The purpose of categories in Sage is to translate the mathematical concept of categories (category of groups, of vector spaces, ...) into a concrete software engineering design pattern for:
- organizing and promoting generic code
- fostering consistency across the Sage library (naming conventions, doc, tests)
- embedding more mathematical knowledge into the system
This design pattern is largely inspired from Axiom and its followers (Aldor, Fricas, MuPAD, ...). It differs from those by:
- blending in the Magma inspired concept of Parent/Element
- being built on top of (and not into) the standard Python object oriented and class hierarchy mechanism. This did not require changing the language, and could in principle be implemented in any language allowing for dynamically creating new classes.
To motivate the design, we need to come back to the basics: the purpose of Sage is to do mathematical computations, and this requires modeling mathematical objects and operations on the computer. Let us review some examples of such objects and operations:
The fundamental principle of object oriented programming (OOP) is that any object that a program is to manipulate should be modeled by an instance of a class. The class implements:
- a data structure: which describes how the object is stored
- methods: which describe the operations on the object
The instance itself contains the data for the given object, according to the specified data structure.
Hence, all the objects mentionned above should be instances of some classes. For example, an integer in Sage is an instance of the class Integer (and it knows about it!):
sage: i = 12
sage: type(i)
<type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>
Applying an operation is generally done by calling a method:
sage: i.factor()
2^2 * 3
sage: p = 6*x^2 + 12*x + 6
sage: type(p)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>
sage: p.factor()
6*(x + 1)^2
sage: pQ = QQ[x] ( p )
sage: type(pQ)
<class 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element_generic.Polynomial_rational_dense'>
sage: pQ.factor()
(6) * (x + 1)^2
sage: pZ = ZZ[x] ( p )
sage: type(pZ)
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_integer_dense_flint.Polynomial_integer_dense_flint'>
sage: pZ.factor()
2 * 3 * (x + 1)^2
Factoring integers, expressions, or polynomials are distinct tasks, with completely different algorithms. Yet, from a user (or caller) point of view, all those objects can be manipulated alike. This illustrates the OOP concepts of polymorphism, data abstraction, and encapsulation.
Let us be curious, and see where some methods are defined. This can be done by introspection:
sage: i._mul_?? # not tested
For plain Python methods, one can also just ask in which module they are implemented:
sage: i._pow_.__module__
sage: pQ._mul_.__module__
sage: pQ._pow_.__module__
We see that integers and polynomials have each their own multiplication method: the multiplication algorithms are indeed unrelated and deeply tied to their respective datastructures.
On the other hand, they share the same powering method.
Mathematically speaking the sets of integers, and the set
of polynomials are both semigroups: i.e. sets endowed with an
associative binary internal lay
. Once we know how to compute
products, the powering operation is the same for all semigroups; hence
it can be implemented once for all for all semigroups.
This illustrates the use of hierarchy of classes to share common code between classes having common behaviour. Namely, the class for integers and the class for polynomials both derive from an abstract class for elements of a semigroups, which factors out the generic methods like _pow_.
OOP design is all about isolating the objects that one wants to model and their operations, and building up an appropriate hierarchy of classes for organizing the code. Luckily for mathematicians, a lot of this work is given for free by abstract algebra. Namely, the hierarchy of classes can be modeled upon the hierarchy of abstract algebraic structures (i.e. categories): semigroups, monoids, groups, rings, algebras, etc. For example, a group is a special case of a monoid (i.e. the category of groups is a subcategory of the category of monoids). Therefore, the abstract class for elements of a group should derive from the abstract classes for elements of monoid.
Before going further, let us recall that we do not just want to compute with elements of mathematical sets, but with the sets themselves:
sage: R = QQ['x,y']
sage: R.krull_dimension()
sage: A = R.quotient( R.ideal(x^2 - 2) )
sage: A.krull_dimension() # todo: not implemented
Hence there should be another hierarchy of classes for those sets.
Philosophy: Building mathematical information into the system yields more expressive, more conceptual and, at the end, easier to maintain and faster code.
(within a programming realm; this would not necessarily apply to specialized libraries like gmp!)
