Steenrod algebra bases


  • John H. Palmieri (2008-07-30): version 0.9

This package defines functions for computing various bases of the Steenrod algebra, and for converting between the Milnor basis and any other basis.

This packages implements a number of different bases, at least at the prime 2. The Milnor and Serre-Cartan bases are the most familiar and most standard ones, and all of the others are defined in terms of one of these. The bases are described in the documentation for the function steenrod_algebra_basis; also see the papers by Monks [M] and Wood [W] for more information about them. For commutator bases, see the preprint by Palmieri and Zhang [PZ].

  • ‘milnor’: Milnor basis.
  • ‘serre-cartan’ or ‘adem’ or ‘admissible’: Serre-Cartan basis.

The other bases are as follows; these are only defined when p=2:

  • ‘wood_y’: Wood’s Y basis.
  • ‘wood_z’: Wood’s Z basis.
  • ‘wall’, ‘wall_long’: Wall’s basis.
  • ‘arnon_a’, ‘arnon_a_long’: Arnon’s A basis.
  • ‘arnon_c’: Arnon’s C basis.
  • ‘pst’, ‘pst_rlex’, ‘pst_llex’, ‘pst_deg’, ‘pst_revz’: various P^s_t-bases.
  • ‘comm’, ‘comm_rlex’, ‘comm_llex’, ‘comm_deg’, ‘comm_revz’, or these with ‘_long’ appended: various commutator bases.


sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(7,'milnor')
(Sq(0,0,1), Sq(1,2), Sq(4,1), Sq(7))
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(5)   # milnor basis is the default
(Sq(2,1), Sq(5))

The third (optional) argument to steenrod_algebra_basis is the prime p:

sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(9, 'milnor', p=3)
(Q_1 P(1), Q_0 P(2))
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(9, 'milnor', 3)
(Q_1 P(1), Q_0 P(2))
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(17, 'milnor', 3)
(Q_2, Q_1 P(3), Q_0 P(0,1), Q_0 P(4))

Other bases:

sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(7,'admissible')
(Sq^{7}, Sq^{6} Sq^{1}, Sq^{4} Sq^{2} Sq^{1}, Sq^{5} Sq^{2})
sage: [x.basis('milnor') for x in steenrod_algebra_basis(7,'admissible')]
Sq(4,1) + Sq(7),
Sq(0,0,1) + Sq(1,2) + Sq(4,1) + Sq(7),
Sq(1,2) + Sq(7)]
sage: Aw = SteenrodAlgebra(2, basis = 'wall_long')
sage: [Aw(x) for x in steenrod_algebra_basis(7,'admissible')]
[Sq^{1} Sq^{2} Sq^{4},
Sq^{2} Sq^{4} Sq^{1},
Sq^{4} Sq^{2} Sq^{1},
Sq^{4} Sq^{1} Sq^{2}]
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(13,'admissible',p=3)
(beta P^{3}, P^{3} beta)
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(5,'wall')
(Q^{2}_{2} Q^{0}_{0}, Q^{1}_{1} Q^{1}_{0})
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(5,'wall_long')
(Sq^{4} Sq^{1}, Sq^{2} Sq^{1} Sq^{2})
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(5,'pst-rlex')
(P^{0}_{1} P^{2}_{1}, P^{1}_{1} P^{0}_{2})

This file also contains a function milnor_convert which converts elements from the (default) Milnor basis representation to a representation in another basis. The output is a dictionary which gives the new representation; its form depends on the chosen basis. For example, in the basis of admissible sequences (a.k.a. the Serre-Cartan basis), each basis element is of the form \text{Sq}^a
\text{Sq}^b ..., and so is represented by a tuple (a,b,...) of integers. Thus the dictionary has such tuples as keys, with the coefficient of the basis element as the associated value:

sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import milnor_convert
sage: milnor_convert(Sq(2)*Sq(4) + Sq(2)*Sq(5), 'admissible')
{(5, 1): 1, (6, 1): 1, (6,): 1}
sage: milnor_convert(Sq(2)*Sq(4) + Sq(2)*Sq(5), 'pst')
{((1, 1), (2, 1)): 1, ((0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)): 1, ((0, 2), (2, 1)): 1}

