We create a relational expression:
sage: x = var('x')
sage: eqn = (x-1)^2 <= x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.subs(x == 5)
16 <= 18
Notice that squaring the relation squares both sides.
sage: eqn^2
(x - 1)^4 <= (x^2 - 2*x + 3)^2
sage: eqn.expand()
x^2 - 2*x + 1 <= x^2 - 2*x + 3
The can transform a true relational into a false one:
sage: eqn = SR(-5) < SR(-3); eqn
-5 < -3
sage: bool(eqn)
sage: eqn^2
25 < 9
sage: bool(eqn^2)
We can do arithmetic with relationals:
sage: e = x+1 <= x-2
sage: e + 2
x + 3 <= x
sage: e - 1
x <= x - 3
sage: e*(-1)
-x - 1 <= -x + 2
sage: (-2)*e
-2*x - 2 <= -2*x + 4
sage: e*5
5*x + 5 <= 5*x - 10
sage: e/5
1/5*x + 1/5 <= 1/5*x - 2/5
sage: 5/e
5/(x + 1) <= 5/(x - 2)
sage: e/(-2)
-1/2*x - 1/2 <= -1/2*x + 1
sage: -2/e
-2/(x + 1) <= -2/(x - 2)
We can even add together two relations, so long as the operators are the same:
sage: (x^3 + x <= x - 17) + (-x <= x - 10)
x^3 <= 2*x - 27
Here they aren’t:
sage: (x^3 + x <= x - 17) + (-x >= x - 10)
TypeError: incompatible relations
You can work symbolically with any Sage data type. This can lead to nonsense if the data type is strange, e.g., an element of a finite field (at present).
We mix Singular variables with symbolic variables:
sage: R.<u,v> = QQ[]
sage: var('a,b,c')
(a, b, c)
sage: expand((u + v + a + b + c)^2)
a^2 + 2*a*b + 2*a*c + 2*a*u + 2*a*v + b^2 + 2*b*c + 2*b*u + 2*b*v + c^2 + 2*c*u + 2*c*v + u^2 + 2*u*v + v^2
Test Jacobian on Pynac expressions. #5546
sage: var('x,y')
(x, y)
sage: f = x + y
sage: jacobian(f, [x,y])
[1 1]
Test if matrices work #5546
sage: var('x,y,z')
(x, y, z)
sage: M = matrix(2,2,[x,y,z,x])
sage: v = vector([x,y])
sage: M * v
(x^2 + y^2, x*y + x*z)
sage: v*M
(x^2 + y*z, 2*x*y)
Test if comparison bugs from #6256 are fixed:
sage: t = exp(sqrt(x)); u = 1/t
sage: t*u
sage: t + u
e^sqrt(x) + e^(-sqrt(x))
sage: t
Bases: sage.structure.element.CommutativeRingElement
Order, as in big oh notation.
Returns a relation obtained by adding x to both sides of this relation.
sage: var('x y z')
(x, y, z)
sage: eqn = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 <= 1
sage: eqn.add_to_both_sides(-z^2)
x^2 + y^2 <= -z^2 + 1
sage: eqn.add_to_both_sides(I)
x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + I <= (I + 1)
Return the arc cosine of self.
sage: x.arccos()
sage: SR(1).arccos()
sage: SR(1/2).arccos()
sage: SR(0.4).arccos()
sage: plot(lambda x: SR(x).arccos(), -1,1)
sage: SR(oo).arccos()
RuntimeError: arccos_eval(): arccos(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(-oo).arccos()
RuntimeError: arccos_eval(): arccos(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).arccos()
Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of self.
sage: x.arccosh()
sage: SR(0).arccosh()
sage: SR(1/2).arccosh()
sage: SR(CDF(1/2)).arccosh()
sage: maxima('acosh(0.5)')
sage: SR(oo).arccosh()
sage: SR(-oo).arccosh()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).arccosh()
Return the arcsin of x, i.e., the number y between -pi and pi such that sin(y) == x.
sage: x.arcsin()
sage: SR(0.5).arcsin()
sage: SR(0.999).arcsin()
sage: SR(1/3).arcsin()
sage: SR(-1/3).arcsin()
sage: SR(oo).arcsin()
RuntimeError: arcsin_eval(): arcsin(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(-oo).arcsin()
RuntimeError: arcsin_eval(): arcsin(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).arcsin()
Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of self.
sage: x.arcsinh()
sage: SR(0).arcsinh()
sage: SR(1).arcsinh()
sage: SR(1.0).arcsinh()
sage: maxima('asinh(1.0)')
sage: SR(oo).arcsinh()
sage: SR(-oo).arcsinh()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).arcsinh()
Return the arc tangent of self.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: x.arctan()
sage: SR(1).arctan()
sage: SR(1/2).arctan()
sage: SR(0.5).arctan()
sage: plot(lambda x: SR(x).arctan(), -20,20)
sage: SR(oo).arctan()
sage: SR(-oo).arctan()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).arctan()
RuntimeError: arctan_eval(): arctan(unsigned_infinity) encountered
Return the inverse of the 2-variable tan function on self and x.
sage: var('x,y')
(x, y)
sage: x.arctan2(y)
arctan2(x, y)
sage: SR(1/2).arctan2(1/2)
sage: maxima.eval('atan2(1/2,1/2)')
sage: SR(-0.7).arctan2(SR(-0.6))
-pi + 0.862170054667226
We compare a bunch of different evaluation points between Sage and Maxima:
sage: float(SR(0.7).arctan2(0.6))
sage: maxima('atan2(0.7,0.6)')
sage: float(SR(0.7).arctan2(-0.6))
sage: maxima('atan2(0.7,-0.6)')
sage: float(SR(-0.7).arctan2(0.6))
sage: maxima('atan2(-0.7,0.6)')
sage: float(SR(-0.7).arctan2(-0.6))
sage: maxima('atan2(-0.7,-0.6)')
sage: float(SR(0).arctan2(-0.6))
sage: maxima('atan2(0,-0.6)')
sage: float(SR(0).arctan2(0.6))
sage: maxima('atan2(0,0.6)')
sage: SR(0).arctan2(0)
sage: SR(I).arctan2(1)
arctan2(I, 1)
sage: SR(CDF(0,1)).arctan2(1)
arctan2(1.0*I, 1)
sage: SR(1).arctan2(CDF(0,1))
arctan2(1, 1.0*I)
sage: SR(oo).arctan2(oo)
RuntimeError: arctan2_eval(): arctan2(infinity, infinity) encountered
sage: SR(oo).arctan2(0)
sage: SR(-oo).arctan2(0)
sage: SR(-oo).arctan2(-2)
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).arctan2(2)
RuntimeError: arctan2_eval(): arctan2(unsigned_infinity, x) encountered
sage: SR(2).arctan2(oo)
sage: SR(2).arctan2(-oo)
sage: SR(2).arctan2(SR(unsigned_infinity))
RuntimeError: arctan2_eval(): arctan2(x, unsigned_infinity) encountered
Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of self.
sage: x.arctanh()
sage: SR(0).arctanh()
sage: SR(1/2).arctanh()
sage: SR(0.5).arctanh()
sage: SR(0.5).arctanh().tanh()
sage: maxima('atanh(0.5)')
sage: SR(1).arctanh()
sage: SR(-1).arctanh()
sage: SR(oo).arctanh()
sage: SR(-oo).arctanh()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).arctanh()
RuntimeError: arctanh_eval(): arctanh(unsigned_infinity) encountered
sage: x,y = var('x,y')
sage: f = x + y
sage: f.arguments()
(x, y)
sage: g = f.function(x)
sage: g.arguments()
sage: x,y = var('x,y')
sage: f = x + y
sage: f.arguments()
(x, y)
sage: g = f.function(x)
sage: g.arguments()
Assume that this equation holds. This is relevant for symbolic integration, among other things.
EXAMPLES: We call the assume method to assume that :
sage: (x > 2).assume()
Bool returns True below if the inequality is definitely known to be True.
sage: bool(x > 0)
sage: bool(x < 0)
This may or may not be True, so bool returns False:
sage: bool(x > 3)
If you make inconsistent or meaningless assumptions, Sage will let you know:
sage: forget()
sage: assume(x<0)
sage: assume(x>0)
ValueError: Assumption is inconsistent
sage: assumptions()
[x < 0]
sage: forget()
sage: v,c = var('v,c')
sage: assume(c != 0)
sage: integral((1+v^2/c^2)^3/(1-v^2/c^2)^(3/2),v)
-75/8*sqrt(c^2)*arcsin(sqrt(c^2)*v/c^2) - 17/8*v^3/(sqrt(-v^2/c^2 + 1)*c^2) - 1/4*v^5/(sqrt(-v^2/c^2 + 1)*c^4) + 83/8*v/sqrt(-v^2/c^2 + 1)
sage: forget()
Return binomial coefficient “self choose k”.
Returns the coefficient of in this symbolic expression.
Sometimes it may be necessary to expand or factor first, since this is not done automatically.
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = 100 + a*x + x^3*sin(x*y) + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x; f
x^3*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x + 100
sage: f.collect(x)
x^3*sin(x*y) + (a + y + 1/y)*x + 2*sin(x*y)/x + 100
sage: f.coefficient(x,0)
sage: f.coefficient(x,-1)
sage: f.coefficient(x,1)
a + y + 1/y
sage: f.coefficient(x,2)
sage: f.coefficient(x,3)
sage: f.coefficient(x^3)
sage: f.coefficient(sin(x*y))
x^3 + 2/x
sage: f.collect(sin(x*y))
(x^3 + 2/x)*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + x/y + 100
sage: var('a, x, y, z')
(a, x, y, z)
sage: f = (a*sqrt(2))*x^2 + sin(y)*x^(1/2) + z^z
sage: f.coefficient(sin(y))
sage: f.coefficient(x^2)
sage: f.coefficient(x^(1/2))
sage: f.coefficient(1)
sage: f.coefficient(x, 0)
sqrt(x)*sin(y) + z^z
Returns the coefficient of in this symbolic expression.
Sometimes it may be necessary to expand or factor first, since this is not done automatically.
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = 100 + a*x + x^3*sin(x*y) + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x; f
x^3*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x + 100
sage: f.collect(x)
x^3*sin(x*y) + (a + y + 1/y)*x + 2*sin(x*y)/x + 100
sage: f.coefficient(x,0)
sage: f.coefficient(x,-1)
sage: f.coefficient(x,1)
a + y + 1/y
sage: f.coefficient(x,2)
sage: f.coefficient(x,3)
sage: f.coefficient(x^3)
sage: f.coefficient(sin(x*y))
x^3 + 2/x
sage: f.collect(sin(x*y))
(x^3 + 2/x)*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + x/y + 100
sage: var('a, x, y, z')
(a, x, y, z)
sage: f = (a*sqrt(2))*x^2 + sin(y)*x^(1/2) + z^z
sage: f.coefficient(sin(y))
sage: f.coefficient(x^2)
sage: f.coefficient(x^(1/2))
sage: f.coefficient(1)
sage: f.coefficient(x, 0)
sqrt(x)*sin(y) + z^z
Coefficients of this symbolic expression as a polynomial in x.
sage: var('x, y, a')
(x, y, a)
sage: p = x^3 - (x-3)*(x^2+x) + 1
sage: p.coefficients()
[[1, 0], [3, 1], [2, 2]]
sage: p = expand((x-a*sqrt(2))^2 + x + 1); p
-2*sqrt(2)*a*x + 2*a^2 + x^2 + x + 1
sage: p.coefficients(a)
[[x^2 + x + 1, 0], [-2*sqrt(2)*x, 1], [2, 2]]
sage: p.coefficients(x)
[[2*a^2 + 1, 0], [-2*sqrt(2)*a + 1, 1], [1, 2]]
A polynomial with wacky exponents:
sage: p = (17/3*a)*x^(3/2) + x*y + 1/x + x^x
sage: p.coefficients(x)
[[1, -1], [x^x, 0], [y, 1], [17/3*a, 3/2]]
Coefficients of this symbolic expression as a polynomial in x.
sage: var('x, y, a')
(x, y, a)
sage: p = x^3 - (x-3)*(x^2+x) + 1
sage: p.coefficients()
[[1, 0], [3, 1], [2, 2]]
sage: p = expand((x-a*sqrt(2))^2 + x + 1); p
-2*sqrt(2)*a*x + 2*a^2 + x^2 + x + 1
sage: p.coefficients(a)
[[x^2 + x + 1, 0], [-2*sqrt(2)*x, 1], [2, 2]]
sage: p.coefficients(x)
[[2*a^2 + 1, 0], [-2*sqrt(2)*a + 1, 1], [1, 2]]
A polynomial with wacky exponents:
sage: p = (17/3*a)*x^(3/2) + x*y + 1/x + x^x
sage: p.coefficients(x)
[[1, -1], [x^x, 0], [y, 1], [17/3*a, 3/2]]
sage: var('x,y,z')
(x, y, z)
sage: f = 4*x*y + x*z + 20*y^2 + 21*y*z + 4*z^2 + x^2*y^2*z^2
sage: f.collect(x)
x^2*y^2*z^2 + (4*y + z)*x + 20*y^2 + 21*y*z + 4*z^2
sage: f.collect(y)
(x^2*z^2 + 20)*y^2 + (4*x + 21*z)*y + x*z + 4*z^2
sage: f.collect(z)
(x^2*y^2 + 4)*z^2 + (x + 21*y)*z + 4*x*y + 20*y^2
sage: var('x')
sage: (x/(x^2 + x)).collect_common_factors()
1/(x + 1)
Returns a simplified version of this symbolic expression by combining all terms with the same denominator into a single term.
sage: var('x, y, a, b, c')
(x, y, a, b, c)
sage: f = x*(x-1)/(x^2 - 7) + y^2/(x^2-7) + 1/(x+1) + b/a + c/a; f
(x - 1)*x/(x^2 - 7) + y^2/(x^2 - 7) + b/a + c/a + 1/(x + 1)
sage: f.combine()
((x - 1)*x + y^2)/(x^2 - 7) + (b + c)/a + 1/(x + 1)
Return the complex conjugate of this symbolic expression.
sage: a = 1 + 2*I
sage: a.conjugate()
-2*I + 1
sage: a = sqrt(2) + 3^(1/3)*I; a
sqrt(2) + I*3^(1/3)
sage: a.conjugate()
sqrt(2) - I*3^(1/3)
sage: SR(CDF.0).conjugate()
sage: x.conjugate()
sage: SR(RDF(1.5)).conjugate()
sage: SR(float(1.5)).conjugate()
sage: SR(I).conjugate()
sage: ( 1+I + (2-3*I)*x).conjugate()
(3*I + 2)*conjugate(x) - I + 1
Returns True if this relation is violated by the given variable assignment(s).
sage: (x<3).contradicts(x==0)
sage: (x<3).contradicts(x==3)
sage: (x<=3).contradicts(x==3)
sage: y = var('y')
sage: (x<y).contradicts(x==30)
sage: (x<y).contradicts({x: 30, y: 20})
Calls the convert function in the units package. For symbolic variables that are not units, this function just returns the variable.
