Returns the Macdonald polynomials on the H basis. When the H basis is expanded on the Schur basis, the coefficients are the qt-Kostka numbers.
sage: H = MacdonaldPolynomialsH(QQ)
sage: s = SFASchur(H.base_ring())
sage: s(H([2]))
q*s[1, 1] + s[2]
sage: s(H([1,1]))
s[1, 1] + t*s[2]
Coercions to/from the Schur basis are implemented:
sage: H = MacdonaldPolynomialsH(QQ)
sage: s = SFASchur(H.base_ring())
sage: H(s([2]))
((-q)/(-q*t+1))*McdH[1, 1] + (1/(-q*t+1))*McdH[2]
Returns the Macdonald polynomials on the Ht basis. The elements of the Ht basis are eigenvectors of the nabla operator. When expanded on the Schur basis, the coefficients are the modified qt-Kostka numbers.
sage: Ht = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(QQ)
sage: [Ht(p).nabla() for p in Partitions(3)]
[q^3*McdHt[3], q*t*McdHt[2, 1], t^3*McdHt[1, 1, 1]]
sage: s = SFASchur(Ht.base_ring())
sage: from sage.combinat.sf.macdonald import qt_kostka
sage: q,t = Ht.base_ring().gens()
sage: s(Ht([2,1]))
q*t*s[1, 1, 1] + (q+t)*s[2, 1] + s[3]
sage: qt_kostka([1,1,1],[2,1]).subs(t=1/t)*t^Partition([2,1]).weighted_size()
sage: qt_kostka([2,1],[2,1]).subs(t=1/t)*t^Partition([2,1]).weighted_size()
q + t
sage: qt_kostka([3],[2,1]).subs(t=1/t)*t^Partition([2,1]).weighted_size()
Coercions to/from the Schur basis are implemented:
sage: Ht = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(QQ)
sage: s = SFASchur(Ht.base_ring())
sage: Ht(s([2,1]))
((-q)/(-q*t^2+t^3+q^2-q*t))*McdHt[1, 1, 1] + ((q^2+q*t+t^2)/(-q^2*t^2+q^3+t^3-q*t))*McdHt[2, 1] + ((-t)/(q^3-q^2*t-q*t+t^2))*McdHt[3]
sage: Ht(s([2]))
((-q)/(-q+t))*McdHt[1, 1] + (t/(-q+t))*McdHt[2]
Returns the Macdonald polynomials on the J basis also known as the integral form of the Macdonald polynomials. These are scalar multiples of both the P and Q bases. When expressed in the P or Q basis, the scaling coefficients are polynomials in q and t rather than rational functions.
sage: J = MacdonaldPolynomialsJ(QQ); J
Macdonald polynomials in the J basis over Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Rational Field
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: Q = MacdonaldPolynomialsQ(QQ)
sage: P(J([2]))
sage: P(J([1,1]))
(t^3-t^2-t+1)*McdP[1, 1]
sage: Q(J([2]))
sage: Q(J([1,1]))
(q^2*t-q*t-q+1)*McdQ[1, 1]
Coercions from the and
basis (proportional) and to/from
the Schur basis are implemented:
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: Q = MacdonaldPolynomialsQ(QQ)
sage: J = MacdonaldPolynomialsJ(QQ)
sage: s = SFASchur(P.base_ring())
sage: J(P([2]))
sage: J(Q([2]))
sage: s(J([2]))
(-q*t+t^2+q-t)*s[1, 1] + (q*t^2-q*t-t+1)*s[2]
sage: J(s([2]))
((q-t)/(q*t^4-q*t^3-q*t^2-t^3+q*t+t^2+t-1))*McdJ[1, 1] + (1/(q*t^2-q*t-t+1))*McdJ[2]
Returns the Macdonald polynomials on the P basis. These are upper triangularly related to the monomial symmetric functions and are orthogonal with respect to the qt-Hall scalar product.
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ); P
Macdonald polynomials in the P basis over Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Rational Field
sage: m = SFAMonomial(P.base_ring())
sage: P.transition_matrix(m,2)
[ 1 (q*t - q + t - 1)/(q*t - 1)]
[ 0 1]
sage: P([1,1]).scalar_qt(P([2]))
sage: P([2]).scalar_qt(P([2]))
(q^3 - q^2 - q + 1)/(q*t^2 - q*t - t + 1)
sage: P([1,1]).scalar_qt(P([1,1]))
(q^2*t - q*t - q + 1)/(t^3 - t^2 - t + 1)
When q = 0, the Macdonald polynomials on the P basis are the same as the Hall-Littlewood polynomials on the P basis.