Users shouldn’t need to call milnor_convert; they should use the basis method to view a single element in another basis, or define a Steenrod algebra with a different default basis and work in that algebra:

sage: x = Sq(2)*Sq(4) + Sq(2)*Sq(5)
sage: x
Sq(3,1) + Sq(4,1) + Sq(6) + Sq(7)
sage: x.basis('milnor')  # 'milnor' is the default basis
Sq(3,1) + Sq(4,1) + Sq(6) + Sq(7)
sage: x.basis('adem')
Sq^{5} Sq^{1} + Sq^{6} + Sq^{6} Sq^{1}
sage: x.basis('pst')
P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1} + P^{0}_{2} P^{2}_{1} + P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1}
sage: A = SteenrodAlgebra(2, basis='pst')
sage: A(Sq(2) * Sq(4) + Sq(2) * Sq(5))
P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1} + P^{0}_{2} P^{2}_{1} + P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1}


If you want to implement a new basis for the Steenrod algebra:

In the file ‘’:

  • add functionality to get_basis_name: this should accept as input various synonyms for the basis, and its output should be an element of _steenrod_basis_unique_names (see the next file).

In the file ‘’:

  • add name of basis to _steenrod_basis_unique_names
  • add functionality to string_rep, which probably involves adding a BASIS_mono_to_string function
  • add functionality to the _basis_dictionary method

In this file ‘’:

  • add appropriate lines to steenrod_algebra_basis
  • add a function to compute the basis in a given dimension (to be called by steenrod_algebra_basis)


  • [M] K. G. Monks, “Change of basis, monomial relations, and P^s_t bases for the Steenrod algebra,” J. Pure Appl. Algebra 125 (1998), no. 1-3, 235-260.
  • [PZ] J. H. Palmieri and J. J. Zhang, “Commutators in the Steenrod algebra,” preprint (2008)
  • [W] R. M. W. Wood, “Problems in the Steenrod algebra,” Bull. London Math. Soc. 30 (1998), no. 5, 449-517.
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.Q(m, k, basis)

Compute Q^m_k (Wall basis) and X^m_k (Arnon’s A basis).


  • m,k - non-negative integers with m >= k
  • basis - ‘wall’ or ‘arnona’

OUTPUT: element of Steenrod algebra

If basis is ‘wall’, this returns Q^m_k = Sq(2^k) Sq(2^{k+1}) ... Sq(2^m). If basis is ‘arnona’, it returns the reverse of this: X^m_k = Sq(2^m) ... Sq(2^{k+1}) Sq(2^k)


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import Q
sage: Q(2,2,'wall')
sage: Q(2,2,'arnona')
sage: Q(3,2,'wall')
Sq(6,2) + Sq(12)
sage: Q(3,2,'arnona')
Sq(0,4) + Sq(3,3) + Sq(6,2) + Sq(12)
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.arnonC_basis(n, bound=1)

Arnon’s C basis in dimension n.


  • n - non-negative integer
  • bound - positive integer (optional)

OUTPUT: tuple of basis elements in dimension n

The elements of Arnon’s C basis are monomials of the form \text{Sq}^{t_1} ... \text{Sq}^{t_m} where for each i, we have t_i \leq 2t_{i+1} and 2^i | t_{m-i}.


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import arnonC_basis
sage: arnonC_basis(7)
(Sq^{7}, Sq^{2} Sq^{5}, Sq^{4} Sq^{3}, Sq^{4} Sq^{2} Sq^{1})

If optional argument bound is present, include only those monomials whose first term is at least as large as bound:

sage: arnonC_basis(7,3)
(Sq^{7}, Sq^{4} Sq^{3}, Sq^{4} Sq^{2} Sq^{1})
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.atomic_basis(n, basis, long=False)

Basis for dimension n made of elements in ‘atomic’ degrees: degrees of the form 2^i (2^j - 1).


  • n - non-negative integer
  • basis - string, the name of the basis

OUTPUT: tuple of basis elements in dimension n

The atomic bases include Wood’s Y and Z bases, Wall’s basis, Arnon’s A basis, the P^s_t-bases, and the commutator bases. (All of these bases are constructed similarly, hence their constructions have been consolidated into a single function. Also, see the documentation for ‘steenrod_algebra_basis’ for descriptions of them.)


