepresentation requires to store the constructor’s arguments in the instance dictionary upon construction:

sage: x.__dict__
{'_reduction': (<class '__main__.MyClass'>, (), {'value': 1}), 'value': 1}

It is often easy in a derived subclass to reconstruct the constructors arguments from the instance data structure. When this is the case, __reduce__() should be overridden; automagically the arguments won’t be stored anymore:

sage: class MyClass3(UniqueRepresentation):
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
...       def __reduce__(self):
...           return (MyClass3, (self.value,))
sage: import __main__; __main__.MyClass3 = MyClass3  # Fake MyClass3 being defined in a python module
sage: x = MyClass3(1)
sage: loads(dumps(x)) is x
sage: x.__dict__
{'value': 1}

Migrating classes to UniqueRepresentation and unpickling

We check that, when migrating a class to UniqueRepresentation, older pickle can still be reasonably unpickled. Let us create a (new style) class, and pickle one of its instances:

sage: class MyClass4(object):
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
sage: import __main__; __main__.MyClass4 = MyClass4  # Fake MyClass4 being defined in a python module
sage: pickle = dumps(MyClass4(1))

It can be unpickled:

sage: y = loads(pickle)
sage: y.value

Now, we upgrade the class to derive from UniqueRepresentation:

sage: class MyClass4(UniqueRepresentation, object):
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
sage: import __main__; __main__.MyClass4 = MyClass4  # Fake MyClass4 being defined in a python module
sage: __main__.MyClass4 = MyClass4

The pickle can still be unpickled:

sage: y = loads(pickle)
sage: y.value

Note however that, for the reasons explained above, unique representation is not guaranteed in this case:

sage: y is MyClass4(1)

Todo: illustrate how this can be fixed on a case by case basis.

Now, we redo the same test for a class deriving from SageObject:

sage: class MyClass4(SageObject):
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
sage: import __main__; __main__.MyClass4 = MyClass4  # Fake MyClass4 being defined in a python module
sage: pickle = dumps(MyClass4(1))

sage: class MyClass4(UniqueRepresentation, SageObject):
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
sage: __main__.MyClass4 = MyClass4
sage: y = loads(pickle)
sage: y.value

Caveat: unpickling instances of a formerly old-style class is not supported yet by default:

sage: class MyClass4:
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
sage: import __main__; __main__.MyClass4 = MyClass4  # Fake MyClass4 being defined in a python module
sage: pickle = dumps(MyClass4(1))

sage: class MyClass4(UniqueRepresentation, SageObject):
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           self.value = value
sage: __main__.MyClass4 = MyClass4
sage: y = loads(pickle)  # todo: not implemented
sage: y.value            # todo: not implemented

Rationale for the current implementation

UniqueRepresentation and derived classes use the ClasscallMetaclass of the standard Python type. The following example explains why.

We define a variant of MyClass where the calls to __init__() are traced:

sage: class MyClass(UniqueRepresentation):
...       def __init__(self, value):
...           print "initializing object"
...           self.value = value

Let us create an object twice:

sage: x = MyClass(1)
initializing object
sage: z = MyClass(1)

As desired the __init__ method was only called the first time, which is an important feature.

As far as we can tell, this is not achievable while just using __new__() and __init__() (as defined by type; see Section “Basic Customization” in the Python Reference Manual). Indeed, __init__() is called systematically on the result of __new__() whenever the result is an instance of the class.

Another difficulty is that argument preprocessing (as in the example above) cannot be handled by __new__(), since the unprocessed arguments will be passed down to __init__().


For the record, this test did fail with previous implementation attempts:

sage: class bla(UniqueRepresentation, SageObject):
...       pass
sage: b = bla()
sage.structure.unique_representation.unreduce(cls, args, keywords)

Calls a class on the given arguments:

sage: sage.structure.unique_representation.unreduce(Integer, (1,), {})

Todo: should reuse something preexisting ...

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