Formal groups of elliptic curves.


  • William Stein: original implementations
  • David Harvey: improved asymptotics of some methods
  • Nick Alexander: separation from, bugfixes and docstrings
class sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.formal_group.EllipticCurveFormalGroup(E)

Bases: sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject

The formal group associated to an elliptic curve.


The elliptic curve this formal group is associated to.


sage: E = EllipticCurve("37a")
sage: F = E.formal_group()
sage: F.curve()
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x over Rational Field

Returns the power series f(t) = 1 + \cdots such that f(t) dt is the usual invariant differential dx/(2y + a_1 x + a_3).


  • prec - nonnegative integer (default 20), answer will be returned O(t^{\mathrm{prec}})

OUTPUT: a power series with given precision

DETAILS: Return the formal series

f(t) = 1 + a_1 t + ({a_1}^2 + a_2) t^2 + \cdots

to precision O(t^{prec}) of page 113 of [Silverman AEC1].

The result is cached, and a cached version is returned if possible.


The resulting series will have precision prec, but its parent PowerSeriesRing will have default precision 20 (or whatever the default default is).


sage: EllipticCurve([-1, 1/4]).formal_group().differential(15)
 1 - 2*t^4 + 3/4*t^6 + 6*t^8 - 5*t^10 - 305/16*t^12 + 105/4*t^14 + O(t^15)
sage: EllipticCurve(Integers(53), [-1, 1/4]).formal_group().differential(15)
 1 + 51*t^4 + 14*t^6 + 6*t^8 + 48*t^10 + 24*t^12 + 13*t^14 + O(t^15)


  • David Harvey (2006-09-10): factored out of log

The formal group law.


  • prec - integer (default 10)

OUTPUT: a power series with given precision in ZZ[[ ZZ[[‘t1’]],’t2’]]

DETAILS: Return the formal power series

F(t_1, t_2) = t_1 + t_2 - a_1 t_1 t_2 - \cdots

to precision O(t^{prec}) of page 115 of [Silverman AEC1].

The result is cached, and a cached version is returned if possible.


The resulting power series will have precision prec, but its parent PowerSeriesRing will have default precision 20 (or whatever the default default is).


  • Nick Alexander: minor fixes, docstring


sage: e = EllipticCurve([1, 2])
sage: F = e.formal_group().group_law(5); F
 t1 + O(t1^5) + (1 - 2*t1^4 + O(t1^5))*t2 + (-4*t1^3 + O(t1^5))*t2^2 + (-4*t1^2 - 30*t1^4 + O(t1^5))*t2^3 + (-2*t1 - 30*t1^3 + O(t1^5))*t2^4 + O(t2^5)
sage: i = e.formal_group().inverse(5)
sage: Fx = F.base_extend(F.base_ring().base_extend(i.parent()))
sage: Fx (i.parent().gen()) (i)

Let’s ensure caching with changed precision is working:

sage: e.formal_group().group_law(4)
 t1 + O(t1^4) + (1 + O(t1^4))*t2 + (-4*t1^3 + O(t1^4))*t2^2 + (-4*t1^2 + O(t1^4))*t2^3 + O(t2^4)

The formal group inverse law i(t), which satisfies F(t, i(t)) = 0.


  • prec - integer (default 20)

OUTPUT: a power series with given precision

DETAILS: Return the formal power series

i(t) = - t + a_1 t^2 + \cdots

to precision O(t^{prec}) of page 114 of [Silverman AEC1].

The result is cached, and a cached version is returned if possible.


The resulting power series will have precision prec, but its parent PowerSeriesRing will have default precision 20 (or whatever the default default is).


sage: e = EllipticCurve([1, 2])
sage: F = e.formal_group().group_law(5)
sage: i = e.formal_group().inverse(5)
sage: Fx = F.base_extend(F.base_ring().base_extend(i.parent()))
sage: Fx (i) (i.parent().gen())

Returns the power series f(t) = t + \cdots which is an isomorphism to the additive formal group.

Generally this only makes sense in characteristic zero, although the terms before t^p may work in characteristic p.


  • prec - nonnegative integer (default 20)

OUTPUT: a power series with given precision


sage: EllipticCurve([-1, 1/4]).formal_group().log(15)
 t - 2/5*t^5 + 3/28*t^7 + 2/3*t^9 - 5/11*t^11 - 305/208*t^13 + O(t^15)


  • David Harvey (2006-09-10): rewrote to use differential
mult_by_n(n, prec=10)

The formal ‘multiplication by n’ endomorphism [n].


  • prec - integer (default 10)

OUTPUT: a power series with given precision

DETAILS: Return the formal power series

[n](t) = n t + \cdots

to precision O(t^{prec}) of Proposition 2.3 of [Silverman AEC1].


The resulting power series will have precision prec, but its parent PowerSeriesRing will have default precision 20 (or whatever the default default is).


  • Nick Alexander: minor fixes, docstring
  • David Harvey (2007-03): faster algorithm for char 0 field case
  • Hamish Ivey-Law (2009-06): double-and-add algorithm for non char 0 field case.
  • Tom Boothby (2009-06): slight improvement to double-and-add


sage: e = EllipticCurve([1, 2, 3, 4, 6])
sage: e.formal_group().mult_by_n(0, 5)
sage: e.formal_group().mult_by_n(1, 5)
 t + O(t^5)

We verify an identity of low degree:

sage: none = e.formal_group().mult_by_n(-1, 5)
sage: two = e.formal_group().mult_by_n(2, 5)
sage: ntwo = e.formal_group().mult_by_n(-2, 5)
sage: ntwo - none(two)
sage: ntwo - two(none)

