A collection of constructors of common words


  • Franco Saliola (2008-12-17): merged into sage
  • Sebastien Labbe (2008-12-17): merged into sage
  • Arnaud Bergeron (2008-12-17): merged into sage
  • Amy Glen (2008-12-17): merged into sage
  • Sebastien Labbe (2009-12-19): Added S-adic words (ticket #7543)


To see a list of all word constructors, type “words.” and then press the tab key. The documentation for each constructor includes information about each word, which provides a useful reference.


sage: t = words.ThueMorseWord(); t
word: 0110100110010110100101100110100110010110...
class sage.combinat.words.word_generators.ChristoffelWord_Lower(p, q, alphabet=(0, 1), algorithm='cf')
Bases: sage.combinat.words.word_generators.LowerChristoffelWord
class sage.combinat.words.word_generators.LowerChristoffelWord(p, q, alphabet=(0, 1), algorithm='cf')

Bases: sage.combinat.words.word.FiniteWord_list

Returns the lower Christoffel word of slope p/q, where p and q are relatively prime non-negative integers, over the given two-letter alphabet.

The Christoffel word of slope `p/q` is obtained from the Cayley graph of \ZZ/(p+q)\ZZ with generator q as follows. If u \rightarrow v is an edge in the Cayley graph, then v = u + p \mod{p+q}. Label the edge u \rightarrow v by alphabet[1] if u < v and alphabet[0] otherwise. The Christoffel word is the word obtained by reading the edge labels along the cycle beginning from 0.


sage: words.LowerChristoffelWord(4,7)
word: 00100100101
sage: words.LowerChristoffelWord(4,7,alphabet='ab')
word: aabaabaabab


sage: words.LowerChristoffelWord(1,0)
word: 1
sage: words.LowerChristoffelWord(0,1,'xy')
word: x
sage: words.LowerChristoffelWord(1,1)
word: 01

Returns the Markoff number associated to the Christoffel word self.

The Markoff number of a Christoffel word w is trace(M(w))/3, where M(w) is the 2\times 2 matrix obtained by applying the morphism: 0 -> matrix(2,[2,1,1,1]) 1 -> matrix(2,[5,2,2,1])


sage: w0 = words.LowerChristoffelWord(4,7) 
sage: w1, w2 = w0.standard_factorization()
sage: (m0,m1,m2) = (w.markoff_number() for w in (w0,w1,w2))
sage: (m0,m1,m2)
(294685, 13, 7561)
sage: m0**2 + m1**2 + m2**2 == 3*m0*m1*m2

Returns the standard factorization of the Christoffel word self.

The standard factorization of a Christoffel word w is the unique factorization of w into two Christoffel words.


sage: w = words.LowerChristoffelWord(5,9) 
sage: print w
word: 00100100100101
sage: w1, w2 = w.standard_factorization()
sage: print w1
word: 001
sage: print w2
word: 00100100101
sage: w = words.LowerChristoffelWord(51,37) 
sage: w1, w2 = w.standard_factorization()
sage: w1
word: 0101011010101101011
sage: w2
word: 0101011010101101011010101101010110101101...
sage: w1 * w2 == w
class sage.combinat.words.word_generators.WordGenerator

Bases: object

Constructor of several famous words.


sage: words.ThueMorseWord()
word: 0110100110010110100101100110100110010110...
sage: words.FibonacciWord()
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: words.ChristoffelWord(5, 8)
word: 0010010100101
sage: words.RandomWord(10, 4)    # not tested random
word: 1311131221
sage: words.CodingOfRotationWord(alpha=0.618, beta=0.618)
word: 1010110101101101011010110110101101101011...
sage: tm = WordMorphism('a->ab,b->ba')
sage: fib = WordMorphism('a->ab,b->a')
sage: tmword = words.ThueMorseWord([0, 1])
sage: from itertools import repeat
sage: words.s_adic(tmword, repeat('a'), {0:tm, 1:fib})
word: abbaababbaabbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababba...


