More familiarity with computers may be required to build Sage from source. If you do have all the pre-requisite tools, the process should be completely painless. It would take your computer a while to compiled Sage from source, though you don’t have to watch. Compiling Sage from source has the major advantage that you have the latest version of Sage with which you can change absolutely any part or the programs on which Sage depends. You can also recompile Sage.
As of this writing, Sage is known to work on Linux (32-bit x86, 64-bit x86-64, IA64, or 32-bit PPC) and OS X (10.4, 10.5, 10.6, PPC or x86, 32-bit only). (See for the latest information.)
Solaris? FreeBSD? OS X 10.5 in 64 bit mode?: Complete compilation of Sage is currently not supported on Solaris or *BSD. It is possible to compile most of Sage on Solaris machines and to fill in the extra parts using standard packages; please email sage-devel if you desperately need to run Sage on Solaris. We do plan to fully support Solaris - it’s a very important platform. Work is ongoing.
Sage on FreeBSD: The binaries can be run with the help of Linux emulation. We are working on a fully native port and the number of issues that need to be fixed are relatively small compared to the other ports.
We hope to support OS X 10.5 in 64-bit mode in our next release. You can find some instructions to build Sage on OS X 10.5 in 64-bit mode at
Assumptions: You have a computer with about 2 GB of free disk space running Linux (32-bit or 64-bit), Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, or 10.6 with XCode. In particular, under Linux the following standard command-line development tools must be installed on your computer (under OS X they all come with XCode):
readline and its development headers
ssh-keygen -- needed to run the notebook in secure mode.
latex -- highly recommended, though not strictly required
To check if you have m4 installed, for example, type which m4 at a command line. If it gives an error (or returns nothing), then it is not installed. It is highly recommended that you have LaTeX installed, but not required. If you don’t have ssh-keygen on your local system, then you cannot run the notebook in secure mode. To run it in insecure mode, run the command notebook(secure=False) instead of notebook().
In OS X, make sure you have XCode version at least 2.4, i.e., gcc -v
should output build at least 5363. If you don’t, go to sign up, and download the free Xcode
package. Only OS X is supported. This will give
you all of the above commands.
On a Debian-based system (e.g., Ubuntu), ranlib is in the binutils package. On a newly installed Ubuntu system (this was tested on Ubuntu 9.04), you can install the above commands as follows:
sudo apt-get install build-essential m4 gfortran
It is recommended that you install the readline package and its corresponding development headers. These packages make it easier to work with the Sage command line interface by providing text editing features at the command line level. On a Debian or Ubuntu system, use the following commands to install the readline library and its development headers:
sudo apt-get install readline-common libreadline-dev
The LaTeX package and a PDF previewer are optional but they can be installed using
sudo apt-get install texlive xpdf evince xdvi
(You must have the GNU version of make installed. For example, Sage won’t build on a FreeBSD install that doesn’t have the optional GNU version of make installed as well (and named make).)
Although some of Sage is written in Python, you do not need Python pre-installed on your computer, since the Sage installation includes everything you need. When the installation program is run, it will check that you have each of the above-listed prerequisites, and inform you of any that are missing.
If you want to use Tcl/Tk libraries in Sage, do the following preferably before compilation. Sage’s Python will automatically recognize your system’s install of Tcl/Tk if it exists. You need to install the Tcl/Tk development libraries though, not just the Tck/Tk base.
On Ubuntu, this is the command:
sudo apt-get install tk8.5-dev # or the latest version available
Now you can install Sage and Sage’s Python will automatically recognize your system’s install of Tcl/Tk. If you forgot and installed Sage first anyway, all is not lost. Just issue the command:
sage -f python-2.5.2.p8 # or the latest version available
after installing the Tcl/Tk development libraries as above. If
sage: import _tkinter
sage: import Tkinter
does not raise an ImportError then it worked.
Sage is currently being developed using GCC version 4.3.x, and is likely to compile fine with other GCC versions in the 4.x series. It does not work with older GCC releases. If you are interested in working on support for Intel or Sun’s CC compiler, please email the sage-devel mailing list, otherwise known as the sage-devel Google group at
One reason perl is required is that both the NTL and PARI configuration scripts are written in Perl.
After extracting the Sage tarball, the subdirectory spkg contains the source distributions for everything on which Sage depends. We emphasize that all of this software is included with Sage, so you do not have to worry about trying to download and install any one of these packages (such as GAP, for example) yourself.
