The Mathematica interface will only work if Mathematica is installed on your computer with a command line interface that runs when you give the math command. The interface offers three pieces of functionality:
We follow some of the tutorial from
For any of this to work you must buy and install the Mathematica program, and it must be available as the command math in your PATH.
Now make 1 and add it to itself. The result is a Mathematica object.
sage: m = mathematica
sage: a = m(1) + m(1); a # optional - mathematica
sage: a.parent() # optional - mathematica
sage: m('1+1') # optional - mathematica
sage: m(3)**m(50) # optional - mathematica
The following is equivalent to Plus[2, 3] in Mathematica:
sage: m = mathematica
sage: m(2).Plus(m(3)) # optional - mathematica
We can also compute .
sage: m(7).Times(m(2).Plus(m(3))) # optional - mathematica
sage: m('7(2+3)') # optional - mathematica
We solve an equation and a system of two equations:
sage: eqn = mathematica('3x + 5 == 14') # optional - mathematica
sage: eqn # optional - mathematica
5 + 3*x == 14
sage: eqn.Solve('x') # optional - mathematica
{{x -> 3}}
sage: sys = mathematica('{x^2 - 3y == 3, 2x - y == 1}') # optional - mathematica
sage: print sys # optional - mathematica
{x - 3 y == 3, 2 x - y == 1}
sage: sys.Solve('{x, y}') # optional - mathematica
{{y -> -1, x -> 0}, {y -> 11, x -> 6}}
If you assign the mathematica to a variable
in Sage, this does not affect the
in Mathematica.
sage: c = m(5) # optional - mathematica
sage: print m('b + c x') # optional - mathematica
b + c x
sage: print m('b') + c*m('x') # optional - mathematica
b + 5 x
The Sage interfaces changes Sage lists into Mathematica lists:
sage: m = mathematica
sage: eq1 = m('x^2 - 3y == 3') # optional - mathematica
sage: eq2 = m('2x - y == 1') # optional - mathematica
sage: v = m([eq1, eq2]); v # optional - mathematica
{x^2 - 3*y == 3, 2*x - y == 1}
sage: v.Solve(['x', 'y']) # optional - mathematica
{{y -> -1, x -> 0}, {y -> 11, x -> 6}}
Define mathematica functions by simply sending the definition to the interpreter.
sage: m = mathematica
sage: _ = mathematica('f[p_] = p^2'); # optional - mathematica
sage: m('f[9]') # optional - mathematica
We find the such that
sage: e = mathematica('Exp[x] - 3x == 0') # optional - mathematica
sage: e.FindRoot(['x', 2]) # optional - mathematica
{x -> 1.512134551657842}
Note that this agrees with what the PARI interpreter gp produces:
sage: gp('solve(x=1,2,exp(x)-3*x)')
1.512134551657842473896739678 # 32-bit
1.5121345516578424738967396780720387046 # 64-bit
Next we find the minimum of a polynomial using the two different ways of accessing Mathematica:
sage: mathematica('FindMinimum[x^3 - 6x^2 + 11x - 5, {x,3}]') # optional - mathematica
{0.6150998205402516, {x -> 2.5773502699629733}}
sage: f = mathematica('x^3 - 6x^2 + 11x - 5') # optional - mathematica
sage: f.FindMinimum(['x', 3]) # optional - mathematica
{0.6150998205402516, {x -> 2.5773502699629733}}
We factor a polynomial of degree 200 over the integers.
sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
sage: f = (x**100+17*x+5)*(x**100-5*x+20)
sage: f
x^200 + 12*x^101 + 25*x^100 - 85*x^2 + 315*x + 100
sage: g = mathematica(str(f)) # optional - mathematica
sage: print g # optional - mathematica
2 100 101 200
100 + 315 x - 85 x + 25 x + 12 x + x
sage: g # optional - mathematica
100 + 315*x - 85*x^2 + 25*x^100 + 12*x^101 + x^200
sage: print g.Factor() # optional - mathematica
100 100
(20 - 5 x + x ) (5 + 17 x + x )
We can also factor a multivariate polynomial:
sage: f = mathematica('x^6 + (-y - 2)*x^5 + (y^3 + 2*y)*x^4 - y^4*x^3') # optional - mathematica
sage: print f.Factor() # optional - mathematica
3 2 3
x (x - y) (-2 x + x + y )
We factor an integer:
sage: n = mathematica(2434500) # optional - mathematica
sage: n.FactorInteger() # optional - mathematica
{{2, 2}, {3, 2}, {5, 3}, {541, 1}}
sage: n = mathematica(2434500) # optional - mathematica
sage: F = n.FactorInteger(); F # optional - mathematica
{{2, 2}, {3, 2}, {5, 3}, {541, 1}}
sage: F[1] # optional - mathematica
{2, 2}
sage: F[4] # optional - mathematica
{541, 1}
We can also load the ECM package and factoring using it:
sage: _ = mathematica.eval("<<NumberTheory`FactorIntegerECM`"); # optional - mathematica
sage: mathematica.FactorIntegerECM('932901*939321') # optional - mathematica
The Mathematica interface reads in even very long input (using files) in a robust manner.
sage: t = '"%s"'%10^10000 # ten thousand character string.
sage: a = mathematica(t) # optional - mathematica
sage: a = mathematica.eval(t) # optional - mathematica
Mathematica has an excellent InputForm function, which makes saving and loading Mathematica objects possible. The first examples test saving and loading to strings.
sage: x = mathematica(pi/2) # optional - mathematica
sage: print x # optional - mathematica
sage: loads(dumps(x)) == x # optional - mathematica
sage: n = x.N(50) # optional - mathematica
sage: print n # optional - mathematica
sage: loads(dumps(n)) == n # optional - mathematica
OTHER Examples:
sage: def math_bessel_K(nu,x):
... return mathematica(nu).BesselK(x).N(20).sage()
sage: math_bessel_K(2,I) # optional - mathematica
0.180489972066962*I - 2.592886175491197 # 32-bit
-2.592886175491196978 + 0.1804899720669620266*I # 64-bit
sage: slist = [[1, 2], 3., 4 + I]
sage: mlist = mathematica(slist); mlist # optional - mathematica
{{1, 2}, 3., 4 + I}
sage: slist2 = list(mlist); slist2 # optional - mathematica
[{1, 2}, 3., 4 + I]
sage: slist2[0] # optional - mathematica
{1, 2}
sage: slist2[0].parent() # optional - mathematica
sage: slist3 = mlist.sage(); slist3 # optional - mathematica
[[1, 2], 3.00000000000000, I + 4]
sage: mathematica('10.^80') # optional - mathematica
sage: mathematica('10.^80').sage() # optional - mathematica
Bases: sage.interfaces.expect.Expect
Interface to the Mathematica interpreter.
Change Mathematica’s current working directory.
sage: mathematica.chdir('/') # optional
sage: mathematica('Directory[]') # optional
Get the value of the variable var.
Bases: sage.interfaces.expect.ExpectElement
Show a mathematica expression or plot in the Sage notebook.
sage: P = mathematica('Plot[Sin[x],{x,-2Pi,4Pi}]') # optional - mathematica
sage: show(P) # optional - mathematica
sage: # optional - mathematica
sage: Q = mathematica('Sin[x Cos[y]]/Sqrt[1-x^2]') # optional - mathematica
sage: show(Q) # optional - mathematica
<html><div class="math">\frac{\sin (x \cos (y))}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}</div></html>