Walking Through the Development Process

This section presents a general process for working on Sage. We will walk through each step of the process, explaining specific steps and commands to help you get started on developing Sage. Along the way, other sources of information will be presented where you could find more detailed information on some particular issue. If you are a beginner to Sage development, this introductory guide is here to help you become familiar with the Sage development process.

Modifying Sage source code

The name SAGE_ROOT refers to the directory where Sage is installed on your system, e.g. /sage/sage-4.1.2/. Some people install Sage under their home directory, in which case SAGE_ROOT would be something like /home/username/sage-4.3.1. Software packages that are shipped with Sage would then be located under /home/username/sage-4.3.1. In other words, SAGE_ROOT is the top-level directory of your Sage installation.

The majority of Sage code for development work is under SAGE_ROOT/devel, where the symbolic link SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage points to the current branch that you are using. The default branch is the branch named sage-main and is also referred to as the main branch. By default, the symbolic link SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage points to SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-main. Under each branch is a directory named sage, which contains code for interfacing with third-party packages and code that comprises the Sage library. You can think of the directory SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-main/sage (or SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage) as where the Sage library resides.

Suppose you have modified some part of the Sage library, e.g. add new code or delete some code. How do you get Sage to know about your changes? You need to rebuild the Sage library so that it is updated with your changes. Navigate to SAGE_ROOT and rebuild the library as follows:

./sage -b main

If SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage points to the main branch, you could use the above command or more simply the following command

./sage -b

The switch -b is for (re)building the Sage library and the argument main is the branch you want to rebuild. In this case, you want to rebuild the Sage library as contained in the main branch, i.e under SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-main. In fact, the command ./sage -b rebuilds whatever branch that the symbolic link SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage points to. Any of the above two commands does not rebuild everything in the Sage library, but only those files in the library that your changes affect. During the rebuild process, the affected source files are copied elsewhere and compiled, Cython files get converted to C code and compiled, and so on. Let this process manage itself and do not edit the copies of the source files at their destination.

You may want to create a totally distinct installation of Sage compiled from source, where you will work so as to not impact a version of Sage that you actually use. This could be true even if you make clones (or sandboxes) as described in the next section.

Creating a sandbox

With SAGE_ROOT as the default directory, you can create a new branch (or clone) named test with the command:

./sage -clone test

Note that a general way to create a clone is the syntax ./sage -clone <branch-name>, where you should replace <branch-name> with the name you want to name your new clone. Creating a clone may take a couple of minutes to conclude. The result is a whole new subdirectory SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-test where the name sage- is automatically prepended to test, and the symbolic link SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage will now point to this new subdirectory. Running Sage, or rebuilding, will use this version of the source.

Now you can safely experiment with Sage code as much as you would like. A cloned version of the Sage library can be found under


The Sage library consists of Python files (with the file extension .py) or Cython files (with extension .pyx), organized into subdirectories that mirror the module hierarchy reflected in the help files, Python types, etc. (With the sage symbolic link, you will now see why sometimes you see directories that look like `.../sage/sage/....)

Apart from the directory that holds the Sage library, another special directory is


You can think of that directory as containing “table of contents” files for documentation, each such file having the extension .rst to indicate that they follow the ReST format for documenting source code. Most documentation comes from the docstrings in the source files. When you build the HTML or PDF versions of the reference manual, the generated output lands in subdirectories of SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-test/doc/output.

To make another clone of the main branch, you need to first switch back to the untouched code in the main branch. From SAGE_ROOT, type

./sage -b main

to switch back to the original version, i.e. the main branch. Now make a new clone as shown above.

If a clone, say test, is a mess and has nothing of value to you, switch back to the main branch, then delete the directory SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-test and everything below it. To know which branch (or clone) you are using, issue the command

./sage -branch

This will report the current branch that the symbolic link SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage points to. Such information is also reported by the command ./sage when the current branch is not the main branch.

There are many more arguments you can pass to Sage. For a list of basic arguments, execute

./sage -help

The command

./sage -advanced

will report a list of advanced arguments in addition to the list of basic arguments as output by ./sage -help.

Reviewing a patch

See also the section Reviewing patches for further guidelines on reviewing patches. Before reviewing a patch, you can choose to download a patch file from the Trac server (the little download icon next to the file name is the easiest way). Clicking on the file name will show you a side-by-side comparison view that is useful for previewing changes; red shading is deletions, green shading is additions.

