Sage Interface to the HG/Mercurial Revision Control System

These functions make setup and use of source control with Sage easier, using the distributed Mercurial HG source control system. To learn about Mercurial, see , in particular UnderstandingMercurial .

This system should all be fully usable from the Sage notebook (except for merging, currently). This system should all be mostly usable from the Sage notebook.

  • Use hg_sage.record() to record all of your changes.
  • Use hg_sage.bundle('filename') to bundle them up to send them.
  • Use hg_sage.inspect('filename.hg') to inspect a bundle.
  • Use hg_sage.unbundle('filename.hg') to import a bundle into your repository.
  • Use hg_sage.pull() to synchronize with the latest official stable Sage changesets.
class sage.misc.hg.HG(dir, name, pull_url, push_url, target=None, cloneable=False, obj_name='')
add(files, options='')

Add the given list of files (or file) or directories to your HG repository. They must exist already.

To see a list of files that haven’t been added to the repository do self.status(). They will appear with an explanation point next them.

Add needs to be called whenever you add a new file or directory to your project. Of course, it also needs to be called when you first create the project, to let hg know which files should be kept track of.


  • files - list or string; name of file or directory.
  • options - string (e.g., ‘-dry-run’)
apply(bundle, update=True, options='')

Apply patches from a hg patch to the repository.

If the bundle is a .patch file, instead call the import_patch method. To see what is in a bundle before applying it, using self.incoming(bundle).


  • bundle - an hg bundle (created with the bundle command)
  • update - if True (the default), update the working directory after unbundling.
browse(port=8200, address='localhost', open_viewer=True, options='')

Start a web server for this repository.

This server is very nice - you can browse all files in the repository, see their changelogs, see who wrote any given line, etc. Very nice.


  • port - port that the server will listen on
  • address - (default: ‘localhost’) address to listen on
  • open_viewer - boolean (default: True); whether to pop up the web page
  • options - a string passed directly to hg’s serve command.
bundle(filename, options='', url=None, base=None, to=None)

Create an hg changeset bundle with the given filename against the repository at the given url (which is by default the ‘official’ Sage repository, unless push_url() is changed in a setup file).

If you have internet access, it’s best to just do hg_sage.bundle(filename). If you don’t find a revision r that you and the person unbundling both have (by looking at hg_sage.log()), then do hg_sage.bundle(filename, base=r).

Use self.inspect(‘file.bundle’) to inspect the resulting bundle.

This is a file that you should probably send to William Stein (, post to a web page, or send to sage-devel. It will be written to the current directory.


  • filename - output file in which to put bundle
  • options - pass to hg
  • url - url to bundle against (default: SAGE_SERVER, or push_url())
  • base - a base changeset revision number to bundle against (doesn’t require internet access)
changes(branches=None, keyword=None, limit=None, rev=None, merges=True, only_merges=False, patch=None, template=False, include=None, exclude=None, verbose=False)

Display the change log for this repository. This is a list of changesets ordered by revision number.

By default this command outputs: changeset id and hash, tags, non-trivial parents, user, date and time, and a summary for each commit.


  • branches - (string, default: None) show given branches
  • keyword - (string, default: None) search for a keyword
  • limit - (integer, default: None, or 20 in notebook mdoe) limit number of changes displayed
  • rev - (integer) show the specified revision
  • merges - (bool, default: True) whether or not to show merges
  • only_merges - (bool, default: False) if true, show only merges
  • patch - (string, default: None) show given patch
  • template - (string, default: None) display with template
  • include - (string, default: None) include names matching the given patterns
  • exclude - (string, default: None) exclude names matching the given patterns
  • verbose - (bool, default: False) If true, the list of changed files and full commit message is shown.

update or merge working directory

Update the working directory to the specified revision.

If there are no outstanding changes in the working directory and there is a linear relationship between the current version and the requested version, the result is the requested version.

To merge the working directory with another revision, use the merge command.

By default, update will refuse to run if doing so would require merging or discarding local changes.

aliases: up, checkout, co


  • options - string (default: ‘’):

    -C --clean  overwrite locally modified files
    -d --date   tipmost revision matching date
    -r --rev    revision
ci(files='', comment=None, options='', diff=True)

Commit your changes to the repository.

Quit out of the editor without saving to not record your changes.


