Based on an algorithm in Basmaji’s thesis.
A basis for the space of weight forms with character
. The modulus of
must be divisible by
must be odd and
OUTPUT: a list of power series
We compute some half-integral weight forms of level 16*7
sage: half_integral_weight_modform_basis(DirichletGroup(16*7).0^2,3,30)
[q - 2*q^2 - q^9 + 2*q^14 + 6*q^18 - 2*q^21 - 4*q^22 - q^25 + O(q^30),
q^2 - q^14 - 3*q^18 + 2*q^22 + O(q^30),
q^4 - q^8 - q^16 + q^28 + O(q^30),
q^7 - 2*q^15 + O(q^30)]
The following illustrates that choosing too low of a precision can give an incorrect answer.
sage: half_integral_weight_modform_basis(DirichletGroup(16*7).0^2,3,20)
[q - 2*q^2 - q^9 + 2*q^14 + 6*q^18 + O(q^20),
q^2 - q^14 - 3*q^18 + O(q^20),
q^4 - 2*q^8 + 2*q^12 - 4*q^16 + O(q^20),
q^7 - 2*q^8 + 4*q^12 - 2*q^15 - 6*q^16 + O(q^20),
q^8 - 2*q^12 + 3*q^16 + O(q^20)]
We compute some spaces of low level and the first few possible weights.
sage: half_integral_weight_modform_basis(DirichletGroup(16,QQ).1, 3, 10)
sage: half_integral_weight_modform_basis(DirichletGroup(16,QQ).1, 5, 10)
[q - 2*q^3 - 2*q^5 + 4*q^7 - q^9 + O(q^10)]
sage: half_integral_weight_modform_basis(DirichletGroup(16,QQ).1, 7, 10)
[q - 2*q^2 + 4*q^3 + 4*q^4 - 10*q^5 - 16*q^7 + 19*q^9 + O(q^10),
q^2 - 2*q^3 - 2*q^4 + 4*q^5 + 4*q^7 - 8*q^9 + O(q^10),
q^3 - 2*q^5 - 2*q^7 + 4*q^9 + O(q^10)]
sage: half_integral_weight_modform_basis(DirichletGroup(16,QQ).1, 9, 10)
[q - 2*q^2 + 4*q^3 - 8*q^4 + 14*q^5 + 16*q^6 - 40*q^7 + 16*q^8 - 57*q^9 + O(q^10),
q^2 - 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 - 8*q^5 - 8*q^6 + 20*q^7 - 8*q^8 + 32*q^9 + O(q^10),
q^3 - 2*q^4 + 4*q^5 + 4*q^6 - 10*q^7 - 16*q^9 + O(q^10),
q^4 - 2*q^5 - 2*q^6 + 4*q^7 + 4*q^9 + O(q^10),
q^5 - 2*q^7 - 2*q^9 + O(q^10)]
This example once raised an error (see trac #5792).
sage: half_integral_weight_modform_basis(trivial_character(16),9,10)
[q - 2*q^2 + 4*q^3 - 8*q^4 + 4*q^6 - 16*q^7 + 48*q^8 - 15*q^9 + O(q^10),
q^2 - 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 - 2*q^6 + 8*q^7 - 24*q^8 + O(q^10),
q^3 - 2*q^4 - 4*q^7 + 12*q^8 + O(q^10),
q^4 - 6*q^8 + O(q^10)]
ALGORITHM: Basmaji (page 55 of his Essen thesis, “Ein Algorithmus zur Berechnung von Hecke-Operatoren und Anwendungen auf modulare Kurven”,
Let be the space of cusp forms of
even integer weight
and character
, where
is the nontrivial mod-4 Dirichlet character. Let
be the
subspace of
of elements
. Then
isomorphic to
via the map