To see a list of all word constructors, type words. and then hit the TAB key. The documentation for each constructor includes information about each word, which provides a useful reference.


sage: from sage.combinat.words.word_generators import WordGenerator
sage: words2 = WordGenerator()
sage: type(loads(dumps(words2)))
<class 'sage.combinat.words.word_generators.WordGenerator'>
CharacteristicSturmianWord(*args, **kwds)

Returns the characteristic Sturmian word (also called standard Sturmian word) of given slope.

Over a binary alphabet \{a,b\}, the characteristic Sturmian word c_\alpha of irrational slope \alpha is the infinite word satisfying s_{\alpha,0} = ac_\alpha and s'_{\alpha,0} = bc_\alpha, where s_{\alpha,0} and s'_{\alpha,0} are respectively the lower and upper mechanical words with slope \alpha and intercept 0. Equivalently, for irrationnal \alpha, c_\alpha = s_{\alpha,\alpha} = s'_{\alpha,\alpha}.

Let \alpha = [0, d_1 + 1, d_2, d_3, \ldots] be the continued fraction expansion of \alpha. It has been shown that the characteristic Sturmian word of slope \alpha is also the limit of the sequence: s_0 = b, s_1 = a, \ldots, s_{n+1} = s_n^{d_n} s_{n-1} for n > 0.

See Section 2.1 of [1] for more details.


  • slope - the slope of the word. It can be one of the following :
    • real number in ]0, 1[
    • iterable over the continued fraction expansion of a real number in ]0, 1[
  • alphabet - any container of length two that is suitable to build an instance of OrderedAlphabet (list, tuple, str, ...)
  • bits - integer (optional and considered only if slope is a real number) the number of bits to consider when computing the continued fraction.




Let [0, d_1 + 1, d_2, d_3, \ldots] be the continued fraction expansion of \alpha. Then, the characteristic Sturmian word of slope \alpha is the limit of the sequence: s_0 = b, s_1 = a and s_{n+1} = s_n^{d_n} s_{n-1} for n > 0.


From real slope:

sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(1/golden_ratio^2)
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(4/5)
word: 11110
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(5/14)
word: 01001001001001
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(pi-3)
word: 0000001000000100000010000001000000100000...

From an iterator of the continued fraction expansion of a real:

sage: def cf():
...     yield 0
...     yield 2
...     while True: yield 1
sage: F = words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(cf()); F
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: Fib = words.FibonacciWord(); Fib
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: F[:10000] == Fib[:10000]

The alphabet may be specified:

sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(cf(), 'rs')
word: rsrrsrsrrsrrsrsrrsrsrrsrrsrsrrsrrsrsrrsr...

The characteristic sturmian word of slope (\sqrt{3}-1)/2:

sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord((sqrt(3)-1)/2)
word: 0100100101001001001010010010010100100101...

The same word defined from the continued fraction expansion of (\sqrt{3}-1)/2:

sage: from itertools import cycle, chain
sage: it = chain([0], cycle([2, 1]))
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(it)
word: 0100100101001001001010010010010100100101...

The first terms of the standard sequence of the characteristic sturmian word of slope (\sqrt{3}-1)/2:

sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord([0,2])
word: 01
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord([0,2,1])
word: 010
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord([0,2,1,2])
word: 01001001
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord([0,2,1,2,1])
word: 01001001010
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord([0,2,1,2,1,2])
word: 010010010100100100101001001001
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord([0,2,1,2,1,2,1])
word: 0100100101001001001010010010010100100101...


sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord([1,1,1],'xyz')
TypeError: alphabet does not contain two distinct elements
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(5/4)
ValueError: The argument slope (=5/4) must be in ]0,1[.
sage: words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(1/golden_ratio^2, bits=30)
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: _.length()
sage: a = words.LowerMechanicalWord(1/pi)[1:]
sage: b = words.UpperMechanicalWord(1/pi)[1:]
sage: c = words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(1/pi)
sage: n = 500; a[:n] == b[:n] == c[:n]
sage: alpha = random()
sage: c = words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(alpha)
sage: l = words.LowerMechanicalWord(alpha)[1:]
sage: u = words.UpperMechanicalWord(alpha)[1:]
sage: i = 10000; j = i + 500; c[i:j] == l[i:j] == u[i:j]
sage: a, b = 207, 232
sage: u = words.ChristoffelWord(a, b)
sage: v = words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(a/(a+b))
sage: u[1:-1] == v[:-2]


  • [1] M. Lothaire, Algebraic Combinatorics On Words, vol. 90 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Cambridge University Press, U.K., 2002.
alias of LowerChristoffelWord
CodingOfRotationWord(alpha, beta, x=0, alphabet=(0, 1))

Returns the infinite word obtained from the coding of rotation of parameters (\alpha,\beta, x) over the given two-letter alphabet.

The coding of rotation corresponding to the parameters (\alpha,\beta, x) is the symbolic sequence u = (u_n)_{n\geq 0} defined over the binary alphabet \{0, 1\} by u_n = 1 if x+n\alpha\in[0, \beta[ and u_n = 0 otherwise. See [1].


sage: alpha = 0.45
sage: beta = 0.48
sage: words.CodingOfRotationWord(0.45, 0.48)
word: 1101010101001010101011010101010010101010...
sage: words.CodingOfRotationWord(0.45, 0.48, alphabet='xy')
word: yyxyxyxyxyxxyxyxyxyxyyxyxyxyxyxxyxyxyxyx...


sage: words.CodingOfRotationWord(0.51,0.43,alphabet=[1,0,2])
TypeError: alphabet does not contain two distinct elements


  • [1] B. Adamczewski, J. Cassaigne, On the transcendence of real numbers with a regular expansion, J. Number Theory 103 (2003) 27–37.
FibonacciWord(alphabet=(0, 1), construction_method='recursive')

Returns the Fibonacci word on the given two-letter alphabet.


  • alphabet - any container of length two that is suitable to build an instance of OrderedAlphabet (list, tuple, str, ...)
  • construction_method - can be any of the following: “recursive”, “fixed point”, “function” (see below for definitions).

Recursive construction: the Fibonacci word is the limit of the following sequence of words: S_0 = 0, S_1 = 01, S_n = S_{n-1} S_{n-2} for n \geq 2.

Fixed point construction: the Fibonacci word is the fixed point of the morphism: 0 \mapsto 01 and 1 \mapsto 0. Hence, it can be constructed by the following read-write process:

beginning at the first letter of 01,
if the next letter is 0, append 01 to the word;
if the next letter is 1, append 1 to the word;
move to the next letter of the word.

Function: Over the alphabet \{1, 2\}, the n-th letter of the Fibonacci word is \lfloor (n+2) \varphi \rfloor - \lfloor (n+1) \varphi \rfloor where \varphi=(1+\sqrt{5})/2 is the golden ratio.


sage: w = words.FibonacciWord(construction_method="recursive"); w
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: v = words.FibonacciWord(construction_method="recursive", alphabet='ab'); v
word: abaababaabaababaababaabaababaabaababaaba...
sage: u = words.FibonacciWord(construction_method="fixed point"); u
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: words.FibonacciWord(construction_method="fixed point", alphabet=[4, 1])
word: 4144141441441414414144144141441441414414...
sage: words.FibonacciWord([0,1], 'function')
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: words.FibonacciWord('ab', 'function')
word: abaababaabaababaababaabaababaabaababaaba...


sage: from math import floor, sqrt
sage: golden_ratio = (1 + sqrt(5))/2.0
sage: a = golden_ratio / (1  + 2*golden_ratio)
sage: wn = lambda n : int(floor(a*(n+2)) - floor(a*(n+1)))
sage: f = Words([0,1])(wn); f
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: f[:10000] == w[:10000]
sage: f[:10000] == u[:10000] #long time
sage: words.FibonacciWord("abc")
TypeError: alphabet does not contain two distinct elements
FixedPointOfMorphism(morphism, first_letter)

Returns the fixed point of the morphism beginning with first_letter.