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ,q=0)
sage: P([2])^2
(t+1)*McdP[2, 2] + (-t+1)*McdP[3, 1] + McdP[4]
sage: HLP = HallLittlewoodP(QQ)
sage: HLP([2])^2
(t+1)*P[2, 2] + (-t+1)*P[3, 1] + P[4]
Coercions from the and
basis (proportional) are
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: Q = MacdonaldPolynomialsQ(QQ)
sage: J = MacdonaldPolynomialsJ(QQ)
sage: s = SFASchur(P.base_ring())
sage: P(Q([2]))
sage: P(Q([2,1]))
((-q*t^4+2*q*t^3-q*t^2+t^2-2*t+1)/(-q^4*t+2*q^3*t-q^2*t+q^2-2*q+1))*McdP[2, 1]
sage: P(J([2]))
sage: P(J([2,1]))
(-q*t^4+2*q*t^3-q*t^2+t^2-2*t+1)*McdP[2, 1]
By transitivity, one get coercions from the classical bases:
sage: P(s([2]))
((q-t)/(q*t-1))*McdP[1, 1] + McdP[2]
sage: P(s([2,1]))
((q*t-t^2+q-t)/(q*t^2-1))*McdP[1, 1, 1] + McdP[2, 1]
Returns the Macdonald polynomials on the Q basis. These are dual to the Macdonald polynomials on the P basis with respect to the qt-Hall scalar product.
sage: Q = MacdonaldPolynomialsQ(QQ); Q
Macdonald polynomials in the Q basis over Fraction Field of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in q, t over Rational Field
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: Q([2]).scalar_qt(P([2]))
sage: Q([2]).scalar_qt(P([1,1]))
sage: Q([1,1]).scalar_qt(P([2]))
sage: Q([1,1]).scalar_qt(P([1,1]))
sage: Q(P([2]))
sage: Q(P([1,1]))
((q^2*t-q*t-q+1)/(t^3-t^2-t+1))*McdQ[1, 1]
Coercions from the and
basis (proportional) are implemented:
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: Q = MacdonaldPolynomialsQ(QQ)
sage: J = MacdonaldPolynomialsJ(QQ)
sage: s = SFASchur(P.base_ring())
sage: Q(J([2]))
sage: Q(P([2]))
sage: P(Q(P([2])))
sage: Q(P(Q([2])))
By transitivity, one get coercions from the classical bases:
sage: Q(s([2]))
((q^2-q*t-q+t)/(t^3-t^2-t+1))*McdQ[1, 1] + ((q^3-q^2-q+1)/(q*t^2-q*t-t+1))*McdQ[2]
Returns the modified Schur functions defined by the plethystic
substitution . When the
Macdonald polynomials in the J basis are expressed in terms of the
modified Schur functions, the coefficients are qt-Kostka numbers.
sage: S = MacdonaldPolynomialsS(QQ)
sage: J = MacdonaldPolynomialsJ(QQ)
sage: S(J([2]))
q*McdS[1, 1] + McdS[2]
sage: S(J([1,1]))
McdS[1, 1] + t*McdS[2]
sage: from sage.combinat.sf.macdonald import qt_kostka
sage: qt_kostka([2],[1,1])
sage: qt_kostka([1,1],[2])
Coercions to/from the Schur basis are implemented:
sage: S = MacdonaldPolynomialsS(QQ)
sage: J = MacdonaldPolynomialsJ(QQ)
sage: S(J([2]))
q*McdS[1, 1] + McdS[2]
sage: S(J([1,1]))
McdS[1, 1] + t*McdS[2]
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.sfa.SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_generic
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.sfa.SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_generic_Element
Returns the value of the nabla operator applied to self. The eigenvectors of the nabla operator are the Macdonald polynomials in the Ht basis.
sage: from sage.combinat.sf.macdonald import *
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: P([1,1]).nabla()
((q^2*t+q*t^2-2*t)/(q*t-1))*McdP[1, 1] + McdP[2]
Returns the image of self under the
sage: H = MacdonaldPolynomialsH(QQ)
sage: H([1,1]).omega_qt()
((2*q^2-2*q*t-2*q+2*t)/(t^3-t^2-t+1))*McdH[1, 1] + ((q-1)/(t-1))*McdH[2]
Returns the qt-Hall scalar product of self and x by converting both to the power-sum basis.
sage: H = MacdonaldPolynomialsH(QQ)
sage: H([1]).scalar_qt(H([1]))
(-q + 1)/(-t + 1)
Returns the qt-Hall scalar product between J(part) and P(part).
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: P.c1(Partition([2,1]))
-q^4*t + 2*q^3*t - q^2*t + q^2 - 2*q + 1
Returns the qt-Hall scalar product between J(part) and Q(part).