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import atomic_basis
sage: atomic_basis(6,'woody')
(Sq^{2} Sq^{3} Sq^{1}, Sq^{4} Sq^{2}, Sq^{6})
sage: atomic_basis(8,'woodz')
(Sq^{4} Sq^{3} Sq^{1}, Sq^{7} Sq^{1}, Sq^{6} Sq^{2}, Sq^{8})
sage: atomic_basis(6,'woodz') == atomic_basis(6, 'woody')
sage: atomic_basis(9,'woodz') == atomic_basis(9, 'woody')

Wall’s basis:

sage: atomic_basis(6,'wall')
(Q^{1}_{1} Q^{1}_{0} Q^{0}_{0}, Q^{2}_{2} Q^{1}_{1}, Q^{2}_{1})

Elements of the Wall basis have an alternate, ‘long’ representation as monomials in the \text{Sq}^{2^n} s:

sage: atomic_basis(6, 'wall', long=True)
(Sq^{2} Sq^{1} Sq^{2} Sq^{1}, Sq^{4} Sq^{2}, Sq^{2} Sq^{4})

Arnon’s A basis:

sage: atomic_basis(7,'arnona')
(X^{0}_{0} X^{1}_{1} X^{2}_{2},
X^{0}_{0} X^{2}_{1},
X^{1}_{0} X^{2}_{2},

These also have a ‘long’ representation:

sage: atomic_basis(7,'arnona',long=True)
(Sq^{1} Sq^{2} Sq^{4},
Sq^{1} Sq^{4} Sq^{2},
Sq^{2} Sq^{1} Sq^{4},
Sq^{4} Sq^{2} Sq^{1})


sage: atomic_basis(7,'pst_rlex')
(P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1},
P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{2},
P^{2}_{1} P^{0}_{2},
sage: atomic_basis(7,'pst_llex')
(P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1},
P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{2},
P^{0}_{2} P^{2}_{1},
sage: atomic_basis(7,'pst_deg')
(P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1},
P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{2},
P^{0}_{2} P^{2}_{1},
sage: atomic_basis(7,'pst_revz')
(P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1},
P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{2},
P^{0}_{2} P^{2}_{1},

Commutator bases:

sage: atomic_basis(7,'comm_rlex')
(c_{0,1} c_{1,1} c_{2,1}, c_{0,1} c_{1,2}, c_{2,1} c_{0,2}, c_{0,3})
sage: atomic_basis(7,'comm_llex')
(c_{0,1} c_{1,1} c_{2,1}, c_{0,1} c_{1,2}, c_{0,2} c_{2,1}, c_{0,3})
sage: atomic_basis(7,'comm_deg')
(c_{0,1} c_{1,1} c_{2,1}, c_{0,1} c_{1,2}, c_{0,2} c_{2,1}, c_{0,3})
sage: atomic_basis(7,'comm_revz')
(c_{0,1} c_{1,1} c_{2,1}, c_{0,1} c_{1,2}, c_{0,2} c_{2,1}, c_{0,3})

Long representations of commutator bases:

sage: atomic_basis(7,'comm_revz', long=True)
(s_{1} s_{2} s_{4}, s_{1} s_{24}, s_{12} s_{4}, s_{124})
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.commutator(s, t)

Returns the t^{th} iterated commutator of consecutive \text{Sq}^{2^i} ‘s.

INPUT: s, t: integers

OUTPUT: element of the Steenrod algebra

If t=1, return Sq(2^s). Otherwise, return the commutator [commutator(s,t-1), \text{Sq}(2^{s+t-1})].


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import commutator
sage: commutator(1,2)
sage: commutator(0,4)
sage: commutator(2,2)
Sq(0,4) + Sq(3,3)


commutator(0,n) is equal to \text{Sq}(0,...,0,1), with the 1 in the n^{th} spot. commutator(i,n) always has \text{Sq}(0,...,0,2^i), with 2^i in the n^{th} spot, as a summand, but there may be other terms, as the example of commutator(2,2) illustrates.

That is, commutator(s,t) is equal to P^s_t, possibly plus other Milnor basis elements.

sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.convert_from_milnor_matrix(n, basis, p=2)

Change-of-basis matrix, Milnor to ‘basis’, in dimension n.


  • n - non-negative integer, the dimension
  • basis - string, the basis to which to convert
  • p - positive prime number (optional, default 2)


  • matrix - change-of-basis matrix, a square matrix over GF(p)

(This is not really intended for casual users, so no error checking is made on the integer n, the basis name, or the prime.)