To apply a patch to the code in your sandbox (see Creating a sandbox for information on creating a sandbox), follow these steps:

  1. Run Sage: from SAGE_ROOT, type ./sage.

  2. Apply the patch: at the Sage command line, type:

  3. Quit Sage: use the command exit.

  4. Rebuild Sage: use the command ./sage -b to rebuild the affected files in the Sage library.

In step 2, you are using Sage’s simplified interface to the Mercurial revision control system. This command will add the patch as a new “changeset” and “commit” the changes. At the Sage command line, you can run hg_sage.log() to see before/after changes to the Sage library. In step 4, you should only see a few files copied, modified, etc. Unaffected files should not be part of this step. Look for compilation errors in this output and modify your changes as appropriate. Avoid producing patches that result in compilation errors or errors in building the documentation. (You want a working Sage installation, right?)

To actually test out a patch, do the following:

  1. Experiment with the functionality proposed by the patch. Verify results are correct by hand computations, test bad input, outrageous situations, etc.
  2. Run tests on the affected files. From SAGE_ROOT, issue the command ./sage -t devel/sage-test/path-to-directory-or-file to run doctests on the affected file(s). Failures should be reported on the ticket and are reason to move the ticket to “needs work”.
  3. If affected files pass tests, then run ./sage -testall. This will take a while to complete. No, it is not optional. A reviewer or release manager could discover this step was skipped and request that you modify your patch to fix any resulting doctest failures.
  4. Ensure that the documentation builds. From SAGE_ROOT, run ./sage -docbuild reference html, which will build the HTML version of the documentation. Check the “look” of affected files in the output directory for the documentation (see above).
  5. Check for full doctest coverage. From SAGE_ROOT, run ./sage -coverage <file> which will provide a complete report. Less than 100% coverage is another reason to return a patch to “needs work” status.

For more information on doctesting the Sage library, see Parallel Testing the Sage Library.

Creating a change

To make a change to Sage (fix a bug, add new functionality), proceed as follows:

  1. Make a fresh clone, as discussed in Creating a sandbox.
  2. Apply any precursor patches not in your current version, as demonstrated in Reviewing a patch.
  3. Edit source files (see Modifying Sage source code for location), test building Sage, test functionality, and so on.
  4. Once you have something you like, do everything suggested for reviewing a patch. It is a waste of time for a reviewer to start on reviewing a patch and find that tests fail, documentation was not tested, etc. It would save any reviewer a lot of time if your patches have been fully tested before you submit them for review. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has bugs they did not anticipate, and everybody writes code that can be improved—that is why there are code reviews. But do not cut corners.

Submitting a change

Here is how to prepare a patch with your changes:

  1. Register for a Trac account at the URL http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/register. If you have problems with the registration process, please refer to the page http://www.sagemath.org/contact.html for the relevant person to contact about your registration issues. Most people use some variant of their real name, especially if they already have a reputation within mathematics. Edit the main Trac page where there is a list of developers and add yourself with a link to your web page. Make sure to sort your Trac username alphabetically.

  2. If it does not already exist, make a Trac ticket for your changes. Provide a one-line summary and then a description of the problem. Include a link to a sage-devel discussion if appropriate. Choose a component, if this is a defect or enhancement, set your real name in the author field. It works well if you have your Trac settings such that you get an email every time the ticket changes. Make a note of the ticket number.

  3. Create a .hgrc Mercurial configuration file in your home directory. Specify your name and email address here, so it will identify you as the author of a patch, in the form `` Bill Smith <bsmith@bigu.edu>``. Here is a template for your .hgrc file:

    username = Carl Friedrich Gauss <cfgauss@uni-goettingen.de>
    # Enable the Mercurial queue extension.
    hgext.mq =

    The Mercurial project website http://mercurial.selenic.com contains many tutorials on using Mercurial.

  4. If necessary, first switch to the branch holding your changes. From the Sage command line interface, run hg_sage.status(). The output will be a list of modified files, preceded by a capital M. Check that this is what you expect. For explanation of other letters, see the Mercurial documentation on the hg status command.

  5. From the Sage command line, run hg_sage.diff(). This will show you the changes you have made. A plus sign is new code being added, a minus sign is code being deleted. This should look like the changes you have made.