– the symbolic expression converting from
– (default None) the symbolic expression converting to
sage: units.length.foot.convert()
sage: units.mass.kilogram.convert(units.mass.pound)
We don’t get anything new by converting an ordinary symbolic variable:
sage: a = var('a')
sage: a - a.convert()
Raises ValueError if self and target are not convertible:
sage: units.mass.kilogram.convert(units.length.foot)
ValueError: Incompatible units
sage: (units.length.meter^2).convert(units.length.foot)
ValueError: Incompatible units
Recognizes derived unit relationships to base units and other derived units:
sage: (units.length.foot/units.time.second^2).convert(units.acceleration.galileo)
sage: (units.mass.kilogram*units.length.meter/units.time.second^2).convert(units.force.newton)
sage: (units.length.foot^3).convert(units.area.acre*units.length.inch)
sage: (units.charge.coulomb).convert(units.current.ampere*units.time.second)
sage: (units.pressure.pascal*units.si_prefixes.kilo).convert(units.pressure.pounds_per_square_inch)
For decimal answers multiply by 1.0:
sage: (units.pressure.pascal*units.si_prefixes.kilo).convert(units.pressure.pounds_per_square_inch)*1.0
Converting temperatures works as well:
sage: s = 68*units.temperature.fahrenheit
sage: s.convert(units.temperature.celsius)
sage: s.convert()
Trying to multiply temperatures by another unit then converting raises a ValueError:
sage: wrong = 50*units.temperature.celsius*units.length.foot
sage: wrong.convert()
ValueError: Cannot convert
Return the cosine of self.
sage: var('x, y')
(x, y)
sage: cos(x^2 + y^2)
cos(x^2 + y^2)
sage: cos(sage.symbolic.constants.pi)
sage: cos(SR(1))
sage: cos(SR(RealField(150)(1)))
In order to get a numeric approximation use .n():
sage: SR(RR(1)).cos().n()
sage: SR(float(1)).cos().n()
sage: SR(oo).cos()
RuntimeError: cos_eval(): cos(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(-oo).cos()
RuntimeError: cos_eval(): cos(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).cos()
RuntimeError: cos_eval(): cos(infinity) encountered
Return cosh of self.
We have .
sage: x.cosh()
sage: SR(1).cosh()
sage: SR(0).cosh()
sage: SR(1.0).cosh()
sage: maxima('cosh(1.0)')
sage: SR(1.00000000000000000000000000).cosh()
sage: SR(RIF(1)).cosh()
sage: SR(oo).cosh()
sage: SR(-oo).cosh()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).cosh()
RuntimeError: cosh_eval(): cosh(unsigned_infinity) encountered
Return the sign of self, which is -1 if self < 0, 0 if self == 0, and 1 if self > 0, or unevaluated when self is a nonconstant symbolic expression.
It can be somewhat arbitrary when self is not real.
Return the default variable, which is by definition the first
variable in self, or is there are no variables in self.
The result is cached.
sage: sqrt(2).default_variable()
sage: x, theta, a = var('x, theta, a')
sage: f = x^2 + theta^3 - a^x
sage: f.default_variable()
Note that this is the first variable, not the first argument:
sage: f(theta, a, x) = a + theta^3
sage: f.default_variable()
sage: f.variables()
(a, theta)
sage: f.arguments()
(theta, a, x)
Return the exponent of the highest nonnegative power of s in self.
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = 100 + a*x + x^3*sin(x*y) + x*y + x/y^10 + 2*sin(x*y)/x; f
x^3*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + 2*sin(x*y)/x + x/y^10 + 100
sage: (x^-3+y).degree(x)
Returns the denominator of this symbolic expression. If the expression is not a quotient, then this will just return 1.
sage: x, y, z, theta = var('x, y, z, theta')
sage: f = (sqrt(x) + sqrt(y) + sqrt(z))/(x^10 - y^10 - sqrt(theta))
sage: f.denominator()
sqrt(theta) - x^10 + y^10
sage: y = var('y')
sage: g = x + y/(x + 2); g
x + y/(x + 2)
sage: g.numerator()
x + y/(x + 2)
sage: g.denominator()
Returns the derivative of this expressions with respect to the variables supplied in args.
Multiple variables and iteration counts may be supplied; see documentation for the global derivative() function for more details.
See also
sage: var("x y")
(x, y)
sage: t = (x^2+y)^2
sage: t.derivative(x)
4*(x^2 + y)*x
sage: t.derivative(x, 2)
12*x^2 + 4*y
sage: t.derivative(x, 2, y)
sage: t.derivative(y)
2*x^2 + 2*y
sage: t = sin(x+y^2)*tan(x*y)
sage: t.derivative(x)
(tan(x*y)^2 + 1)*y*sin(y^2 + x) + cos(y^2 + x)*tan(x*y)
sage: t.derivative(y)
(tan(x*y)^2 + 1)*x*sin(y^2 + x) + 2*y*cos(y^2 + x)*tan(x*y)
sage: h = sin(x)/cos(x)
sage: derivative(h,x,x,x)
6*sin(x)^4/cos(x)^4 + 8*sin(x)^2/cos(x)^2 + 2
sage: derivative(h,x,3)
6*sin(x)^4/cos(x)^4 + 8*sin(x)^2/cos(x)^2 + 2
sage: var('x, y')
(x, y)
sage: u = (sin(x) + cos(y))*(cos(x) - sin(y))
sage: derivative(u,x,y)
sin(x)*sin(y) - cos(x)*cos(y)
sage: f = ((x^2+1)/(x^2-1))^(1/4)
sage: g = derivative(f, x); g # this is a complex expression
1/2*(x/(x^2 - 1) - (x^2 + 1)*x/(x^2 - 1)^2)/((x^2 + 1)/(x^2 - 1))^(3/4)
sage: g.factor()
-x/((x^2 - 1)^(5/4)*(x^2 + 1)^(3/4))
sage: y = var('y')
sage: f = y^(sin(x))
sage: derivative(f, x)
sage: g(x) = sqrt(5-2*x)
sage: g_3 = derivative(g, x, 3); g_3(2)
sage: f = x*e^(-x)
sage: derivative(f, 100)
x*e^(-x) - 100*e^(-x)
sage: g = 1/(sqrt((x^2-1)*(x+5)^6))
sage: derivative(g, x)
-((x + 5)^6*x + 3*(x + 5)^5*(x^2 - 1))/((x + 5)^6*(x^2 - 1))^(3/2)
sage: t.derivative()
ValueError: No differentiation variable specified.
Returns the derivative of this expressions with respect to the variables supplied in args.
Multiple variables and iteration counts may be supplied; see documentation for the global derivative() function for more details.
See also
sage: var("x y")
(x, y)
sage: t = (x^2+y)^2
sage: t.derivative(x)
4*(x^2 + y)*x
sage: t.derivative(x, 2)
12*x^2 + 4*y
sage: t.derivative(x, 2, y)
sage: t.derivative(y)
2*x^2 + 2*y
sage: t = sin(x+y^2)*tan(x*y)
sage: t.derivative(x)
(tan(x*y)^2 + 1)*y*sin(y^2 + x) + cos(y^2 + x)*tan(x*y)
sage: t.derivative(y)
(tan(x*y)^2 + 1)*x*sin(y^2 + x) + 2*y*cos(y^2 + x)*tan(x*y)
sage: h = sin(x)/cos(x)
sage: derivative(h,x,x,x)
6*sin(x)^4/cos(x)^4 + 8*sin(x)^2/cos(x)^2 + 2
sage: derivative(h,x,3)
6*sin(x)^4/cos(x)^4 + 8*sin(x)^2/cos(x)^2 + 2
sage: var('x, y')
(x, y)
sage: u = (sin(x) + cos(y))*(cos(x) - sin(y))
sage: derivative(u,x,y)
sin(x)*sin(y) - cos(x)*cos(y)
sage: f = ((x^2+1)/(x^2-1))^(1/4)
sage: g = derivative(f, x); g # this is a complex expression
1/2*(x/(x^2 - 1) - (x^2 + 1)*x/(x^2 - 1)^2)/((x^2 + 1)/(x^2 - 1))^(3/4)
sage: g.factor()
-x/((x^2 - 1)^(5/4)*(x^2 + 1)^(3/4))
sage: y = var('y')
sage: f = y^(sin(x))
sage: derivative(f, x)
sage: g(x) = sqrt(5-2*x)
sage: g_3 = derivative(g, x, 3); g_3(2)
sage: f = x*e^(-x)
sage: derivative(f, 100)
x*e^(-x) - 100*e^(-x)
sage: g = 1/(sqrt((x^2-1)*(x+5)^6))
sage: derivative(g, x)
-((x + 5)^6*x + 3*(x + 5)^5*(x^2 - 1))/((x + 5)^6*(x^2 - 1))^(3/2)
sage: t.derivative()
ValueError: No differentiation variable specified.
Returns the derivative of this expressions with respect to the variables supplied in args.
Multiple variables and iteration counts may be supplied; see documentation for the global derivative() function for more details.
See also
sage: var("x y")
(x, y)
sage: t = (x^2+y)^2
sage: t.derivative(x)
4*(x^2 + y)*x
sage: t.derivative(x, 2)
12*x^2 + 4*y
sage: t.derivative(x, 2, y)
sage: t.derivative(y)
2*x^2 + 2*y
sage: t = sin(x+y^2)*tan(x*y)
sage: t.derivative(x)
(tan(x*y)^2 + 1)*y*sin(y^2 + x) + cos(y^2 + x)*tan(x*y)
sage: t.derivative(y)
(tan(x*y)^2 + 1)*x*sin(y^2 + x) + 2*y*cos(y^2 + x)*tan(x*y)
sage: h = sin(x)/cos(x)
sage: derivative(h,x,x,x)
6*sin(x)^4/cos(x)^4 + 8*sin(x)^2/cos(x)^2 + 2
sage: derivative(h,x,3)
6*sin(x)^4/cos(x)^4 + 8*sin(x)^2/cos(x)^2 + 2
sage: var('x, y')
(x, y)
sage: u = (sin(x) + cos(y))*(cos(x) - sin(y))
sage: derivative(u,x,y)
sin(x)*sin(y) - cos(x)*cos(y)
sage: f = ((x^2+1)/(x^2-1))^(1/4)
sage: g = derivative(f, x); g # this is a complex expression
1/2*(x/(x^2 - 1) - (x^2 + 1)*x/(x^2 - 1)^2)/((x^2 + 1)/(x^2 - 1))^(3/4)
sage: g.factor()
-x/((x^2 - 1)^(5/4)*(x^2 + 1)^(3/4))
sage: y = var('y')
sage: f = y^(sin(x))
sage: derivative(f, x)
sage: g(x) = sqrt(5-2*x)
sage: g_3 = derivative(g, x, 3); g_3(2)
sage: f = x*e^(-x)
sage: derivative(f, 100)
x*e^(-x) - 100*e^(-x)
sage: g = 1/(sqrt((x^2-1)*(x+5)^6))
sage: derivative(g, x)
-((x + 5)^6*x + 3*(x + 5)^5*(x^2 - 1))/((x + 5)^6*(x^2 - 1))^(3/2)
sage: t.derivative()
ValueError: No differentiation variable specified.
Returns a relation obtained by dividing both sides of this relation by x.
The checksign keyword argument is currently ignored and is included for backward compatibility reasons only.
sage: theta = var('theta')
sage: eqn = (x^3 + theta < sin(x*theta))
sage: eqn.divide_both_sides(theta, checksign=False)
(x^3 + theta)/theta < sin(theta*x)/theta
sage: eqn.divide_both_sides(theta)
(x^3 + theta)/theta < sin(theta*x)/theta
sage: eqn/theta
(x^3 + theta)/theta < sin(theta*x)/theta
Return exponential function of self, i.e., e to the power of self.
sage: x.exp()
sage: SR(0).exp()
sage: SR(1/2).exp()
sage: SR(0.5).exp()
sage: math.exp(0.5)
sage: SR(0.5).exp().log()
sage: (pi*I).exp()
Test if #6377 is fixed:
sage: SR(oo).exp()
sage: SR(-oo).exp()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).exp()
RuntimeError: exp_eval(): exp^(unsigned_infinity) encountered
Simplifies this symbolic expression, which can contain logs, exponentials, and radicals, by converting it into a form which is canonical over a large class of expressions and a given ordering of variables
DETAILS: This uses the Maxima radcan() command. From the Maxima documentation: “All functionally equivalent forms are mapped into a unique form. For a somewhat larger class of expressions, produces a regular form. Two equivalent expressions in this class do not necessarily have the same appearance, but their difference can be simplified by radcan to zero. For some expressions radcan is quite time consuming. This is the cost of exploring certain relationships among the components of the expression for simplifications based on factoring and partial fraction expansions of exponents.”
ALIAS: radical_simplify, simplify_radical, exp_simplify, simplify_exp are all the same
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = log(x*y)
sage: f.simplify_radical()
log(x) + log(y)
sage: f = (log(x+x^2)-log(x))^a/log(1+x)^(a/2)
sage: f.simplify_radical()
log(x + 1)^(1/2*a)
sage: f = (e^x-1)/(1+e^(x/2))
sage: f.simplify_exp()
e^(1/2*x) - 1
Expand this symbolic expression. Products of sums and exponentiated sums are multiplied out, numerators of rational expressions which are sums are split into their respective terms, and multiplications are distributed over addition at all levels.
We expand the expression using both
method and functional notation.
sage: x,y = var('x,y')
sage: a = (x-y)^5
sage: a.expand()
x^5 - 5*x^4*y + 10*x^3*y^2 - 10*x^2*y^3 + 5*x*y^4 - y^5
sage: expand(a)
x^5 - 5*x^4*y + 10*x^3*y^2 - 10*x^2*y^3 + 5*x*y^4 - y^5
We expand some other expressions:
sage: expand((x-1)^3/(y-1))
x^3/(y - 1) - 3*x^2/(y - 1) + 3*x/(y - 1) - 1/(y - 1)
sage: expand((x+sin((x+y)^2))^2)
x^2 + 2*x*sin((x + y)^2) + sin((x + y)^2)^2
We can expand individual sides of a relation:
sage: a = (16*x-13)^2 == (3*x+5)^2/2
sage: a.expand()
256*x^2 - 416*x + 169 == 9/2*x^2 + 15*x + 25/2
sage: a.expand('left')
256*x^2 - 416*x + 169 == 1/2*(3*x + 5)^2
sage: a.expand('right')
(16*x - 13)^2 == 9/2*x^2 + 15*x + 25/2
sage: var(‘x,y’) (x, y) sage: ((x + (2/3)*y)^3).expand() x^3 + 2*x^2*y + 4/3*x*y^2 + 8/27*y^3 sage: expand( (x*sin(x) - cos(y)/x)^2 ) x^2*sin(x)^2 - 2*sin(x)*cos(y) + cos(y)^2/x^2 sage: f = (x-y)*(x+y); f (x - y)*(x + y) sage: f.expand() x^2 - y^2
Simplifies symbolic expression, which can contain logs.
Expands logarithms of powers, logarithms of products and logarithms of quotients. The option method specifies which expression types should be expanded.
self - expression to be simplified
method - (default: ‘products’) optional, governs which expression is expanded. Possible values are
See also examples below.
DETAILS: This uses the Maxima simplifier and sets logexpand option for this simplifier. From the Maxima documentation: “Logexpand:true causes log(a^b) to become b*log(a). If it is set to all, log(a*b) will also simplify to log(a)+log(b). If it is set to super, then log(a/b) will also simplify to log(a)-log(b) for rational numbers a/b, a#1. (log(1/b), for integer b, always simplifies.) If it is set to false, all of these simplifications will be turned off. “
ALIAS: log_expand() and expand_log() are the same
By default powers and products (and quotients) are expanded, but not quotients of integers:
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand()
pi*log(x) + log(3/4)
To expand also log(3/4) use method='all':
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand('all')
pi*log(x) + log(3) - log(4)
To expand only the power use method='powers'.:
sage: (log(x^6)).log_expand('powers')
The expression log((3*x)^6) is not expanded with method='powers', since it is converted into product first:
sage: (log((3*x)^6)).log_expand('powers')
This shows that the option method from the previous call has no influence to future calls (we changed some default Maxima flag, and have to ensure that this flag has been restored):
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand()
pi*log(x) + log(3/4)
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand('all')
pi*log(x) + log(3) - log(4)
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand()
pi*log(x) + log(3/4)
Expand this symbolic expression. Products of sums and exponentiated sums are multiplied out, numerators of rational expressions which are sums are split into their respective terms, and multiplications are distributed over addition at all levels.