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import convert_from_milnor_matrix, convert_to_milnor_matrix
sage: convert_from_milnor_matrix(12,'wall')
[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]
[0 0 1 1 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 1 0 1 1]
[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
[1 0 1 0 1 0 0]
[1 1 1 0 0 0 0]
[1 0 1 0 1 0 1]
sage: convert_from_milnor_matrix(38,'serre_cartan')
72 x 72 dense matrix over Finite Field of size 2
sage: x = convert_to_milnor_matrix(20,'wood_y')
sage: y = convert_from_milnor_matrix(20,'wood_y')
sage: x*y
[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]

The function takes an optional argument, the prime p over which to work:

sage: convert_from_milnor_matrix(17,'adem',3)
[2 1 1 2]
[0 2 0 1]
[1 2 0 0]
[0 1 0 0]
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.convert_to_milnor_matrix(n, basis, p=2)

Change-of-basis matrix, ‘basis’ to Milnor, in dimension n, at the prime p.


  • n - non-negative integer, the dimension
  • basis - string, the basis from which to convert
  • p - positive prime number (optional, default 2)


  • matrix - change-of-basis matrix, a square matrix over GF(p)

(This is not really intended for casual users, so no error checking is made on the integer n, the basis name, or the prime.)


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import convert_to_milnor_matrix
sage: convert_to_milnor_matrix(5, 'adem')
[0 1]
[1 1]
sage: convert_to_milnor_matrix(45, 'milnor')
111 x 111 dense matrix over Finite Field of size 2
sage: convert_to_milnor_matrix(12,'wall')
[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]
[1 1 0 0 0 1 0]
[0 1 0 1 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
[1 1 0 0 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 1 1 0 1]
[0 0 0 0 1 0 1]

The function takes an optional argument, the prime p over which to work:

sage: convert_to_milnor_matrix(17,'adem',3)
[0 0 1 1]
[0 0 0 1]
[1 1 1 1]
[0 1 0 1]
sage: convert_to_milnor_matrix(48,'adem',5)
[0 1]
[1 1]
sage: convert_to_milnor_matrix(36,'adem',3)
[0 0 1]
[0 1 0]
[1 2 0]

Given list of positive integers [a,b,c,...], return corresponding ‘histogram’.

That is, in the output [n1, n2, ...], n1 is the number of 1’s in the original list, n2 is the number of 2’s, etc.


  • list - list of positive integers


  • answer - list of non-negative integers


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import list_to_hist
sage: list_to_hist([1,2,3,4,2,1,2])
[2, 3, 1, 1]
sage: list_to_hist([2,2,2,2])
[0, 4]

Break element of the Steenrod algebra into a list of homogeneous pieces.


  • poly - an element of the Steenrod algebra

OUTPUT: list of homogeneous elements of the Steenrod algebra whose sum is poly


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import make_elt_homogeneous
sage: make_elt_homogeneous(Sq(2)*Sq(4) + Sq(2)*Sq(5))
[Sq(3,1) + Sq(6), Sq(4,1) + Sq(7)]
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.milnor_P_basis(n, p=2)

Milnor P basis in dimension n.


  • n - non-negative integer
  • p - positive prime number (optional, default 2)


  • tuple of mod p Milnor P basis elements in dimension n

At the prime 2, the Milnor P basis consists of symbols of the form \text{Sq}(m_1, m_2, ..., m_t), where each m_i is a non-negative integer and if t>1, then m_t \neq 0. At odd primes, it consists of symbols of the form P(m_1, m_2, ..., m_t), where each m_i is a non-negative integer, and if t>1, then m_t \neq 0.

Thus at the prime 2, this is just the Milnor basis. At odd primes, it is a subset of the Milnor basis of those terms with no Q factors.


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import milnor_P_basis
sage: milnor_P_basis(7)
(Sq(0,0,1), Sq(1,2), Sq(4,1), Sq(7))
sage: milnor_P_basis(7, 2)
(Sq(0,0,1), Sq(1,2), Sq(4,1), Sq(7))
sage: milnor_P_basis(9, 3)
sage: milnor_P_basis(17, 3)
sage: milnor_P_basis(48, p=5)
(P(0,1), P(6))
sage: len(milnor_P_basis(100,3))
sage: len(milnor_P_basis(200,7))
sage: len(milnor_P_basis(240,7))
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.milnor_basis(n, p=2)

Milnor basis in dimension n.