A fixed point of a morphism \varphi is a word w such that \varphi(w) = w.


  • morphism - endomorphism prolongable on first_letter. It must be something that WordMorphism’s constructor understands (dict, str, ...).
  • first_letter - the first letter of the fixed point
word – the fixed point of the morphism beginning with first_letter


sage: mu = {0:[0,1], 1:[1,0]}
sage: tm = words.FixedPointOfMorphism(mu,0); tm
word: 0110100110010110100101100110100110010110...
sage: TM = words.ThueMorseWord()
sage: tm[:1000] == TM[:1000]
sage: mu = {0:[0,1], 1:[0]}
sage: f = words.FixedPointOfMorphism(mu,0); f
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: F = words.FibonacciWord(); F
word: 0100101001001010010100100101001001010010...
sage: f[:1000] == F[:1000]
sage: fp = words.FixedPointOfMorphism('a->abc,b->,c->','a'); fp
word: abc
alias of LowerChristoffelWord
LowerMechanicalWord(alpha, rho=0, alphabet=None)

Returns the lower mechanical word with slope \alpha and intercept \rho

The lower mechanical word s_{\alpha,\rho} with slope \alpha and intercept \rho is defined by s_{\alpha,\rho}(n)=\lfloor\alpha(n+1)+\rho\rfloor - 
\lfloor\alpha n + \rho\rfloor [1].


  • alpha - real number such that 0 \leq\alpha\leq 1
  • rho - real number (optional, default: 0)
  • alphabet - iterable of two elements or None (optional, default: None)


infinite word


sage: words.LowerMechanicalWord(1/golden_ratio^2)
word: 0010010100100101001010010010100100101001...
sage: words.LowerMechanicalWord(1/5)
word: 0000100001000010000100001000010000100001...
sage: words.LowerMechanicalWord(1/pi)
word: 0001001001001001001001000100100100100100...


sage: m = words.LowerMechanicalWord(1/golden_ratio^2)[1:]
sage: s = words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(1/golden_ratio^2)
sage: m[:500] == s[:500]


  • [1] M. Lothaire, Algebraic Combinatorics On Words, vol. 90 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Cambridge University Press, U.K., 2002.

This function finds and returns the minimal smooth prefix of length n.

See [1] for a definition.


  • n - the desired length of the prefix


word – the prefix


Be patient, this function can take a really long time if asked for a large prefix.


sage: words.MinimalSmoothPrefix(10)
word: 1212212112


  • [1] S. Brlek, G. Melançon, G. Paquin, Properties of the extremal infinite smooth words, Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 9 (2007) 33–49.
RandomWord(n, m=2, alphabet=None)

Returns a random word of length n over the given m-letter alphabet.


  • n - integer, the length of the word
  • m - integer (default 2), the size of the output alphabet
  • alphabet - (default is \{0,1,...,m-1\}) any container of length m that is suitable to build an instance of OrderedAlphabet (list, tuple, str, ...)


sage: words.RandomWord(10)         # random results
word: 0110100101
sage: words.RandomWord(10, 4)      # random results
word: 0322313320
sage: words.RandomWord(100, 7)     # random results
word: 2630644023642516442650025611300034413310...
sage: words.RandomWord(100, 7, range(-3,4))  # random results
word: 1,3,-1,-1,3,2,2,0,1,-2,1,-1,-3,-2,2,0,3,0,-3,0,3,0,-2,-2,2,0,1,-3,2,-2,-2,2,0,2,1,-2,-3,-2,-1,0,...
sage: words.RandomWord(100, 5, "abcde") # random results
word: acebeaaccdbedbbbdeadeebbdeeebeaaacbadaac...
sage: words.RandomWord(17, 5, "abcde")     # random results
word: dcacbbecbddebaadd


sage: words.RandomWord(2,3,"abcd")
TypeError: alphabet does not contain 3 distinct elements

Returns the standard episturmian word (or epistandard word) directed by directive_word. Over a 2-letter alphabet, this function gives characteristic Sturmian words.