We expand the expression using both
method and functional notation.
sage: x,y = var('x,y')
sage: a = (x-y)^5
sage: a.expand()
x^5 - 5*x^4*y + 10*x^3*y^2 - 10*x^2*y^3 + 5*x*y^4 - y^5
sage: expand(a)
x^5 - 5*x^4*y + 10*x^3*y^2 - 10*x^2*y^3 + 5*x*y^4 - y^5
We expand some other expressions:
sage: expand((x-1)^3/(y-1))
x^3/(y - 1) - 3*x^2/(y - 1) + 3*x/(y - 1) - 1/(y - 1)
sage: expand((x+sin((x+y)^2))^2)
x^2 + 2*x*sin((x + y)^2) + sin((x + y)^2)^2
We can expand individual sides of a relation:
sage: a = (16*x-13)^2 == (3*x+5)^2/2
sage: a.expand()
256*x^2 - 416*x + 169 == 9/2*x^2 + 15*x + 25/2
sage: a.expand('left')
256*x^2 - 416*x + 169 == 1/2*(3*x + 5)^2
sage: a.expand('right')
(16*x - 13)^2 == 9/2*x^2 + 15*x + 25/2
sage: var(‘x,y’) (x, y) sage: ((x + (2/3)*y)^3).expand() x^3 + 2*x^2*y + 4/3*x*y^2 + 8/27*y^3 sage: expand( (x*sin(x) - cos(y)/x)^2 ) x^2*sin(x)^2 - 2*sin(x)*cos(y) + cos(y)^2/x^2 sage: f = (x-y)*(x+y); f (x - y)*(x + y) sage: f.expand() x^2 - y^2
Expands trigonometric and hyperbolic functions of sums of angles and of multiple angles occurring in self. For best results, self should already be expanded.
OUTPUT: a symbolic expression
sage: sin(5*x).expand_trig()
sin(x)^5 - 10*sin(x)^3*cos(x)^2 + 5*sin(x)*cos(x)^4
sage: cos(2*x + var('y')).expand_trig()
-sin(2*x)*sin(y) + cos(2*x)*cos(y)
We illustrate various options to this function:
sage: f = sin(sin(3*cos(2*x))*x)
sage: f.expand_trig()
sin(-(sin(cos(2*x))^3 - 3*sin(cos(2*x))*cos(cos(2*x))^2)*x)
sage: f.expand_trig(full=True)
sin(((sin(sin(x)^2)*cos(cos(x)^2) - sin(cos(x)^2)*cos(sin(x)^2))^3 - 3*(sin(sin(x)^2)*cos(cos(x)^2) - sin(cos(x)^2)*cos(sin(x)^2))*(sin(sin(x)^2)*sin(cos(x)^2) + cos(sin(x)^2)*cos(cos(x)^2))^2)*x)
sage: sin(2*x).expand_trig(times=False)
sage: sin(2*x).expand_trig(times=True)
sage: sin(2 + x).expand_trig(plus=False)
sin(x + 2)
sage: sin(2 + x).expand_trig(plus=True)
sin(2)*cos(x) + sin(x)*cos(2)
sage: sin(x/2).expand_trig(half_angles=False)
sage: sin(x/2).expand_trig(half_angles=True)
1/2*sqrt(-cos(x) + 1)*sqrt(2)*(-1)^floor(1/2*x/pi)
trig_expand() and expand_trig() are the same
Factors self, containing any number of variables or functions, into factors irreducible over the integers.
sage: x,y,z = var('x, y, z')
sage: (x^3-y^3).factor()
(x - y)*(x^2 + x*y + y^2)
sage: factor(-8*y - 4*x + z^2*(2*y + x))
(z - 2)*(z + 2)*(x + 2*y)
sage: f = -1 - 2*x - x^2 + y^2 + 2*x*y^2 + x^2*y^2
sage: F = factor(f/(36*(1 + 2*y + y^2)), dontfactor=[x]); F
1/36*(y - 1)*(x^2 + 2*x + 1)/(y + 1)
If you are factoring a polynomial with rational coefficients (and dontfactor is empty) the factorization is done using Singular instead of Maxima, so the following is very fast instead of dreadfully slow:
sage: var('x,y')
(x, y)
sage: (x^99 + y^99).factor()
(x + y)*(x^2 - x*y + y^2)*(x^6 - x^3*y^3 + y^6)*...
Returns a list of the factors of self, as computed by the factor command.
If you already have a factored expression and just want to get at the individual factors, use _factor_list() instead.
sage: var('x, y, z')
(x, y, z)
sage: f = x^3-y^3
sage: f.factor()
(x - y)*(x^2 + x*y + y^2)
Notice that the -1 factor is separated out:
sage: f.factor_list()
[(x - y, 1), (x^2 + x*y + y^2, 1)]
We factor a fairly straightforward expression:
sage: factor(-8*y - 4*x + z^2*(2*y + x)).factor_list()
[(z - 2, 1), (z + 2, 1), (x + 2*y, 1)]
A more complicated example:
sage: var('x, u, v')
(x, u, v)
sage: f = expand((2*u*v^2-v^2-4*u^3)^2 * (-u)^3 * (x-sin(x))^3)
sage: f.factor()
-(x - sin(x))^3*(4*u^3 - 2*u*v^2 + v^2)^2*u^3
sage: g = f.factor_list(); g
[(x - sin(x), 3), (4*u^3 - 2*u*v^2 + v^2, 2), (u, 3), (-1, 1)]
This function also works for quotients:
sage: f = -1 - 2*x - x^2 + y^2 + 2*x*y^2 + x^2*y^2
sage: g = f/(36*(1 + 2*y + y^2)); g
1/36*(x^2*y^2 + 2*x*y^2 - x^2 + y^2 - 2*x - 1)/(y^2 + 2*y + 1)
sage: g.factor(dontfactor=[x])
1/36*(y - 1)*(x^2 + 2*x + 1)/(y + 1)
sage: g.factor_list(dontfactor=[x])
[(y - 1, 1), (y + 1, -1), (x^2 + 2*x + 1, 1), (1/36, 1)]
This example also illustrates that the exponents do not have to be integers:
sage: f = x^(2*sin(x)) * (x-1)^(sqrt(2)*x); f
(x - 1)^(sqrt(2)*x)*x^(2*sin(x))
sage: f.factor_list()
[(x - 1, sqrt(2)*x), (x, 2*sin(x))]
Return the factorial of self.
Simplify by combining expressions with factorials, and by expanding binomials into factorials.
ALIAS: factorial_simplify and simplify_factorial are the same
Some examples are relatively clear:
sage: var('n,k')
(n, k)
sage: f = factorial(n+1)/factorial(n); f
factorial(n + 1)/factorial(n)
sage: f.simplify_factorial()
n + 1
sage: f = binomial(n, k)*factorial(k)*factorial(n-k); f
factorial(-k + n)*factorial(k)*binomial(n, k)
sage: f.simplify_factorial()
A more complicated example, which needs further processing:
sage: f = factorial(x)/factorial(x-2)/2 + factorial(x+1)/factorial(x)/2; f
1/2*factorial(x)/factorial(x - 2) + 1/2*factorial(x + 1)/factorial(x)
sage: g = f.simplify_factorial(); g
1/2*(x - 1)*x + 1/2*x + 1/2
sage: g.simplify_rational()
1/2*x^2 + 1/2
Find all occurrences of the given pattern in this expression.
Note that once a subexpression matches the pattern, the search doesn’t extend to subexpressions of it.
sage: var('x,y,z,a,b')
(x, y, z, a, b)
sage: w0 = SR.wild(0); w1 = SR.wild(1)
sage: (sin(x)*sin(y)).find(sin(w0))
[sin(x), sin(y)]
sage: ((sin(x)+sin(y))*(a+b)).expand().find(sin(w0))
[sin(x), sin(y)]
sage: (1+x+x^2+x^3).find(x)
sage: (1+x+x^2+x^3).find(x^w0)
[x^3, x^2]
sage: (1+x+x^2+x^3).find(y)
# subexpressions of a match are not listed
sage: ((x^y)^z).find(w0^w1)
Numerically find the maximum of the expression self on the interval [a,b] (or [b,a]) along with the point at which the maximum is attained.
See the documentation for self.find_minimum_on_interval for more details.
sage: f = x*cos(x)
sage: f.find_maximum_on_interval(0,5)
(0.5610963381910451, 0.8603335890...)
sage: f.find_maximum_on_interval(0,5, tol=0.1, maxfun=10)
(0.561090323458081..., 0.857926501456...)
Numerically find the minimum of the expression self on the interval [a,b] (or [b,a]) and the point at which it attains that minimum. Note that self must be a function of (at most) one variable.
sage: f = x*cos(x)
sage: f.find_minimum_on_interval(1, 5)
(-3.288371395590..., 3.4256184695...)
sage: f.find_minimum_on_interval(1, 5, tol=1e-3)
(-3.288371361890..., 3.4257507903...)
sage: f.find_minimum_on_interval(1, 5, tol=1e-2, maxfun=10)
(-3.288370845983..., 3.4250840220...)
sage: show(f.plot(0, 20))
sage: f.find_minimum_on_interval(1, 15)
(-9.477294259479..., 9.5293344109...)
Uses scipy.optimize.fminbound which uses Brent’s method.
Numerically find a root of self on the closed interval [a,b] (or [b,a]) if possible, where self is a function in the one variable.
Note that in this example both f(-2) and f(3) are positive, yet we still find a root in that interval:
sage: f = x^2 - 1
sage: f.find_root(-2, 3)
sage: f.find_root(-2, 3, x)
sage: z, result = f.find_root(-2, 3, full_output=True)
sage: result.converged
sage: result.flag
sage: result.function_calls
sage: result.iterations
sage: result.root
More examples:
sage: (sin(x) + exp(x)).find_root(-10, 10)
sage: sin(x).find_root(-1,1)
sage: (1/tan(x)).find_root(3,3.5)
An example with a square root:
sage: f = 1 + x + sqrt(x+2); f.find_root(-2,10)
Some examples that Ted Kosan came up with:
sage: t = var('t')
sage: v = 0.004*(9600*e^(-(1200*t)) - 2400*e^(-(300*t)))
sage: v.find_root(0, 0.002)
With this expression, we can see there is a zero very close to the origin:
sage: a = .004*(8*e^(-(300*t)) - 8*e^(-(1200*t)))*(720000*e^(-(300*t)) - 11520000*e^(-(1200*t))) +.004*(9600*e^(-(1200*t)) - 2400*e^(-(300*t)))^2
sage: show(plot(a, 0, .002), xmin=0, xmax=.002)
It is easy to approximate with find_root:
sage: a.find_root(0,0.002)
Using solve takes more effort, and even then gives only a solution with free (integer) variables:
sage: a.solve(t)
sage: b = a.simplify_radical(); b
-23040*(25.0*e^(900*t) - 2.0*e^(1800*t) - 32.0)*e^(-2400*t)
sage: b.solve(t)
sage: b.solve(t, to_poly_solve=True)
[t == 1/450*I*pi*z99 + 1/900*log(3/4*sqrt(41) + 25/4), t == 1/450*I*pi*z97 + 1/900*log(-3/4*sqrt(41) + 25/4)]
sage: n(1/900*log(-3/4*sqrt(41) + 25/4))
We illustrate that root finding is only implemented in one dimension:
sage: x, y = var('x,y')
sage: (x-y).find_root(-2,2)
NotImplementedError: root finding currently only implemented in 1 dimension.
Test the special case that failed for the first attempt to fix #3980:
sage: t = var('t')
sage: find_root(1/t - x,0,2)
NotImplementedError: root finding currently only implemented in 1 dimension.
Forget the given constraint.
sage: var('x,y')
(x, y)
sage: forget()
sage: assume(x>0, y < 2)
sage: assumptions()
[x > 0, y < 2]
sage: forget(y < 2)
sage: assumptions()
[x > 0]
Applies simplify_factorial, simplify_trig, simplify_rational, and simplify_radical to self (in that order).
ALIAS: simplify_full and full_simplify are the same.
sage: a = log(8)/log(2)
sage: a.simplify_full()
sage: f = sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
sage: f.simplify_full()
sage: f = sin(x/(x^2 + x))
sage: f.simplify_full()
sin(1/(x + 1))
sage: var('n,k')
(n, k)
sage: f = binomial(n,k)*factorial(k)*factorial(n-k)
sage: f.simplify_full()
Return a callable symbolic expression with the given variables.
We will use several symbolic variables in the examples below:
sage: var('x, y, z, t, a, w, n')
(x, y, z, t, a, w, n)
sage: u = sin(x) + x*cos(y)
sage: g = u.function(x,y)
sage: g(x,y)
x*cos(y) + sin(x)
sage: g(t,z)
t*cos(z) + sin(t)
sage: g(x^2, x^y)
x^2*cos(x^y) + sin(x^2)
sage: f = (x^2 + sin(a*w)).function(a,x,w); f
(a, x, w) |--> x^2 + sin(a*w)
sage: f(1,2,3)
sin(3) + 4
Using the function() method we can obtain the above function
, but viewed as a function of different variables:
sage: h = f.function(w,a); h
(w, a) |--> x^2 + sin(a*w)
This notation also works:
sage: h(w,a) = f
sage: h
(w, a) |--> x^2 + sin(a*w)
You can even make a symbolic expression into a function
by writing f(x,y) = f:
sage: f = x^n + y^n; f
x^n + y^n
sage: f(x,y) = f
sage: f
(x, y) |--> x^n + y^n
sage: f(2,3)
2^n + 3^n
Return the Gamma function evaluated at self.
sage: x = var(‘x’) sage: x.gamma() gamma(x) sage: SR(2).gamma() 1 sage: SR(10).gamma() 362880 sage: SR(10.0r).gamma() 362880.0 sage: SR(CDF(1,1)).gamma() 0.498015668118 - 0.154949828302*I
sage: gp(‘gamma(1+I)’) # 32-bit 0.4980156681183560427136911175 - 0.1549498283018106851249551305*I
sage: gp(‘gamma(1+I)’) # 64-bit 0.49801566811835604271369111746219809195 - 0.15494982830181068512495513048388660520*I
sage: set_verbose(-1); plot(lambda x: SR(x).gamma(), -6,4).show(ymin=-3,ymax=3)
Return the gcd of self and b, which must be integers or polynomials over the rational numbers.
TODO: I tried the massive gcd from on Ginac dies after about 10 seconds. Singular easily does that GCD now. Since Ginac only handles poly gcd over QQ, we should change ginac itself to use Singular.
sage: var('x,y')
(x, y)
sage: SR(10).gcd(SR(15))
sage: (x^3 - 1).gcd(x-1)
x - 1
sage: (x^3 - 1).gcd(x^2+x+1)
x^2 + x + 1
sage: (x^3 - sage.symbolic.constants.pi).gcd(x-sage.symbolic.constants.pi)
RuntimeError: gcd: arguments must be polynomials over the rationals
sage: gcd(x^3 - y^3, x-y)
-x + y
sage: gcd(x^100-y^100, x^10-y^10)
-x^10 + y^10
sage: gcd(expand( (x^2+17*x+3/7*y)*(x^5 - 17*y + 2/3) ), expand((x^13+17*x+3/7*y)*(x^5 - 17*y + 2/3)) )
1/7*x^5 - 17/7*y + 2/21
Compute the gradient of a symbolic function.
