Lecture(講演者): Fidel Nemenzo |
Title(タイトル): Counting self-dual codes over finite rings |
Level: Research lecture |
QuickTime(日本語) ,
(Version 7 or later) |
Source: AC2007 |
Let $R$ be a finite commutative ring. A code $C$ of length $n$ is an $R$-submodule of the collection of $n$-tuples over $R$. An important type of code is the self-dual code, composed of all $n$-tuples which are orthogonal to every element of the code. In this talk, I give a survey of work on the classification of self-dual codes over certain rings, including recent results on the rings of integers modulo $m$, based of joint work with K Nagata and H Wada.
Message from the speaker:
serial=0050, type=research lecture
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References and Links (参考文献およびリンク)
- AC2007
$Id: 2007-12-05-ac7-nemenzo.html,v 1.1 2007/12/17 23:05:45 takayama Exp $