Here is some mathematical information that Sage is aware of:
sage: 1.parent()
Integer Ring
sage: ZZ
Integer Ring
sage: ZZ.category()
Category of euclidean domains
sage: ZZ.categories()
[Category of euclidean domains,
Category of principal ideal domains,
Category of gcd domains,
Category of integral domains,
Category of commutative rings,
Category of domains,
Category of rings,
Category of rngs,
Category of commutative additive groups,
Category of semirings,
Category of commutative additive monoids,
Category of commutative additive semigroups,
Category of additive magmas,
Category of monoids,
Category of semigroups,
Category of magmas,
Category of sets,
Category of sets with partial maps,
Category of objects]
sage: EuclideanDomains().category_graph().plot(talk = True)
This illustrates the following relations between mathematical objects:
A parent is a Python instance representing a set of mathematical elements together with its additional (algebraic) strcuture.
Examples include the ring of integers, the group , the set of
prime numbers, the set of linear maps between a given two vector
spaces, and a given finite semigroup.
These sets are often equipped with additional structure: the set of all integers forms a ring. The main way of encoding this information is specifying which categories a parent belongs to.
It is completely possible to have different Python instances representing the same set of elements. For example, one might want to consider the ring of integers, or the poset of integers under their standard order, or the poset of integers under divisibility or the semiring of integers under the operations of addition and maximum. Each of these would be a different instance, belonging to different categories.
For a given model, there should be a unique instance in Sage representing that parent:
sage: IntegerRing() is IntegerRing()
An element is a Python instance representing a mathematical element of a set.
Examples of element include 5 in the integer ring, in
the polynomial ring in
over the rationals,
in the
3-adics, the transposition
, and the identity
morphism in the set of linear maps from
Every element in Sage has a parent. The standard mechanism in Sage for creating elements is to create their parent, and then provide enough data to define the element:
sage: R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, name='x')
sage: R([1,2,3])
3*x^2 + 2*x + 1
One can also create elements using various methods on the parent and arithmetic of elements:
sage: x = R.gen()
sage: 1 + 2*x + 3*x^2
3*x^2 + 2*x + 1
Unlike parents, elements in Sage are not necessarily unique:
sage: ZZ(5040) is ZZ(5040)
Many parents represent algebraic structures, and their elements support arithmetic operations. One often further wants to do arithmetic by combining elements from different parents: adding together integers and rationals for example. Sage supports this feature using coercion (see sage.structure.coerce for more details).
It is possible for a parent to also have simultaneously the structure of an element. Consider for example the monoid of all finite groups, endowed with the cartesian product operation. Then, every finite group (which is a parent) is also an element of this monoid. This is not yet implemented, and the design details are not yet fixed but experiments are underway in this direction.
TODO: give a concrete example, typically using ElementWrapper.
A category is a Python instance representing a mathematical category.
Examples of categories include the category of finite semigroups,
the category of -algebras, the category of bigraded
-algebras, the category of all (Python) objects, and the
category of cartesian products of
sage: FiniteSemigroups()
Category of finite semigroups
sage: Algebras(ZZ)
Category of algebras over Integer Ring
sage: Objects()
Category of objects
sage: Algebras(ZZ).CartesianProducts()
Category of Cartesian products of algebras over Integer Ring
(mind the ‘s’ in the names of the categories above; GroupAlgebra and GroupAlgebras are distinct things).
Every parent belongs to a collection of categories. Moreover, these categories are related by the relation of being super categories. For example, the category of rings is a super category of the category of fields, because every field is also a ring.
A category serves two roles:
Objects of a mathematical category are not necessarily parents. Parent has a superclass that provides a means of modeling such.
For example, schemes do not have a faithful forgetful functor to the category of Sets, so it does not make sense to talk about Schemes as Parents.
(Todo: include a picture!)
Let us look at a semigroup:
sage: S = FiniteSemigroups().example()
sage: S? # not tested
Now would be a good time to go through the sage.categories.tutorial!
Where do all the operations on S and its elements come from?
sage: x = S('a')
_repr_ is a technical method which comes with the data structure (ElementWrapper):
sage: x._repr_.__module__
__pow__ is a generic method for all finite semigroups:
sage: x.__pow__.__module__
_mul_ is a default implementation from the Magmas
category (a magma is a set with an inner law , not necessarily
sage: x.__mul__.__module__
It delegates the work to the parent (if you do not know what to do, ask your parent):
sage: x.__mul__?? # not tested
product is a mathematical method implemented by the parent:
sage: S.product.__module__
cayley_graph is a generic method on the parent, provided by the FiniteSemigroups category:
sage: S.cayley_graph.__module__
multiplication_table is a generic method on the parent, provided by the Magmas category (it does not require associativity):
sage: S.multiplication_table.__module__
Consider now the implementation of the semigroup:
sage: S?? # not tested
This implementation specifies a data structure for the parents and the
elements, and makes a promise: the implemented parent is a
semigroup. Then it fullfills the promise by implementing the basic
operations product and semigroup_generators. In exchange of
this promise, and its elements receive generic implementations of
all the other operations.
may override any of the operations by
more efficient ones. It could typically implement is_idempotent to
always return True.