This function returns a vector whose components are the derivatives of the original function with respect to the arguments of the original function. Alternatively, you can specify the variables as a list.
sage: x,y = var('x y')
sage: f = x^2+y^2
sage: f.gradient()
(2*x, 2*y)
sage: g(x,y) = x^2+y^2
sage: g.gradient()
((x, y) |--> 2*x, (x, y) |--> 2*y)
sage: n = var('n')
sage: f(x,y) = x^n+y^n
sage: f.gradient()
((x, y) |--> n*x^(n - 1), (x, y) |--> n*y^(n - 1))
sage: f.gradient([y,x])
((x, y) |--> n*y^(n - 1), (x, y) |--> n*x^(n - 1))
sage: var('x,y,a'); w0 = SR.wild(); w1 = SR.wild()
(x, y, a)
sage: (x*sin(x + y + 2*a)).has(y)
Here “x+y” is not a subexpression of “x+y+2*a” (which has the subexpressions “x”, “y” and “2*a”):
sage: (x*sin(x + y + 2*a)).has(x+y)
sage: (x*sin(x + y + 2*a)).has(x + y + w0)
The following fails because “2*(x+y)” automatically gets converted to “2*x+2*y” of which “x+y” is not a subexpression:
sage: (x*sin(2*(x+y) + 2*a)).has(x+y)
Although x^1==x and x^0==1, neither “x” nor “1” are actually of the form “x^something”:
sage: (x+1).has(x^w0)
Here is another possible pitfall, where the first expression matches because the term “-x” has the form “(-1)*x” in GiNaC. To check whether a polynomial contains a linear term you should use the coeff() function instead.
sage: (4*x^2 - x + 3).has(w0*x)
sage: (4*x^2 + x + 3).has(w0*x)
sage: (4*x^2 + x + 3).has(x)
sage: (4*x^2 - x + 3).coeff(x,1)
sage: (4*x^2 + x + 3).coeff(x,1)
Compute the hessian of a function. This returns a matrix components are the 2nd partial derivatives of the original function.
sage: x,y = var('x y')
sage: f = x^2+y^2
sage: f.hessian()
[2 0]
[0 2]
sage: g(x,y) = x^2+y^2
sage: g.hessian()
[(x, y) |--> 2 (x, y) |--> 0]
[(x, y) |--> 0 (x, y) |--> 2]
Return the imaginary part of this symbolic expression.
sage: sqrt(-2).imag_part()
We simplify to
. This should only
be for
, but Maxima does not
have a symbolic imaginary part function, so we cannot
use assume to assume that first:
sage: z = var('z')
sage: f = log(exp(z))
sage: f
sage: f.simplify()
sage: forget()
A more symbolic example:
sage: var('a, b')
(a, b)
sage: f = log(a + b*I)
sage: f.imag_part()
arctan2(real_part(b) + imag_part(a), real_part(a) - imag_part(b))
sage: x = var('x')
sage: x.imag_part()
sage: SR(2+3*I).imag_part()
sage: SR(CC(2,3)).imag_part()
sage: SR(CDF(2,3)).imag_part()
Return the imaginary part of this symbolic expression.
sage: sqrt(-2).imag_part()
We simplify to
. This should only
be for
, but Maxima does not
have a symbolic imaginary part function, so we cannot
use assume to assume that first:
sage: z = var('z')
sage: f = log(exp(z))
sage: f
sage: f.simplify()
sage: forget()
A more symbolic example:
sage: var('a, b')
(a, b)
sage: f = log(a + b*I)
sage: f.imag_part()
arctan2(real_part(b) + imag_part(a), real_part(a) - imag_part(b))
sage: x = var('x')
sage: x.imag_part()
sage: SR(2+3*I).imag_part()
sage: SR(CC(2,3)).imag_part()
sage: SR(CDF(2,3)).imag_part()
Compute the integral of self. Please see sage.symbolic.integration.integral.integrate for more details.
sage: sin(x).integral(x,0,3)
-cos(3) + 1
sage: sin(x).integral(x)
Compute the integral of self. Please see sage.symbolic.integration.integral.integrate for more details.
sage: sin(x).integral(x,0,3)
-cos(3) + 1
sage: sin(x).integral(x)
Return inverse Laplace transform of self. See sage.calculus.calculus.inverse_laplace
sage: var('w, m')
(w, m)
sage: f = (1/(w^2+10)).inverse_laplace(w, m); f
Return True if self is a polynomial in the given variable.
sage: var('x,y,z')
(x, y, z)
sage: t = x^2 + y; t
x^2 + y
sage: t.is_polynomial(x)
sage: t.is_polynomial(y)
sage: t.is_polynomial(z)
sage: t = sin(x) + y; t
y + sin(x)
sage: t.is_polynomial(x)
sage: t.is_polynomial(y)
sage: t.is_polynomial(sin(x))
Check if we can handle derivatives. #6523:
sage: f(x) = function('f',x)
sage: f(x).diff(x).is_zero()
Return True if self is a relational expression.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: eqn = (x-1)^2 == x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.is_relational()
sage: sin(x).is_relational()
Return True if this expression is a unit of the symbolic ring.
sage: SR(1).is_unit()
sage: SR(-1).is_unit()
sage: SR(0).is_unit()
Return an iterator over the arguments of this expression.
sage: x,y,z = var('x,y,z')
sage: list((x+y+z).iterator())
[x, y, z]
sage: list((x*y*z).iterator())
[x, y, z]
sage: list((x^y*z*(x+y)).iterator())
[x + y, x^y, z]
Return Laplace transform of self. See sage.calculus.calculus.laplace
sage: var('x,s,z')
(x, s, z)
sage: (z + exp(x)).laplace(x, s)
z/s + 1/(s - 1)
Return the leading coefficient of s in self.
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = 100 + a*x + x^3*sin(x*y) + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x; f
x^3*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x + 100
sage: f.leading_coefficient(x)
sage: f.leading_coefficient(y)
sage: f.leading_coefficient(sin(x*y))
x^3 + 2/x
Return the leading coefficient of s in self.
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = 100 + a*x + x^3*sin(x*y) + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x; f
x^3*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x + 100
sage: f.leading_coefficient(x)
sage: f.leading_coefficient(y)
sage: f.leading_coefficient(sin(x*y))
x^3 + 2/x
If self is a relational expression, return the left hand side of the relation. Otherwise, raise a ValueError.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: eqn = (x-1)^2 == x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.left_hand_side()
(x - 1)^2
sage: eqn.lhs()
(x - 1)^2
sage: eqn.left()
(x - 1)^2
If self is a relational expression, return the left hand side of the relation. Otherwise, raise a ValueError.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: eqn = (x-1)^2 == x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.left_hand_side()
(x - 1)^2
sage: eqn.lhs()
(x - 1)^2
sage: eqn.left()
(x - 1)^2
This method is deprecated, please use the function
Log gamma function evaluated at self.
If self is a relational expression, return the left hand side of the relation. Otherwise, raise a ValueError.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: eqn = (x-1)^2 == x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.left_hand_side()
(x - 1)^2
sage: eqn.lhs()
(x - 1)^2
sage: eqn.left()
(x - 1)^2
Return a symbolic limit. See sage.calculus.calculus.limit
sage: (sin(x)/x).limit(x=0)
Return the logarithm of self.
sage: x, y = var('x, y')
sage: x.log()
sage: (x^y + y^x).log()
log(x^y + y^x)
sage: SR(0).log()
sage: SR(-1).log()
sage: SR(1).log()
sage: SR(1/2).log()
sage: SR(0.5).log()
sage: SR(0.5).log().exp()
sage: math.log(0.5)
sage: plot(lambda x: SR(x).log(), 0.1,10)
sage: SR(oo).log()
sage: SR(-oo).log()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).log()
Simplifies symbolic expression, which can contain logs.
Expands logarithms of powers, logarithms of products and logarithms of quotients. The option method specifies which expression types should be expanded.
self - expression to be simplified
method - (default: ‘products’) optional, governs which expression is expanded. Possible values are
See also examples below.
DETAILS: This uses the Maxima simplifier and sets logexpand option for this simplifier. From the Maxima documentation: “Logexpand:true causes log(a^b) to become b*log(a). If it is set to all, log(a*b) will also simplify to log(a)+log(b). If it is set to super, then log(a/b) will also simplify to log(a)-log(b) for rational numbers a/b, a#1. (log(1/b), for integer b, always simplifies.) If it is set to false, all of these simplifications will be turned off. “
ALIAS: log_expand() and expand_log() are the same
By default powers and products (and quotients) are expanded, but not quotients of integers:
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand()
pi*log(x) + log(3/4)
To expand also log(3/4) use method='all':
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand('all')
pi*log(x) + log(3) - log(4)
To expand only the power use method='powers'.:
sage: (log(x^6)).log_expand('powers')
The expression log((3*x)^6) is not expanded with method='powers', since it is converted into product first:
sage: (log((3*x)^6)).log_expand('powers')
This shows that the option method from the previous call has no influence to future calls (we changed some default Maxima flag, and have to ensure that this flag has been restored):
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand()
pi*log(x) + log(3/4)
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand('all')
pi*log(x) + log(3) - log(4)
sage: (log(3/4*x^pi)).log_expand()
pi*log(x) + log(3/4)
Return the log-gamma function evaluated at self. This is the logarithm of gamma of self, where gamma is a complex function such that gamma(n) equals factorial(n-1).
sage: x = var('x')
sage: x.log_gamma()
sage: SR(2).log_gamma()
sage: SR(5).log_gamma()
sage: SR(5-1).factorial().log()
sage: set_verbose(-1); plot(lambda x: SR(x).log_gamma(), -7,8, plot_points=1000).show()
sage: math.exp(0.5)
sage: plot(lambda x: (SR(x).exp() - SR(-x).exp())/2 - SR(x).sinh(), -1, 1)
Simplifies symbolic expression, which can contain logs.
Recursively scans the expression self, transforming subexpressions of the form a1*log(b1) + a2*log(b2) + c into log(b1^a1 * b2^a2) + c and simplifies inside logarithm. User can specify, which conditions must satisfy a1 and a2 to use this transformation in optional parameter method.
self - expression to be simplified
method - (default: None) optional, governs the condition on a1 and a2 which must be satisfied to contract expression a1*log(b1) + a2*log(b2). Values are
See also examples below.
DETAILS: This uses the Maxima logcontract() command. From the Maxima documentation: “Recursively scans the expression expr, transforming subexpressions of the form a1*log(b1) + a2*log(b2) + c into log(ratsimp(b1^a1 * b2^a2)) + c. The user can control which coefficients are contracted by setting the option logconcoeffp to the name of a predicate function of one argument. E.g. if you like to generate SQRTs, you can do logconcoeffp:’logconfun` logconfun(m):=featurep(m,integer) or ratnump(m)` . Then logcontract(1/2*log(x)); will give log(sqrt(x)).”
ALIAS: log_simplify() and simplify_log() are the same
sage: x,y,t=var('x y t')
Only two first terms are contracted in the following example , the logarithm with coefficient 1/2 is not contracted:
sage: f = log(x)+2*log(y)+1/2*log(t)
sage: f.simplify_log()
log(x*y^2) + 1/2*log(t)
To contract all terms in previous example use option method:
sage: f.simplify_log(method='ratios')
This shows that the option method from the previous call has no influence to future calls (we changed some default Maxima flag, and have to ensure that this flag has been restored):
sage: f.simplify_log('one')
1/2*log(t) + log(x) + 2*log(y)
sage: f.simplify_log('ratios')
sage: f.simplify_log()
log(x*y^2) + 1/2*log(t)
To contract terms with no coefficient (more precisely, with coefficients 1 and -1) use option method:
sage: f = log(x)+2*log(y)-log(t)
sage: f.simplify_log('one')
2*log(y) + log(x/t)
sage: f = log(x)+log(y)-1/3*log((x+1))
sage: f.simplify_log()
-1/3*log(x + 1) + log(x*y)
sage: f.simplify_log('ratios')
log(x*y/(x + 1)^(1/3))
is irrational number, to contract logarithms in the following example
we have to put method to constants or all:
sage: f = log(x)+log(y)-pi*log((x+1))
sage: f.simplify_log('constants')
log(x*y/(x + 1)^pi)
x*log(9) is contracted only if method is all:
sage: (x*log(9)).simplify_log()
sage: (x*log(9)).simplify_log('all')
This shows that the issue at trac #7344 is fixed:
sage: (log(sqrt(2)-1)+log(sqrt(2)+1)).simplify_full()
Return the exponent of the lowest nonpositive power of s in self.
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = 100 + a*x + x^3*sin(x*y) + x*y + x/y^10 + 2*sin(x*y)/x; f
x^3*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + 2*sin(x*y)/x + x/y^10 + 100
sage: f.low_degree(x)
sage: f.low_degree(y)
sage: f.low_degree(sin(x*y))
sage: (x^3+y).low_degree(x)
Check if self matches the given pattern.
See also
sage: var('x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f')
(x, y, z, a, b, c, d, e, f)
sage: w0 = SR.wild(0); w1 = SR.wild(1); w2 = SR.wild(2)
sage: ((x+y)^a).match((x+y)^a) # no wildcards, so empty dict
sage: print ((x+y)^a).match((x+y)^b)
sage: t = ((x+y)^a).match(w0^w1)
sage: t[w0], t[w1]
(x + y, a)
sage: print ((x+y)^a).match(w0^w0)
sage: ((x+y)^(x+y)).match(w0^w0)
{$0: x + y}
sage: t = ((a+b)*(a+c)).match((a+w0)*(a+w1))
sage: t[w0], t[w1]
(b, c)
sage: ((a+b)*(a+c)).match((w0+b)*(w0+c))
{$0: a}
sage: print ((a+b)*(a+c)).match((w0+w1)*(w0+w2)) # surprising?
sage: t = (a*(x+y)+a*z+b).match(a*w0+w1)
sage: t[w0], t[w1]
(x + y, a*z + b)
sage: print (a+b+c+d+e+f).match(c)
sage: (a+b+c+d+e+f).has(c)
sage: (a+b+c+d+e+f).match(c+w0)
{$0: a + b + d + e + f}
sage: (a+b+c+d+e+f).match(c+e+w0)
{$0: a + b + d + f}
sage: (a+b).match(a+b+w0)
{$0: 0}
sage: print (a*b^2).match(a^w0*b^w1)
sage: (a*b^2).match(a*b^w1)
{$1: 2}
sage: (x*x.arctan2(x^2)).match(w0*w0.arctan2(w0^2))
{$0: x}
Beware that behind-the-scenes simplification can lead to surprising results in matching:
sage: print (x+x).match(w0+w1)
sage: t = x+x; t
sage: t.operator()
<built-in function mul>
Since asking to match w0+w1 looks for an addition operator, there is no match.
Provides easy access to maxima methods, converting the result to a Sage expression automatically.
sage: t = log(sqrt(2) - 1) + log(sqrt(2) + 1); t
log(sqrt(2) - 1) + log(sqrt(2) + 1)
sage: res = t.maxima_methods().logcontract(); res
sage: type(res)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
Return the minimal polynomial of this symbolic expression.
sage: golden_ratio.minpoly()
x^2 - x - 1
Returns a relation obtained by multiplying both sides of this relation by x.
