See the Sage wiki page for an excellent survey of exisiting graph theory software.
Networkx ( “is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks”. More details can also be found on or in Robert Miller’s SageDays 3 talk.
sage: C = graphs.CubeGraph(4)
Now type, node_size=60, graph_border=True, figsize=[9,8]) to view this with some of the options.
The digraph below is a -cycle with vertices and edges , , :
sage: D = DiGraph( { 0: [1], 1: [2], 2: [0]} )
Type to view this.
includes wrappers to many NetworkX commands, written mainly by Emily Kirkman and Robert Miller. The implementation of Cayley graphs was written by Bobby Moretti and Robert Miller.
sage: G = DihedralGroup(5)
sage: C = G.cayley_graph(); C
Digraph on 10 vertices
sage: C.diameter()
sage: C.girth()
sage: C.automorphism_group().order()
sage: len(C.edges())
To construct the graph G with adjacency matrix , you want a graph so that the vertex-set of G is , and is an edge of G if and only if .
Here is an example of the syntax in (copied from Robert Miller’s SageDays 3 talk): Define the distance from to to be the minimum length of a (directed) path in Gamma joining a vertex to a vertex if such a path exists, and otherwise. A diameter of is returned if G is not (strongly) connected. Otherwise, the diameter of G is equal to the maximum (directed) distance in G (as and range over all the vertices of G).
sage: M = Matrix ([ [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0] ])
sage: # (the order is the number of edges)
sage: G = Graph(M); G.order()
sage: G.distance(0,2)
sage: G.diameter()