An infinite word w over a finite alphabet A is said to be standard episturmian (or epistandard) iff there exists an infinite word x_1x_2x_3\cdots over A (called the directive word of w) such that w is the limit as n goes to infinity of Pal(x_1\cdots x_n), where Pal is the iterated palindromic closure function.

Note that an infinite word is episturmian if it has the same set of factors as some epistandard word.

See for instance [1], [2], and [3].


  • directive_word - an infinite word or a period of a periodic infinite word


sage: Fibonacci = words.StandardEpisturmianWord(Words('ab')('ab')); Fibonacci
word: abaababaabaababaababaabaababaabaababaaba...
sage: Tribonacci = words.StandardEpisturmianWord(Words('abc')('abc')); Tribonacci
word: abacabaabacababacabaabacabacabaabacababa...
sage: S = words.StandardEpisturmianWord(Words('abcd')('aabcabada')); S
word: aabaacaabaaabaacaabaabaacaabaaabaacaabaa...
sage: S = words.StandardEpisturmianWord(Fibonacci); S
word: abaabaababaabaabaababaabaababaabaabaabab...
sage: S[:25]
word: abaabaababaabaabaababaaba
sage: S = words.StandardEpisturmianWord(Tribonacci); S
word: abaabacabaabaabacabaababaabacabaabaabaca...
sage: words.StandardEpisturmianWord(123)
TypeError: directive_word is not a word, so it cannot be used to build an episturmian word
sage: words.StandardEpisturmianWord(Words('ab'))
TypeError: directive_word is not a word, so it cannot be used to build an episturmian word


  • [1] X. Droubay, J. Justin, G. Pirillo, Episturmian words and some constructions of de Luca and Rauzy, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 255 (2001) 539–553.
  • [2] J. Justin, G. Pirillo, Episturmian words and episturmian morphisms, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 276 (2002) 281–313.
  • [3] A. Glen, J. Justin, Episturmian words: a survey, Preprint, 2007, arXiv:0801.1655.
ThueMorseWord(alphabet=(0, 1), base=2)

Returns the (Generalized) Thue-Morse word over the given alphabet.

There are several ways to define the Thue-Morse word t. We use the following definition: t[n] is the sum modulo m of the digits in the given base expansion of n.


  • alphabet - (default: (0, 1) ) any container that is suitable to build an instance of OrderedAlphabet (list, tuple, str, ...)
  • base - an integer (default : 2) greater or equal to 2


Thue-Morse word:

sage: t = words.ThueMorseWord(); t
word: 0110100110010110100101100110100110010110...

Thue-Morse word on other alphabets:

sage: t = words.ThueMorseWord('ab'); t
word: abbabaabbaababbabaababbaabbabaabbaababba...
sage: t = words.ThueMorseWord(['L1', 'L2'])
sage: t[:8]
word: L1,L2,L2,L1,L2,L1,L1,L2

Generalized Thue Morse word:

sage: words.ThueMorseWord(alphabet=(0,1,2), base=2)
word: 0112122012202001122020012001011212202001...
sage: t = words.ThueMorseWord(alphabet=(0,1,2), base=5); t
word: 0120112012201200120112012120122012001201...
sage: t[100:130].critical_exponent()


sage: words.ThueMorseWord(alphabet='ab', base=1)
ValueError: base (=1) and len(alphabet) (=2) must be at least 2