  • files - space separated string of file names (optional) If specified only those files are committed. The path must be absolute or relative to self.dir().

  • comment - optional changeset comment. If you don’t give

    it you will be dumped into an editor. If you’re using the Sage notebook, you must specify a comment.

  • options - string:

    -A --addremove  mark new/missing files as added/removed before committing
    -m --message    use <text> as commit message
    -l --logfile    read the commit message from <file>
    -d --date       record datecode as commit date
    -u --user       record user as committer
    -I --include    include names matching the given patterns
    -X --exclude    exclude names matching the given patterns
  • diff - (default: True) if True show diffs between your repository and your working repository before recording changes.


If you create new files you should first add them with the add method.

clone(name, rev=None)

Clone the current branch of the Sage library, and make it active.

Only available for the hg_sage repository.

Use hg_sage.switch('branch_name') to switch to a different branch. You must restart Sage after switching.


  • name - string
  • rev - integer or None (default)

If rev is None, clones the latest recorded version of the repository. This is very fast, e.g., about 30-60 seconds (including any build). If a specific revision is specified, cloning may take much longer (e.g., 5 minutes), since all Pyrex code has to be regenerated and compiled.


Make a clone of the repository called testing. A copy of the current repository will be created in a directory sage-testing, then SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage will point to sage-testing, and when you next restart Sage that’s the version you’ll be using.

sage: hg_sage.clone('testing')    # not tested

Make a clone of the repository as it was at revision 1328.

sage: hg_sage.clone('testing', 1328)    # not tested

update or merge working directory

Update the working directory to the specified revision.

If there are no outstanding changes in the working directory and there is a linear relationship between the current version and the requested version, the result is the requested version.

To merge the working directory with another revision, use the merge command.

By default, update will refuse to run if doing so would require merging or discarding local changes.

aliases: up, checkout, co


  • options - string (default: ‘’):

    -C --clean  overwrite locally modified files
    -d --date   tipmost revision matching date
    -r --rev    revision
commit(files='', comment=None, options='', diff=True)

Commit your changes to the repository.

Quit out of the editor without saving to not record your changes.


  • files - space separated string of file names (optional) If specified only those files are committed. The path must be absolute or relative to self.dir().

  • comment - optional changeset comment. If you don’t give

    it you will be dumped into an editor. If you’re using the Sage notebook, you must specify a comment.

  • options - string:

    -A --addremove  mark new/missing files as added/removed before committing
    -m --message    use <text> as commit message
    -l --logfile    read the commit message from <file>
    -d --date       record datecode as commit date
    -u --user       record user as committer
    -I --include    include names matching the given patterns
    -X --exclude    exclude names matching the given patterns
  • diff - (default: True) if True show diffs between your repository and your working repository before recording changes.


If you create new files you should first add them with the add method.

Lists the current branch.
diff(files='', rev=None)

Show differences between revisions for the specified files as a unified diff.

By default this command tells you exactly what you have changed in your working repository since you last committed changes.


  • files - space separated list of files (relative to self.dir())
  • rev - None or a list of integers.

Differences between files are shown using the unified diff format.

When two revision arguments are given, then changes are shown between those revisions. If only one revision is specified then that revision is compared to the working directory, and, when no revisions are specified, the working directory files are compared to its parent.

Return the directory where this repository is located.
export(revs, filename=None, text=False, options='')

Export patches with the changeset header and diffs for one or more revisions.

If multiple revisions are given, one plain text unified diff file is generated for each one. These files should be applied using import_patch in order from smallest to largest revision number. The information shown in the changeset header is: author, changeset hash, parent and commit comment.


If you are sending a patch to somebody using export and it depends on previous patches, make sure to include those revisions too! Alternatively, use the bundle() method, which includes enough information to patch against the default repository (but is an annoying and mysterious binary file).


  • revs - integer or list of integers (revision numbers); use the log() method to see these numbers.

  • filename - (default: ‘%R.patch’) The name of the file is given using a format string. The formatting rules are as follows:

    %%   literal "%" character
    %H   changeset hash (40 bytes of hexadecimal)
    %N   number of patches being generated
    %R   changeset revision number
    %b   basename of the exporting repository
    %h   short-form changeset hash (12 bytes of hexadecimal)
    %n   zero-padded sequence number, starting at 1
  • options - string (default: ‘’)

    • '-a --text' - treat all files as text
    • '--switch-parent' - diff against the second parent

    Without the -a option, export will avoid generating diffs of files it detects as binary. With -a, export will generate a diff anyway, probably with undesirable results.

