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Lecture(講演者): Istvan Juhasz
Title(タイトル): Convergence and Character Spectra of Compact Spaces
Level: Research lecture
形式(format): QuickTime(日本語) , QuickTime(English) (Version 7 or later)
Abstract(内容): Abstract in PDF
Message from the speaker:

Keywords: serial=0047, type=research lecture
License(ライセンス): No modification and free distribution. (creative commons, Attribution-NoDerivative works 2.1) Details

Attachments (PDF)

Lecture video (講義映像)

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Streaming (105M, about 38 min) Download(row resolution, 105M) Download(high resolution, 441M)


Streaming (30M, about 11 min) Download(row resolution, 30M) Download(high resolution, 121M)

References and Links (参考文献およびリンク)
