Sum species

class sage.combinat.species.sum_species.SumSpeciesStructure(parent, s, **options)
Bases: sage.combinat.species.structure.SpeciesStructureWrapper
class sage.combinat.species.sum_species.SumSpecies_class(F, G, min=None, max=None, weight=None)

Bases: sage.combinat.species.species.GenericCombinatorialSpecies


Returns the weight ring for this species. This is determined by asking Sage’s coercion model what the result is when you add elements of the weight rings for each of the operands.


sage: S = species.SetSpecies()
sage: C = S+S
sage: C.weight_ring()
Rational Field
sage: S = species.SetSpecies(weight=QQ['t'].gen())
sage: C = S + S
sage: C.weight_ring()
Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field

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