    With the --switch-parent option, the diff will be against the second parent. It can be useful to review a merge.


show current repository heads

Show all repository head changesets.

Repository “heads” are changesets that don’t have children changesets. They are where development generally takes place and are the usual targets for update and merge operations.


  • options - string (default: ‘’):

    -r --rev       show only heads which are descendants of rev
       --style     display using template map file
       --template  display with template

show current repository heads

Show all repository head changesets.

Repository “heads” are changesets that don’t have children changesets. They are where development generally takes place and are the usual targets for update and merge operations.


  • options - string (default: ‘’):

    -r --rev       show only heads which are descendants of rev
       --style     display using template map file
       --template  display with template

Return help about the given command, or if cmd is omitted a list of commands.

If this hg object is called hg_sage, then you call a command using hg_sage('usual hg command line notation')

history(branches=None, keyword=None, limit=None, rev=None, merges=True, only_merges=False, patch=None, template=False, include=None, exclude=None, verbose=False)

Display the change log for this repository. This is a list of changesets ordered by revision number.

By default this command outputs: changeset id and hash, tags, non-trivial parents, user, date and time, and a summary for each commit.


  • branches - (string, default: None) show given branches
  • keyword - (string, default: None) search for a keyword
  • limit - (integer, default: None, or 20 in notebook mdoe) limit number of changes displayed
  • rev - (integer) show the specified revision
  • merges - (bool, default: True) whether or not to show merges
  • only_merges - (bool, default: False) if true, show only merges
  • patch - (string, default: None) show given patch
  • template - (string, default: None) display with template
  • include - (string, default: None) include names matching the given patterns
  • exclude - (string, default: None) exclude names matching the given patterns
  • verbose - (bool, default: False) If true, the list of changed files and full commit message is shown.
import_patch(filename, options='')

Import an ordered set of patches from patch file, i.e., a plain text file created using the export command.

If there are outstanding changes in the working directory, import will abort unless given the -f flag.

If imported patch was generated by the export command, user and description from patch override values from message headers and body. Values given as options with -m and -u override these.


  • filename - string

  • options - string (default: ‘’):

    options: [-p NUM] [-b BASE] [-m MESSage] [-f] PATCH...
      -p --strip         directory strip option for patch. This has the same meaning as the corresponding patch option (default: 1)
      -m --message       use text as commit message
      -b --base          base path
      -f --force         skip check for outstanding uncommitted changes

ALIASES: patch

incoming(source, options='-p')

Show new changesets found in the given source and display the corresponding diffs. This even works if the source is a bundle file (ends in .hg or .bundle). This is great because it lets you “see inside” the mysterious binary-only .hg files.

Show new changesets found in the specified path/URL or the default pull location. These are the changesets that would be pulled if a pull was requested.

For remote repository, using -bundle avoids downloading the changesets twice if the incoming is followed by a pull.

See pull for valid source format details.

ALIAS: inspect


  • filename - string

  • options - (default: ‘-p’):

    string '[-p] [-n] [-M] [-r REV] ...'
      -M --no-merges       do not show merges
      -f --force           run even when remote repository is unrelated
      --style              display using template map file
      -n --newest-first    show newest record first
      --bundle             file to store the bundles into
      -p --patch           show patch
      -r --rev             a specific revision you would like to pull
      --template           display with template
      -e --ssh             specify ssh command to use
      --remotecmd          specify hg command to run on the remote side
inspect(source, options='-p')

Show new changesets found in the given source and display the corresponding diffs. This even works if the source is a bundle file (ends in .hg or .bundle). This is great because it lets you “see inside” the mysterious binary-only .hg files.

Show new changesets found in the specified path/URL or the default pull location. These are the changesets that would be pulled if a pull was requested.

For remote repository, using -bundle avoids downloading the changesets twice if the incoming is followed by a pull.

See pull for valid source format details.

