Lecture(講演者): Pawel Pilarczyk |
Title(タイトル): Computational Homology Project |
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数学ソフトウェアとフリードキュメント 4,
2007年3月26日(月), 埼玉大学
Algebraic topology is a powerful mathematical tool for the analysis of topological spaces and continuous maps. In particular, the homology functor translates topological information into algebraic data structures which can be effectively manipulated and analyzed by the computer in an algorithmic way. In this talk we introduce the software developped within the framework of the Computational Homology Project (CHomP; http://www.math.gatech.edu/~chomp/ ). This software can be used to effectively compute the homology groups of compact sets built of (hyper)cubes with respect to a uniform rectangular lattice in R^n, and it is also capable of computing the homomorphisms induced in homology by continuous maps between such spaces. The software already has several applications, and we will point out a few of them.
Message from the speaker:
serial=0046, type=research lecture
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References and Links (参考文献およびリンク)
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