We call a finite set of multivariate polynomials an MPolynomialSystem.
In many other computer algebra systems (cf. Singular) this class would be called Ideal but an ideal is a very distinct object from its generators and thus this is not an ideal in Sage.
The idea of polynomial systems is specialized to systems which consist of several “rounds” in Sage. These kind of polynomial systems arise naturally in algebraic cryptanalysis of symmetric cryptographic primitives. The most prominent examples of these systems are: the small scale variants of the AES [CMR05] (cf. mq.SR) and Flurry/Curry [BPW06].
As an example consider a small scale variant of the AES:
sage: sr = mq.SR(2,1,2,4,gf2=True,polybori=True)
sage: sr
We can construct a polynomial system for a random plaintext-ciphertext pair and study it:
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: F
Polynomial System with 112 Polynomials in 64 Variables
sage: r2 = F.round(2); r2
(w200 + k100 + x100 + x102 + x103,
w201 + k101 + x100 + x101 + x103 + 1,
w202 + k102 + x100 + x101 + x102 + 1,
w203 + k103 + x101 + x102 + x103,
w210 + k110 + x110 + x112 + x113,
w211 + k111 + x110 + x111 + x113 + 1,
w212 + k112 + x110 + x111 + x112 + 1,
w213 + k113 + x111 + x112 + x113,
w100*x100 + w100*x103 + w101*x102 + w102*x101 + w103*x100,
w100*x100 + w100*x101 + w101*x100 + w101*x103 + w102*x102 + w103*x101,
w100*x101 + w100*x102 + w101*x100 + w101*x101 + w102*x100 + w102*x103 + w103*x102,
w100*x100 + w100*x101 + w100*x103 + w101*x101 + w102*x100 + w102*x102 + w103*x100 + x100,
w100*x102 + w101*x100 + w101*x101 + w101*x103 + w102*x101 + w103*x100 + w103*x102 + x101,
w100*x100 + w100*x101 + w100*x102 + w101*x102 + w102*x100 + w102*x101 + w102*x103 + w103*x101 + x102,
w100*x101 + w101*x100 + w101*x102 + w102*x100 + w103*x101 + w103*x103 + x103,
w100*x100 + w100*x102 + w100*x103 + w101*x100 + w101*x101 + w102*x102 + w103*x100 + w100,
w100*x101 + w100*x103 + w101*x101 + w101*x102 + w102*x100 + w102*x103 + w103*x101 + w101,
w100*x100 + w100*x102 + w101*x100 + w101*x102 + w101*x103 + w102*x100 + w102*x101 + w103*x102 + w102,
w100*x101 + w100*x102 + w101*x100 + w101*x103 + w102*x101 + w103*x103 + w103,
w100*x102 + w101*x101 + w102*x100 + w103*x103 + 1,
w110*x110 + w110*x113 + w111*x112 + w112*x111 + w113*x110,
w110*x110 + w110*x111 + w111*x110 + w111*x113 + w112*x112 + w113*x111,
w110*x111 + w110*x112 + w111*x110 + w111*x111 + w112*x110 + w112*x113 + w113*x112,
w110*x110 + w110*x111 + w110*x113 + w111*x111 + w112*x110 + w112*x112 + w113*x110 + x110,
w110*x112 + w111*x110 + w111*x111 + w111*x113 + w112*x111 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + x111,
w110*x110 + w110*x111 + w110*x112 + w111*x112 + w112*x110 + w112*x111 + w112*x113 + w113*x111 + x112,
w110*x111 + w111*x110 + w111*x112 + w112*x110 + w113*x111 + w113*x113 + x113,
w110*x110 + w110*x112 + w110*x113 + w111*x110 + w111*x111 + w112*x112 + w113*x110 + w110,
w110*x111 + w110*x113 + w111*x111 + w111*x112 + w112*x110 + w112*x113 + w113*x111 + w111,
w110*x110 + w110*x112 + w111*x110 + w111*x112 + w111*x113 + w112*x110 + w112*x111 + w113*x112 + w112,
w110*x111 + w110*x112 + w111*x110 + w111*x113 + w112*x111 + w113*x113 + w113,
w110*x112 + w111*x111 + w112*x110 + w113*x113 + 1)
sage: type(r2)
<class 'sage.crypto.mq.mpolynomialsystem.MPolynomialRoundSystem_generic'>
As an example, we separate the system in independent subsystems or compute the coefficient matrix:
sage: C = mq.MPolynomialSystem(r2).connected_components(); C
[Polynomial System with 16 Polynomials in 16 Variables,
Polynomial System with 16 Polynomials in 16 Variables]