  6. Now run hg_sage.commit() from the Sage command line. This will package your changes as a single Mercurial “changeset”, allowing others (reviewers, release manager) to add your changes to their versions of Sage. An editor window will pop up (set your favorite editor in the .hgrc file mentioned above) where you should enter a one-line message describing the patch. This message is known as the commit message for your patch. You are encouraged to write commit messages of the form Trac XXXX: <description-goes-here> using the Trac ticket number and then have a concise description, e.g. “fix echelon form error” or “add echelon form over finite fields.” Some people also write commit messages in the form #xxxx: <description-goes-here>, which is also acceptable. A key information to provide in a commit message is the ticket number.

  7. Run the command hg_sage.log() from the Sage command line. The first entry should be your changeset. Note the changeset number, which is probably 5 decimal digits.

  8. Next, issue the command

    hg_sage.export(<changeset-number>, "/path-to-somewhere/trac_XXXX_short_descriptor.patch")

    where short_descriptor is really short, like echelon_form_fix or at most finite_field_echelon_form.

  9. You can preview your patch using a “diff viewer”. Some people use kompare on Linux, others use kdiff3.

  10. Upload your patch to the Trac server.

  11. Feel free to CC another developer (use their Trac username from the list on the main page) if you think they might be able to review your change. If somebody else originated, or commented on the Trac ticket, they will be notified of your change if they have set Trac to email them of any changes.

Updating a change

Your first patch would likely have a review that suggests changes. Here is one way to update your patch. (There is probably a better way, but the following steps should be easy to follow.)

  1. Make a new fresh clone. Read Creating a sandbox to be sure you clone the right stuff (i.e. do not clone the branch you changed). We will call this clone test2 here.

  2. Apply your patch, but not with hg_sage.apply(). You want to make the changes without doing a commit. (There is a switch that will prevent a commit, but by doing this, you will see how to do this at the system level.) First make SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-test2/ your working directory. Then at the system command line, run:

    patch -p1 /path-to-somewhere/trac_XXXX_short_descriptor.patch

    which will be like you just edited the source files with all the changes from your original patch. Now you can edit to reflect a reviewer’s suggestions and prepare a new patch.

  3. When you upload to Trac, you can replace the file with one of the same name. The comments will include an indication of when the upload happened, so nobody will be confused about when the replacement happened.

Being more efficient: Mercurial queues

If you are new to Sage development, the material above is sufficient to allow you to participate and contribute. So on a first exposure, right here is a good place to stop reading and start developing. However, soon you will have a submitted patch that needs repeated revisions, or you will find yourself in the middle of creating a patch and also desiring to review a patch, or you are creating a new patch and uncover a separate bug that you want to isolate and fix independently. When you reach this point come back here and read the remainder about Mercurial queues.

Making a new clone for every review and for each revision to a patch is a method that is easy to understand. But it soon feels rather inefficient. Mercurial queues use Sage’s Mercurial repository for tracking, collecting and organizing changes to Sage but are much more flexible and fit better with the way a typical Sage developer needs to work. You will find them much more natural and useful than repeatedly making clones and adjusting patches in response to reviews. And you don’t need to learn anything about Mercurial itself before you can begin.

In a nutshell, Mercurial queues are two stacks of patches (a “patch” here means “a named collection of changes”). One stack is a sequence of patches applied in the order in the stack. The other stack is a set of patches that are “out of the way”, but still arranged in some order. Simple commands then allow you to move a patch off the top of one stack to the top of the other (in either direction).

We will describe first how to get started, then three typical activities will show how to use the basic commands. We then finish with a “big picture” view, which you can read first if your mind works that way.

Starting with Mercurial queues

You might find it most convenient to install a fresh copy of Sage as your “development” version. Instead of a version number for the SAGE_ROOT directory you might name it something like dev. Since you will likely keep it constantly upgraded, a version number will not make much sense. Mine lives at /sage/dev with other copies right alongside in places like /sage/sage-4.3.1/.

You also need to install a copy of Mercurial on your system, since now you will not be using Sage’s simplified interface. So use a package manager, or whatever, to install a recent version. Alternatively, you could also use the version of Mercurial that is shipped with Sage. To do so, from within your terminal window, create an alias similar to the following:

alias 'hg'='/path/to/SAGE_ROOT/sage -hg'

Afterwards, any time you execute the command hg in your terminal, this would invoke the version of Mercurial that is installed with your local Sage installation. However, once you quit or close your terminal, the alias hg would be lost and would no longer point to the Mercurial installation that comes with Sage.