On tests using various Linux computer systems, the known problems are:
On Linux and Solaris systems, a working Fortran compiler is required for building Sage from source. If you are using Fortran on a platform for which Sage does not include g95 binaries, you must use a system-wide gFortran. For example, Solaris 10 does not ship with any Fortran binaries. You need to explicitly tell the Sage build process about the Fortran compiler and library location. Do this by typing
export SAGE_FORTRAN=/exact/path/to/gfortran
export SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB=/path/to/fortran/libs/
Note that the SAGE_FORTRAN environment variable is supposed to impact only the Fortran Sage package, otherwise known as the Fortran spkg. Apart from that, this variable is not designed to do anything at all to other spkg’s that use Fortran. For example, the Lapack spkg uses Fortran, but the compilation process of Lapack should ignore the SAGE_FORTRAN environment variable. The SAGE_FORTRAN environment variable does not mean “build any spkg that uses Fortran using this Fortran”. It means “when installing the Fortran spkg, setup the sage_fortran script to run the Fortran compiler specified by the SAGE_FORTRAN variable”.
On Mac OS X, you are not required to have a Fortran compiler on your system. The Sage source distribution is shipped with a Fortran compiler for Mac OS X. This Fortran compiler is used, unless you specify another Fortran compiler via the variable SAGE_FORTRAN.
On platforms such as AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris, where both 32- and 64-bit builds are supported, the library path variable SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB must point to the 32-bit library if you are building Sage in 32-bit. Also, SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB must point to a 64-bit library if you are building Sage in 64-bit. For example, on Solaris both of the variables SAGE_FORTRAN and SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB could be set as follows:
# SPARC and x86
# 32-bit SPARC
# 64-bit SPARC
# 32-bit x86
# 64-bit x64
Installation from source is (potentially) very easy, because the distribution contains (essentially) everything on which Sage depends.
Make sure there are no spaces in the directory name under which you build. Running from a directory with spaces in its name is supported but discouraged. Building is not possible, since several of the components do not build if there are spaces in the path.
Go to , select a mirror, and download the file sage-*.tar.
This tarfile contains the source code for Sage and the source for all programs on which Sage depends. Download it into a subdirectory of your home directory into which you want to install Sage. Note that this file is not compressed; it’s just a plain tarball (which happens to be full of compressed files).
tar xvf sage-x.y.z.tar
This creates a directory sage-x.y.z.
Change into that directory
cd sage-x.y.z
This is Sage’s home directory. It is also referred to as SAGE_ROOT or the top level Sage directory.
Optional (but highly recommended): Read the README.txt file there.
This compiles Sage and all dependencies. Note that you do not need to be logged in as root, since no files are changed outside of the sage-x.y.z directory (with one exception – the .ipythonrc directory is created in your HOME directory if it doesn’t exist). This command does the usual steps for each of the packages, but puts all the results in the local build tree. This can take close to an hour on some machines. Depending on the architecture of your system (e.g., Celeron, Pentium Mobile, Pentium 4, etc.), it can take over three hours to build Sage from source. If the build is successful, you will not see the word ERROR in the last 3-4 lines of output.
The directory where you built Sage is NOT hardcoded. You should be able to safely move or rename that directory. (It’s a bug if this is not the case — unfortunately there is one bug which hasn’t yet been fixed along these lines, namely the PARI install hard-codes the location of the “galois data” files. Fixes welcome!)
After you build Sage, you may optionally copy or move the entire build tree to /usr/local. You might also copy the sage-*/sage script to /usr/local/bin/ and edit ROOT="....." at the top of that file.
To start Sage, change into the Sage home directory and type:
You should see the Sage prompt, which will look something like this (starting the first time can take a few seconds):
$ sage
| SAGE Version 3.1, Release Date: 2008-08-16 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. |
Just starting successfully tests that many of the components built correctly. If the above is not displayed (e.g., if you get a massive traceback), please report the problem, e.g., to . Please include in your email the file install.log. It would also be helpful to include the type of operating system you have and the version number (and date) of the copy of Sage you are using. (There are no formal requirements for bug reports - just send them; we appreciate everything.)
After Sage starts, try a command:
sage: 2 + 2
Try something more complicated, which uses the PARI C library:
sage: factor(2005)
5 * 401
Try something simple that uses the Gap, Singular, Maxima and PARI/GP interfaces:
sage: gap('2+2')
sage: gp('2+2')
sage: maxima('2+2')
sage: singular('2+2')
sage: pari('2+2')
(For those familiar with GAP: Sage automatically builds a GAP “workspace” during installation, so the response time from this GAP command is relatively fast. For those familiar with GP/PARI, the gp command creates an object in the GP interpreter, and the pari command creates an object directly in the PARI C-library.)
Try running Gap, Singular or GP from Sage:
sage: gap_console()
GAP4, Version: 4.4.6 of 02-Sep-2005, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc
gap> 2+2;
sage: gp_console()
sage: singular_console()
SINGULAR / Development
A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations / version 3-0-1
by: G.-M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H. Schoenemann \ October 2005
FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern \
// ** executing /usr/local/sage/sage-0.8.2/bin/LIB/.singularrc
> Auf Wiedersehen.