The checksign keyword argument is currently ignored and is included for backward compatibility reasons only.
sage: var('x,y'); f = x + 3 < y - 2
(x, y)
sage: f.multiply_both_sides(7)
7*x + 21 < 7*y - 14
sage: f.multiply_both_sides(-1/2)
-1/2*x - 3/2 < -1/2*y + 1
sage: f*(-2/3)
-2/3*x - 2 < -2/3*y + 4/3
sage: f*(-pi)
-(x + 3)*pi < -(y - 2)*pi
Since the direction of the inequality never changes when doing arithmetic with equations, you can multiply or divide the equation by a quantity with unknown sign:
sage: f*(1+I)
(I + 1)*x + 3*I + 3 < (I + 1)*y - 2*I - 2
sage: f = sqrt(2) + x == y^3
sage: f.multiply_both_sides(I)
I*x + I*sqrt(2) == I*y^3
sage: f.multiply_both_sides(-1)
-x - sqrt(2) == -y^3
Note that the direction of the following inequalities is not reversed:
sage: (x^3 + 1 > 2*sqrt(3)) * (-1)
-x^3 - 1 > -2*sqrt(3)
sage: (x^3 + 1 >= 2*sqrt(3)) * (-1)
-x^3 - 1 >= -2*sqrt(3)
sage: (x^3 + 1 <= 2*sqrt(3)) * (-1)
-x^3 - 1 <= -2*sqrt(3)
Return a numerical approximation this symbolic expression as either a real or complex number with at least the requested number of bits or digits of precision.
sage: sin(x).subs(x=5).n()
sage: sin(x).subs(x=5).n(100)
sage: sin(x).subs(x=5).n(digits=50)
sage: zeta(x).subs(x=2).numerical_approx(digits=50)
sage: cos(3).numerical_approx(200)
sage: numerical_approx(cos(3), digits=10)
sage: (i + 1).numerical_approx(32)
1.00000000 + 1.00000000*I
sage: (pi + e + sqrt(2)).numerical_approx(100)
We test the evaluation of different infinities available in Pynac:
sage: t = x - oo; t
sage: t.n()
sage: t = x + oo; t
sage: t.n()
sage: t = x - unsigned_infinity; t
sage: t.n()
Some expressions can’t be evaluated numerically:
sage: n(sin(x))
TypeError: cannot evaluate symbolic expression numerically
sage: a = var('a')
sage: (x^2 + 2*x + 2).subs(x=a).n()
TypeError: cannot evaluate symbolic expression numerically
Returns the negated version of self, that is the relation that is False iff self is True.
sage: (x < 5).negation()
x >= 5
sage: (x == sin(3)).negation()
x != sin(3)
sage: (2*x >= sqrt(2)).negation()
2*x < sqrt(2)
Compute the numerical integral of self. Please see sage.calculus.calculus.nintegral for more details.
sage: sin(x).nintegral(x,0,3)
(1.989992496600..., 2.209335488557...e-14, 21, 0)
Compute the numerical integral of self. Please see sage.calculus.calculus.nintegral for more details.
sage: sin(x).nintegral(x,0,3)
(1.989992496600..., 2.209335488557...e-14, 21, 0)
Returns the number of arguments of this expression.
sage: var('a,b,c,x,y')
(a, b, c, x, y)
sage: a.number_of_operands()
sage: (a^2 + b^2 + (x+y)^2).number_of_operands()
sage: (a^2).number_of_operands()
sage: (a*b^2*c).number_of_operands()
The complex norm of this symbolic expression, i.e., the expression times its complex conjugate.
sage: a = 1 + 2*I
sage: a.norm()
sage: a = sqrt(2) + 3^(1/3)*I; a
sqrt(2) + I*3^(1/3)
sage: a.norm()
3^(2/3) + 2
sage: CDF(a).norm()
sage: CDF(a.norm())
sage: x,y = var('x,y')
sage: f = x + y
sage: f.number_of_arguments()
sage: g = f.function(x)
sage: g.number_of_arguments()
sage: x,y,z = var('x,y,z')
sage: (x+y).number_of_arguments()
sage: (x+1).number_of_arguments()
sage: (sin(x)+1).number_of_arguments()
sage: (sin(z)+x+y).number_of_arguments()
sage: (sin(x+y)).number_of_arguments()
sage: ( 2^(8/9) - 2^(1/9) )(x-1)
ValueError: the number of arguments must be less than or equal to 0
Returns the number of arguments of this expression.
sage: var('a,b,c,x,y')
(a, b, c, x, y)
sage: a.number_of_operands()
sage: (a^2 + b^2 + (x+y)^2).number_of_operands()
sage: (a^2).number_of_operands()
sage: (a*b^2*c).number_of_operands()
Returns the numerator of this symbolic expression. If the expression is not a quotient, then this will return the expression itself.
sage: a, x, y = var('a,x,y')
sage: f = x*(x-a)/((x^2 - y)*(x-a)); f
x/(x^2 - y)
sage: f.numerator()
sage: f.denominator()
x^2 - y
sage: y = var('y')
sage: g = x + y/(x + 2); g
x + y/(x + 2)
sage: g.numerator()
x + y/(x + 2)
sage: g.denominator()
Return a numerical approximation this symbolic expression as either a real or complex number with at least the requested number of bits or digits of precision.
sage: sin(x).subs(x=5).n()
sage: sin(x).subs(x=5).n(100)
sage: sin(x).subs(x=5).n(digits=50)
sage: zeta(x).subs(x=2).numerical_approx(digits=50)
sage: cos(3).numerical_approx(200)
sage: numerical_approx(cos(3), digits=10)
sage: (i + 1).numerical_approx(32)
1.00000000 + 1.00000000*I
sage: (pi + e + sqrt(2)).numerical_approx(100)
We test the evaluation of different infinities available in Pynac:
sage: t = x - oo; t
sage: t.n()
sage: t = x + oo; t
sage: t.n()
sage: t = x - unsigned_infinity; t
sage: t.n()
Some expressions can’t be evaluated numerically:
sage: n(sin(x))
TypeError: cannot evaluate symbolic expression numerically
sage: a = var('a')
sage: (x^2 + 2*x + 2).subs(x=a).n()
TypeError: cannot evaluate symbolic expression numerically
Returns a list containing the operands of this expression.
sage: var('a,b,c,x,y')
(a, b, c, x, y)
sage: (a^2 + b^2 + (x+y)^2).operands()
[(x + y)^2, a^2, b^2]
sage: (a^2).operands()
[a, 2]
sage: (a*b^2*c).operands()
[a, b^2, c]
Returns the topmost operator in this expression.
sage: x,y,z = var('x,y,z')
sage: (x+y).operator()
<built-in function add>
sage: (x^y).operator()
<built-in function pow>
sage: (x^y * z).operator()
<built-in function mul>
sage: (x < y).operator()
<built-in function lt>
sage: abs(x).operator()
sage: r = gamma(x).operator(); type(r)
<class 'sage.functions.other.Function_gamma'>
sage: psi = function('psi', nargs=1)
sage: psi(x).operator()
sage: r = psi(x).operator()
sage: r == psi
sage: f = function('f', nargs=1, conjugate_func=lambda self, x: 2*x)
sage: nf = f(x).operator()
sage: nf(x).conjugate()
sage: f = function('f')
sage: a = f(x).diff(x); a
sage: a.operator()
Return the partial fraction expansion of self with respect to the given variable.
OUTPUT: Symbolic expression
sage: f = x^2/(x+1)^3
sage: f.partial_fraction()
1/(x + 1) - 2/(x + 1)^2 + 1/(x + 1)^3
sage: f.partial_fraction()
1/(x + 1) - 2/(x + 1)^2 + 1/(x + 1)^3
Notice that the first variable in the expression is used by default:
sage: y = var('y')
sage: f = y^2/(y+1)^3
sage: f.partial_fraction()
1/(y + 1) - 2/(y + 1)^2 + 1/(y + 1)^3
sage: f = y^2/(y+1)^3 + x/(x-1)^3
sage: f.partial_fraction()
y^2/(y^3 + 3*y^2 + 3*y + 1) + 1/(x - 1)^2 + 1/(x - 1)^3
You can explicitly specify which variable is used:
sage: f.partial_fraction(y)
x/(x^3 - 3*x^2 + 3*x - 1) + 1/(y + 1) - 2/(y + 1)^2 + 1/(y + 1)^3
Plot a symbolic expression. All arguments are passed onto the standard plot command.
This displays a straight line:
sage: sin(2).plot((x,0,3))
This draws a red oscillatory curve:
sage: sin(x^2).plot((x,0,2*pi), rgbcolor=(1,0,0))
Another plot using the variable theta:
sage: var('theta')
sage: (cos(theta) - erf(theta)).plot((theta,-2*pi,2*pi))
A very thick green plot with a frame:
sage: sin(x).plot((x,-4*pi, 4*pi), thickness=20, rgbcolor=(0,0.7,0)).show(frame=True)
You can embed 2d plots in 3d space as follows:
sage: plot(sin(x^2), (x,-pi, pi), thickness=2).plot3d(z = 1)
A more complicated family:
sage: G = sum([plot(sin(n*x), (x,-2*pi, 2*pi)).plot3d(z=n) for n in [0,0.1,..1]])
A plot involving the floor function:
sage: plot(1.0 - x * floor(1/x), (x,0.00001,1.0))
Sage used to allow symbolic functions with “no arguments”; this no longer works:
sage: plot(2*sin, -4, 4)
TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for '*': 'Integer Ring' and '<class 'sage.functions.trig.Function_sin'>'
You should evaluate the function first:
sage: plot(2*sin(x), -4, 4)
sage: f(x) = x*(1 - x)
sage: plot(f,0,1)
Express this symbolic expression as a polynomial in x. If this is not a polynomial in x, then some coefficients may be functions of x.
This is different from polynomial() which returns a Sage polynomial over a given base ring.
sage: var('a, x')
(a, x)
sage: p = expand((x-a*sqrt(2))^2 + x + 1); p
-2*sqrt(2)*a*x + 2*a^2 + x^2 + x + 1
sage: p.poly(a)
-2*sqrt(2)*a*x + 2*a^2 + x^2 + x + 1
sage: bool(p.poly(a) == (x-a*sqrt(2))^2 + x + 1)
sage: p.poly(x)
-(2*sqrt(2)*a - 1)*x + 2*a^2 + x^2 + 1
Return this symbolic expression as an algebraic polynomial over the given base ring, if possible.
The point of this function is that it converts purely symbolic polynomials into optimised algebraic polynomials over a given base ring.
This is different from meth: which is used to rewrite
self as a polynomial in terms of one of the variables.
sage: f = x^2 -2/3*x + 1
sage: f.polynomial(QQ)
x^2 - 2/3*x + 1
sage: f.polynomial(GF(19))
x^2 + 12*x + 1
Polynomials can be useful for getting the coefficients of an expression:
sage: g = 6*x^2 - 5
sage: g.coefficients()
[[-5, 0], [6, 2]]
sage: g.polynomial(QQ).list()
[-5, 0, 6]
sage: g.polynomial(QQ).dict()
{0: -5, 2: 6}
sage: f = x^2*e + x + pi/e
sage: f.polynomial(RDF)
2.71828182846*x^2 + x + 1.15572734979
sage: g = f.polynomial(RR); g
2.71828182845905*x^2 + x + 1.15572734979092
sage: g.parent()
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Real Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: f.polynomial(RealField(100))
2.7182818284590452353602874714*x^2 + x + 1.1557273497909217179100931833
sage: f.polynomial(CDF)
2.71828182846*x^2 + x + 1.15572734979
sage: f.polynomial(CC)
2.71828182845905*x^2 + x + 1.15572734979092
We coerce a multivariate polynomial with complex symbolic coefficients:
sage: x, y, n = var('x, y, n')
sage: f = pi^3*x - y^2*e - I; f
pi^3*x - y^2*e - I
sage: f.polynomial(CDF)
(-2.71828182846)*y^2 + 31.0062766803*x - 1.0*I
sage: f.polynomial(CC)
(-2.71828182845905)*y^2 + 31.0062766802998*x - 1.00000000000000*I
sage: f.polynomial(ComplexField(70))
(-2.7182818284590452354)*y^2 + 31.006276680299820175*x - 1.0000000000000000000*I
Another polynomial:
sage: f = sum((e*I)^n*x^n for n in range(5)); f
x^4*e^4 - I*x^3*e^3 - x^2*e^2 + I*x*e + 1
sage: f.polynomial(CDF)
54.5981500331*x^4 - 20.0855369232*I*x^3 - 7.38905609893*x^2 + 2.71828182846*I*x + 1.0
sage: f.polynomial(CC)
54.5981500331442*x^4 - 20.0855369231877*I*x^3 - 7.38905609893065*x^2 + 2.71828182845905*I*x + 1.00000000000000
A multivariate polynomial over a finite field:
sage: f = (3*x^5 - 5*y^5)^7; f
(3*x^5 - 5*y^5)^7
sage: g = f.polynomial(GF(7)); g
3*x^35 + 2*y^35
sage: parent(g)
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Finite Field of size 7
Return algebraic power series associated to this symbolic expression, which must be a polynomial in one variable, with coefficients coercible to the base ring.
The power series is truncated one more than the degree.
sage: theta = var('theta')
sage: f = theta^3 + (1/3)*theta - 17/3
sage: g = f.power_series(QQ); g
-17/3 + 1/3*theta + theta^3 + O(theta^4)
sage: g^3
-4913/27 + 289/9*theta - 17/9*theta^2 + 2602/27*theta^3 + O(theta^4)
sage: g.parent()
Power Series Ring in theta over Rational Field
Get the underlying Python object corresponding to this expression, assuming this expression is a single numerical value. Otherwise, a TypeError is raised.
sage: var('x')
sage: b = -17/3
sage: a = SR(b)
sage: a.pyobject()
sage: a.pyobject() is b
Simplifies this symbolic expression, which can contain logs, exponentials, and radicals, by converting it into a form which is canonical over a large class of expressions and a given ordering of variables
DETAILS: This uses the Maxima radcan() command. From the Maxima documentation: “All functionally equivalent forms are mapped into a unique form. For a somewhat larger class of expressions, produces a regular form. Two equivalent expressions in this class do not necessarily have the same appearance, but their difference can be simplified by radcan to zero. For some expressions radcan is quite time consuming. This is the cost of exploring certain relationships among the components of the expression for simplifications based on factoring and partial fraction expansions of exponents.”
ALIAS: radical_simplify, simplify_radical, exp_simplify, simplify_exp are all the same
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = log(x*y)
sage: f.simplify_radical()
log(x) + log(y)
sage: f = (log(x+x^2)-log(x))^a/log(1+x)^(a/2)
sage: f.simplify_radical()
log(x + 1)^(1/2*a)
sage: f = (e^x-1)/(1+e^(x/2))
sage: f.simplify_exp()
e^(1/2*x) - 1
Expand this symbolic expression. Products of sums and exponentiated sums are multiplied out, numerators of rational expressions which are sums are split into their respective terms, and multiplications are distributed over addition at all levels.
We expand the expression using both
method and functional notation.
sage: x,y = var('x,y')
sage: a = (x-y)^5
sage: a.expand()
x^5 - 5*x^4*y + 10*x^3*y^2 - 10*x^2*y^3 + 5*x*y^4 - y^5
sage: expand(a)
x^5 - 5*x^4*y + 10*x^3*y^2 - 10*x^2*y^3 + 5*x*y^4 - y^5
We expand some other expressions:
sage: expand((x-1)^3/(y-1))
x^3/(y - 1) - 3*x^2/(y - 1) + 3*x/(y - 1) - 1/(y - 1)
sage: expand((x+sin((x+y)^2))^2)
x^2 + 2*x*sin((x + y)^2) + sin((x + y)^2)^2
We can expand individual sides of a relation:
sage: a = (16*x-13)^2 == (3*x+5)^2/2
sage: a.expand()
256*x^2 - 416*x + 169 == 9/2*x^2 + 15*x + 25/2
sage: a.expand('left')
256*x^2 - 416*x + 169 == 1/2*(3*x + 5)^2
sage: a.expand('right')
(16*x - 13)^2 == 9/2*x^2 + 15*x + 25/2
sage: var(‘x,y’) (x, y) sage: ((x + (2/3)*y)^3).expand() x^3 + 2*x^2*y + 4/3*x*y^2 + 8/27*y^3 sage: expand( (x*sin(x) - cos(y)/x)^2 ) x^2*sin(x)^2 - 2*sin(x)*cos(y) + cos(y)^2/x^2 sage: f = (x-y)*(x+y); f (x - y)*(x + y) sage: f.expand() x^2 - y^2
Simplify rational expressions.
