Eisenstein Series

sage.modular.modform.eis_series.compute_eisenstein_params(character, k)

Compute and return a list of all parameters (\chi,\psi,t) that define the Eisenstein series with given character and weight k.

Only the parity of k is relevant (unless k = 1, which is a slightly different case).

If character is an integer N, then the parameters for \Gamma_1(N) are computed instead. Then the condition is that \chi(-1)*\psi(-1) =(-1)^k.


sage: sage.modular.modform.eis_series.compute_eisenstein_params(DirichletGroup(30)(1), 3)

sage: pars =  sage.modular.modform.eis_series.compute_eisenstein_params(DirichletGroup(30)(1), 4)
sage: [(x[0].values_on_gens(), x[1].values_on_gens(), x[2]) for x in pars]
[((1, 1), (1, 1), 1),
((1, 1), (1, 1), 2),
((1, 1), (1, 1), 3),
((1, 1), (1, 1), 5),
((1, 1), (1, 1), 6),
((1, 1), (1, 1), 10),
((1, 1), (1, 1), 15),
((1, 1), (1, 1), 30)]

sage: pars = sage.modular.modform.eis_series.compute_eisenstein_params(15, 1)
sage: [(x[0].values_on_gens(), x[1].values_on_gens(), x[2]) for x in pars]
[((1, 1), (-1, 1), 1),
((1, 1), (-1, 1), 5), 
((1, 1), (1, zeta4), 1),
((1, 1), (1, zeta4), 3),
((1, 1), (-1, -1), 1),
((1, 1), (1, -zeta4), 1),
((1, 1), (1, -zeta4), 3),
((-1, 1), (1, -1), 1)]

sage: sage.modular.modform.eis_series.compute_eisenstein_params(DirichletGroup(15).0, 1)
[(Dirichlet character modulo 15 of conductor 1 mapping 11 |--> 1, 7 |--> 1, Dirichlet character modulo 15 of conductor 3 mapping 11 |--> -1, 7 |--> 1, 1),
(Dirichlet character modulo 15 of conductor 1 mapping 11 |--> 1, 7 |--> 1, Dirichlet character modulo 15 of conductor 3 mapping 11 |--> -1, 7 |--> 1, 5)]
sage.modular.modform.eis_series.eisenstein_series_lseries(weight, prec=53, max_imaginary_part=0, max_asymp_coeffs=40)

Return the L-series of the weight 2k Eisenstein series on \mathrm{SL}_2(\ZZ).

This actually returns an interface to Tim Dokchitser’s program for computing with the L-series of the Eisenstein series


  • weight - even integer
  • prec - integer (bits precision)
  • max_imaginary_part - real number
  • max_asymp_coeffs - integer


The L-series of the Eisenstein series.


We compute with the L-series of E_{16} and then E_{20}:

sage: L = eisenstein_series_lseries(16)
sage: L(1)
sage: L = eisenstein_series_lseries(20)
sage: L(2)
sage.modular.modform.eis_series.eisenstein_series_qexp(k, prec=10, K=Rational Field, var='q')

Return the q-expansion of the normalized weight k Eisenstein series on {\rm SL}_2(\ZZ) to precision prec in the ring K. (The normalization chosen here is the one that forces the coefficient of q to be 1.)


  • k - an even positive integer
  • prec - (default: 10) a nonnegative integer
  • K - (default: \QQ) a ring in which the denominator of B_k / 2k is invertible
  • var - (default: ‘q’) variable name to use for q-expansion


We know E_k = \text{constant} + \sum_n \sigma_{k-1}(n) q^n. So we compute all the \sigma_{k-1}(n) simultaneously, using the fact that \sigma is multiplicative.


sage: eisenstein_series_qexp(2,5)
-1/24 + q + 3*q^2 + 4*q^3 + 7*q^4 + O(q^5)
sage: eisenstein_series_qexp(2,0)
sage: eisenstein_series_qexp(2,5,GF(7))
2 + q + 3*q^2 + 4*q^3 + O(q^5)
sage: eisenstein_series_qexp(2,5,GF(7),var='T')
2 + T + 3*T^2 + 4*T^3 + O(T^5)

sage: eisenstein_series_qexp(10, 30, GF(17))
15 + q + 3*q^2 + 15*q^3 + 7*q^4 + 13*q^5 + 11*q^6 + 11*q^7 + 15*q^8 + 7*q^9 + 5*q^10 + 7*q^11 + 3*q^12 + 14*q^13 + 16*q^14 + 8*q^15 + 14*q^16 + q^17 + 4*q^18 + 3*q^19 + 6*q^20 + 12*q^21 + 4*q^22 + 12*q^23 + 4*q^24 + 4*q^25 + 8*q^26 + 14*q^27 + 9*q^28 + 6*q^29 + O(q^30)


  • William Stein: original implementation
  • Craig Citro (2007-06-01): rewrote for massive speedup
  • Martin Raum (2009-08-02): port to cython for speedup
  • David Loeffler (2010-04-07): work around an integer overflow when k is large

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