- Nicolas M. Thiery (2010): initial revision
Given a concrete category self == As() (i.e. a subcategory of Sets()), As().Subquotients() returns the category of objects of As() endowed with a distinguished description as subquotient of some other object of As().
sage: Monoids().Subquotients()
Category of subquotients of monoids
A parent in As() is further in As().Subquotients() if
there is a distinguished parent
in As(), called the
ambient space, a subspace
and a pair of structure
preserving maps:
called respectively the lifting map and retract map such that
is the identity of
. What exactly structure
preserving means is explicited in each category; this typically
states that, for each operation
of the category, there is a
commutative diagram such that:
for all, one has
This allows for deriving the operations on from those on
Note: this is a slightly weaker definition than that found on B’ is not necessarily required to be a subobject of B.
For any category As(), As().Subquotients() is a subcategory of As().
Example: a subquotient of a group is a group (e.g. a left or right quotients of a group by a non normal subgroup is not in this category).
This construction is covariant: if As() is a subcategory of Bs(), then As().Subquotients() is a subcategory of Bs().Subquotients()
Example: if is a distinguished subquotient of
in the category of
groups, then is is also a subquotient of
in the category of monoids.
If the user (or a program) calls As().Subquotients(), then it is
assumed that subquotients are well defined in this category. This is not
checked, and probably never will. Note that, if a category does
not specify anything about its subquotients, then it’s subquotient
category looks like this:
sage: EuclideanDomains().Subquotients()
Join of Category of euclidean domains and Category of subquotients of monoids
Interface: the ambient space of is given by B.ambient(). The
lifting and retract map are implemented respectively as methods
B.lift(b) and B.retract(a). As a shorthand, one can use
alternatively b.lift():
sage: S = Semigroups().Subquotients().example(); S
An example of a (sub)quotient semigroup: a quotient of the left zero semigroup
sage: S.ambient()
An example of a semigroup: the left zero semigroup
sage: S(3).lift().parent()
An example of a semigroup: the left zero semigroup
sage: S(3) * S(1) == S.retract( S(3).lift() * S(1).lift() )
See S? for more.
TODO: use a more interesting example, like .
The two most common use cases are:
- quotients, when
is a morphism; then
is a canonical quotient map from
- subobjects (when
is an embedding from
See respectively Quotients and Subobjects.
sage: TestSuite(Sets().Subquotients()).run()