sage: C[0].groebner_basis()
[x111*x110 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + w113*w111 + w113*w112 + x111 + x113 + w110 + w111 + w112,
x112*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + w113*w110 + w113*w112 + x110 + x112 + 1,
x112*x111 + w113*w110 + x110 + x111 + x113 + w111 + w113,
x113*x110 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + w113*w112 + x110 + x111 + x113 + w110 + w111 + 1,
x113*x111 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + w113*w112 + x111 + x112 + x113 + w111 + w112,
x113*x112 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + w113*w110 + x111 + w110 + w112 + 1,
w110*x110 + w113*x110 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + x110 + x113 + w111 + w112 + 1,
w110*x111 + w113*x112 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + x110 + x112 + x113 + w113,
w110*x112 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + x112 + x113 + w110 + w111 + w112,
w110*x113 + w113*x110 + w113*x113 + x111 + x113 + w111 + w113 + 1,
w111*x110 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + x110 + x111 + w110 + w113 + 1,
w111*x111 + w113*x110 + w113*x113 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + x110 + x111 + x112 + x113,
w111*x112 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + x110 + x111 + x112 + w110 + w112,
w111*x113 + w113*x113 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + x111 + x112 + w110 + w111 + w112 + 1,
w111*w110 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + w113*w111 + w113*w112 + x110 + x111 + x112 + x113 + w111,
w112*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + x110 + x111 + w110 + w111 + w112 + 1,
w112*x111 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + x112 + w110 + w113,
w112*x112 + w113*x113 + x110 + x111 + w110 + w111 + 1,
w112*x113 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + x111 + x112 + x113 + w110,
w112*w110 + w113*x112 + w113*x113 + w113*w110 + w113*w112 + x110 + x111 + x112 + w111 + 1,
w112*w111 + w113*x110 + w113*x112 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + w113*w112 + x110 + w113 + 1,
w113*x111 + w113*w110 + w113*w111 + x111 + w110 + w111,
w210 + k110 + x110 + x112 + x113,
w211 + k111 + x110 + x111 + x113 + 1,
w212 + k112 + x110 + x111 + x112 + 1,
w213 + k113 + x111 + x112 + x113]
sage: A,v = mq.MPolynomialSystem(r2).coefficient_matrix()
sage: A.rank()
Using these building blocks we can implement a simple XL algorithm easily:
sage: sr = mq.SR(1,1,1,4,gf2=True,polybori=True,order='lex')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: monomials = [a*b for a in F.variables() for b in F.variables() if a<b]
sage: len(monomials)
sage: F2 = mq.MPolynomialSystem(map(mul, cartesian_product_iterator((monomials, F))))
sage: A,v = F2.coefficient_matrix(sparse=False)
sage: A.echelonize()
sage: A
6840 x 4474 dense matrix over Finite Field of size 2 (type 'print A.str()' to see all of the entries)
sage: A.rank()
sage: A[4055]*v
The last output tells us that k002 and k003 can’t both be 1.
sage: P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: I = [[x^2 + y^2], [x^2 - y^2]]
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem(P,I)
sage: loads(dumps(F)) == F
[BPW06] | J. Buchmann, A. Pychkine, R.-P. Weinmann Block Ciphers Sensitive to Groebner Basis Attacks in Topics in Cryptology – CT RSA‘06; LNCS 3860; pp. 313–331; Springer Verlag 2006; pre-print available at http://eprint.iacr.org/2005/200 |
Construct an object representing the equations of a single round e.g. of a block cipher or however a “round” is defined.