  • n - non-negative integer
  • p - positive prime number (optional, default 2)

OUTPUT: tuple of mod p Milnor basis elements in dimension n

At the prime 2, the Milnor basis consists of symbols of the form \text{Sq}(m_1, m_2, ..., m_t), where each m_i is a non-negative integer and if t>1, then m_t \neq 0. At odd primes, it consists of symbols of the form Q_{e_1} Q_{e_2} ... P(m_1, m_2, ..., m_t), where 0 \leq e_1 < e_2 < ..., each m_i is a non-negative integer, and if t>1, then m_t \neq 0.


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import milnor_basis
sage: milnor_basis(7)
(Sq(0,0,1), Sq(1,2), Sq(4,1), Sq(7))
sage: milnor_basis(7, 2)
(Sq(0,0,1), Sq(1,2), Sq(4,1), Sq(7))
sage: milnor_basis(9, 3)
(Q_1 P(1), Q_0 P(2))
sage: milnor_basis(17, 3)
(Q_2, Q_1 P(3), Q_0 P(0,1), Q_0 P(4))
sage: milnor_basis(48, p=5)
(P(0,1), P(6))
sage: len(milnor_basis(100,3))
sage: len(milnor_basis(200,7))
sage: len(milnor_basis(240,7))
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.milnor_convert(poly, basis)

Convert an element of the Steenrod algebra in the Milnor basis to its representation in the chosen basis.


  • poly - element of the Steenrod algebra
  • basis - basis to which to convert


  • dict - dictionary

This returns a dictionary of terms of the form (mono: coeff), where mono is a monomial in ‘basis’. The form of mono depends on the chosen basis.


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import milnor_convert
sage: milnor_convert(Sq(2)*Sq(4) + Sq(2)*Sq(5), 'adem')
{(5, 1): 1, (6, 1): 1, (6,): 1}
sage: A3 = SteenrodAlgebra(3)
sage: a = A3.Q(1) * A3.P(2,2); a
Q_1 P(2,2)
sage: milnor_convert(a, 'adem')
{(0, 9, 1, 2, 0): 1, (1, 9, 0, 2, 0): 2}
sage: milnor_convert(2 * a, 'adem')
{(0, 9, 1, 2, 0): 2, (1, 9, 0, 2, 0): 1}
sage: (Sq(2)*Sq(4) + Sq(2)*Sq(5)).basis('adem')
Sq^{5} Sq^{1} + Sq^{6} + Sq^{6} Sq^{1}
sage: a.basis('adem')
P^{9} beta P^{2} + 2 beta P^{9} P^{2}
sage: milnor_convert(Sq(2)*Sq(4) + Sq(2)*Sq(5), 'pst')
{((1, 1), (2, 1)): 1, ((0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)): 1, ((0, 2), (2, 1)): 1}
sage: (Sq(2)*Sq(4) + Sq(2)*Sq(5)).basis('pst')
P^{0}_{1} P^{1}_{1} P^{2}_{1} + P^{0}_{2} P^{2}_{1} + P^{1}_{1}
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.restricted_partitions(n, list, no_repeats=False)

List of ‘restricted’ partitions of n: partitions with parts taken from list.


  • n - non-negative integer
  • list - list of positive integers
  • no_repeats - boolean (optional, default = False), if True, only return partitions with no repeated parts

This seems to be faster than RestrictedPartitions, although I don’t know why. Maybe because all I want is the list of partitions (with each partition represented as a list), not the extra stuff provided by RestrictedPartitions.


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import restricted_partitions
sage: restricted_partitions(10, [7,5,1])
[[7, 1, 1, 1], [5, 5], [5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]
sage: restricted_partitions(10, [6,5,4,3,2,1], no_repeats=True)
[[6, 4], [6, 3, 1], [5, 4, 1], [5, 3, 2], [4, 3, 2, 1]]
sage: restricted_partitions(10, [6,4,2])
[[6, 4], [6, 2, 2], [4, 4, 2], [4, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]
sage: restricted_partitions(10, [6,4,2], no_repeats=True)
[[6, 4]]

‘list’ may have repeated elements. If ‘no_repeats’ is False, this has no effect. If ‘no_repeats’ is True, and if the repeated elements appear consecutively in ‘list’, then each element may be used only as many times as it appears in ‘list’:

sage: restricted_partitions(10, [6,4,2,2], no_repeats=True)
[[6, 4], [6, 2, 2]]
sage: restricted_partitions(10, [6,4,2,2,2], no_repeats=True)
[[6, 4], [6, 2, 2], [4, 2, 2, 2]]

(If the repeated elements don’t appear consecutively, the results are likely meaningless, containing several partitions more than once, for example.)