ALIAS: inspect


  • filename - string

  • options - (default: ‘-p’):

    string '[-p] [-n] [-M] [-r REV] ...'
      -M --no-merges       do not show merges
      -f --force           run even when remote repository is unrelated
      --style              display using template map file
      -n --newest-first    show newest record first
      --bundle             file to store the bundles into
      -p --patch           show patch
      -r --rev             a specific revision you would like to pull
      --template           display with template
      -e --ssh             specify ssh command to use
      --remotecmd          specify hg command to run on the remote side
Print all branches in the current Sage installation.
log(branches=None, keyword=None, limit=None, rev=None, merges=True, only_merges=False, patch=None, template=False, include=None, exclude=None, verbose=False)

Display the change log for this repository. This is a list of changesets ordered by revision number.

By default this command outputs: changeset id and hash, tags, non-trivial parents, user, date and time, and a summary for each commit.


  • branches - (string, default: None) show given branches
  • keyword - (string, default: None) search for a keyword
  • limit - (integer, default: None, or 20 in notebook mdoe) limit number of changes displayed
  • rev - (integer) show the specified revision
  • merges - (bool, default: True) whether or not to show merges
  • only_merges - (bool, default: False) if true, show only merges
  • patch - (string, default: None) show given patch
  • template - (string, default: None) display with template
  • include - (string, default: None) include names matching the given patterns
  • exclude - (string, default: None) exclude names matching the given patterns
  • verbose - (bool, default: False) If true, the list of changed files and full commit message is shown.

Merge working directory with another revision

Merge the contents of the current working directory and the requested revision. Files that changed between either parent are marked as changed for the next commit and a commit must be performed before any further updates are allowed.


  • options - default: ‘’:

    -f --force  force a merge with outstanding changes
    -r --rev    revision to merge
move(src, dest, options='')

Move (rename) the given file, from src to dest. This command takes effect in the next commit.


  • src, dest - strings that define a file, relative to self.dir()

  • options:

    -A --after    record a rename that has already occurred
    -f --force    forcibly copy over an existing managed file
    -n --dry-run  do not perform actions, just print output            
mv(src, dest, options='')

Move (rename) the given file, from src to dest. This command takes effect in the next commit.


  • src, dest - strings that define a file, relative to self.dir()

  • options:

    -A --after    record a rename that has already occurred
    -f --force    forcibly copy over an existing managed file
    -n --dry-run  do not perform actions, just print output            
outgoing(url=None, opts='')

Use this to find changsets that are in your branch, but not in the specified destination repository. If no destination is specified, the official repository is used. By default, push_url() is used.

From the Mercurial documentation:

Show changesets not found in the specified destination repository or the default push location. These are the changesets that would be pushed if a push was requested.

See push() for valid destination format details.


  • url - (Default: self.push_url()) the official repository

    • http://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • https://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • ssh://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • local directory (starting with a /)
    • name of a branch (for hg_sage); no /’s
  • options - (Default: None):

    -M --no-merges     do not show merges
    -f --force         run even when remote repository is unrelated
    -p --patch         show patch
    --style            display using template map file
    -r --rev           a specific revision you would like to push
    -n --newest-first  show newest record first
    --template         display with template
    -e --ssh           specify ssh command to use
    --remotecmd        specify hg command to run on the remote side
patch(filename, options='')

Import an ordered set of patches from patch file, i.e., a plain text file created using the export command.

If there are outstanding changes in the working directory, import will abort unless given the -f flag.

If imported patch was generated by the export command, user and description from patch override values from message headers and body. Values given as options with -m and -u override these.


  • filename - string

  • options - string (default: ‘’):

    options: [-p NUM] [-b BASE] [-m MESSage] [-f] PATCH...
      -p --strip         directory strip option for patch. This has the same meaning as the corresponding patch option (default: 1)
      -m --message       use text as commit message
      -b --base          base path
      -f --force         skip check for outstanding uncommitted changes

ALIASES: patch

pull(url=None, options='-u')

Pull all new patches from the repository at the given url, or use the default ‘official’ repository if no url is specified.


