Bipartite Graphs

This module implements bipartite graphs.


  • Robert L. Miller (2008-01-20): initial version
  • Ryan W. Hinton (2010-03-04): overrides for adding and deleting vertices and edges


sage: B = graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(7, 9)
sage: loads(dumps(B)) == B
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(4))
sage: B == B.copy()
sage: type(B.copy())
<class 'sage.graphs.bipartite_graph.BipartiteGraph'>
class sage.graphs.bipartite_graph.BipartiteGraph(*args, **kwds)

Bases: sage.graphs.graph.Graph

Bipartite graph.


  • data – can be any of the following:
    1. Empty or None (creates an empty graph).
    2. An arbitrary graph (finds a bipartition).
    3. A graph and a bipartition.
    4. A reduced adjacency matrix.
    5. A file in alist format.
    6. From a NetworkX bipartite graph.

A reduced adjacency matrix contains only the non-redundant portion of the full adjacency matrix for the bipartite graph. Specifically, for zero matrices of the appropriate size, for the reduced adjacency matrix H, the full adjacency matrix is [[0, H'], [H, 0]].

The alist file format is described at


  1. No inputs or None for the input creates an empty graph:

    sage: B = BipartiteGraph()
    sage: type(B)
    <class 'sage.graphs.bipartite_graph.BipartiteGraph'>
    sage: B.order()
    sage: B == BipartiteGraph(None)
  2. From a graph: without any more information, finds a bipartition:

    sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(4))
    sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(5))
    TypeError: Input graph is not bipartite!
    sage: G = Graph({0:[5,6], 1:[4,5], 2:[4,6], 3:[4,5,6]})
    sage: B = BipartiteGraph(G)
    sage: B == G
    sage: B.left
    set([0, 1, 2, 3])
    sage: B.right
    set([4, 5, 6])
    sage: B = BipartiteGraph({0:[5,6], 1:[4,5], 2:[4,6], 3:[4,5,6]})
    sage: B == G
    sage: B.left
    set([0, 1, 2, 3])
    sage: B.right
    set([4, 5, 6])
  3. From a graph and a partition. Note that if the input graph is not bipartite, then Sage will raise an error. However, if one specifies check=False, the offending edges are simply deleted (along with those vertices not appearing in either list). We also lump creating one bipartite graph from another into this category:

    sage: P = graphs.PetersenGraph()
    sage: partition = [range(5), range(5,10)]
    sage: B = BipartiteGraph(P, partition)
    TypeError: Input graph is not bipartite with respect to the given partition!
    sage: B = BipartiteGraph(P, partition, check=False)
    sage: B.left
    set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
sage: G = Graph({0:[5,6], 1:[4,5], 2:[4,6], 3:[4,5,6]})
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(G)
sage: B2 = BipartiteGraph(B)
sage: B == B2
sage: B3 = BipartiteGraph(G, [range(4), range(4,7)])
sage: B3
Bipartite graph on 7 vertices
sage: B3 == B2
sage: G = Graph({0:[], 1:[], 2:[]})
sage: part = (range(2), [2])
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(G, part)
sage: B2 = BipartiteGraph(B)
sage: B == B2
  1. From a reduced adjacency matrix:

    sage: M = Matrix([(1,1,1,0,0,0,0), (1,0,0,1,1,0,0),
    ...               (0,1,0,1,0,1,0), (1,1,0,1,0,0,1)])
    sage: M
    [1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
    [1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
    [0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
    [1 1 0 1 0 0 1]
    sage: H = BipartiteGraph(M); H
    Bipartite graph on 11 vertices
    sage: H.edges()
    [(0, 7, None),
     (0, 8, None),
     (0, 10, None),
     (1, 7, None),
     (1, 9, None),
     (1, 10, None),
     (2, 7, None),
     (3, 8, None),
     (3, 9, None),
     (3, 10, None),
     (4, 8, None),
     (5, 9, None),
     (6, 10, None)]
sage: M = Matrix([(1, 1, 2, 0, 0), (0, 2, 1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 2, 1, 1)])
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(M, multiedges=True, sparse=True)
sage: B.edges()
[(0, 5, None),
 (1, 5, None),
 (1, 6, None),
 (1, 6, None),
 (1, 7, None),
 (2, 5, None),
 (2, 5, None),
 (2, 6, None),
 (2, 7, None),
 (2, 7, None),
 (3, 6, None),
 (3, 7, None),
 (4, 6, None),
 (4, 7, None)]
sage: F.<a> = GF(4)
sage: MS = MatrixSpace(F, 2, 3)
sage: M = MS.matrix([[0, 1, a+1], [a, 1, 1]])
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(M, weighted=True, sparse=True)
sage: B.edges()
[(0, 4, a), (1, 3, 1), (1, 4, 1), (2, 3, a + 1), (2, 4, 1)]
sage: B.weighted()
  1. From an alist file:

    sage: file_name = SAGE_TMP + 'deleteme.alist.txt'
    sage: fi = open(file_name, 'w')
    sage: fi.write("7 4 \n 3 4 \n 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 \n 3 3 3 4 \n\
                    1 2 4 \n 1 3 4 \n 1 0 0 \n 2 3 4 \n\
                    2 0 0 \n 3 0 0 \n 4 0 0 \n\
                    1 2 3 0 \n 1 4 5 0 \n 2 4 6 0 \n 1 2 4 7 \n")
    sage: fi.close();
    sage: B = BipartiteGraph(file_name)
    sage: B == H
  2. From a NetworkX bipartite graph:

    sage: import networkx
    sage: G = graphs.OctahedralGraph()
    sage: N = networkx.make_clique_bipartite(G.networkx_graph())
    sage: B = BipartiteGraph(N)
add_edge(u, v=None, label=None)

Adds an edge from u and v.


  • u – the tail of an edge.
  • v – (default: None) the head of an edge. If v=None, then attempt to add the edge (u, u).
  • label – (default: None) the label of the edge (u, v).

The following forms are all accepted:

  • G.add_edge(1, 2)
  • G.add_edge((1, 2))
  • G.add_edges([(1, 2)])
  • G.add_edge(1, 2, 'label')
  • G.add_edge((1, 2, 'label'))
  • G.add_edges([(1, 2, 'label')])

See Graph.add_edge for more detail. This method simply checks that the edge endpoints are in different partitions.


sage: bg = BipartiteGraph()
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2], left=[True,False,True])
sage: bg.add_edges([(0,1), (2,1)])
sage: bg.add_edge(0,2)
RuntimeError: Edge vertices must lie in different partitions.
add_vertex(name=None, left=False, right=False)

Creates an isolated vertex. If the vertex already exists, then nothing is done.


  • name – (default: None) name of the new vertex. If no name is specified, then the vertex will be represented by the least non-negative integer not already representing a vertex. Name must be an immutable object and cannot be None.
  • left – (default: False) if True, puts the new vertex in the left partition.
  • right – (default: False) if True, puts the new vertex in the right partition.

Obviously, left and right are mutually exclusive.

As it is implemented now, if a graph G has a large number of vertices with numeric labels, then G.add_vertex() could potentially be slow, if name is None.


sage: G = BipartiteGraph()
sage: G.add_vertex(left=True)
sage: G.add_vertex(right=True)
sage: G.vertices()
[0, 1]
sage: G.left
sage: G.right


Exactly one of left and right must be true:

sage: G = BipartiteGraph()
sage: G.add_vertex()
RuntimeError: Partition must be specified (e.g. left=True).
sage: G.add_vertex(left=True, right=True)
RuntimeError: Only one partition may be specified.

Adding the same vertex must specify the same partition:

sage: bg = BipartiteGraph()
sage: bg.add_vertex(0, right=True)
sage: bg.add_vertex(0, right=True)
sage: bg.vertices()
sage: bg.add_vertex(0, left=True)
RuntimeError: Cannot add duplicate vertex to other partition.
add_vertices(vertices, left=False, right=False)

Add vertices to the bipartite graph from an iterable container of vertices. Vertices that already exist in the graph will not be added again.


  • vertices – sequence of vertices to add.
  • left – (default: False) either True or sequence of same length as vertices with True/False elements.
  • right – (default: False) either True or sequence of the same length as vertices with True/False elements.