  • [1] A. Blondin-Masse, S. Brlek, A. Glen, and S. Labbe. On the critical exponent of generalized Thue-Morse words. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 9 (1):293–304, 2007.
  • [2] Brlek, S. 1989. «Enumeration of the factors in the Thue-Morse word», Discrete Appl. Math., vol. 24, p. 83–96.
  • [3] Morse, M., et G. A. Hedlund. 1938. «Symbolic dynamics», American Journal of Mathematics, vol. 60, p. 815–866.
UpperChristoffelWord(p, q, alphabet=(0, 1))

Returns the upper Christoffel word of slope p/q, where p and q are relatively prime non-negative integers, over the given alphabet.

The upper Christoffel word of slope `p/q` is equal to the reversal of the lower Christoffel word of slope p/q. Equivalently, if xuy is the lower Christoffel word of slope p/q, where x and y are letters, then yux is the upper Christoffel word of slope p/q (because u is a palindrome).


  • alphabet - any container of length two that is suitable to build an instance of OrderedAlphabet (list, tuple, str, ...)


sage: words.UpperChristoffelWord(1,0)
word: 1
sage: words.UpperChristoffelWord(0,1)
word: 0
sage: words.UpperChristoffelWord(1,1)
word: 10
sage: words.UpperChristoffelWord(4,7)
word: 10100100100


sage: words.UpperChristoffelWord(51,43,"abc")
ValueError: alphabet must contain exactly two distinct elements
UpperMechanicalWord(alpha, rho=0, alphabet=None)

Returns the upper mechanical word with slope \alpha and intercept \rho

The upper mechanical word s'_{\alpha,\rho} with slope \alpha and intercept \rho is defined by s'_{\alpha,\rho}(n)=\lceil\alpha(n+1)+\rho\rceil - 
\lceil\alpha n + \rho\rceil. [1]


  • alpha - real number such that 0 \leq\alpha\leq 1
  • rho - real number (optional, default: 0)
  • alphabet - iterable of two elements or None (optional, default: None)


infinite word


sage: words.UpperMechanicalWord(1/golden_ratio^2)
word: 1010010100100101001010010010100100101001...
sage: words.UpperMechanicalWord(1/5)
word: 1000010000100001000010000100001000010000...
sage: words.UpperMechanicalWord(1/pi)
word: 1001001001001001001001000100100100100100...


sage: m = words.UpperMechanicalWord(1/golden_ratio^2)[1:]
sage: s = words.CharacteristicSturmianWord(1/golden_ratio^2)
sage: m[:500] == s[:500]


  • [1] M. Lothaire, Algebraic Combinatorics On Words, vol. 90 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Cambridge University Press, U.K., 2002.

Returns the n-th dual Fibonacci Tile [1].


sage: for i in range(4): words.dual_fibonacci_tile(i)
Path: 3210
Path: 32123032301030121012
Path: 3212303230103230321232101232123032123210...
Path: 3212303230103230321232101232123032123210...


  • [1] A. Blondin-Masse, S. Brlek, A. Garon, and S. Labbe. Christoffel and Fibonacci Tiles, DGCI 2009, Montreal, to appear in LNCS.

Returns the n-th Fibonacci Tile [1].


sage: for i in range(3): words.fibonacci_tile(i)
Path: 3210
Path: 323030101212
Path: 3230301030323212323032321210121232121010...


  • [1] A. Blondin-Masse, S. Brlek, A. Garon, and S. Labbe. Christoffel and Fibonacci Tiles, DGCI 2009, Montreal, to appear in LNCS.
s_adic(sequence, letters, morphisms=None)

Returns the s-adic infinite word obtained from a sequence of morphisms applied on a letter.

DEFINITION (from [1]):

Let w be a infinite word over an alphabet A=A_0. A standard representation of w is obtained from a sequence of substitutions \sigma_k:A_{k+1}\to A_k and a sequence of letters a_k\in A_k such that: \lim_{k\to\infty}\sigma_0\circ\sigma_1\circ\cdots\sigma_k(a_k). Given a set of substitutions S, we say that the representation is S-adic standard if the subtitutions are chosen in S.