  • url - (Default: self.push_url()) the official repository

    • http://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • https://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • ssh://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • local directory (starting with a /)
    • name of a branch (for hg_sage); no /’s
  • options - (Default: ‘-u’):

    -u --update     update the working directory to tip after pull
    -e --ssh        specify ssh command to use
    -f --force      run even when remote repository is unrelated
    -r --rev        a specific revision you would like to pull
    --remotecmd     specify hg command to run on the remote side

Some notes about using SSH with Mercurial:

  • SSH requires an accessible shell account on the destination machine and a copy of hg in the remote path or specified with as remotecmd.

  • path is relative to the remote user’s home directory by default. Use an extra slash at the start of a path to specify an absolute path: ssh://

  • Mercurial doesn’t use its own compression via SSH; the right thing to do is to configure it in your /.ssh/ssh_config, e.g.:

    Host *
      Compression off
    Host *
      Compression on

    Alternatively specify ‘ssh -C’ as your ssh command in your hgrc or with the -ssh command line option.

Return the default ‘master url’ for this repository.
push(url=None, options='')

Push all new patches from the repository to the given destination.


  • url - (Default: self.push_url()) the official repository

    • http://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • https://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • ssh://[user@]host[:port]/[path]
    • local directory (starting with a /)
    • name of a branch (for hg_sage); no /’s
  • options - (Default: ‘-u’):

    -e --ssh        specify ssh command to use
    -f --force      run even when remote repository is unrelated
    -r --rev        a specific revision you would like to pull
    --remotecmd     specify hg command to run on the remote side

Some notes about using SSH with Mercurial:

  • SSH requires an accessible shell account on the destination machine and a copy of hg in the remote path or specified with as remotecmd.

  • path is relative to the remote user’s home directory by default. Use an extra slash at the start of a path to specify an absolute path: ssh://

  • Mercurial doesn’t use its own compression via SSH; the right thing to do is to configure it in your /.ssh/ssh_config, e.g.:

    Host *
      Compression off
    Host *
      Compression on

    Alternatively specify ‘ssh -C’ as your ssh command in your hgrc or with the -ssh command line option.

Return the default url for uploading this repository.
record(files='', comment=None, options='', diff=True)

Commit your changes to the repository.

Quit out of the editor without saving to not record your changes.


  • files - space separated string of file names (optional) If specified only those files are committed. The path must be absolute or relative to self.dir().

  • comment - optional changeset comment. If you don’t give

    it you will be dumped into an editor. If you’re using the Sage notebook, you must specify a comment.

  • options - string:

    -A --addremove  mark new/missing files as added/removed before committing
    -m --message    use <text> as commit message
    -l --logfile    read the commit message from <file>
    -d --date       record datecode as commit date
    -u --user       record user as committer
    -I --include    include names matching the given patterns
    -X --exclude    exclude names matching the given patterns
  • diff - (default: True) if True show diffs between your repository and your working repository before recording changes.


If you create new files you should first add them with the add method.

remove(files, options='')

Remove the given list of files (or file) or directories from your HG repository.


  • files - list or string; name of file or directory.
  • options - string (e.g., ‘-f’)
rename(src, dest, options='')

Move (rename) the given file, from src to dest. This command takes effect in the next commit.


  • src, dest - strings that define a file, relative to self.dir()

  • options:

    -A --after    record a rename that has already occurred
    -f --force    forcibly copy over an existing managed file
    -n --dry-run  do not perform actions, just print output            
revert(files='', options='', rev=None)

Revert files or dirs to their states as of some revision

With no revision specified, revert the named files or directories to the contents they had in the parent of the working directory. This restores the contents of the affected files to an unmodified state. If the working directory has two parents, you must explicitly specify the revision to revert to.

Modified files are saved with a .orig suffix before reverting. To disable these backups, use -no-backup.

Using the -r option, revert the given files or directories to their contents as of a specific revision. This can be helpful to ‘roll back’ some or all of a change that should not have been committed.

Revert modifies the working directory. It does not commit any changes, or change the parent of the working directory. If you revert to a revision other than the parent of the working directory, the reverted files will thus appear modified afterwards.

If a file has been deleted, it is recreated. If the executable mode of a file was changed, it is reset.

If names are given, all files matching the names are reverted.

If no arguments are given, all files in the repository are reverted.


   --no-backup  do not save backup copies of files
-I --include    include names matching given patterns
-X --exclude    exclude names matching given patterns
-n --dry-run    do not perform actions, just print output
rm(files, options='')

Remove the given list of files (or file) or directories from your HG repository.