Only one of left and right keywords should be provided. See the examples below.


sage: bg = BipartiteGraph()
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2], left=True)
sage: bg.add_vertices([3,4,5], left=[True, False, True])
sage: bg.add_vertices([6,7,8], right=[True, False, True])
sage: bg.add_vertices([9,10,11], right=True)
sage: bg.left
set([0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7])
sage: bg.right
set([4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11])


sage: bg = BipartiteGraph()
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2], left=True)
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2], left=[True,True,True])
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2], right=[False,False,False])
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2], right=[False,False,False])
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2])
RuntimeError: Partition must be specified (e.g. left=True).
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2], left=True, right=True)
RuntimeError: Only one partition may be specified.
sage: bg.add_vertices([0,1,2], right=True)
RuntimeError: Cannot add duplicate vertex to other partition.
sage: (bg.left, bg.right)
(set([0, 1, 2]), set([]))

Returns the underlying bipartition of the bipartite graph.


sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(4))
sage: B.bipartition()
(set([0, 2]), set([1, 3]))
delete_vertex(vertex, in_order=False)

Deletes vertex, removing all incident edges. Deleting a non-existent vertex will raise an exception.


  • vertex – a vertex to delete.
  • in_order – (default False) if True, this deletes the i-th vertex in the sorted list of vertices, i.e. G.vertices()[i].


sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(4))
sage: B
Bipartite cycle graph: graph on 4 vertices
sage: B.delete_vertex(0)
sage: B
Bipartite cycle graph: graph on 3 vertices
sage: B.left
sage: B.edges()
[(1, 2, {}), (2, 3, {})]
sage: B.delete_vertex(3)
sage: B.right
sage: B.edges()
[(1, 2, {})]
sage: B.delete_vertex(0)
RuntimeError: Vertex (0) not in the graph.
sage: g = Graph({'a':['b'], 'c':['b']})
sage: bg = BipartiteGraph(g)  # finds bipartition
sage: bg.vertices()
['a', 'b', 'c']
sage: bg.delete_vertex('a')
sage: bg.edges()
[('b', 'c', None)]
sage: bg.vertices()
['b', 'c']
sage: bg2 = BipartiteGraph(g)
sage: bg2.delete_vertex(0, in_order=True)
sage: bg2 == bg

Remove vertices from the bipartite graph taken from an iterable sequence of vertices. Deleting a non-existent vertex will raise an exception.


  • vertices – a sequence of vertices to remove.


sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(4))
sage: B
Bipartite cycle graph: graph on 4 vertices
sage: B.delete_vertices([0,3])
sage: B
Bipartite cycle graph: graph on 2 vertices
sage: B.left
sage: B.right
sage: B.edges()
[(1, 2, {})]
sage: B.delete_vertices([0])
RuntimeError: Vertex (0) not in the graph.

Loads into the current object the bipartite graph specified in the given file name. This file should follow David MacKay’s alist format, see for examples and definition of the format.


sage: file_name = SAGE_TMP + 'deleteme.alist.txt'
sage: fi = open(file_name, 'w')
sage: fi.write("7 4 \n 3 4 \n 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 \n 3 3 3 4 \n\
                1 2 4 \n 1 3 4 \n 1 0 0 \n 2 3 4 \n\
                2 0 0 \n 3 0 0 \n 4 0 0 \n\
                1 2 3 0 \n 1 4 5 0 \n 2 4 6 0 \n 1 2 4 7 \n")
sage: fi.close();
sage: B = BipartiteGraph()
sage: B.load_afile(file_name)
Bipartite graph on 11 vertices
sage: B.edges()
[(0, 7, None),
 (0, 8, None),
 (0, 10, None),
 (1, 7, None),
 (1, 9, None),
 (1, 10, None),
 (2, 7, None),
 (3, 8, None),
 (3, 9, None),
 (3, 10, None),
 (4, 8, None),
 (5, 9, None),
 (6, 10, None)]
 sage: B2 = BipartiteGraph(file_name)
 sage: B2 == B
plot(*args, **kwds)

Overrides Graph’s plot function, to illustrate the bipartite nature.


sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(20))
sage: B.plot()

Projects self onto left vertices. Edges are 2-paths in the original.


sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(20))
sage: G = B.project_left()
sage: G.order(), G.size()
(10, 10)

Projects self onto right vertices. Edges are 2-paths in the original.


sage: B = BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(20))
sage: G = B.project_right()
sage: G.order(), G.size()
(10, 10)

Return the reduced adjacency matrix for the given graph.