  • sequence - An iterable sequence of indices or of morphisms. It may be finite or infinite. If sequence is infinite, the image of the (i+1)-th letter under the (i+1)-th morphism must start with the i-th letter.
  • letters - A letter or a sequence of letters.
  • morphisms - dict, list, callable or None (optional, default None) an object that maps indices to morphisms. If None, then sequence must consist of morphisms.


A word.


Let’s define three morphisms and compute the first nested succesive prefixes of the s-adic word:

sage: m1 = WordMorphism('e->gh,f->hg')
sage: m2 = WordMorphism('c->ef,d->e')
sage: m3 = WordMorphism('a->cd,b->dc')
sage: words.s_adic([m1],'e')
word: gh
sage: words.s_adic([m1,m2],'ec')
word: ghhg
sage: words.s_adic([m1,m2,m3],'eca')
word: ghhggh

When the given sequence of morphism is finite, one may simply give the last letter, i.e. 'a', instead of giving all of them, i.e. 'eca':

sage: words.s_adic([m1,m2,m3],'a')
word: ghhggh
sage: words.s_adic([m1,m2,m3],'b')
word: ghghhg

If the letters don’t satisfy the hypothesis of the algorithm (nested prefixes), an error is raised:

sage: words.s_adic([m1,m2,m3],'ecb')
ValueError: The hypothesis of the algorithm used is not satisfied: the image of the 3-th letter (=b) under the 3-th morphism (=WordMorphism: a->cd, b->dc) should start with the 2-th letter (=c).

Let’s define the Thue-Morse morphism and the Fibonacci morphism which will be used below to illustrate more examples and let’s import the repeat tool from the itertools:

sage: tm = WordMorphism('a->ab,b->ba')
sage: fib = WordMorphism('a->ab,b->a')
sage: from itertools import repeat

Two trivial examples of infinite s-adic words:

sage: words.s_adic(repeat(tm),repeat('a'))
word: abbabaabbaababbabaababbaabbabaabbaababba...
sage: words.s_adic(repeat(fib),repeat('a'))
word: abaababaabaababaababaabaababaabaababaaba...

A less trivial infinite s-adic word:

sage: t = words.ThueMorseWord([tm,fib])
sage: words.s_adic(t, repeat('a'))
word: abbaababbaabbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababba...

The same thing using a sequence of indices:

sage: tmword = words.ThueMorseWord([0,1])
sage: words.s_adic(tmword, repeat('a'), [tm,fib])
word: abbaababbaabbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababba...

The correspondance of the indices may be given as a dict:

sage: words.s_adic(tmword, repeat('a'), {0:tm,1:fib})
word: abbaababbaabbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababba...

because dict are more versatile for indices:

sage: tmwordTF = words.ThueMorseWord('TF')
sage: words.s_adic(tmwordTF, repeat('a'), {'T':tm,'F':fib})
word: abbaababbaabbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababba...

or by a callable:

sage: f = lambda n: tm if n == 0 else fib
sage: words.s_adic(words.ThueMorseWord(), repeat('a'), f)
word: abbaababbaabbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababba...

Random infinite s-adic words:

sage: from sage.misc.prandom import randint
sage: def it():
...     while True: yield randint(0,1)
sage: words.s_adic(it(), repeat('a'), [tm,fib])
word: abbaabababbaababbaabbaababbaabababbaabba...
sage: words.s_adic(it(), repeat('a'), [tm,fib])
word: abbaababbaabbaababbaababbaabbaababbaabba...
sage: words.s_adic(it(), repeat('a'), [tm,fib])
word: abaaababaabaabaaababaabaaababaaababaabaa...