Optional: Check the interfaces to any other software that you have available. Note that each interface calls its corresponding program by a particular name: Mathematica is invoked by calling math, Maple by calling maple, et cetera. The easiest way to change this name or perform other customizations is to create a redirection script in $SAGE_ROOT/local/bin. Sage inserts this directory at the front of your PATH, so your script may need to use an absolute path to avoid calling itself; also, your script should use $* to pass along all of its arguments. For example, a maple script might look like:
/etc/maple10.2/maple.tty $*
Optional: Different possibilities to make using Sage a little easier:
Copy $SAGE_ROOT/sage to a location in your PATH. If you do this, make sure you edit the line with the ....‘s at the top of the sage script.
For KDE users, create a bash script {sage} containing the lines
konsole -T "sage" -e <SAGE_ROOT>/sage
which you make executable (chmod a+x sage) and put it somewhere in your path. (Note that you have to change $SAGE_ROOT above!) You can also make a KDE desktop icon with this as the command (under the Application tab of the Properties of the icon, which you get my right clicking the mouse on the icon).
For bash shell users, type echo $PATH and cp sage <your-path-dir> into one of these directories, or else add this bin directory to your PATH variable, e.g., if you use the bash shell, add the line
export PATH
in your .bashrc file (if it exists; if not, make one). After doing this and logging out and in again, typing sage at a shell prompt should start Sage.
On Linux and OS X systems, you can make an alias to $SAGE_ROOT/sage. For example, put something similar to the following line in your .bashrc file:
alias 'sage'='/home/username/sage-3.1.2/sage'
Having done so, quit your terminal emulator and restart it again. Now typing sage within your terminal emulator should start Sage.
Optional: Test the install by typing ./sage -testall. This runs most examples in the source code and makes sure that they run exactly as claimed. To test all examples, use ./sage -testall -optional -long; this will run examples that take a long time, and those that depend on optional packages and software, e.g., Mathematica or Magma. Some (optional) examples will likely fail because they assume that a database is installed. Alternatively, from within $SAGE_ROOT, you can type make test to run all the standard test code. This can take from 30 minutes to an hour or longer.
Optional: The directory spkg/build contains intermediate code that is used to build sage. Type make clean to delete it and a few other directories (e.g., spkg/archive and devel/old). This is safe and will save you about 500 MB of disk space. You may wish to type this periodically.
Optional: Install optional Sage packages and databases. Type sage -optional to see a list or visit, and sage -i <package name> to automatically download and install a given package.
Optional: Run the install_scripts command from within Sage to create gp, singular, gap, etc., scripts in your PATH. Type install_scripts? in Sage for details.
Have fun! Discover some amazing conjectures!
Sage uses several environment variables to control its build process. Most users won’t need to use any of these: the build process just works on many platforms. Building Sage involves building about 100 packages, each of which has its own compilation instructions.
Here are some of the more commonly used variables affecting the build process:
MAKE - one common setting for this variable when building Sage is export MAKE='make -jNUM' to tell the “make” program to run NUM jobs in parallel when building individual packages. (Not all packages support this, but the ones for which this could be problematic should automatically disable it.)
SAGE_CHECK - if this is set to “yes”, then during the build process, run the test suite for each package which has one.
SAGE_PARALLEL_SPKG_BUILD - set this to “yes” to build multiple packages in parallel. This only has an effect if MAKE is also set to run several jobs in parallel. As of this writing (June 2010), this is still in the experimental stages, but turning this on can greatly speed up the build process.
SAGE64 - Set this to “yes” to build a 64-bit binary. This is required if you want a 64-bit binary but the default for your platform is to build 32-bit binaries. It adds the compiler flag -m64 when compiling programs. The SAGE64 variable is mainly of use is on OS X (pre 10.6), Solaris and OpenSolaris, though it will add the -m64 on any operating system. If you are running version 10.6 of OS X on a 64-bit machine, then Sage will automatically build a 64-bit binary, so this variable does not need setting.
SAGE_FORTRAN - see above, the “Fortran” section.
SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB - see above, the “Fortran” section.
SAGE_DEBUG - about half a dozen Sage packages use this variable. If it is unset (the default) or set to “yes”, then debugging is turned on. If it is set to anything else, then debugging is turned off.
SAGE_FAT_BINARY - to prepare a binary distribution that will run on the widest range of target machines, set this variable to “yes” before building Sage:
export SAGE_FAT_BINARY="yes"
./sage -bdist x.y.z-fat
Variables to set if you’re trying to build Sage with an unusual setup, e.g., an unsupported machine or an unusual compiler:
SAGE_PORT - if you try to build Sage on a platform which is recognized as being unsupported (e.g., x86 Solaris, AIX, or HP-UX), or with a compiler which is unsupported (anything except gcc), you will see a message saying something like
You are attempting to build Sage on IBM's AIX operating system,
which is not a supported platform for Sage yet. Things may or
may not work. If you would like to help port Sage to AIX,
please join the sage-devel discussion list - see
The Sage community would also appreciate any patches you submit.