It’s quite fast:

sage: E = EllipticCurve("37a"); F = E.formal_group()
sage: F.mult_by_n(100, 20)
100*t - 49999950*t^4 + 3999999960*t^5 + 14285614285800*t^7 - 2999989920000150*t^8 + 133333325333333400*t^9 - 3571378571674999800*t^10 + 1402585362624965454000*t^11 - 146666057066712847999500*t^12 + 5336978000014213190385000*t^13 - 519472790950932256570002000*t^14 + 93851927683683567270392002800*t^15 - 6673787211563812368630730325175*t^16 + 320129060335050875009191524993000*t^17 - 45670288869783478472872833214986000*t^18 + 5302464956134111125466184947310391600*t^19 + O(t^20)


sage: F = EllipticCurve(GF(17), [1, 1]).formal_group()
sage: F.mult_by_n(10, 50)
10*t + 5*t^5 + 7*t^7 + 13*t^9 + t^11 + 16*t^13 + 13*t^15 + 9*t^17 + 16*t^19 + 15*t^23 + 15*t^25 + 2*t^27 + 10*t^29 + 8*t^31 + 15*t^33 + 6*t^35 + 7*t^37 + 9*t^39 + 10*t^41 + 5*t^43 + 4*t^45 + 6*t^47 + 13*t^49 + O(t^50)

sage: F = EllipticCurve(GF(101), [1, 1]).formal_group()
sage: F.mult_by_n(100, 20)
100*t + O(t^20)


sage: E = EllipticCurve('14a')
sage: F = E.formal_group()
sage: F.sigma(5)
t + 1/2*t^2 + (1/2*c + 1/3)*t^3 + (3/4*c + 3/4)*t^4 + O(t^5)

The formal group power series w.


  • prec - integer (default 20)

OUTPUT: a power series with given precision

DETAILS: Return the formal power series

w(t) = t^3 + a_1 t^4 + (a_2 + a_1^2) t^5 + \cdots

to precision O(t^{prec}) of Proposition IV.1.1 of [Silverman AEC1]. This is the formal expansion of w = -1/y about the formal parameter t = -x/y at \\infty.

The result is cached, and a cached version is returned if possible.


The resulting power series will have precision prec, but its parent PowerSeriesRing will have default precision 20 (or whatever the default default is).

ALGORITHM: Uses Newton’s method to solve the elliptic curve equation at the origin. Complexity is roughly O(M(n)) where n is the precision and M(n) is the time required to multiply polynomials of length n over the coefficient ring of E.


  • David Harvey (2006-09-09): modified to use Newton’s method instead of a recurrence formula.


sage: e = EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1, -1, 0])
sage: e.formal_group().w(10)
 t^3 + t^6 - t^7 + 2*t^9 + O(t^10)

Check that caching works:

sage: e = EllipticCurve([3, 2, -4, -2, 5])
sage: e.formal_group().w(20)
 t^3 + 3*t^4 + 11*t^5 + 35*t^6 + 101*t^7 + 237*t^8 + 312*t^9 - 949*t^10 - 10389*t^11 - 57087*t^12 - 244092*t^13 - 865333*t^14 - 2455206*t^15 - 4366196*t^16 + 6136610*t^17 + 109938783*t^18 + 688672497*t^19 + O(t^20)
sage: e.formal_group().w(7)
 t^3 + 3*t^4 + 11*t^5 + 35*t^6 + O(t^7)
sage: e.formal_group().w(35)
 t^3 + 3*t^4 + 11*t^5 + 35*t^6 + 101*t^7 + 237*t^8 + 312*t^9 - 949*t^10 - 10389*t^11 - 57087*t^12 - 244092*t^13 - 865333*t^14 - 2455206*t^15 - 4366196*t^16 + 6136610*t^17 + 109938783*t^18 + 688672497*t^19 + 3219525807*t^20 + 12337076504*t^21 + 38106669615*t^22 + 79452618700*t^23 - 33430470002*t^24 - 1522228110356*t^25 - 10561222329021*t^26 - 52449326572178*t^27 - 211701726058446*t^28 - 693522772940043*t^29 - 1613471639599050*t^30 - 421817906421378*t^31 + 23651687753515182*t^32 + 181817896829144595*t^33 + 950887648021211163*t^34 + O(t^35)

Return the formal series x(t) = t/w(t) in terms of the local parameter t = -x/y at infinity.


  • prec - integer (default 20)

OUTPUT: a Laurent series with given precision

DETAILS: Return the formal series

x(t) = t^{-2} - a_1 t^{-1} - a_2 - a_3 t - \cdots

to precision O(t^{prec}) of page 113 of [Silverman AEC1].


The resulting series will have precision prec, but its parent PowerSeriesRing will have default precision 20 (or whatever the default default is).


sage: EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1, -1, 0]).formal_group().x(10)
 t^-2 - t + t^2 - t^4 + 2*t^5 - t^6 - 2*t^7 + 6*t^8 - 6*t^9 + O(t^10)

Return the formal series y(t) = -1/w(t) in terms of the local parameter t = -x/y at infinity.


  • prec - integer (default 20)

OUTPUT: a Laurent series with given precision

DETAILS: Return the formal series

y(t) = - t^{-3} + a_1 t^{-2} + a_2 t + a_3 + \cdots

to precision O(t^{prec}) of page 113 of [Silverman AEC1].

The result is cached, and a cached version is returned if possible.


The resulting series will have precision prec, but its parent PowerSeriesRing will have default precision 20 (or whatever the default default is).


sage: EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1, -1, 0]).formal_group().y(10)
 -t^-3 + 1 - t + t^3 - 2*t^4 + t^5 + 2*t^6 - 6*t^7 + 6*t^8 + 3*t^9 + O(t^10)

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Period lattices of elliptic curves and related functions.

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Tate’s parametrisation of p-adic curves with multiplicative reduction

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