In the following examples, ‘no_repeats’ is False:

sage: restricted_partitions(10, [6,4,2])
[[6, 4], [6, 2, 2], [4, 4, 2], [4, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]
sage: restricted_partitions(10, [6,4,2,2,2])
[[6, 4], [6, 2, 2], [4, 4, 2], [4, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]
sage: restricted_partitions(10, [6,4,4,4,2,2,2,2,2,2])
[[6, 4], [6, 2, 2], [4, 4, 2], [4, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.serre_cartan_basis(n, p=2, bound=1)

Serre-Cartan basis in dimension n.


  • n - non-negative integer
  • bound - positive integer (optional)
  • prime - positive prime number (optional, default 2)

OUTPUT: tuple of mod p Serre-Cartan basis elements in dimension n

The Serre-Cartan basis consists of ‘admissible monomials in the Steenrod squares’. Thus at the prime 2, it consists of monomials \text{Sq}^{m_1} \text{Sq}^{m_2} ... \text{Sq}^{m_t} with m_i \geq 2m_{i+1} for each i. At odd primes, it consists of monomials \beta^{e_0} P^{s_1} \beta^{e_1} P^{s_2} ...  P^{s_k} \beta^{e_k} with each e_i either 0 or 1, s_i \geq p s_{i+1} +  e_i, and s_k \geq 1.


sage: from sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases import serre_cartan_basis
sage: serre_cartan_basis(7)
(Sq^{7}, Sq^{6} Sq^{1}, Sq^{4} Sq^{2} Sq^{1}, Sq^{5} Sq^{2})
sage: serre_cartan_basis(13,3)
(beta P^{3}, P^{3} beta)
sage: serre_cartan_basis(50,5)
(beta P^{5} P^{1} beta, beta P^{6} beta)

If optional argument bound is present, include only those monomials whose last term is at least bound (when p=2), or those for which s_k - epsilon_k >= bound (when p is odd).

sage: serre_cartan_basis(7, bound=2)
(Sq^{7}, Sq^{5} Sq^{2})
sage: serre_cartan_basis(13, 3, bound=3)
(beta P^{3},)
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.steenrod_algebra_basis(n, basis='milnor', p=2)

Basis for the Steenrod algebra in degree n.


  • n - non-negative integer
  • basis - string, which basis to use (optional, default = ‘milnor’)
  • p - positive prime number (optional, default = 2)

OUTPUT: tuple of basis elements for the Steenrod algebra in dimension n

The choices for the string basis are as follows:

  • ‘milnor’: Milnor basis. When p=2, the Milnor basis consists of symbols of the form \text{Sq}(m_1, m_2, ..., m_t), where each m_i is a non-negative integer and if t>1, then the last entry m_t > 0. When p is odd, the Milnor basis consists of symbols of the form Q_{e_1} Q_{e_2} ... \mathcal{P}(m_1, m_2, ..., m_t), where 0 \leq e_1 < e_2 < ..., each m_i is a non-negative integer, and if t>1, then the last entry m_t > 0.

  • ‘serre-cartan’ or ‘adem’ or ‘admissible’: Serre-Cartan basis. The Serre-Cartan basis consists of ‘admissible monomials’ in the Steenrod operations. Thus at the prime 2, it consists of monomials \text{Sq}^{m_1} \text{Sq}^{m_2} ... \text{Sq}^{m_t} with m_i \geq 2m_{i+1} for each i. At odd primes, it consists of monomials \beta^{\epsilon_0} \mathcal{P}^{s_1} \beta^{\epsilon_1} \mathcal{P}^{s_2} ...  \mathcal{P}^{s_k} \beta^{\epsilon_k} with each \epsilon_i either 0 or 1, s_i \geq p s_{i+1} + \epsilon_i, and s_k \geq 1.

    When p=2, the element \text{Sq}^a equals the Milnor element \text{Sq}(a); when p is odd, \mathcal{P}^a = \mathcal{P}(a) and \beta = Q_0. Hence for any Serre-Cartan basis element, one can represent it in the Milnor basis by computing an appropriate product using Milnor multiplication.

The rest of these bases are only defined when p=2.