sage: P.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(GF(2),3)
sage: mq.MPolynomialRoundSystem(P,[x*y +1, z + 1])
(x*y + 1, z + 1)
Bases: sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject
Return list of polynomials in in the system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True,gf2=True,order='block')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: R1 = F.round(1)
sage: l = R1.gens()
sage: l[0]
k000^2 + k000
Return an unordered list of monomials appearing in polynomials in this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True,gf2=True,order='block')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: R1 = F.round(1)
sage: sorted(R1.monomials())
[k003, k002, k001, k000, k003^2, k002^2, k001^2, k000^2]
Return number of polynomials in the system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True,gf2=True,order='block')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: R0 = F.round(0)
sage: R0.ngens()
Return the polynomial ring the members of this system live in.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True,gf2=True,order='block')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: R0 = F.round(0)
sage: print R0.ring().repr_long()
Polynomial Ring
Base Ring : Finite Field of size 2
Size : 20 Variables
Block 0 : Ordering : degrevlex
Names : k100, k101, k102, k103, x100, x101, x102, x103, w100, w101, w102, w103, s000, s001, s002, s003
Block 1 : Ordering : degrevlex
Names : k000, k001, k002, k003
Substitute variables for every polynomial in this system and return a new system. See MPolynomial.subs for calling convention.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True,gf2=True,order='block')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: R1 = F.round(1)
sage: R1 = R1.subs(s) # the solution
sage: R1
(0, 0, 0, 0)
Return an unordered tuple of variables appearing in polynomials in this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True,gf2=True,order='block')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: R1 = F.round(1)
sage: R1.variables()
(k000, k001, k002, k003)
sage: sorted(R1.variables())
[k003, k002, k001, k000]
Construct a new polynomial system object.
sage: P.<a,b,c,d> = PolynomialRing(GF(127),4)
sage: I = sage.rings.ideal.Katsura(P)
If a list of MPolynomialRoundSystems is provided, those form the rounds:
sage: mq.MPolynomialSystem(I.ring(), [mq.MPolynomialRoundSystem(I.ring(),I.gens())])
Polynomial System with 4 Polynomials in 4 Variables
If an ideal is provided, the generators are used:
sage: mq.MPolynomialSystem(I)
Polynomial System with 4 Polynomials in 4 Variables
If a list of polynomials is provided, the system has only one round:
sage: mq.MPolynomialSystem(I.ring(), I.gens())
Polynomial System with 4 Polynomials in 4 Variables
Bases: sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject
Return tuple (A,v) where A is the coefficient matrix of this system and v the matching monomial vector.
Thus value of A[i,j] corresponds the coefficient of the monomial v[j] in the i-th polynomial in this system.
Monomials are order w.r.t. the term ordering of self.ring() in reverse order, i.e. such that the smallest entry comes last.
sage: P.<a,b,c,d> = PolynomialRing(GF(127),4)
sage: I = sage.rings.ideal.Katsura(P)
sage: I.gens()
(a + 2*b + 2*c + 2*d - 1, a^2 + 2*b^2 + 2*c^2 + 2*d^2 - a, 2*a*b + 2*b*c
+ 2*c*d - b, b^2 + 2*a*c + 2*b*d - c)
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem(I)
sage: A,v = F.coefficient_matrix()
sage: A
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 126]
[ 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 126 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 126 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 126 0 0]
sage: v
[ a]
[ b]
[ c]
[ d]
[ 1]
sage: A*v
[ a + 2*b + 2*c + 2*d - 1]
[a^2 + 2*b^2 + 2*c^2 + 2*d^2 - a]
[ 2*a*b + 2*b*c + 2*c*d - b]
[ b^2 + 2*a*c + 2*b*d - c]
Split the polynomial system in systems which do not share any variables.