To get past this message, export the variable SAGE_PORT to
something non-empty.
If this is the situation, follow the directions: set SAGE_PORT to something non-empty (and expect to run into problems).
SAGE_USE_OLD_GCC - the Sage build process requires version 4.0.1 of gcc. If the most recent version of gcc is 3.4.x and you want to try building anyway, then set SAGE_USE_OLD_GCC to something nonempty. Expect the build to fail in this case: Sage is only guaranteed to build using gcc 4.0.1 or later, so if you insist on working with gcc 3.4.x, you will have to modify some source code to get things to work.
CFLAG64 - default value “-m64”. If Sage detects that it should build a 64-bit binary, then it uses this flag when compiling C code. Modify it if necessary for your system and C compiler. This should not be necessary on most systems – this flag will typically be set automatically, based on the setting of SAGE64, for example.
Environment variables dealing with specific Sage packages:
SAGE_ATLAS_LIB - if you have an installation of ATLAS on your system and you want Sage to use it instead of building and installing its own version of ATLAS, set this variable to be the parent directory of your ATLAS installation: it should have a subdirectory lib containing the files,,, and, and it should have a subdirectory include/atlas/ containing header files.
SAGE_MATPLOTLIB_GUI - set this to anything nonempty except “no”, and Sage will attempt to build the graphical backend when it builds the matplotlib package.
INCLUDE_MPFR_PATCH - This is used to add a patch to MPFR to bypass a bug in the memset function affecting sun4v machines with versions of Solaris earlier than Solaris 10 update 8 (10/09). Earlier versions of Solaris 10 can be patched by applying Sun patch 142542-01. Recognized values are:
If this variable is unset, include the patch on sun4v machines only.
SAGE_BINARY_BUILD - used by the pil package. If set to “yes”, then force Sage to use the versions of libjpeg, libtiff and libpng from $SAGE_ROOT/local/lib. Otherwise, allow the use of the system’s versions of these libraries.
SAGE_PIL_NOTK - used by the pil package. If set to “yes”, then disable building TK. If this is not set, then this should be dealt with automatically: Sage tries to build the pil package with TK support enabled, but if it runs into problems, it tries building again with TK disabled. So only use this variable to force TK to be disabled. (Building the pil package is pretty fast – less than a minute on many systems – so allowing it to build twice is not a serious issue.)
Some standard environment variables which you should probably not set:
Sage uses the following environment variables when it runs:
Variables dealing with doctesting:
This section addresses the question of how a system administrator can install a single copy of Sage in a multi-user computer network.
This is a compilation of posts to the Sage support list (in particular those of Luis Finotti).
Unpack the current Sage tarball (we shall assume it is sage-2.5.2.tar) at, e.g., /usr/local/ and compile it as root. Assuming you are in a root shell and the tarball is in your current directory, type:
cp sage-2.5.2.tar /usr/local
cd /usr/local
tar xvf sage-2.5.2.tar
cd sage-2.5.2/
(Comment: It's better to build in place. It's a bug if anything goes
wrong when relocating the entire tarball -- unfortunately there
is one bug I haven't fixed along these lines, namely the
PARI install hard-codes the location of the "galois data" files.
(Fixes welcome!))
Make sure to modify the line with the .....“‘s at the top of the sage script. In other words, edit SAGE_ROOT="....." to say SAGE_ROOT="/usr/local/sage-2.5.2".
There are some initial files that have to be created during the first run of Sage. Try starting up Sage once as root (or, to be more thorough, try make test as root to run all the standard test code). You can stop the tests by pressing ctrl-z followed by typing kill %1 (assuming you had no other jobs in the background of that shell).
Make a copy of the sage script in /usr/local/bin:
cp /usr/local/sage-2.5.2/sage /usr/local/bin/
You make a copy instead of a symlink, since upgrading with sage -upgrade overwrites /usr/local/sage-2.5.2/sage, hence deleting the ROOT=... part of that file.
Make sure that all files in /usr/local/sage-2.5.2 are readable by all:
chmod a+rX -R /usr/local/sage-2.5.2
(Found by Dorian Raymer) Sage will not build if you have only bison++. You should uninstall bison++ and install bison.
(Found by Peter Jipsen) If you get an error like
ImportError: /home/jipsen/Desktop/sage-
cannot restore segment prot after reloc:
Permission denied
then your SELinux configuration is preventing Sage from launching. To rectify this issue, you can either change the default security context for Sage (??) or disable SELinux altogether by setting the line SELINUX=disabled in your /etc/sysconfig/selinux file.
To make SageTeX available to your users, see the instructions for installation in a multiuser environment.