  • files - list or string; name of file or directory.
  • options - string (e.g., ‘-f’)
Remove recorded patches without changing the working copy.
save(filename, options='', url=None, base=None, to=None)

Create an hg changeset bundle with the given filename against the repository at the given url (which is by default the ‘official’ Sage repository, unless push_url() is changed in a setup file).

If you have internet access, it’s best to just do hg_sage.bundle(filename). If you don’t find a revision r that you and the person unbundling both have (by looking at hg_sage.log()), then do hg_sage.bundle(filename, base=r).

Use self.inspect(‘file.bundle’) to inspect the resulting bundle.

This is a file that you should probably send to William Stein (, post to a web page, or send to sage-devel. It will be written to the current directory.


  • filename - output file in which to put bundle
  • options - pass to hg
  • url - url to bundle against (default: SAGE_SERVER, or push_url())
  • base - a base changeset revision number to bundle against (doesn’t require internet access)
send(filename, options='', url=None, base=None, to=None)

Create an hg changeset bundle with the given filename against the repository at the given url (which is by default the ‘official’ Sage repository, unless push_url() is changed in a setup file).

If you have internet access, it’s best to just do hg_sage.bundle(filename). If you don’t find a revision r that you and the person unbundling both have (by looking at hg_sage.log()), then do hg_sage.bundle(filename, base=r).

Use self.inspect(‘file.bundle’) to inspect the resulting bundle.

This is a file that you should probably send to William Stein (, post to a web page, or send to sage-devel. It will be written to the current directory.


  • filename - output file in which to put bundle
  • options - pass to hg
  • url - url to bundle against (default: SAGE_SERVER, or push_url())
  • base - a base changeset revision number to bundle against (doesn’t require internet access)
serve(port=8200, address='localhost', open_viewer=True, options='')

Start a web server for this repository.

This server is very nice - you can browse all files in the repository, see their changelogs, see who wrote any given line, etc. Very nice.


  • port - port that the server will listen on
  • address - (default: ‘localhost’) address to listen on
  • open_viewer - boolean (default: True); whether to pop up the web page
  • options - a string passed directly to hg’s serve command.

Switch to a different branch. You must restart Sage after switching.

Only available for hg_sage.


  • name - name of a Sage branch (default: None)

If the name is not given, this function returns a list of all branches.

unbundle(bundle, update=True, options='')

Apply patches from a hg patch to the repository.

If the bundle is a .patch file, instead call the import_patch method. To see what is in a bundle before applying it, using self.incoming(bundle).


  • bundle - an hg bundle (created with the bundle command)
  • update - if True (the default), update the working directory after unbundling.

update or merge working directory

Update the working directory to the specified revision.

If there are no outstanding changes in the working directory and there is a linear relationship between the current version and the requested version, the result is the requested version.

To merge the working directory with another revision, use the merge command.

By default, update will refuse to run if doing so would require merging or discarding local changes.

aliases: up, checkout, co


  • options - string (default: ‘’):

    -C --clean  overwrite locally modified files
    -d --date   tipmost revision matching date
    -r --rev    revision

update or merge working directory

Update the working directory to the specified revision.

If there are no outstanding changes in the working directory and there is a linear relationship between the current version and the requested version, the result is the requested version.

To merge the working directory with another revision, use the merge command.

By default, update will refuse to run if doing so would require merging or discarding local changes.

aliases: up, checkout, co


  • options - string (default: ‘’):

    -C --clean  overwrite locally modified files
    -d --date   tipmost revision matching date
    -r --rev    revision
what(files='', rev=None)

Show differences between revisions for the specified files as a unified diff.

By default this command tells you exactly what you have changed in your working repository since you last committed changes.


  • files - space separated list of files (relative to self.dir())
  • rev - None or a list of integers.

Differences between files are shown using the unified diff format.

When two revision arguments are given, then changes are shown between those revisions. If only one revision is specified then that revision is compared to the working directory, and, when no revisions are specified, the working directory files are compared to its parent.

sage.misc.hg.get_remote_file(f, **kwds)
Wrap the get_remote_file method to move the file if it ends in ?stuff, as happens with funny URLs from web servers.

Return a page program, which is either cat or less at present.

Return cat if embedded in the notebook, and less otherwise.

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