A (not yet complete) list of mandatory and optional methods to be implemented can be found by introspection with:
sage: from sage.misc.abstract_method import abstract_methods_of_class
sage: abstract_methods_of_class(FiniteSemigroups().element_class)
{'required': [], 'optional': ['_mul_']}
sage: abstract_methods_of_class(FiniteSemigroups().parent_class)
{'required': ['__contains__'], 'optional': []}
Documentation about those methods can be obtained with:
sage: C = FiniteSemigroups().element_class
sage: C._mul_? # not tested
See also the abstract_methods decorator.
Here is the code for the finite semigroups category:
sage: FiniteSemigroups?? # not tested
Wrapup: the mathematical relations between elements, parents, and categories translates into inheritance between classes:
sage: FiniteSemigroups().all_super_categories()
[Category of finite semigroups,
Category of semigroups,
Category of magmas,
Category of finite enumerated sets,
Category of enumerated sets,
Category of sets,
Category of sets with partial maps,
Category of objects]
sage: S.__class__.mro()
[<class 'sage.categories.examples.finite_semigroups.LeftRegularBand_with_category'>,
<class 'sage.categories.examples.finite_semigroups.LeftRegularBand'>,
<class 'sage.structure.unique_representation.UniqueRepresentation'>,
<type 'sage.structure.parent.Parent'>,
<type 'sage.structure.category_object.CategoryObject'>,
<type 'sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject'>,
<class 'sage.categories.finite_semigroups.FiniteSemigroups.parent_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.semigroups.Semigroups.parent_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.magmas.Magmas.parent_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.finite_enumerated_sets.FiniteEnumeratedSets.parent_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.enumerated_sets.EnumeratedSets.parent_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.sets_cat.Sets.parent_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.category.SetsWithPartialMaps.parent_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.objects.Objects.parent_class'>,
<type 'object'>]
sage: x.__class__.mro()
[<class 'sage.categories.examples.finite_semigroups.LeftRegularBand_with_category.element_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.examples.finite_semigroups.LeftRegularBand.Element'>,
<class 'sage.structure.element_wrapper.ElementWrapper'>,
<type 'sage.structure.element.Element'>,
<type 'sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject'>,
<class 'sage.categories.category.FiniteSemigroups.element_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.semigroups.Semigroups.element_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.magmas.Magmas.element_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.category.FiniteEnumeratedSets.element_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.enumerated_sets.EnumeratedSets.element_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.sets_cat.Sets.element_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.category.SetsWithPartialMaps.element_class'>,
<class 'sage.categories.objects.Objects.element_class'>,
<type 'object'>]
Another feature that a parent receive from its categories are generic tests; their purpose is to check (at least to some extent) that the parent has the required mathematical properties (is my semigroup indeed associative?) and is implemented according to the specifications (does the method an_element indeed return an element of the parent?):
sage: S = FiniteSemigroups().example(alphabet=('a', 'b'))
sage: TestSuite(S).run(verbose = True)
running ._test_an_element() . . . pass
running ._test_associativity() . . . pass
running ._test_category() . . . pass
running ._test_elements() . . .
Running the test suite of self.an_element()
running ._test_category() . . . pass
running ._test_eq() . . . pass
running ._test_not_implemented_methods() . . . pass
running ._test_pickling() . . . pass
running ._test_elements_eq() . . . pass
running ._test_enumerated_set_contains() . . . pass
running ._test_enumerated_set_iter_cardinality() . . . pass
running ._test_enumerated_set_iter_list() . . . pass
running ._test_eq() . . . pass
running ._test_not_implemented_methods() . . . pass
running ._test_pickling() . . . pass
running ._test_some_elements() . . . pass
sage: S._test_associativity?? # not tested
sage: S._test_associativity(elements=S)
See TestSuite for more information.