You first need to “turn on” support for queues. It is all built-in by default but not visible. Edit your ~/.hgrc file (in your home directory, where your user info is) and add the following stanza if it is not present:

# Enable the Mercurial queue extension.
hgext.mq =

The main Mercurial repository for the Sage library lives in SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage so you will interact with the repository using this as the working directory. This means to actually run Sage, or rebuild it, you will use commands such as ../../sage -b. (The next step, initialization, has been deprecated as of version 1.5.) One time only, for each repository, you need to initialize it for use with queues, so do the following:

cd SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage
hg qinit

HG is the symbol for the chemical element mercury, so hg is the executable. All the commands specific to queues begin with the letter “q”. That’s all the setup, you are ready to go. The command hg help mq will give a summary of queue commands. A command like hg help qpop will give documentation for using the qpop command.

Reviewing patches with queues

The two stacks used by queues are called “applied” and “unapplied”. The names do a good job of describing the status of the patches in each. Download a patch from Trac as described above (Reviewing a patch) in the usual way. Then execute

hg qimport <path-and-filename.patch>

This will add the patch to the top of your unapplied stack. Use hg qunapplied to verify that the patch is in this stack. Presumably you want to have the changes in this patch applied to your Sage library, so use the simple command hg qpush to accomplish this. Now issue the command hg qapplied to see the patch now present in the applied stack. You can now rebuild Sage, run the modified version, run tests, build documentation and so on, as described above.

Let’s suppose the patch you were reviewing was so bad Sage wouldn’t even build due to compiler errors. So you have the time to review something else. Let’s move the first patch out of the way. The command hg qpop will move the top patch in the applied queue over to the top of the unapplied queue, so you would be able to apply and review other patches. Use hg qapplied and hg qunapplied to verify this movement. Now download a new patch, hg qimport it, and hg qpush to apply it.

Suppose this second patch turned out to be too far beyond your expertise in a certain area of mathematics or programming. Pop it off the applied stack with hg qpop so it is now at the top of the unapplied stack, sitting on top of the the un-compilable patch (you haven’t forgotten that one, have you?). Use

hg qdelete <patch-name>

to totally get rid of it. Bye-bye. In the meantime, the author of the first patch found the single little error that prevented the patch from compiling and has posted a very small patch to make the correction. First, apply the original patch again with hg qpush, then download the small patch with the fix, use hg qimport to get it onto the unapplied stack, then finally hg qpush to apply it on top of the buggy patch. Now you should be able to compile, experiment and test as usual with both patches applied.

So we see you can use hg qimport and hg qdelete to move patches in and out, hg qpop and hg qpush to move patches between applied and unapplied states (stacks). Keep track of where you are with liberal use of hg qapplied and hg qunapplied.

You may be wondering what to do if your patches in the stacks end up “out of order.” We’ll cover that in a bit.

Creating your own patch with queues

Let’s suppose you are ready to make some changes to the Sage library of your own. Put anything in the applied stack that you need to build on, get everything else out of the way on the unapplied stack (see Reviewing patches with queues for techniques). Issue

hg qnew <descriptive-name>

I am always in such a rush, I often forget this step. If you are like me, then

hg qnew -f <descriptive-name>

will capture your changes made so far and give you a patch to work with. (In newer versions of Mercurial, the -f flag has been deprecated.) The “descriptive-name” can be anything you like, nobody else ever has to see it. Use a Trac ticket number or whatever you please. Edit, build, test, create documentation, knock yourself out. At any time, run hg qdiff to see your changes.

Once satisfied with your work, use hg qrefresh to save your changes into the patch. Even better is to use the -e or -m switches to allow you to edit (or specify) a summary line for the patch. This was described above as the commit message. The use of -m is illustrated below. To create a patch file in the proper format for submission to Trac, you need a generic Mercurial command. Your patch is at the “tip” of the Mercurial repository and you want to export it, with redirection to a file.

hg qrefresh -m "Trac 1234: modified matrix memory management mostly"
hg export tip > ~/sage-patches/trac_1234_matrix_memory.patch

Now upload this to the ticket in the usual way. Note the message in the -m switch is what others will see as a description of your patch, not the name you used in hg qnew initially. Do not use hg qfinish when you think a patch is done, despite the pleasing sounding name. It will finalize your patch, add it into the main repository, remove it from your queues, and generally make it much harder to get back to with subsequent edits based on reviewer comments. Your work is not gone, but it will take a few steps to get it out as a patch and back into the queues. You might want to read up on the command hg qimport -r as a possible way to undo an accidental commit.