ALIAS: rational_simplify() and simplify_rational() are the same
DETAILS: We call Maxima functions ratsimp, fullratsimp and xthru. If each part of the expression has to be simplified separately, we use Maxima function map.
sage: f = sin(x/(x^2 + x))
sage: f
sin(x/(x^2 + x))
sage: f.simplify_rational()
sin(1/(x + 1))
sage: f = ((x - 1)^(3/2) - (x + 1)*sqrt(x - 1))/sqrt((x - 1)*(x + 1)); f
((x - 1)^(3/2) - sqrt(x - 1)*(x + 1))/sqrt((x - 1)*(x + 1))
sage: f.simplify_rational()
-2*sqrt(x - 1)/sqrt(x^2 - 1)
With map=True each term in a sum is simplified separately and thus the resuls are shorter for functions which are combination of rational and nonrational funtions. In the following example, we use this option if we want not to combine logarithm and the rational function into one fraction:
sage: f=(x^2-1)/(x+1)-ln(x)/(x+2)
sage: f.simplify_rational()
(x^2 + x - log(x) - 2)/(x + 2)
sage: f.simplify_rational(map=True)
x - log(x)/(x + 2) - 1
Here is an example from the Maxima documentation of where method='simple' produces an (possibly useful) intermediate step:
sage: y = var('y')
sage: g = (x^(y/2) + 1)^2*(x^(y/2) - 1)^2/(x^y - 1)
sage: g.simplify_rational(method='simple')
-(2*x^y - x^(2*y) - 1)/(x^y - 1)
sage: g.simplify_rational()
x^y - 1
With option method='noexpand' we only convert to common denominators and add. No expansion of products is performed:
sage: f=1/(x+1)+x/(x+2)^2
sage: f.simplify_rational()
(2*x^2 + 5*x + 4)/(x^3 + 5*x^2 + 8*x + 4)
sage: f.simplify_rational(method='noexpand')
((x + 1)*x + (x + 2)^2)/((x + 1)*(x + 2)^2)
Return the real part of this symbolic expression.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: x.real_part()
sage: SR(2+3*I).real_part()
sage: SR(CDF(2,3)).real_part()
sage: SR(CC(2,3)).real_part()
sage: f = log(x)
sage: f.real_part()
Return the real part of this symbolic expression.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: x.real_part()
sage: SR(2+3*I).real_part()
sage: SR(CDF(2,3)).real_part()
sage: SR(CC(2,3)).real_part()
sage: f = log(x)
sage: f.real_part()
Combines products and powers of trigonometric and hyperbolic sin’s and cos’s of x into those of multiples of x. It also tries to eliminate these functions when they occur in denominators.
OUTPUT: a symbolic expression
sage: y=var('y')
sage: f=sin(x)*cos(x)^3+sin(y)^2
sage: f.reduce_trig()
1/4*sin(2*x) + 1/8*sin(4*x) - 1/2*cos(2*y) + 1/2
To reduce only the expressions involving x we use optional parameter:
sage: f.reduce_trig(x)
sin(y)^2 + 1/4*sin(2*x) + 1/8*sin(4*x)
ALIASES: trig_reduce() and reduce_trig() are the same
If self is a relational expression, return the right hand side of the relation. Otherwise, raise a ValueError.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: eqn = (x-1)^2 <= x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.right_hand_side()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.rhs()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.right()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
If self is a relational expression, return the right hand side of the relation. Otherwise, raise a ValueError.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: eqn = (x-1)^2 <= x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.right_hand_side()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.rhs()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.right()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
If self is a relational expression, return the right hand side of the relation. Otherwise, raise a ValueError.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: eqn = (x-1)^2 <= x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.right_hand_side()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.rhs()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
sage: eqn.right()
x^2 - 2*x + 3
Returns roots of self that can be found exactly, possibly with multiplicities. Not all roots are guaranteed to be found.
This is not a numerical solver - use find_root to solve for self == 0 numerically on an interval.
list of pairs (root, multiplicity) or list of roots
If there are infinitely many roots, e.g., a function like
, only one is returned.
sage: var('x, a')
(x, a)
A simple example:
sage: ((x^2-1)^2).roots()
[(-1, 2), (1, 2)]
sage: ((x^2-1)^2).roots(multiplicities=False)
[-1, 1]
A complicated example:
sage: f = expand((x^2 - 1)^3*(x^2 + 1)*(x-a)); f
-a*x^8 + x^9 + 2*a*x^6 - 2*x^7 - 2*a*x^2 + 2*x^3 + a - x
The default variable is , since it is the first in
alphabetical order:
sage: f.roots()
[(x, 1)]
As a polynomial in ,
is indeed a root:
sage: f.poly(a)
x^9 - 2*x^7 + 2*x^3 - (x^8 - 2*x^6 + 2*x^2 - 1)*a - x
sage: f(a=x)
The roots in terms of are what we expect:
sage: f.roots(x)
[(a, 1), (-I, 1), (I, 1), (1, 3), (-1, 3)]
Only one root of is given:
sage: f = sin(x)
sage: f.roots(x)
[(0, 1)]
It is possible to solve a greater variety of equations using solve() and the keyword to_poly_solve, but only at the price of possibly encountering approximate solutions. See documentation for f.solve for more details.
We derive the roots of a general quadratic polynomial:
sage: var('a,b,c,x')
(a, b, c, x)
sage: (a*x^2 + b*x + c).roots(x)
[(-1/2*(b + sqrt(-4*a*c + b^2))/a, 1), (-1/2*(b - sqrt(-4*a*c + b^2))/a, 1)]
By default, all the roots are required to be explicit rather than implicit. To get implicit roots, pass explicit_solutions=False to .roots()
sage: var('x')
sage: f = x^(1/9) + (2^(8/9) - 2^(1/9))*(x - 1) - x^(8/9)
sage: f.roots()
RuntimeError: no explicit roots found
sage: f.roots(explicit_solutions=False)
[((2^(8/9) - 2^(1/9) + x^(8/9) - x^(1/9))/(2^(8/9) - 2^(1/9)), 1)]
Another example, but involving a degree 5 poly whose roots don’t get computed explicitly:
sage: f = x^5 + x^3 + 17*x + 1
sage: f.roots()
RuntimeError: no explicit roots found
sage: f.roots(explicit_solutions=False)
[(x^5 + x^3 + 17*x + 1, 1)]
sage: f.roots(explicit_solutions=False, multiplicities=False)
[x^5 + x^3 + 17*x + 1]
Now let’s find some roots over different rings:
sage: f.roots(ring=CC)
[(-0.0588115223184..., 1), (-1.331099917875... - 1.52241655183732*I, 1), (-1.331099917875... + 1.52241655183732*I, 1), (1.36050567903502 - 1.51880872209965*I, 1), (1.36050567903502 + 1.51880872209965*I, 1)]
sage: (2.5*f).roots(ring=RR)
[(-0.058811522318449..., 1)]
sage: f.roots(ring=CC, multiplicities=False)
[-0.05881152231844..., -1.331099917875... - 1.52241655183732*I, -1.331099917875... + 1.52241655183732*I, 1.36050567903502 - 1.51880872209965*I, 1.36050567903502 + 1.51880872209965*I]
sage: f.roots(ring=QQ)
sage: f.roots(ring=QQbar, multiplicities=False)
[-0.05881152231844944?, -1.331099917875796? - 1.522416551837318?*I, -1.331099917875796? + 1.522416551837318?*I, 1.360505679035020? - 1.518808722099650?*I, 1.360505679035020? + 1.518808722099650?*I]
Root finding over finite fields:
sage: f.roots(ring=GF(7^2, 'a'))
[(3, 1), (4*a + 6, 2), (3*a + 3, 2)]
sage: (sqrt(3) * f).roots(ring=QQ)
TypeError: unable to convert sqrt(3) to a rational
Round this expression to the nearest integer.
This method evaluates an expression in RR first and rounds the result. This may lead to misleading results.
sage: t = sqrt(Integer('1'*1000)).round(); t
This is off by a huge margin:
sage: (Integer('1'*1000) - t^2).ndigits()
Return the power series expansion of self in terms of the variable symbol to the given order.
To truncate the power series and obtain a normal expression, use the truncate command.
We expand a polynomial in about 0, about
, and also truncate
it back to a polynomial:
sage: var('x,y')
(x, y)
sage: f = (x^3 - sin(y)*x^2 - 5*x + 3); f
x^3 - x^2*sin(y) - 5*x + 3
sage: g = f.series(x, 4); g
3 + (-5)*x + (-sin(y))*x^2 + 1*x^3
sage: g.truncate()
x^3 - x^2*sin(y) - 5*x + 3
sage: g = f.series(x==1, 4); g
(-sin(y) - 1) + (-2*sin(y) - 2)*(x - 1) + (-sin(y) + 3)*(x - 1)^2 + 1*(x - 1)^3
sage: h = g.truncate(); h
-(sin(y) - 3)*(x - 1)^2 + (x - 1)^3 - 2*(sin(y) + 1)*(x - 1) - sin(y) - 1
sage: h.expand()
x^3 - x^2*sin(y) - 5*x + 3
We computer another series expansion of an analytic function:
sage: f = sin(x)/x^2
sage: f.series(x,7)
1*x^(-1) + (-1/6)*x + 1/120*x^3 + (-1/5040)*x^5 + Order(x^7)
sage: f.series(x==1,3)
(sin(1)) + (-2*sin(1) + cos(1))*(x - 1) + (5/2*sin(1) - 2*cos(1))*(x - 1)^2 + Order((x - 1)^3)
sage: f.series(x==1,3).truncate().expand()
5/2*x^2*sin(1) - 2*x^2*cos(1) - 7*x*sin(1) + 5*x*cos(1) + 11/2*sin(1) - 3*cos(1)
Following the GiNaC tutorial, we use John Machin’s amazing
formula to compute
digits of
. We expand the arc tangent around 0 and insert
the fractions 1/5 and 1/239.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: f = atan(x).series(x, 10); f
1*x + (-1/3)*x^3 + 1/5*x^5 + (-1/7)*x^7 + 1/9*x^9 + Order(x^10)
sage: float(16*f.subs(x==1/5) - 4*f.subs(x==1/239))
Show this symbolic expression, i.e., typeset it nicely.
sage: (x^2 + 1).show()
x^{2} + 1
Returns a simplified version of this symbolic expression.
Currently, this just sends the expression to Maxima and converts it back to Sage.
See also
simplify_full(), simplify_trig(), simplify_rational(), simplify_radical(), simplify_factorial(), simplify_log()
sage: a = var('a'); f = x*sin(2)/(x^a); f
sage: f.simplify()
x^(-a + 1)*sin(2)
Simplifies this symbolic expression, which can contain logs, exponentials, and radicals, by converting it into a form which is canonical over a large class of expressions and a given ordering of variables
DETAILS: This uses the Maxima radcan() command. From the Maxima documentation: “All functionally equivalent forms are mapped into a unique form. For a somewhat larger class of expressions, produces a regular form. Two equivalent expressions in this class do not necessarily have the same appearance, but their difference can be simplified by radcan to zero. For some expressions radcan is quite time consuming. This is the cost of exploring certain relationships among the components of the expression for simplifications based on factoring and partial fraction expansions of exponents.”
ALIAS: radical_simplify, simplify_radical, exp_simplify, simplify_exp are all the same
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = log(x*y)
sage: f.simplify_radical()
log(x) + log(y)
sage: f = (log(x+x^2)-log(x))^a/log(1+x)^(a/2)
sage: f.simplify_radical()
log(x + 1)^(1/2*a)
sage: f = (e^x-1)/(1+e^(x/2))
sage: f.simplify_exp()
e^(1/2*x) - 1
Simplify by combining expressions with factorials, and by expanding binomials into factorials.
ALIAS: factorial_simplify and simplify_factorial are the same
Some examples are relatively clear:
sage: var('n,k')
(n, k)
sage: f = factorial(n+1)/factorial(n); f
factorial(n + 1)/factorial(n)
sage: f.simplify_factorial()
n + 1
sage: f = binomial(n, k)*factorial(k)*factorial(n-k); f
factorial(-k + n)*factorial(k)*binomial(n, k)
sage: f.simplify_factorial()
A more complicated example, which needs further processing:
sage: f = factorial(x)/factorial(x-2)/2 + factorial(x+1)/factorial(x)/2; f
1/2*factorial(x)/factorial(x - 2) + 1/2*factorial(x + 1)/factorial(x)
sage: g = f.simplify_factorial(); g
1/2*(x - 1)*x + 1/2*x + 1/2
sage: g.simplify_rational()
1/2*x^2 + 1/2
Applies simplify_factorial, simplify_trig, simplify_rational, and simplify_radical to self (in that order).
ALIAS: simplify_full and full_simplify are the same.
sage: a = log(8)/log(2)
sage: a.simplify_full()
sage: f = sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
sage: f.simplify_full()
sage: f = sin(x/(x^2 + x))
sage: f.simplify_full()
sin(1/(x + 1))
sage: var('n,k')
(n, k)
sage: f = binomial(n,k)*factorial(k)*factorial(n-k)
sage: f.simplify_full()
Simplifies symbolic expression, which can contain logs.
Recursively scans the expression self, transforming subexpressions of the form a1*log(b1) + a2*log(b2) + c into log(b1^a1 * b2^a2) + c and simplifies inside logarithm. User can specify, which conditions must satisfy a1 and a2 to use this transformation in optional parameter method.
self - expression to be simplified
method - (default: None) optional, governs the condition on a1 and a2 which must be satisfied to contract expression a1*log(b1) + a2*log(b2). Values are
See also examples below.
DETAILS: This uses the Maxima logcontract() command. From the Maxima documentation: “Recursively scans the expression expr, transforming subexpressions of the form a1*log(b1) + a2*log(b2) + c into log(ratsimp(b1^a1 * b2^a2)) + c. The user can control which coefficients are contracted by setting the option logconcoeffp to the name of a predicate function of one argument. E.g. if you like to generate SQRTs, you can do logconcoeffp:’logconfun` logconfun(m):=featurep(m,integer) or ratnump(m)` . Then logcontract(1/2*log(x)); will give log(sqrt(x)).”
ALIAS: log_simplify() and simplify_log() are the same
sage: x,y,t=var('x y t')
Only two first terms are contracted in the following example , the logarithm with coefficient 1/2 is not contracted:
sage: f = log(x)+2*log(y)+1/2*log(t)
sage: f.simplify_log()
log(x*y^2) + 1/2*log(t)
To contract all terms in previous example use option method:
sage: f.simplify_log(method='ratios')
This shows that the option method from the previous call has no influence to future calls (we changed some default Maxima flag, and have to ensure that this flag has been restored):
sage: f.simplify_log('one')
1/2*log(t) + log(x) + 2*log(y)
sage: f.simplify_log('ratios')
sage: f.simplify_log()
log(x*y^2) + 1/2*log(t)
To contract terms with no coefficient (more precisely, with coefficients 1 and -1) use option method:
sage: f = log(x)+2*log(y)-log(t)
sage: f.simplify_log('one')
2*log(y) + log(x/t)
sage: f = log(x)+log(y)-1/3*log((x+1))
sage: f.simplify_log()
-1/3*log(x + 1) + log(x*y)
sage: f.simplify_log('ratios')
log(x*y/(x + 1)^(1/3))
is irrational number, to contract logarithms in the following example
we have to put method to constants or all:
sage: f = log(x)+log(y)-pi*log((x+1))
sage: f.simplify_log('constants')
log(x*y/(x + 1)^pi)
x*log(9) is contracted only if method is all:
sage: (x*log(9)).simplify_log()
sage: (x*log(9)).simplify_log('all')
This shows that the issue at trac #7344 is fixed:
sage: (log(sqrt(2)-1)+log(sqrt(2)+1)).simplify_full()
Simplifies this symbolic expression, which can contain logs, exponentials, and radicals, by converting it into a form which is canonical over a large class of expressions and a given ordering of variables
DETAILS: This uses the Maxima radcan() command. From the Maxima documentation: “All functionally equivalent forms are mapped into a unique form. For a somewhat larger class of expressions, produces a regular form. Two equivalent expressions in this class do not necessarily have the same appearance, but their difference can be simplified by radcan to zero. For some expressions radcan is quite time consuming. This is the cost of exploring certain relationships among the components of the expression for simplifications based on factoring and partial fraction expansions of exponents.”