As an example consider one round of AES, which naturally splits into four subsystems which are independent:
sage: sr = mq.SR(2,4,4,8,gf2=True,polybori=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: Fz = mq.MPolynomialSystem(F.round(2))
sage: Fz.connected_components()
[Polynomial System with 128 Polynomials in 128 Variables,
Polynomial System with 128 Polynomials in 128 Variables,
Polynomial System with 128 Polynomials in 128 Variables,
Polynomial System with 128 Polynomials in 128 Variables]
Return the graph which has the variables of this system as vertices and edges between two variables if they appear in the same polynomial.
sage: B.<x,y,z> = BooleanPolynomialRing()
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem([x*y + y + 1, z + 1])
sage: F.connection_graph()
Graph on 3 vertices
Return an element in this system indexed by ij.
sage: P.<a,b,c,d> = PolynomialRing(GF(127),4)
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem(sage.rings.ideal.Katsura(P))
ij-th polynomial overall:
sage: F[0] # indirect doctest
a + 2*b + 2*c + 2*d - 1
i-th to j-th polynomial overall:
sage: F[0:2]
(a + 2*b + 2*c + 2*d - 1, a^2 + 2*b^2 + 2*c^2 + 2*d^2 - a)
i-th round, j-th polynomial:
sage: F[0,1]
a^2 + 2*b^2 + 2*c^2 + 2*d^2 - a
Return tuple of polynomials in this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: l = F.gens()
sage: len(l), type(l)
(40, <type 'tuple'>)
Compute and return a Groebner basis for the ideal spanned by the polynomials in this system (self.gens()).
MPolynomialIdeal.groebner_basis call
MPolynomialIdeal.groebner_basis call
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: gb = F.groebner_basis()
sage: Ideal(gb).basis_is_groebner()
Return Sage ideal spanned by the elements of this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: P = F.ring()
sage: I = F.ideal()
sage: I.elimination_ideal(P('s000*s001*s002*s003*w100*w101*w102*w103*x100*x101*x102*x103'))
Ideal (k002 + (a^2)*k003 + 1,
k001 + (a^3)*k003 + (a + 1),
k000 + (a^3 + a^2 + a)*k003 + (a^3 + a^2 + a),
k103 + (a^3)*k003 + (a^2 + 1),
k102 + (a^3 + a^2 + a)*k003 + (a^3 + 1),
k101 + k003 + (a^2 + a),
k100 + (a^2)*k003 + (a^2 + a),
k003^2 + (a^3 + a^2 + a)*k003 + (a^3 + a^2 + a))
of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in k100, k101, k102, k103,
x100, x101, x102, x103, w100, w101, w102, w103, s000,
s001, s002, s003, k000, k001, k002, k003 over Finite Field
in a of size 2^4
Return an unordered tuple of monomials in this polynomial system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: len(F.monomials())
Return number polynomials in this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True,gf2=True,order='block')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: F.ngens()
Return the number of monomials present in this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: F.nmonomials()
Return number of rounds of this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: F.nrounds()
Return number of variables present in this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: F.nvariables()
Return base ring.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True,gf2=True,order='block')
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: print F.ring().repr_long()
Polynomial Ring
Base Ring : Finite Field of size 2
Size : 20 Variables
Block 0 : Ordering : degrevlex
Names : k100, k101, k102, k103, x100, x101, x102, x103, w100, w101, w102, w103, s000, s001, s002, s003
Block 1 : Ordering : degrevlex
Names : k000, k001, k002, k003
Return i-th round of this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: R0 = F.round(1)
sage: R0
(k000^2 + k001, k001^2 + k002, k002^2 + k003, k003^2 + k000)
Return a tuple of rounds of this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: l = F.rounds()
sage: len(l)
Substitute variables for every polynomial in this system and return a new system. See MPolynomial.subs for calling convention.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system(); F
Polynomial System with 40 Polynomials in 20 Variables
sage: F = F.subs(s); F
Polynomial System with 40 Polynomials in 16 Variables
Return all variables present in this system. This tuple may or may not be equal to the generators of the ring of this system.
sage: sr = mq.SR(allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
sage: F.variables()[:10]
(k003, k002, k001, k000, s003, s002, s001, s000, w103, w102)
Bases: sage.crypto.mq.mpolynomialsystem.MPolynomialSystem_generic
Polynomial Systems over .