Of course, the minute you upload, you get a better idea about a key step in your algorithm. Simple—edit some more, then hg qrefresh (the message stays put, so you don’t have to redo it), and hg export tip > <filename>. You can use a new filename, or recycle the previous one. Trac will let you add a new file, or replace the existing one with a file having the same name.

Suppose a reviewer suggests some changes. You can just keep editing the same patch, or you could hg qnew a second patch on top of the old one. It would depend on circumstances, there are situations where either approach would make sense.

Suppose it takes a while for a reviewer to look at your patch. Move it off into the unapplied stack with hg qpop and then begin a new project with hg qnew <another-name>. Or leave your patch in the applied queue and start something new that relies on your first set of changes (again using hg qnew).

So the sequence hg qnew, hg qrefresh, hg export tip > will create a new patch and allow you to easily amend or extend it, or totally move it “out of the way” to do other things.

Upgrading Sage with queues present

When it is time to upgrade Sage to the latest release, you need to return your development version back to a virgin state. Use hg qrefresh on whatever patch you are currently creating (if any). Then pop everything off the applied stack with hg qpop -a, where the switch -a means “all.” There you are, back to a known good state. Now use the standard commands to upgrade Sage:

./sage -upgrade

Sometimes for intermediate releases you will need a URL as an argument to the -upgrade switch. Check the Sage discussion groups, where these locations are typically announced. Now you can hg qpush to put all your patches back onto the applied stack in the same order. Realize, however, that the upgrade may have changed some of the source code where your patches have changes. Certainly, if you have patches you reviewed positively, those exact changes may already be present (so at least hg qdelete those patches before pushing everything back on).

The Big Picture for Mercurial queues

At some time when you have a few patches applied, and a few unapplied, run

cd SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage
hg qapplied
hg qunapplied
cat .hg/patches/series

The output of the two hg commands should together look just like the output of the cat command. The .hg/patches/series file has all of the names of your patches in some order, and you can imagine a separator that splits the list into the applied portion at the start of the file and the unapplied portion at the end of the file. (You can also use the command hg qseries to see a list of all your patches.) The top of each stack is on either side of the separator. (So the order of each stack runs in opposite directions in this file.)

The command hg qpush moves the separator toward the end of the file, while hg qpop moves the separator toward the start of the file. Furthermore, hg qnew inserts a new patch on the side of the separator toward the start of the file, while hg qimport adds an existing patch on the side of the separator toward the end of the file. Finally, hg qdelete totally removes a name from the series file.

So what if you want to rearrange the order of your patches (in either stack)? Make sure to hg qpop until all the affected patches are in the unapplied stack. Open .hg/patches/series with a text editor and rearrange the lines below the imaginary separator. Save the series file and confirm the new ordering with hg qapplied and hg qunapplied. Then hg qpush repeatedly to get to where you want to be.

More on queues

So with careful management of your queues and regular upgrades, you can contribute to Sage easily, review others’ patches, work on several projects simultaneously, and so on, all with just a single copy of Sage devoted to development.

If you know how “regular” Mercurial functions (and even if you don’t) you can look at the main Mercurial repository (with hg log | more) and see how queues “insert” your applied patches near the tip of the repository, all “behind the scenes.”

There are lots more you can do with queues, but you should understand enough now to experiment safely. The following URLs contain introductory tutorials on using Mercurial queues:

Cherry picking

The “record” extensions allow you to selectively pick (record) portions of a patch to group together. (Also known as “cherry picking.”) So you can round up related bits and pieces of a patch if that makes sense in the context of your work. To enable this feature, just edit your .hgrc file to include


Use the command hg record with “regular” Mercurial and hg qrecord if you are working with Mercurial queues. The use of the two is slightly different. We will illustrate the use of qrecord. The command

hg qrecord another-patch

creates a new, empty patch at the top of the applied stack. It then begins to interactively examine your changes at the granularity of a patch “hunk.” You can then choose to include each “hunk” of changes into this new patch or not. Then you can work with this patch as before with hg qrefresh, hg qpop, etc.

For more on record, qrecord and crecord, see

More about Mercurial

The online book Mercurial: The Definitive Guide by Bryan O’Sullivan contains numerous examples on using Mercurial. See especially Chapters 12 and 13 for explanation on how to effectively use Mercurial queues.