Let be a CartanType with index set
, and
be a realization of the type
A type crystal
is a colored oriented graph
equipped with a weight function from the nodes to some realization
of the type
weight lattice such that:
Each edge is colored with a label in .
For each , each node
Furthermore, when they exist,
This crystal actually models a representation of a Lie algebra if it satisfies some further local conditions due to Stembridge [St2003].
[St2003] J. Stembridge, A local characterization of simply-laced crystals, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), no. 12, 4807-4823.
We construct the type crystal on letters (or in representation
theoretic terms, the highest weight crystal of type
corresponding to the highest weight
sage: C = CrystalOfLetters(['A',5]); C
The crystal of letters for type ['A', 5]
It has a single highest weight element:
sage: C.highest_weight_vectors()
A crystal is an enumerated set (see EnumeratedSets); and we can count and list its elements in the usual way:
sage: C.cardinality()
sage: C.list()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
as well as use it in for loops:
sage: [x for x in C]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Here are some more elaborate crystals (see their respective documentations):
sage: Tens = TensorProductOfCrystals(C, C)
sage: Spin = CrystalOfSpins(['B', 3])
sage: Tab = CrystalOfTableaux(['A', 3], shape = [2,1,1])
sage: Fast = FastCrystal(['B', 2], shape = [3/2, 1/2])
sage: KR = KirillovReshetikhinCrystal(['A',2,1],1,1)
One can get (currently) crude plotting via:
sage: Tab.plot()
For rank two crystals, there is an alternative method of getting metapost pictures. For more information see C.metapost?
See also the categories Crystals, ClassicalCrystals, FiniteCrystals, HighestWeightCrystals.
Caveat: this crystal library, although relatively featureful for classical crystals, is still in an early development stage, and the syntax details may be subject to changes.
Most of the above features (except Littelmann/alcove paths) are in MuPAD-Combinat (see lib/COMBINAT/crystals.mu), which could provide inspiration.