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: P.c2(Partition([2,1]))
-q*t^4 + 2*q*t^3 - q*t^2 + t^2 - 2*t + 1
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic.Element
Returns the value of the nabla operator applied to self. The eigenvectors of the nabla operator are the Macdonald polynomials in the Ht basis.
sage: Ht = MacdonaldPolynomialsHt(QQ)
sage: t = Ht.t; q = Ht.q;
sage: a = sum(Ht(p) for p in Partitions(3))
sage: a.nabla() == t^3*Ht([1,1,1])+q*t*Ht([2,1]) + q^3*Ht([3])
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic.Element
Returns the qt-Hall scalar product of self and x. If x is in the Macdonald J basis, then specialized code is used; otherwise, both are converted to the power-sums and the scalar product is carried out there.
sage: J = MacdonaldPolynomialsJ(QQ)
sage: J([1,1]).scalar_qt(J([1,1]))
q^2*t^4 - q^2*t^3 - q*t^4 - q^2*t^2 + q^2*t + 2*q*t^2 + t^3 - t^2 - q - t + 1
sage: J([1,1]).scalar_qt(J([2]))
sage: J([2]).scalar_qt(J([2]))
q^4*t^2 - q^4*t - q^3*t^2 - q^2*t^2 + q^3 + 2*q^2*t + q*t^2 - q^2 - q - t + 1
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic.Element
Returns the qt-Hall scalar product of self and x. If x is in the Macdonald P or Q basis, then specialized code is used; otherwise, both are converted to the power-sums and the scalar product is carried out there.
sage: Q = MacdonaldPolynomialsQ(QQ)
sage: P = MacdonaldPolynomialsP(QQ)
sage: a = P([2])
sage: b = Q([2])
sage: a.scalar_qt(a)
(q^3 - q^2 - q + 1)/(q*t^2 - q*t - t + 1)
sage: a.scalar_qt(b)
Returns the scalar product of P[part1] and P[part2]
NT: those results do not quite with Macdonald Symmetric Function and Orthogonal Polynomials p.12 (11.3). Is this P basis a normalization variant of that of Macdo?
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic.Element
Returns the qt-Hall scalar product of self and x. If x is in the Macdonald P basis, then specialized code is used; otherwise, both are converted to the power-sums and the scalar product is carried out there.
sage: Q = MacdonaldPolynomialsQ(QQ)
sage: H = MacdonaldPolynomialsH(QQ)
sage: a = Q([2])
sage: a.scalar_qt(a)
(-q*t^2 + q*t + t - 1)/(-q^3 + q^2 + q - 1)
sage: a.scalar_qt(H([1,1]))
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic
Bases: sage.combinat.sf.macdonald.MacdonaldPolynomials_generic.Element
sage: S = MacdonaldPolynomialsS(QQ)
sage: a = S(1)
sage: a.creation(1)
sage: a.creation(2)
(q^2*t-q*t-q+1)*McdS[1, 1] + (q^2-q*t-q+t)*McdS[2]
Returns the image of self under the Frobenius / omega automorphism.
sage: S = MacdonaldPolynomialsS(QQ)
sage: S([1,1]).omega_qt()
(t/(t^3-t^2-t+1))*McdS[1, 1] + ((-1)/(-t^3+t^2+t-1))*McdS[2]
This function returns the qt-Hall scalar product between J(part) and P(part).
sage: from sage.combinat.sf.macdonald import c1
sage: R.<q,t> = QQ[]
sage: c1(Partition([2,1]),q,t)
-q^4*t + 2*q^3*t - q^2*t + q^2 - 2*q + 1
sage: c1(Partition([1,1]),q,t)
q^2*t - q*t - q + 1
This function returns the qt-Hall scalar product between J(part) and Q(part).
sage: from sage.combinat.sf.macdonald import c2
sage: R.<q,t> = QQ[]
sage: c2(Partition([1,1]),q,t)
t^3 - t^2 - t + 1
sage: c2(Partition([2,1]),q,t)
-q*t^4 + 2*q*t^3 - q*t^2 + t^2 - 2*t + 1
Returns the by computing the change
of basis from the Macdonald H basis to the Schurs.
sage: from sage.combinat.sf.macdonald import qt_kostka
sage: qt_kostka([2,1,1],[1,1,1,1])
t^3 + t^2 + t
sage: qt_kostka([1,1,1,1],[2,1,1])
sage: qt_kostka([1,1,1,1],[3,1])
sage: qt_kostka([1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1])
sage: qt_kostka([2,1,1],[2,2])
q^2*t + q*t + q
sage: qt_kostka([2,2],[2,2])
q^2*t^2 + 1
sage: qt_kostka([4],[3,1])
sage: qt_kostka([2,2],[3,1])
q^2*t + q
sage: qt_kostka([3,1],[2,1,1])
q*t^3 + t^2 + t
sage: qt_kostka([2,1,1],[2,1,1])
q*t^2 + q*t + 1
sage: qt_kostka([2,1],[1,1,1,1])