
exception sage.categories.sets_cat.EmptySetError

Bases: exceptions.ValueError

Exception raised when some operation can’t be performed on the empty set.


sage: def first_element(st):
...    if not st: raise EmptySetError, "no elements"
...    else: return st[0]
sage: first_element(Set((1,2,3)))
sage: first_element(Set([]))
EmptySetError: no elements
class sage.categories.sets_cat.Sets(s=None)

Bases: sage.categories.category.Category

The category of sets

The base category for collections of elements with = (equality)

This is also the category whose objects are all parents.


sage: Sets()
Category of sets
sage: Sets().super_categories()
[Category of sets with partial maps]
sage: Sets().all_super_categories()
[Category of sets, Category of sets with partial maps, Category of objects]

Let us consider an example of set:

sage: P = Sets().example("inherits")
sage: P
Set of prime numbers

See P?? for the code.

P is in the category of sets:

sage: P.category()
Category of sets

and therefore gets its methods from the following classes:

sage: for cl in P.__class__.mro(): print(cl)
<class 'sage.categories.examples.sets_cat.PrimeNumbers_Inherits_with_category'>
<class 'sage.categories.examples.sets_cat.PrimeNumbers_Inherits'>
<class 'sage.categories.examples.sets_cat.PrimeNumbers_Abstract'>
<class 'sage.structure.unique_representation.UniqueRepresentation'>
<type 'sage.structure.parent.Parent'>
<type 'sage.structure.category_object.CategoryObject'>
<type 'sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject'>
<class 'sage.categories.sets_cat.Sets.parent_class'>
<class 'sage.categories.category.SetsWithPartialMaps.parent_class'>
<class 'sage.categories.objects.Objects.parent_class'>
<type 'object'>

We run some generic checks on P:

sage: TestSuite(P).run(verbose=True)
running ._test_an_element() . . . pass
running ._test_category() . . . pass
running ._test_elements() . . .
  Running the test suite of self.an_element()
  running ._test_category() . . . pass
  running ._test_eq() . . . pass
  running ._test_not_implemented_methods() . . . pass
  running ._test_pickling() . . . pass
running ._test_elements_eq() . . . pass
running ._test_eq() . . . pass
running ._test_not_implemented_methods() . . . pass
running ._test_pickling() . . . pass
running ._test_some_elements() . . . pass

Now, we manipulate some elements of P:

sage: P.an_element()
sage: x = P(3)
sage: x.parent()
Set of prime numbers
sage: x in P, 4 in P
(True, False)
sage: x.is_prime()

They get their methods from the following classes:

sage: for cl in x.__class__.mro(): print(cl)
<class 'sage.categories.examples.sets_cat.PrimeNumbers_Inherits_with_category.element_class'>
<class 'sage.categories.examples.sets_cat.PrimeNumbers_Inherits.Element'>
<type 'sage.rings.integer.IntegerWrapper'>
<type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>
<type 'sage.structure.element.EuclideanDomainElement'>
<type 'sage.structure.element.PrincipalIdealDomainElement'>
<type 'sage.structure.element.DedekindDomainElement'>
<type 'sage.structure.element.IntegralDomainElement'>
<type 'sage.structure.element.CommutativeRingElement'>
<type 'sage.structure.element.RingElement'>
<type 'sage.structure.element.ModuleElement'>
<class 'sage.categories.examples.sets_cat.PrimeNumbers_Abstract.Element'>
<type 'sage.structure.element.Element'>
<type 'sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject'>
<class 'sage.categories.sets_cat.Sets.element_class'>
<class 'sage.categories.category.SetsWithPartialMaps.element_class'>
<class 'sage.categories.objects.Objects.element_class'>
<type 'object'>

FIXME: Objects.element_class is not very meaningfull ...


sage: TestSuite(Sets()).run()
class Algebras(base_category, base_ring)

Bases: sage.categories.algebra_functor.AlgebrasCategory



sage: Sets().Algebras(QQ).extra_super_categories()
[Category of modules with basis over Rational Field]

sage: Sets().Algebras(QQ).super_categories()
[Category of modules with basis over Rational Field]

sage: Sets().example().algebra(ZZ).categories()
[Category of set algebras over Integer Ring,
 Category of modules with basis over Integer Ring,
 Category of objects]
class Sets.CartesianProducts(category, *args)

Bases: sage.categories.cartesian_product.CartesianProductsCategory


sage: C = Sets().CartesianProducts().example()
sage: C
The cartesian product of (Set of prime numbers (basic implementation), An example of an infinite enumerated set: the non negative integers, An example of a finite enumerated set: {1,2,3})
sage: C.category()
Category of Cartesian products of sets
sage: C.categories()
[Category of Cartesian products of sets, Category of sets,
 Category of sets with partial maps,
 Category of objects]
sage: TestSuite(C).run()
alias of CartesianProducts.ElementMethods
alias of CartesianProducts.ParentMethods


sage: Sets().CartesianProducts().example()
The cartesian product of (Set of prime numbers (basic implementation), An example of an infinite enumerated set: the non negative integers, An example of a finite enumerated set: {1,2,3})