ALIAS: radical_simplify, simplify_radical, exp_simplify, simplify_exp are all the same
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = log(x*y)
sage: f.simplify_radical()
log(x) + log(y)
sage: f = (log(x+x^2)-log(x))^a/log(1+x)^(a/2)
sage: f.simplify_radical()
log(x + 1)^(1/2*a)
sage: f = (e^x-1)/(1+e^(x/2))
sage: f.simplify_exp()
e^(1/2*x) - 1
Simplify rational expressions.
ALIAS: rational_simplify() and simplify_rational() are the same
DETAILS: We call Maxima functions ratsimp, fullratsimp and xthru. If each part of the expression has to be simplified separately, we use Maxima function map.
sage: f = sin(x/(x^2 + x))
sage: f
sin(x/(x^2 + x))
sage: f.simplify_rational()
sin(1/(x + 1))
sage: f = ((x - 1)^(3/2) - (x + 1)*sqrt(x - 1))/sqrt((x - 1)*(x + 1)); f
((x - 1)^(3/2) - sqrt(x - 1)*(x + 1))/sqrt((x - 1)*(x + 1))
sage: f.simplify_rational()
-2*sqrt(x - 1)/sqrt(x^2 - 1)
With map=True each term in a sum is simplified separately and thus the resuls are shorter for functions which are combination of rational and nonrational funtions. In the following example, we use this option if we want not to combine logarithm and the rational function into one fraction:
sage: f=(x^2-1)/(x+1)-ln(x)/(x+2)
sage: f.simplify_rational()
(x^2 + x - log(x) - 2)/(x + 2)
sage: f.simplify_rational(map=True)
x - log(x)/(x + 2) - 1
Here is an example from the Maxima documentation of where method='simple' produces an (possibly useful) intermediate step:
sage: y = var('y')
sage: g = (x^(y/2) + 1)^2*(x^(y/2) - 1)^2/(x^y - 1)
sage: g.simplify_rational(method='simple')
-(2*x^y - x^(2*y) - 1)/(x^y - 1)
sage: g.simplify_rational()
x^y - 1
With option method='noexpand' we only convert to common denominators and add. No expansion of products is performed:
sage: f=1/(x+1)+x/(x+2)^2
sage: f.simplify_rational()
(2*x^2 + 5*x + 4)/(x^3 + 5*x^2 + 8*x + 4)
sage: f.simplify_rational(method='noexpand')
((x + 1)*x + (x + 2)^2)/((x + 1)*(x + 2)^2)
Optionally expands and then employs identities such as
, or
to simplify expressions containing tan, sec, etc., to sin,
cos, sinh, cosh.
ALIAS: trig_simplify() and simplify_trig() are the same
sage: f = sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2; f
sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
sage: f.simplify()
sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
sage: f.simplify_trig()
sage: h = sin(x)*csc(x)
sage: h.simplify_trig()
sage: k = tanh(x)*cosh(2*x)
sage: k.simplify_trig()
(2*sinh(x)^3 + sinh(x))/cosh(x)
In some cases we do not want to expand:
sage: f=tan(3*x)
sage: f.simplify_trig()
(4*cos(x)^2 - 1)*sin(x)/(4*cos(x)^3 - 3*cos(x))
sage: f.simplify_trig(False)
sage: var('x, y')
(x, y)
sage: sin(x^2 + y^2)
sin(x^2 + y^2)
sage: sin(sage.symbolic.constants.pi)
sage: sin(SR(1))
sage: sin(SR(RealField(150)(1)))
sage: SR(oo).sin()
RuntimeError: sin_eval(): sin(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(-oo).sin()
RuntimeError: sin_eval(): sin(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).sin()
RuntimeError: sin_eval(): sin(infinity) encountered
Return sinh of self.
We have .
sage: x.sinh()
sage: SR(1).sinh()
sage: SR(0).sinh()
sage: SR(1.0).sinh()
sage: maxima('sinh(1.0)')
sage: SR(1).sinh().n(90)
sage: SR(RIF(1)).sinh()
sage: SR(oo).sinh()
sage: SR(-oo).sinh()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).sinh()
RuntimeError: sinh_eval(): sinh(unsigned_infinity) encountered
Analytically solve the equation self == 0 or an univarite
inequality for the variable .
This is not a numerical solver - use find_root to solve for self == 0 numerically on an interval.
sage: z = var('z')
sage: (z^5 - 1).solve(z)
[z == e^(2/5*I*pi), z == e^(4/5*I*pi), z == e^(-4/5*I*pi), z == e^(-2/5*I*pi), z == 1]
sage: solve((z^3-1)^3, z, multiplicities=True)
([z == 1/2*I*sqrt(3) - 1/2, z == -1/2*I*sqrt(3) - 1/2, z == 1], [3, 3, 3])
A simple example to show use of the keyword multiplicities:
sage: ((x^2-1)^2).solve(x)
[x == -1, x == 1]
sage: ((x^2-1)^2).solve(x,multiplicities=True)
([x == -1, x == 1], [2, 2])
sage: ((x^2-1)^2).solve(x,multiplicities=True,to_poly_solve=True)
NotImplementedError: to_poly_solve does not return multiplicities
Here is how the explicit_solutions keyword functions:
sage: solve(sin(x)==x,x)
[x == sin(x)]
sage: solve(sin(x)==x,x,explicit_solutions=True)
sage: solve(x*sin(x)==x^2,x)
[x == 0, x == sin(x)]
sage: solve(x*sin(x)==x^2,x,explicit_solutions=True)
[x == 0]
The following examples show use of the keyword to_poly_solve:
sage: solve(abs(1-abs(1-x)) == 10, x)
sage: solve(abs(1-abs(1-x)) == 10, x, to_poly_solve=True)
[x == 12, x == -10]
sage: var('Q')
sage: solve(Q*sqrt(Q^2 + 2) - 1, Q)
[Q == 1/sqrt(Q^2 + 2)]
sage: solve(Q*sqrt(Q^2 + 2) - 1, Q, to_poly_solve=True)
[Q == 1/sqrt(-sqrt(2) + 1), Q == 1/sqrt(sqrt(2) + 1)]
In some cases there may be infinitely many solutions indexed by a dummy variable. If it begins with z, it is implicitly assumed to be an integer, a real if with r, and so on:
sage: solve( sin(x)==cos(x), x, to_poly_solve=True)
[x == 1/4*pi + pi*z45]
An effort is made to only return solutions that satisfy the current assumptions:
sage: solve(x^2==4, x)
[x == -2, x == 2]
sage: assume(x<0)
sage: solve(x^2==4, x)
[x == -2]
sage: solve((x^2-4)^2 == 0, x, multiplicities=True)
([x == -2], [2])
sage: solve(x^2==2, x)
[x == -sqrt(2)]
sage: assume(x, 'rational')
sage: solve(x^2 == 2, x)
sage: solve(x^2==2-z, x)
[x == -sqrt(-z + 2)]
sage: solve((x-z)^2==2, x)
[x == z - sqrt(2), x == z + sqrt(2)]
There is still room for improvement:
sage: assume(x, 'integer')
sage: assume(z, 'integer')
sage: solve((x-z)^2==2, x)
[x == z - sqrt(2), x == z + sqrt(2)]
sage: forget()
In some cases it may be worthwhile to directly use to_poly_solve, if one suspects some answers are being missed:
sage: solve(cos(x)==0,x)
[x == 1/2*pi]
sage: solve(cos(x)==0,x,to_poly_solve=True)
[x == 1/2*pi]
sage: from sage.calculus.calculus import maxima
sage: sol = maxima(cos(x)==0).to_poly_solve(x)
sage: sol.sage()
[[x == -1/2*pi + 2*pi*z57], [x == 1/2*pi + 2*pi*z59]]
If a returned unsolved expression has a denominator, but the original one did not, this may also be true:
sage: solve(cos(x) * sin(x) == 1/2, x, to_poly_solve=True)
[sin(x) == 1/2/cos(x)]
sage: from sage.calculus.calculus import maxima
sage: sol = maxima(cos(x) * sin(x) == 1/2).to_poly_solve(x)
sage: sol.sage()
[[x == 1/4*pi + pi*z73]]
Some basic inequalities can be also solved:
sage: x,y=var('x,y'); (ln(x)-ln(y)>0).solve(x)
[[log(x) - log(y) > 0]]
sage: x,y=var('x,y'); (ln(x)>ln(y)).solve(x) # not tested - output depends on system
[[0 < y, y < x, 0 < x]]
[[y < x, 0 < y]]
Trac #7325 (solving inequalities):
sage: (x^2>1).solve(x)
[[x < -1], [x > 1]]
Catch error message from Maxima:
sage: solve(acot(x),x)
sage: solve(acot(x),x,to_poly_solve=True)
Trac #7491 fixed:
sage: y=var('y')
sage: solve(y==y,y)
[y == r1]
sage: solve(y==y,y,multiplicities=True)
([y == r1], [])
sage: from sage.symbolic.assumptions import GenericDeclaration
sage: GenericDeclaration(x, 'rational').assume()
sage: solve(x^2 == 2, x)
sage: forget()
Trac #8390 fixed:
sage: solve(sin(x)==1/2,x)
[x == 1/6*pi]
sage: solve(sin(x)==1/2,x,to_poly_solve=True)
[x == 1/6*pi]
sage: solve(sin(x)==1/2,x,to_poly_solve='force')
[x == 5/6*pi + 2*pi*z87, x == 1/6*pi + 2*pi*z85]
Return the value of the Heaviside step function, which is 0 for negative x, 1/2 for 0, and 1 for positive x.
sage: x = var('x')
sage: SR(1.5).step()
sage: SR(0).step()
sage: SR(-1/2).step()
sage: SR(float(-1)).step()
sage: var('x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f')
(x, y, z, a, b, c, d, e, f)
sage: w0 = SR.wild(0); w1 = SR.wild(1)
sage: t = a^2 + b^2 + (x+y)^3
# substitute with keyword arguments (works only with symbols)
sage: t.subs(a=c)
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
# substitute with a dictionary argument
sage: t.subs({a^2: c})
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c
sage: t.subs({w0^2: w0^3})
(x + y)^3 + a^3 + b^3
# substitute with a relational expression
sage: t.subs(w0^2 == w0^3)
(x + y)^3 + a^3 + b^3
sage: t.subs(w0==w0^2)
(x^2 + y^2)^18 + a^16 + b^16
# more than one keyword argument is accepted
sage: t.subs(a=b, b=c)
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
# using keyword arguments with a dictionary is allowed
sage: t.subs({a:b}, b=c)
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
# in this case keyword arguments override the dictionary
sage: t.subs({a:b}, a=c)
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
sage: t.subs({a:b, b:c})
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
sage: # no arguments return the same expression
sage: t.subs()
(x + y)^3 + a^2 + b^2
# similarly for an empty dictionary argument
sage: t.subs({})
(x + y)^3 + a^2 + b^2
# non keyword or dictionary argument returns error
sage: t.subs(5)
TypeError: subs takes either a set of keyword arguments, a dictionary, or a symbolic relational expression
# substitutions with infinity
sage: (x/y).subs(y=oo)
sage: (x/y).subs(x=oo)
sage: (x*y).subs(x=oo)
sage: (x^y).subs(x=oo)
RuntimeError: power::eval(): pow(Infinity, x) for non numeric x is not defined.
sage: (x^y).subs(y=oo)
RuntimeError: power::eval(): pow(x, Infinity) for non numeric x is not defined.
sage: (x+y).subs(x=oo)
sage: (x-y).subs(y=oo)
sage: gamma(x).subs(x=-1)
sage: 1/gamma(x).subs(x=-1)
# verify that this operation does not modify the passed dictionary (#6622)
sage: var('v t')
(v, t)
sage: f = v*t
sage: D = {v: 2}
sage: f(D, t=3)
sage: D
{v: 2}
Given a dictionary of key:value pairs, substitute all occurrences of key for value in self. The substitutions can also be given as a number of symbolic equalities key == value; see the examples.
This is a formal pattern substitution, which may or may not have any mathematical meaning. The exact rules used at present in Sage are determined by Maxima’s subst command. Sometimes patterns are not replaced even though one would think they should be - see examples below.
sage: f = x^2 + 1
sage: f.subs_expr(x^2 == x)
x + 1
sage: var('x,y,z'); f = x^3 + y^2 + z
(x, y, z)
sage: f.subs_expr(x^3 == y^2, z == 1)
2*y^2 + 1
Or the same thing giving the substitutions as a dictionary:
sage: f.subs_expr({x^3:y^2, z:1})
2*y^2 + 1
sage: f = x^2 + x^4
sage: f.subs_expr(x^2 == x)
x^4 + x
sage: f = cos(x^2) + sin(x^2)
sage: f.subs_expr(x^2 == x)
sin(x) + cos(x)
sage: f(x,y,t) = cos(x) + sin(y) + x^2 + y^2 + t
sage: f.subs_expr(y^2 == t)
(x, y, t) |--> x^2 + 2*t + sin(y) + cos(x)
The following seems really weird, but it is what Maple does:
sage: f.subs_expr(x^2 + y^2 == t)
(x, y, t) |--> x^2 + y^2 + t + sin(y) + cos(x)
sage: maple.eval('subs(x^2 + y^2 = t, cos(x) + sin(y) + x^2 + y^2 + t)') # optional requires maple
sage: maxima.quit()
sage: maxima.eval('cos(x) + sin(y) + x^2 + y^2 + t, x^2 + y^2 = t')
Actually Mathematica does something that makes more sense:
sage: mathematica.eval('Cos[x] + Sin[y] + x^2 + y^2 + t /. x^2 + y^2 -> t') # optional -- requires mathematica
2 t + Cos[x] + Sin[y]
sage: var('x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f')
(x, y, z, a, b, c, d, e, f)
sage: w0 = SR.wild(0); w1 = SR.wild(1)
sage: t = a^2 + b^2 + (x+y)^3
# substitute with keyword arguments (works only with symbols)
sage: t.subs(a=c)
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
# substitute with a dictionary argument
sage: t.subs({a^2: c})
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c
sage: t.subs({w0^2: w0^3})
(x + y)^3 + a^3 + b^3
# substitute with a relational expression
sage: t.subs(w0^2 == w0^3)
(x + y)^3 + a^3 + b^3
sage: t.subs(w0==w0^2)
(x^2 + y^2)^18 + a^16 + b^16
# more than one keyword argument is accepted
sage: t.subs(a=b, b=c)
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
# using keyword arguments with a dictionary is allowed
sage: t.subs({a:b}, b=c)
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
# in this case keyword arguments override the dictionary
sage: t.subs({a:b}, a=c)
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
sage: t.subs({a:b, b:c})
(x + y)^3 + b^2 + c^2
sage: # no arguments return the same expression
sage: t.subs()
(x + y)^3 + a^2 + b^2
# similarly for an empty dictionary argument
sage: t.subs({})
(x + y)^3 + a^2 + b^2
# non keyword or dictionary argument returns error
sage: t.subs(5)
TypeError: subs takes either a set of keyword arguments, a dictionary, or a symbolic relational expression
# substitutions with infinity
sage: (x/y).subs(y=oo)
sage: (x/y).subs(x=oo)
sage: (x*y).subs(x=oo)
sage: (x^y).subs(x=oo)
RuntimeError: power::eval(): pow(Infinity, x) for non numeric x is not defined.
sage: (x^y).subs(y=oo)
RuntimeError: power::eval(): pow(x, Infinity) for non numeric x is not defined.
sage: (x+y).subs(x=oo)
sage: (x-y).subs(y=oo)
sage: gamma(x).subs(x=-1)
sage: 1/gamma(x).subs(x=-1)
# verify that this operation does not modify the passed dictionary (#6622)
sage: var('v t')
(v, t)
sage: f = v*t
sage: D = {v: 2}
sage: f(D, t=3)
sage: D
{v: 2}
Given a dictionary of key:value pairs, substitute all occurrences of key for value in self. The substitutions can also be given as a number of symbolic equalities key == value; see the examples.