Let us see what happens when the test fails. Here we redefine the
product of to something definitely not associative:
sage: %pdb # not tested
sage: S.product = lambda x, y: S("("+x.value +y.value+")")
Combined with the use of the debugger and introspection, those tests gives instantly a counter example to the associativity of our broken semigroup:
sage: S._test_associativity()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../sage/categories/", line ..., in _test_associativity
tester.assert_((x * y) * z == x * (y * z))
- Categories bring not only code, but also testing tools
- This enforces robustness and consistency (despite using an interpreted language)
sage: HopfAlgebrasWithBasis(QQ)?? # not tested
sage: HopfAlgebrasWithBasis(QQ).category_graph().plot()
sage: A = AlgebrasWithBasis(QQ).example(); A.rename("A")
sage: B = HopfAlgebrasWithBasis(QQ).example(); B.rename("B")
sage: C = cartesian_product([A, B, B]); C
A (+) B (+) B
B[(0, word: )] + B[(1, ())] + B[(2, ())]
sage: cartesian_product([,,])
B[(0, word: )] + B[(1, ())] + B[(2, ())]
sage: # not tested
sage: C.product?? # not tested
sage: C.categories()
[Category of Cartesian products of algebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of algebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of Cartesian products of modules with basis over Rational Field,
Category of modules with basis over Rational Field,
Category of Cartesian products of algebras over Rational Field,
Category of algebras over Rational Field,
Category of rings,
Category of rngs,
Category of semirings,
Category of vector spaces over Rational Field,
Category of modules over Rational Field,
Category of bimodules over Rational Field on the left and Rational Field on the right,
Category of left modules over Rational Field,
Category of right modules over Rational Field,
Category of commutative additive groups,
Category of commutative additive monoids,
Category of commutative additive semigroups,
Category of additive magmas,
Category of Cartesian products of monoids,
Category of monoids,
Category of Cartesian products of semigroups,
Category of semigroups,
Category of Cartesian products of magmas,
Category of magmas,
Category of Cartesian products of sets,
Category of sets,
Category of sets with partial maps,
Category of objects]
- All the mathematical information about algebras with basis (properties of elements, parents, morphisms, cartesian products, tensor products) is gathered in AlgebrasWithBasis
Let and
be two parents, and let us construct their cartesian
. In which category should this new parent be? For
example, if both
are monoids, then
naturally endowed with a monoid structure. Similarly, it could
potentially be an algebra, a coalgebra, a differential module, and
possibly finite dimensional, graded, or ...
This can only be decided at runtime, by introspection into the
properties of and
. Furthermore the number of possible
combinations (e.g. finite dimensional differential algebra) grows
exponnentially with the number of properties.
Each category should come with a good example, in sage.categories.examples.
The order between super categories should not be mathematically relevant (otherwise this usually means the category hierarchy is wrong). On the other hand, it should be consistent, to help Python build the method resolution order for the generated classes (it always respects inheritance, and tries to respect the order of the bases).
The current convention is to order them lexicographically w.r.t. the following criterions:
- Graded... or Finite dimensional... first
- ...WithBasis first
- Algebras before Coalgebras
- Modules first
This gives the following order:
sage: GradedHopfAlgebrasWithBasis(QQ).all_super_categories()
[Category of graded hopf algebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of graded bialgebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of graded algebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of graded coalgebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of graded modules with basis over Rational Field,
Category of graded hopf algebras over Rational Field,
Category of graded bialgebras over Rational Field,
Category of graded algebras over Rational Field,
Category of graded coalgebras over Rational Field,
Category of graded modules over Rational Field,
Category of hopf algebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of bialgebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of algebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of coalgebras with basis over Rational Field,
Category of modules with basis over Rational Field,
Category of hopf algebras over Rational Field,
Category of bialgebras over Rational Field,
Category of algebras over Rational Field,
Category of rings,
Category of rngs,
Category of semirings,
Category of monoids,
Category of semigroups,
Category of magmas,
Category of coalgebras over Rational Field,
Category of vector spaces over Rational Field,
Category of modules over Rational Field,
Category of bimodules over Rational Field on the left and Rational Field on the right,
Category of left modules over Rational Field,
Category of right modules over Rational Field,
Category of commutative additive groups,
Category of commutative additive monoids,
Category of commutative additive semigroups,
Category of additive magmas,
Category of sets,
Category of sets with partial maps,
Category of objects]
Todo: any better convention? Maybe we should further specify that subcategories of Modules() go first?