A cartesian product of sets is a set


sage: Sets().CartesianProducts().extra_super_categories()
[Category of sets]
sage: Sets().CartesianProducts().super_categories()
[Category of sets]
class Sets.ElementMethods

Returns the cartesian product of its arguments, as an element of the cartesian product of the parents of those elements.


sage: C = AlgebrasWithBasis(QQ)
sage: A = C.example()
sage: (a,b,c) = A.algebra_generators()
sage: a.cartesian_product(b, c)
B[(0, word: a)] + B[(1, word: b)] + B[(2, word: c)]

FIXME: is this a policy that we want to enforce on all parents?

class Sets.HomCategory(category, name=None)
Bases: sage.categories.category.HomCategory
class Sets.IsomorphicObjects(category, *args)

Bases: sage.categories.isomorphic_objects.IsomorphicObjectsCategory

A category for isomorphic objects of sets


sage: Sets().IsomorphicObjects()
Category of isomorphic objects of sets
sage: Sets().IsomorphicObjects().all_super_categories()
[Category of isomorphic objects of sets,
 Category of subobjects of sets, Category of quotients of sets,
 Category of subquotients of sets,
 Category of sets,
 Category of sets with partial maps,
 Category of objects]
alias of IsomorphicObjects.ParentMethods
class Sets.ParentMethods


sage: from sage.misc.lazy_import import LazyImport
sage: my_integer = LazyImport('sage.rings.all', 'Integer')
sage: my_integer(4)
sage: my_integer('101', base=2)
sage: my_integer(3/2)
TypeError: no conversion of this rational to integer
algebra(base_ring, category=None)

Returns the algebra of self


sage: A = Sets().example().algebra(QQ); A
Free module generated by Set of prime numbers (basic implementation) over Rational Field
sage: A.category()
Category of set algebras over Rational Field

sage: A = Monoids().example().algebra(QQ); A
Free module generated by An example of a monoid: the free monoid generated by ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') over Rational Field
sage: A.category()
Category of monoid algebras over Rational Field

sage: A = Monoids().example().algebra(QQ, category = Sets()); A
Free module generated by An example of a monoid: the free monoid generated by ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') over Rational Field
sage: A.category()
Category of set algebras over Rational Field
an_element(*args, **kwds)

Returns a (preferably typical) element of this parent.

This is used both for illustration and testing purposes. If the set self is empty, an_element() should raise the exception EmptySetError.

This default implementation calls _an_element_() and cache the result. Any parent should implement either an_element() or _an_element_().


sage: CDF.an_element()
sage: ZZ[['t']].an_element()

Returns the cartesian product of the parents


sage: C = AlgebrasWithBasis(QQ)
sage: A = C.example(); A.rename("A")
sage: A.cartesian_product(A,A)
A (+) A (+) A

Returns a list (or iterable) of elements of self.

This is typically used for running generic tests (see TestSuite).

This default implementation calls an_element().


sage: S = Sets().example(); S
Set of prime numbers (basic implementation)
sage: S.an_element()
sage: S.some_elements()

This method should return an iterable, not an iterator.

class Sets.Quotients(category, *args)

Bases: sage.categories.quotients.QuotientsCategory

A category for subquotients of sets


sage: Sets().Quotients()
Category of quotients of sets
sage: Sets().Quotients().all_super_categories()
[Category of quotients of sets, Category of subquotients of sets, Category of sets,
 Category of sets with partial maps, Category of objects]
alias of Quotients.ParentMethods
class Sets.Subobjects(category, *args)

Bases: sage.categories.subobjects.SubobjectsCategory

A category for subquotients of sets


sage: Sets().Subobjects()
Category of subobjects of sets
sage: Sets().Subobjects().all_super_categories()
[Category of subobjects of sets, Category of subquotients of sets, Category of sets,
 Category of sets with partial maps, Category of objects]
alias of Subobjects.ParentMethods
class Sets.Subquotients(category, *args)

Bases: sage.categories.subquotients.SubquotientsCategory

A category for subquotients of sets


sage: Sets().Subquotients()
Category of subquotients of sets
sage: Sets().Subquotients().all_super_categories()
[Category of subquotients of sets, Category of sets,
 Category of sets with partial maps,
 Category of objects]
alias of Subquotients.ElementMethods
alias of Subquotients.ParentMethods

Returns examples of objects of Sets(), as per Category.example().


sage: Sets().example()
Set of prime numbers (basic implementation)

sage: Sets().example("inherits")
Set of prime numbers

sage: Sets().example("facade")
Set of prime numbers (facade implementation)

sage: Sets().example("wrapper")
Set of prime numbers (wrapper implementation)
Sets.super_categories(*args, **kwds)

We include SetsWithPartialMaps between Sets and Objects so that we can define morphisms between sets that are only partially defined. This is also to have the Homset constructor not complain that SetsWithPartialMaps is not a supercategory of Fields, for example.


sage: Sets().super_categories()
[Category of sets with partial maps]

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