  • ‘wood_y’: Wood’s Y basis. For pairs of non-negative integers (m,k), let w(m,k) = \text{Sq}^{2^m (2^{k+1}-1)}. Wood’s Y basis consists of monomials w(m_0,k_0) ... w(m_t, k_t) with (m_i,k_i) > (m_{i+1},k_{i+1}), in left lex order.

  • ‘wood_z’: Wood’s Z basis. For pairs of non-negative integers (m,k), let w(m,k) = \text{Sq}^{2^m (2^{k+1}-1)}. Wood’s Z basis consists of monomials w(m_0,k_0) ... w(m_t, k_t) with (m_i+k_i,m_i) > (m_{i+1}+k_{i+1},m_{i+1}), in left lex order.

  • ‘wall’ or ‘wall_long’: Wall’s basis. For any pair of integers (m,k) with m \geq k \geq 0, let Q^m_k = \text{Sq}^{2^k} \text{Sq}^{2^{k+1}} ... \text{Sq}^{2^m}. The elements of Wall’s basis are monomials Q^{m_0}_{k_0} ... Q^{m_t}_{k_t} with (m_i, k_i) > (m_{i+1}, k_{i+1}), ordered left lexicographically.

    (Note that Q^m_k is the reverse of the element X^m_k used in defining Arnon’s A basis.)

    The standard way of printing elements of the Wall basis is to write elements in terms of the Q^m_k. If one sets the basis to ‘wall_long’ instead of ‘wall’, then each Q^m_k is expanded as a product of factors of the form \text{Sq}^{2^i}.

  • ‘arnon_a’ or ‘arnon_a_long’: Arnon’s A basis. For any pair of integers (m,k) with m \geq k \geq 0, let X^m_k = \text{Sq}^{2^m} \text{Sq}^{2^{m-1}} ... \text{Sq}^{2^k}. The elements of Arnon’s A basis are monomials X^{m_0}_{k_0} ... X^{m_t}_{k_t} with (m_i, k_i) < (m_{i+1}, k_{i+1}), ordered left lexicographically.

    (Note that X^m_k is the reverse of the element Q^m_k used in defining Wall’s basis.)

    The standard way of printing elements of Arnon’s A basis is to write elements in terms of the X^m_k. If one sets the basis to ‘arnon_a_long’ instead of ‘arnon_a’, then each X^m_k is expanded as a product of factors of the form \text{Sq}^{2^i}.

  • ‘arnon_c’: Arnon’s C basis. The elements of Arnon’s C basis are monomials of the form \text{Sq}^{t_1} ... \text{Sq}^{t_m} where for each i, we have t_i \leq 2t_{i+1} and 2^i | t_{m-i}.

  • ‘pst’, ‘pst_rlex’, ‘pst_llex’, ‘pst_deg’, ‘pst_revz’: various P^s_t-bases. For integers s \geq 0 and t > 0, the element P^s_t is the Milnor basis element \text{Sq}(0, ..., 0, 2^s, 0, ...), with the nonzero entry in position t. To obtain a P^s_t-basis, for each set \{P^{s_1}_{t_1}, ..., P^{s_k}_{t_k}\} of (distinct) P^s_t‘s, one chooses an ordering and forms the resulting monomial. The set of all such monomials then forms a basis, and so one gets a basis by choosing an ordering on each monomial.

The strings ‘rlex’, ‘llex’, etc., correspond to the following orderings. These are all ‘global’ - they give a global ordering on the P^s_t‘s, not different orderings depending on the monomial. They order the P^s_t‘s using the pair of integers (s,t) as follows:

  • ‘rlex’: right lexicographic ordering

  • ‘llex’: left lexicographic ordering

  • ‘deg’: ordered by degree, which is the same as left lexicographic ordering on the pair (s+t,t)

  • ‘revz’: left lexicographic ordering on the pair (s+t,s), which is the reverse of the ordering used (on elements in the same degrees as the P^s_t‘s) in Wood’s Z basis: ‘revz’ stands for ‘reversed Z’. This is the default: ‘pst’ is the same as ‘pst_revz’.

  • ‘comm’, ‘comm_rlex’, ‘comm_llex’, ‘comm_deg’, ‘comm_revz’, or any of these with ‘_long’ appended: various commutator bases. Let c_{i,1} = \text{Sq}^{2^i}, let c_{i,2} = [c_{i,1}, c_{i+1,1}], and inductively define c_{i,k} = [c_{i,k-1}, c_{i+k-1,1}]. Thus c_{i,k} is a k-fold iterated commutator of the elements \text{Sq}^{2^i}, ..., \text{Sq}^{2^{i+k-1}}. Note that \dim c_{i,k} = \dim P^i_k.