An example where the sequences cycle on two morphisms and two letters:

sage: G = WordMorphism('a->cd,b->dc')
sage: H = WordMorphism('c->ab,d->ba')
sage: from itertools import cycle
sage: words.s_adic([G,H],'ac')
word: cddc
sage: words.s_adic(cycle([G,H]),cycle('ac'))
word: cddcdccddccdcddcdccdcddccddcdccddccdcddc...

The morphism \sigma: a\mapsto ba,b\mapsto b can’t satisfy the hypothesis of the nested prefixes, but one may compute arbitrarily long finite words having the limit \sigma^\omega(a):

sage: sigma = WordMorphism('a->ba,b->b')
sage: words.s_adic(repeat(sigma),repeat('a'))
ValueError: The hypothesis of the algorithm used is not satisfied: the image of the 2-th letter (=a) under the 2-th morphism (=WordMorphism: a->ba, b->b) should start with the 1-th letter (=a).
sage: words.s_adic([sigma],'a')
word: ba
sage: words.s_adic([sigma,sigma],'a')
word: bba
sage: words.s_adic([sigma]*3,'a')
word: bbba
sage: words.s_adic([sigma]*4,'a')
word: bbbba
sage: words.s_adic([sigma]*5,'a')
word: bbbbba
sage: words.s_adic([sigma]*6,'a')
word: bbbbbba
sage: words.s_adic([sigma]*7,'a')
word: bbbbbbba

The following examples illustrates an S-adic word defined over an infinite set S of morphisms x_h:

sage: x = lambda h:WordMorphism({1:[2],2:[3]+[1]*(h+1),3:[3]+[1]*h})
sage: for h in [0,1,2,3]: print h, x(h)
0 WordMorphism: 1->2, 2->31, 3->3
1 WordMorphism: 1->2, 2->311, 3->31
2 WordMorphism: 1->2, 2->3111, 3->311
3 WordMorphism: 1->2, 2->31111, 3->3111
sage: w = Word(lambda n : valuation(n+1, 2) ); w
word: 0102010301020104010201030102010501020103...
sage: s = words.s_adic(w, repeat(3), x); s
word: 3232232232322322322323223223232232232232...
sage: prefixe = s[:10000]
sage: map(prefixe.number_of_factors, range(15))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
sage: [_[i+1] - _[i] for i in range(len(_)-1)]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]


sage: tm = WordMorphism('a->ab,b->ba')
sage: fib = WordMorphism('a->ab,b->a')
sage: w = words.s_adic([fib,tm,tm,fib,tm,fib]*3,'a')
sage: w
word: abaaabaababaabaaababaaababaaabaababaabaa...
sage: w.length()
sage: w.parent()
Words over Ordered Alphabet ['a', 'b']
sage: type(w)
<class 'sage.combinat.words.word.FiniteWord_iter_with_caching'>
sage: words.s_adic([fib,tm,tm,fib,tm,fib],'aaaaaaa')
word: abaaabaababaabaaababaaababaaabaababa
sage: words.s_adic([0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],'a',[tm,fib])
word: abbaabababbaabbaababbaababbaabababbaabba...
sage: words.s_adic([fib,fib],'bb')
ValueError: The hypothesis of the algorithm used is not satisfied: the image of the 2-th letter (=b) under the 2-th morphism (=WordMorphism: a->ab, b->a) should start with the 1-th letter (=b).

Test on different letters:

sage: tm = WordMorphism({0:[0,1], 1:[1,0]})
sage: fib = WordMorphism({0:[0,1], 1:[0]})
sage: f = lambda n: tm if n == 0 else fib
sage: words.s_adic(words.ThueMorseWord(), repeat(0), f)
word: 0110010110011001100101100101100110010110...

Testing the message error for the third argument:

sage: words.s_adic(words.ThueMorseWord(), repeat(0), 5)
TypeError: morphisms (=5) must be None, callable or provide a __getitem__ method.


  • Sebastien Labbe (2009-12-18): initial version


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