This is a formal pattern substitution, which may or may not have any mathematical meaning. The exact rules used at present in Sage are determined by Maxima’s subst command. Sometimes patterns are not replaced even though one would think they should be - see examples below.
sage: f = x^2 + 1
sage: f.subs_expr(x^2 == x)
x + 1
sage: var('x,y,z'); f = x^3 + y^2 + z
(x, y, z)
sage: f.subs_expr(x^3 == y^2, z == 1)
2*y^2 + 1
Or the same thing giving the substitutions as a dictionary:
sage: f.subs_expr({x^3:y^2, z:1})
2*y^2 + 1
sage: f = x^2 + x^4
sage: f.subs_expr(x^2 == x)
x^4 + x
sage: f = cos(x^2) + sin(x^2)
sage: f.subs_expr(x^2 == x)
sin(x) + cos(x)
sage: f(x,y,t) = cos(x) + sin(y) + x^2 + y^2 + t
sage: f.subs_expr(y^2 == t)
(x, y, t) |--> x^2 + 2*t + sin(y) + cos(x)
The following seems really weird, but it is what Maple does:
sage: f.subs_expr(x^2 + y^2 == t)
(x, y, t) |--> x^2 + y^2 + t + sin(y) + cos(x)
sage: maple.eval('subs(x^2 + y^2 = t, cos(x) + sin(y) + x^2 + y^2 + t)') # optional requires maple
sage: maxima.quit()
sage: maxima.eval('cos(x) + sin(y) + x^2 + y^2 + t, x^2 + y^2 = t')
Actually Mathematica does something that makes more sense:
sage: mathematica.eval('Cos[x] + Sin[y] + x^2 + y^2 + t /. x^2 + y^2 -> t') # optional -- requires mathematica
2 t + Cos[x] + Sin[y]
Returns this symbolic expressions all occurrences of the function original replaced with the function new.
sage: x,y = var('x,y')
sage: foo = function('foo'); bar = function('bar')
sage: f = foo(x) + 1/foo(pi*y)
sage: f.substitute_function(foo, bar)
1/bar(pi*y) + bar(x)
Returns a relation obtained by subtracting x from both sides of this relation.
sage: eqn = x*sin(x)*sqrt(3) + sqrt(2) > cos(sin(x))
sage: eqn.subtract_from_both_sides(sqrt(2))
sqrt(3)*x*sin(x) > -sqrt(2) + cos(sin(x))
sage: eqn.subtract_from_both_sides(cos(sin(x)))
sqrt(3)*x*sin(x) + sqrt(2) - cos(sin(x)) > 0
Returns the symbolic sum
with respect to the variable with endpoints
v - a variable or variable name
a - lower endpoint of the sum
b - upper endpoint of the sum
algorithm - (default: ‘maxima’) one of
- ‘maxima’ - use Maxima (the default)
- ‘maple’ - (optional) use Maple
- ‘mathematica’ - (optional) use Mathematica
sage: k, n = var('k,n')
sage: k.sum(k, 1, n).factor()
1/2*(n + 1)*n
sage: (1/k^4).sum(k, 1, oo)
sage: (1/k^5).sum(k, 1, oo)
A well known binomial identity:
sage: binomial(n,k).sum(k, 0, n)
And some truncations thereof:
sage: binomial(n,k).sum(k,1,n)
2^n - 1
sage: binomial(n,k).sum(k,2,n)
2^n - n - 1
sage: binomial(n,k).sum(k,0,n-1)
2^n - 1
sage: binomial(n,k).sum(k,1,n-1)
2^n - 2
The binomial theorem:
sage: x, y = var('x, y')
sage: (binomial(n,k) * x^k * y^(n-k)).sum(k, 0, n)
(x + y)^n
sage: (k * binomial(n, k)).sum(k, 1, n)
n*2^(n - 1)
sage: ((-1)^k*binomial(n,k)).sum(k, 0, n)
sage: (2^(-k)/(k*(k+1))).sum(k, 1, oo)
-log(2) + 1
Summing a hypergeometric term:
sage: (binomial(n, k) * factorial(k) / factorial(n+1+k)).sum(k, 0, n)
1/2*sqrt(pi)/factorial(n + 1/2)
We check a well known identity:
sage: bool((k^3).sum(k, 1, n) == k.sum(k, 1, n)^2)
A geometric sum:
sage: a, q = var('a, q')
sage: (a*q^k).sum(k, 0, n)
(a*q^(n + 1) - a)/(q - 1)
The geometric series:
sage: assume(abs(q) < 1)
sage: (a*q^k).sum(k, 0, oo)
-a/(q - 1)
A divergent geometric series. Don’t forget to forget your assumptions:
sage: forget()
sage: assume(q > 1)
sage: (a*q^k).sum(k, 0, oo)
ValueError: Sum is divergent.
This summation only Mathematica can perform:
sage: (1/(1+k^2)).sum(k, -oo, oo, algorithm = 'mathematica') # optional -- requires mathematica
Use Maple as a backend for summation:
sage: (binomial(n,k)*x^k).sum(k, 0, n, algorithm = 'maple') # optional -- requires maple
(x + 1)^n
sage: var('x, y')
(x, y)
sage: tan(x^2 + y^2)
tan(x^2 + y^2)
sage: tan(sage.symbolic.constants.pi/2)
sage: tan(SR(1))
sage: tan(SR(RealField(150)(1)))
sage: SR(oo).tan()
RuntimeError: tan_eval(): tan(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(-oo).tan()
RuntimeError: tan_eval(): tan(infinity) encountered
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).tan()
RuntimeError: tan_eval(): tan(infinity) encountered
Return tanh of self.
We have .
sage: x.tanh()
sage: SR(1).tanh()
sage: SR(0).tanh()
sage: SR(1.0).tanh()
sage: maxima('tanh(1.0)')
sage: plot(lambda x: SR(x).tanh(), -1, 1)
sage: SR(oo).tanh()
sage: SR(-oo).tanh()
sage: SR(unsigned_infinity).tanh()
RuntimeError: tanh_eval(): tanh(unsigned_infinity) encountered
Expands this symbolic expression in a truncated Taylor or
Laurent series in the variable around the point
containing terms through
. Functions in more
variables is also supported.
sage: var('a, x, z')
(a, x, z)
sage: taylor(a*log(z), z, 2, 3)
1/24*(z - 2)^3*a - 1/8*(z - 2)^2*a + 1/2*(z - 2)*a + a*log(2)
sage: taylor(sqrt (sin(x) + a*x + 1), x, 0, 3)
1/48*(3*a^3 + 9*a^2 + 9*a - 1)*x^3 - 1/8*(a^2 + 2*a + 1)*x^2 + 1/2*(a + 1)*x + 1
sage: taylor (sqrt (x + 1), x, 0, 5)
7/256*x^5 - 5/128*x^4 + 1/16*x^3 - 1/8*x^2 + 1/2*x + 1
sage: taylor (1/log (x + 1), x, 0, 3)
-19/720*x^3 + 1/24*x^2 - 1/12*x + 1/x + 1/2
sage: taylor (cos(x) - sec(x), x, 0, 5)
-1/6*x^4 - x^2
sage: taylor ((cos(x) - sec(x))^3, x, 0, 9)
-1/2*x^8 - x^6
sage: taylor (1/(cos(x) - sec(x))^3, x, 0, 5)
-15377/7983360*x^4 - 6767/604800*x^2 + 11/120/x^2 + 1/2/x^4 - 1/x^6 - 347/15120
Ticket #7472 fixed (Taylor polynomial in more variables)
sage: x,y=var('x y'); taylor(x*y^3,(x,1),(y,1),4)
(y - 1)^3*(x - 1) + (y - 1)^3 + 3*(y - 1)^2*(x - 1) + 3*(y - 1)^2 + 3*(y - 1)*(x - 1) + x + 3*y - 3
sage: expand(_)
Test this relation at several random values, attempting to find a contradiction. If this relation has no variables, it will also test this relation after casting into the domain.
Because the interval fields never return false positives, we can be assured that if True or False is returned (and proof is False) then the answer is correct.
ntests -- (default 20) the number of iterations to run
domain -- (optional) the domain from which to draw the random values
defaults to CIF for equality testing and RIF for
order testing
proof -- (default True) if False and the domain is an interval field,
regard overlapping (potentially equal) intervals as equal,
and return True if all tests succeeded.
True - this relation holds in the domain and has no variables
False - a contradiction was found
NotImplemented - no contradiction found
sage: (3 < pi).test_relation()
sage: (0 >= pi).test_relation()
sage: (exp(pi) - pi).n()
sage: (exp(pi) - pi == 20).test_relation()
sage: (sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 == 1).test_relation()
sage: (sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 == 1).test_relation(proof=False)
sage: (x == 1).test_relation()
sage: var('x,y')
(x, y)
sage: (x < y).test_relation()
sage: all_relations = [op for name, op in sorted(operator.__dict__.items()) if len(name) == 2]
sage: all_relations
[<built-in function eq>, <built-in function ge>, <built-in function gt>, <built-in function le>, <built-in function lt>, <built-in function ne>]
sage: [op(3, pi).test_relation() for op in all_relations]
[False, False, False, True, True, True]
sage: [op(pi, pi).test_relation() for op in all_relations]
[True, True, False, True, False, False]
sage: s = 'some_very_long_variable_name_which_will_definitely_collide_if_we_use_a_reasonable_length_bound_for_a_hash_that_respects_lexicographic_order'
sage: t1, t2 = var(','.join([s+'1',s+'2']))
sage: (t1 == t2).test_relation()
Return the trailing coefficient of s in self, i.e., the coefficient of the smallest power of s in self.
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = 100 + a*x + x^3*sin(x*y) + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x; f
x^3*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x + 100
sage: f.trailing_coefficient(x)
sage: f.trailing_coefficient(y)
sage: f.trailing_coefficient(sin(x*y))
a*x + x*y + x/y + 100
Return the trailing coefficient of s in self, i.e., the coefficient of the smallest power of s in self.
sage: var('x,y,a')
(x, y, a)
sage: f = 100 + a*x + x^3*sin(x*y) + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x; f
x^3*sin(x*y) + a*x + x*y + x/y + 2*sin(x*y)/x + 100
sage: f.trailing_coefficient(x)
sage: f.trailing_coefficient(y)
sage: f.trailing_coefficient(sin(x*y))
a*x + x*y + x/y + 100
Expands trigonometric and hyperbolic functions of sums of angles and of multiple angles occurring in self. For best results, self should already be expanded.
OUTPUT: a symbolic expression
sage: sin(5*x).expand_trig()
sin(x)^5 - 10*sin(x)^3*cos(x)^2 + 5*sin(x)*cos(x)^4
sage: cos(2*x + var('y')).expand_trig()
-sin(2*x)*sin(y) + cos(2*x)*cos(y)
We illustrate various options to this function:
sage: f = sin(sin(3*cos(2*x))*x)
sage: f.expand_trig()
sin(-(sin(cos(2*x))^3 - 3*sin(cos(2*x))*cos(cos(2*x))^2)*x)
sage: f.expand_trig(full=True)
sin(((sin(sin(x)^2)*cos(cos(x)^2) - sin(cos(x)^2)*cos(sin(x)^2))^3 - 3*(sin(sin(x)^2)*cos(cos(x)^2) - sin(cos(x)^2)*cos(sin(x)^2))*(sin(sin(x)^2)*sin(cos(x)^2) + cos(sin(x)^2)*cos(cos(x)^2))^2)*x)
sage: sin(2*x).expand_trig(times=False)
sage: sin(2*x).expand_trig(times=True)
sage: sin(2 + x).expand_trig(plus=False)
sin(x + 2)
sage: sin(2 + x).expand_trig(plus=True)
sin(2)*cos(x) + sin(x)*cos(2)
sage: sin(x/2).expand_trig(half_angles=False)
sage: sin(x/2).expand_trig(half_angles=True)
1/2*sqrt(-cos(x) + 1)*sqrt(2)*(-1)^floor(1/2*x/pi)
trig_expand() and expand_trig() are the same
Combines products and powers of trigonometric and hyperbolic sin’s and cos’s of x into those of multiples of x. It also tries to eliminate these functions when they occur in denominators.
OUTPUT: a symbolic expression
sage: y=var('y')
sage: f=sin(x)*cos(x)^3+sin(y)^2
sage: f.reduce_trig()
1/4*sin(2*x) + 1/8*sin(4*x) - 1/2*cos(2*y) + 1/2
To reduce only the expressions involving x we use optional parameter:
sage: f.reduce_trig(x)
sin(y)^2 + 1/4*sin(2*x) + 1/8*sin(4*x)
ALIASES: trig_reduce() and reduce_trig() are the same
Optionally expands and then employs identities such as
, or
to simplify expressions containing tan, sec, etc., to sin,
cos, sinh, cosh.
ALIAS: trig_simplify() and simplify_trig() are the same
sage: f = sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2; f
sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
sage: f.simplify()
sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
sage: f.simplify_trig()
sage: h = sin(x)*csc(x)
sage: h.simplify_trig()
sage: k = tanh(x)*cosh(2*x)
sage: k.simplify_trig()
(2*sinh(x)^3 + sinh(x))/cosh(x)
In some cases we do not want to expand:
sage: f=tan(3*x)
sage: f.simplify_trig()
(4*cos(x)^2 - 1)*sin(x)/(4*cos(x)^3 - 3*cos(x))
sage: f.simplify_trig(False)
Given a power series or expression, return the corresponding expression without the big oh.
sage: f = sin(x)/x^2
sage: f.truncate()
sage: f.series(x,7)
1*x^(-1) + (-1/6)*x + 1/120*x^3 + (-1/5040)*x^5 + Order(x^7)
sage: f.series(x,7).truncate()
-1/5040*x^5 + 1/120*x^3 - 1/6*x + 1/x
sage: f.series(x==1,3).truncate().expand()
5/2*x^2*sin(1) - 2*x^2*cos(1) - 7*x*sin(1) + 5*x*cos(1) + 11/2*sin(1) - 3*cos(1)
Return sorted tuple of variables that occur in this expression.
sage: (x,y,z) = var('x,y,z')
sage: (x+y).variables()
(x, y)
sage: (2*x).variables()
sage: (x^y).variables()
(x, y)
sage: sin(x+y^z).variables()
(x, y, z)
sage: x, y = var('x, y')
sage: (x/y).zeta()
sage: SR(2).zeta()
sage: SR(3).zeta()
sage: SR(CDF(0,1)).zeta()
0.00330022368532 - 0.418155449141*I
sage: CDF(0,1).zeta()
0.00330022368532 - 0.418155449141*I
sage: plot(lambda x: SR(x).zeta(), -10,10).show(ymin=-3,ymax=3)
sage: t = SR(1).zeta(); t
sage: t.n()
Bases: object
Returns True if x is a symbolic Expression.
sage: from sage.symbolic.expression import is_Expression
sage: is_Expression(x)
sage: is_Expression(2)
sage: is_Expression(SR(2))
Returns True if x is a symbolic equation.
The following two examples are symbolic equations:
sage: from sage.symbolic.expression import is_SymbolicEquation
sage: is_SymbolicEquation(sin(x) == x)
sage: is_SymbolicEquation(sin(x) < x)
sage: is_SymbolicEquation(x)
This is not, since 2==3 evaluates to the boolean False:
sage: is_SymbolicEquation(2 == 3)
However here since both 2 and 3 are coerced to be symbolic, we obtain a symbolic equation:
sage: is_SymbolicEquation(SR(2) == SR(3))