Return a new system where “linear variables” are eliminated.
In this function we call a variable “linear” if it appears as a leading term of a linear polynomial.
sage: B.<a,b,c,d> = BooleanPolynomialRing()
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem([c + d + b + 1, a + c + d, a*b + c, b*c*d + c])
sage: F.eliminate_linear_variables().gens() # everything vanishes
sage: F.eliminate_linear_variables(maxlength=2).gens()
(b + c + d + 1, b*c + b*d + c, b*c*d + c)
sage: F.eliminate_linear_variables(skip=lambda lm,tail: str(lm)=='a').gens()
(a + c + d, a*c + a*d + a + c, c*d + c)
This is called “massaging” in [CB07].
[CB07] | Nicolas T. Courtois, Gregory V. Bard Algebraic Cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption Standard; Cryptography and Coding – 11th IMA International Conference; 2007; available at http://eprint.iacr.org/2006/402 |
Bases: sage.crypto.mq.mpolynomialsystem.MPolynomialSystem_generic
MPolynomialSystem over .
Project self onto k using the Weil restriction of scalars.
sage: k.<a> = GF(2^2)
sage: P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(k,2)
sage: a = P.base_ring().gen()
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem(P,[x*y + 1, a*x + 1])
sage: F
Polynomial System with 2 Polynomials in 2 Variables
sage: F2 = F.change_ring(GF(2)); F2
doctest... DeprecationWarning: The use of this function is deprecated please use the weil_restriction() function instead.
Polynomial System with 8 Polynomials in 4 Variables
sage: F2.gens()
(x1*y0 + x0*y1 + x1*y1,
x0*y0 + x1*y1 + 1,
x0 + x1,
x1 + 1,
x0^2 + x0,
x1^2 + x1,
y0^2 + y0,
y1^2 + y1)
This function is deprecated use the weil_restriction() function instead.
Project this polynomial system to .
That is, compute the Weil restriction of scalars for the
variety corresponding to this polynomial system and express it
as a polynomial system over .
sage: k.<a> = GF(2^2)
sage: P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(k,2)
sage: a = P.base_ring().gen()
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem(P,[x*y + 1, a*x + 1])
sage: F
Polynomial System with 2 Polynomials in 2 Variables
sage: F2 = F.weil_restriction(); F2
Polynomial System with 8 Polynomials in 4 Variables
sage: F2.gens()
(x1*y0 + x0*y1 + x1*y1,
x0*y0 + x1*y1 + 1,
x0 + x1,
x1 + 1,
x0^2 + x0,
x1^2 + x1,
y0^2 + y0,
y1^2 + y1)
Another bigger example for a small scale AES:
sage: sr = mq.SR(1,1,1,4,gf2=False)
sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system(); F
Polynomial System with 40 Polynomials in 20 Variables
sage: F2 = F.weil_restriction(); F2
Polynomial System with 240 Polynomials in 80 Variables
Return True if F is an MPolynomialRoundSystem.
sage: P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: I = [[x^2 + y^2], [x^2 - y^2]]
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem(P,I); F
Polynomial System with 2 Polynomials in 2 Variables
sage: mq.is_MPolynomialRoundSystem(F.round(0))
Return True if F is an MPolynomialSystem.
- ``F`` - anything
sage: P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: I = [[x^2 + y^2], [x^2 - y^2]]
sage: F = mq.MPolynomialSystem(P,I); F
Polynomial System with 2 Polynomials in 2 Variables
sage: mq.is_MPolynomialSystem(F)