A theorem of Millington states that an arithmetic subgroup of index is
uniquely determined by two elements generating a transitive subgroup of the
symmetric group
and satisfying a certain algebraic relation.
These functions are based on Chris Kurth’s KFarey package.
Bases: sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_generic.ArithmeticSubgroup
An arithmetic subgroup defined by two permutations, giving the
action of the parabolic generators
by right multiplication on the coset representatives .
We construct a noncongruence subgroup of index 7 (the smallest possible):
sage: a2 = SymmetricGroup(7)([(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)]); a3 = SymmetricGroup(7)([(1,3,5),(2,6,7)])
sage: G = ArithmeticSubgroup_Permutation(a2*a3, ~a2 * ~a3); G
Arithmetic subgroup corresponding to permutations L=(1,6)(2,3,4,5,7), R=(1,7,6,3,4)(2,5)
sage: G.index()
sage: G.dimension_cusp_forms(4)
sage: G.is_congruence()
We convert some standard congruence subgroups into permutation form:
sage: Gamma0(12).as_permutation_group()
Arithmetic subgroup corresponding to permutations L=(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)(14,15,16)(17,19,20,18)(21,23,22), R=(1,3,14,17,21,7,24,9,23,20,16,13)(4,18,12)(5,22,11,15)(6,10,19)
The following is the unique index 2 even subgroup of :
sage: w = SymmetricGroup(2)([2,1])
sage: G = ArithmeticSubgroup_Permutation(w, w)
sage: G.dimension_cusp_forms(6)
sage: G.genus()
We test unpickling:
sage: G == loads(dumps(G))
sage: G is loads(dumps(G))
Return the index of self in the full modular group.
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: ap.HsuExample18().index()
Return True if this is a congruence subgroup. Uses Hsu’s algorithm, as implemented by Chris Kurth in KFarey.
This example is congruence – it’s Gamma0(3) in disguise:
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: G=ap.ArithmeticSubgroup_Permutation(SymmetricGroup(4)((2,3,4)), SymmetricGroup(4)((1,3,4))); G
Arithmetic subgroup corresponding to permutations L=(2,3,4), R=(1,3,4)
sage: G.is_congruence()
This one is noncongruence:
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: ap.HsuExample10().is_congruence()
Return the underlying permutation group.
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: ap.HsuExample10().perm_group()
Permutation Group with generators [(1,4)(2,5,9,10,8)(3,7,6), (1,7,9,10,6)(2,3)(4,5,8)]
Given an element x of , compute the
permutation of the cosets of self given by right multiplication by x.
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: ap.HsuExample10().permutation_action(SL2Z([32, -21, -67, 44]))
An example of an index 10 arithmetic subgroup studied by Tim Hsu.
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: ap.HsuExample10()
Arithmetic subgroup corresponding to permutations L=(1,4)(2,5,9,10,8)(3,7,6), R=(1,7,9,10,6)(2,3)(4,5,8)
An example of an index 18 arithmetic subgroup studied by Tim Hsu.
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: ap.HsuExample18()
Arithmetic subgroup corresponding to permutations L=(1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7)(8,9,10)(11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18), R=(1,12,18)(2,6,13,9,4,8,17,7)(3,16,14)(5,11)(10,15)
Given a word w as output by sl2z_word_problem, evaluate the word with the given permutations for L and R. Because we are dealing with a right rather than a left action, arguments are evaluated back to front.
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: L = SymmetricGroup(4)('(1,2)(3,4)'); R = SymmetricGroup(4)('(1,2,3,4)')
sage: ap.LREvalPerm([(1,1),(0,1)], L, R) == L * R
Given an arbitrary arithmetic subgroup, convert it to permutation form.
Note that the permutation representation is not always unique, so if G is already of permutation type, then the return value won’t necessarily be identical to G, but it will represent the same subgroup.
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: ap.convert_to_permgroup(Gamma0(5))
Arithmetic subgroup corresponding to permutations L=(2,3,4,5,6), R=(1,3,5,4,6)
sage: ap.convert_to_permgroup(ap.HsuExample10())
Arithmetic subgroup corresponding to permutations L=(1,2)(3,5,6,7,8)(4,9,10), R=(1,9,6,7,10)(2,5,8)(3,4)
Given a word in the format output by sl2z_word_problem, convert it back into an element of SL2(Z).
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: ap.eval_word([(0, 1), (1, -1), (0, 0), (1, 3), (0, 2), (1, 9), (0, -1)])
[ 66 -59]
[ 47 -42]
Given an element of SL2Z, express it as a word in the generators L = [1,1,0,1] and R = [1,0,1,1].
The return format is a list of pairs (a,b), where a = 0 or 1 denoting L or R respectively, and b is an integer exponent.
The parameter iterations (default 20) controls the maximum number of iterations to allow in the program’s main loop; an error is raised if the algorithm has not terminated after this many iterations.
sage: import sage.modular.arithgroup.arithgroup_perm as ap
sage: L = SL2Z([1,1,0,1]); R = SL2Z([1,0,1,1])
sage: ap.sl2z_word_problem(L)
[(0, 1)]
sage: ap.sl2z_word_problem(R**(-1))
[(1, -1)]
sage: ap.sl2z_word_problem(L*R)
[(0, 1), (1, -1), (0, 0), (1, 2)]