A reduced adjacency matrix contains only the non-redundant portion of the full adjacency matrix for the bipartite graph. Specifically, for zero matrices of the appropriate size, for the reduced adjacency matrix H, the full adjacency matrix is [[0, H'], [H, 0]].

This method supports the named argument ‘sparse’ which defaults to True. When enabled, the returned matrix will be sparse.


Bipartite graphs that are not weighted will return a matrix over ZZ:

sage: M = Matrix([(1,1,1,0,0,0,0), (1,0,0,1,1,0,0),
...               (0,1,0,1,0,1,0), (1,1,0,1,0,0,1)])
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(M)
sage: N = B.reduced_adjacency_matrix()
sage: N
[1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
[1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
[0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
[1 1 0 1 0 0 1]
sage: N == M
sage: N[0,0].parent()
Integer Ring

Multi-edge graphs also return a matrix over ZZ:

sage: M = Matrix([(1,1,2,0,0), (0,2,1,1,1), (0,1,2,1,1)])
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(M, multiedges=True, sparse=True)
sage: N = B.reduced_adjacency_matrix()
sage: N == M
sage: N[0,0].parent()
Integer Ring

Weighted graphs will return a matrix over the ring given by their (first) weights:

sage: F.<a> = GF(4)
sage: MS = MatrixSpace(F, 2, 3)
sage: M = MS.matrix([[0, 1, a+1], [a, 1, 1]])
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(M, weighted=True, sparse=True)
sage: N = B.reduced_adjacency_matrix(sparse=False)
sage: N == M
sage: N[0,0].parent()
Finite Field in a of size 2^2


sage: B = BipartiteGraph()
sage: B.reduced_adjacency_matrix()
sage: M = Matrix([[0,0], [0,0]])
sage: BipartiteGraph(M).reduced_adjacency_matrix() == M
sage: M = Matrix([[10,2/3], [0,0]])
sage: B = BipartiteGraph(M, weighted=True, sparse=True)
sage: M == B.reduced_adjacency_matrix()

Save the graph to file in alist format.

Saves this graph to file in David MacKay’s alist format, see for examples and definition of the format.


sage: M = Matrix([(1,1,1,0,0,0,0), (1,0,0,1,1,0,0),
...               (0,1,0,1,0,1,0), (1,1,0,1,0,0,1)])
sage: M
[1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
[1 0 0 1 1 0 0]
[0 1 0 1 0 1 0]
[1 1 0 1 0 0 1]
sage: b = BipartiteGraph(M)
sage: file_name = SAGE_TMP + 'deleteme.alist.txt'
sage: b.save_afile(file_name)
sage: b2 = BipartiteGraph(file_name)
sage: b == b2


sage: file_name = SAGE_TMP + 'deleteme.alist.txt'
sage: for order in range(3, 13, 3):
...       num_chks = int(order / 3)
...       num_vars = order - num_chks
...       partition = (range(num_vars), range(num_vars, num_vars+num_chks))
...       for idx in range(100):
...           g = graphs.RandomGNP(order, 0.5)
...           try:
...               b = BipartiteGraph(g, partition, check=False)
...               b.save_afile(file_name)
...               b2 = BipartiteGraph(file_name)
...               if b != b2:
...                   print "Load/save failed for code with edges:"
...                   print b.edges()
...           except:
...               print "Exception encountered for graph of order "+ str(order)
...               print "with edges: "
...               g.edges()
...               raise

Return an undirected Graph (without bipartite constraint) of the given object.


sage: BipartiteGraph(graphs.CycleGraph(6)).to_undirected()
Cycle graph: Graph on 6 vertices

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