    To obtain a commutator basis, for each set \{c_{s_1,t_1}, ..., c_{s_k,t_k}\} of (distinct) c_{s,t}‘s, one chooses an ordering and forms the resulting monomial. The set of all such monomials then forms a basis, and so one gets a basis by choosing an ordering on each monomial. The strings ‘rlex’, etc., have the same meaning as for the orderings on P^s_t-bases. As with the P^s_t-bases, ‘comm_revz’ is the default: ‘comm’ means ‘comm_revz’.

    The commutator bases have alternative representations, obtained by appending ‘long’ to their names: instead of, say, c_{2,2}, the representation is s_{48}, indicating the commutator of \text{Sq}^4 and \text{Sq}^8, and c_{0,3}, which is equal to [[\text{Sq}^1, \text{Sq}^2], \text{Sq}^4], is written as s_{124}.


sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(7,'milnor')
(Sq(0,0,1), Sq(1,2), Sq(4,1), Sq(7))
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(5)   # milnor basis is the default
(Sq(2,1), Sq(5))

The third (optional) argument to ‘steenrod_algebra_basis’ is the prime p:

sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(9, 'milnor', p=3)
(Q_1 P(1), Q_0 P(2))
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(9, 'milnor', 3)
(Q_1 P(1), Q_0 P(2))
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(17, 'milnor', 3)
(Q_2, Q_1 P(3), Q_0 P(0,1), Q_0 P(4))

Other bases:

sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(7,'admissible')
(Sq^{7}, Sq^{6} Sq^{1}, Sq^{4} Sq^{2} Sq^{1}, Sq^{5} Sq^{2})
sage: [x.basis('milnor') for x in steenrod_algebra_basis(7,'admissible')]
Sq(4,1) + Sq(7),
Sq(0,0,1) + Sq(1,2) + Sq(4,1) + Sq(7),
Sq(1,2) + Sq(7)]
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(13,'admissible',p=3)
(beta P^{3}, P^{3} beta)
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(5,'wall')
(Q^{2}_{2} Q^{0}_{0}, Q^{1}_{1} Q^{1}_{0})
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(5,'wall_long')
(Sq^{4} Sq^{1}, Sq^{2} Sq^{1} Sq^{2})
sage: steenrod_algebra_basis(5,'pst-rlex')
(P^{0}_{1} P^{2}_{1}, P^{1}_{1} P^{0}_{2})
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.steenrod_basis_error_check(dim, p)

This performs crude error checking.


  • dim - non-negative integer
  • p - positive prime number


This checks to see if the different bases have the same length, and if the change-of-basis matrices are invertible. If something goes wrong, an error message is printed.

This function checks at the prime p as the dimension goes up from 0, in which case the basis functions use the saved basis computations in lower dimensions in the computations. It also checks as the dimension goes down from the top, in which case it doesn’t have access to the saved computations. (The saved computations are deleted first: the cache _steenrod_bases is set to {} before doing the computations.)


sage: sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.steenrod_basis_error_check(12,2)
p=2, in decreasing order of dimension, starting in dimension 12.
down to dimension  10
down to dimension  5
p=2, now in increasing order of dimension, up to dimension 12
up to dimension  0
up to dimension  5
up to dimension  10
done checking
sage: sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.steenrod_basis_error_check(30,3)
p=3, in decreasing order of dimension, starting in dimension 30.
down to dimension  30
down to dimension  25
down to dimension  20
down to dimension  15
down to dimension  10
down to dimension  5
p=3, now in increasing order of dimension, up to dimension 30
up to dimension  0
up to dimension  5
up to dimension  10
up to dimension  15
up to dimension  20
up to dimension  25
done checking
sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.xi_degrees(n, p=2)

Decreasing list of degrees of the xi_i’s, starting in degree n.


  • n - integer


  • list - list of integers

When p=2: decreasing list of the degrees of the \xi_i‘s with degree at most n.

At odd primes: decreasing list of these degrees, each divided by 2(p-1).


sage: sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.xi_degrees(17)
[15, 7, 3, 1]
sage: sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.xi_degrees(17,p=3)
[13, 4, 1]
sage: sage.algebras.steenrod_algebra_bases.xi_degrees(400,p=17)
[307, 18, 1]

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