Elements of free string monoids, internal representation subject to change.
These are special classes of free monoid elements with distinct printing.
The internal representation of elements does not use the exponential compression of FreeMonoid elements (a feature), and could be packed into words.
Bases: sage.monoids.free_monoid_element.FreeMonoidElement
Element of a free string monoid.
Return the count of each unique character.
Count the character frequency in an object comprised of capital letters of the English alphabet:
sage: M = AlphabeticStrings().encoding("abcabf")
sage: sorted(M.character_count().items())
[(A, 2), (B, 2), (C, 1), (F, 1)]
In an object comprised of binary numbers:
sage: M = BinaryStrings().encoding("abcabf")
sage: sorted(M.character_count().items())
[(0, 28), (1, 20)]
In an object comprised of octal numbers:
sage: A = OctalStrings()
sage: M = A([1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 3])
sage: sorted(M.character_count().items())
[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2), (5, 1)]
In an object comprised of hexadecimal numbers:
sage: A = HexadecimalStrings()
sage: M = A([1, 2, 4, 6, 2, 4, 15])
sage: sorted(M.character_count().items())
[(1, 1), (2, 2), (4, 2), (6, 1), (f, 1)]
In an object comprised of radix-64 characters:
sage: A = Radix64Strings()
sage: M = A([1, 2, 63, 45, 45, 10]); M
sage: sorted(M.character_count().items())
[(B, 1), (C, 1), (K, 1), (t, 2), (/, 1)]
Empty strings return no counts of character frequency:
sage: M = AlphabeticStrings().encoding("")
sage: M.character_count()
sage: M = BinaryStrings().encoding("")
sage: M.character_count()
sage: A = OctalStrings()
sage: M = A([])
sage: M.character_count()
sage: A = HexadecimalStrings()
sage: M = A([])
sage: M.character_count()
sage: A = Radix64Strings()
sage: M = A([])
sage: M.character_count()
The byte string associated to a binary or hexadecimal string monoid element.
sage: S = HexadecimalStrings()
sage: s = S.encoding("A..Za..z"); s
sage: s.decoding()
sage: s = S.encoding("A..Za..z",padic=True); s
sage: s.decoding()
sage: s.decoding(padic=True)
sage: S = BinaryStrings()
sage: s = S.encoding("A..Za..z"); s
sage: s.decoding()
sage: s = S.encoding("A..Za..z",padic=True); s
sage: s.decoding()
sage: s.decoding(padic=True)
Returns the probability space of character frequencies. The output
of this method is different from that of the method
One can think of the characteristic frequency probability of an
element in an alphabet as the expected probability of that element
occurring. Let
be a string encoded using elements of
. The
frequency probability distribution corresponding to
provides us
with the frequency probability of each element of
as observed
occurring in
. Thus one distribution provides expected
probabilities, while the other provides observed probabilities.
Capital letters of the English alphabet:
sage: M = AlphabeticStrings().encoding("abcd")
sage: L = M.frequency_distribution().function()
sage: sorted(L.items())
[(A, 0.250000000000000),
(B, 0.250000000000000),
(C, 0.250000000000000),
(D, 0.250000000000000)]
The binary number system:
sage: M = BinaryStrings().encoding("abcd")
sage: L = M.frequency_distribution().function()
sage: sorted(L.items())
[(0, 0.593750000000000), (1, 0.406250000000000)]
The hexadecimal number system:
sage: M = HexadecimalStrings().encoding("abcd")
sage: L = M.frequency_distribution().function()
sage: sorted(L.items())
[(1, 0.125000000000000),
(2, 0.125000000000000),
(3, 0.125000000000000),
(4, 0.125000000000000),
(6, 0.500000000000000)]
Get the observed frequency probability distribution of digrams in the string “ABCD”. This string consists of the following digrams: “AB”, “BC”, and “CD”. Now find out the frequency probability of each of these digrams as they occur in the string “ABCD”:
sage: M = AlphabeticStrings().encoding("abcd")
sage: D = M.frequency_distribution(length=2).function()
sage: sorted(D.items())
[(AB, 0.333333333333333), (BC, 0.333333333333333), (CD, 0.333333333333333)]