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In this paper, we investigate the existence of periodic solutions for certain abstract wave equations. We are motivated by the papers of K. Ben-Naoum and J. Mawhin [1], and P.J. McKenna [8], where existence results of periodic solutions are proved for one-dimensional wave equations when the ratio between the space length and the period was irrational. Related equations are also studied by M. Yamaguchi in [10]. We proceeded in this direction in the paper [4]. We studied the equation

u_{tt}+Au=\varepsilon f(u,t)\, ,
\end{displaymath} (1)

where $A$ is a self-adjoint, unbounded linear operator with eigenvalues $\lambda _1\le \lambda _2\le \cdots \to \infty $, $\varepsilon$ is a small parameter and $f$ is $T$-periodic in $t\in {\bf R} $. By a $T$-periodic solution of (1) we mean a weak solution specified below. The following results are proved in [4] under additional assumptions on $A,\, f$.

Theorem 1   $($[4]$)$ Assume there exists a constant $c>0$ such that
$\displaystyle \big \vert\alpha ^2-$   $\displaystyle \frac {m^2}{\lambda _i}\big \vert\ge \frac
{c}{\lambda _i}$ (2)
    $\displaystyle \forall \, m\in {\bf N} ,\quad \forall
\, \lambda _i>0\, ,$  

where $\alpha =\frac{T}{2\pi}$. Then % latex2html id marker 147
$(\ref{eq:1.1})$ has a weak $T$-periodic solution for any $\varepsilon$ small.

Theorem 2   $($[4]$)$ Assume

\sum _{\lambda _i>0}\frac {1}{\sqrt {\lambda _i} }<\infty \, .

Then the Lebesque measure of the set of all positive $\alpha$ not satisfying % latex2html id marker 161
$(\ref{eq:1.2})$ is zero.

We also studied the case when $0<\dim \ker A<\infty $. Finally we considered the example

    $\displaystyle u_{tt}-u_{xx}-n^2u=\varepsilon f(u,t)$ (3)
  $\textstyle u(t+T,\cdot
)=u(t,\cdot )\quad \forall \, t\in S^T$   (4)
    $\displaystyle u(t,0)=u(t,\pi
)=0\quad \forall \, t\in S^T\, ,$  

where $f\: {\bf R} \times S^T\to {\bf R} $ is $C^1$-smooth and globally Lipschitz in $u$, $n\in {\bf N} $. Here $S^T= {\bf R} /[0,T]$ is the circle. The following result is proved in [4].

Theorem 3   $($[4]$)$ The equation % latex2html id marker 179
$(\ref{eq:1.3})$ has a weak $T$-periodic solution, provided that it holds
\inf \limits_{i,m\in {\bf N} ,i>n}\vert i^2-n^2-\omega ^2m^2\vert>0\, ,
\end{displaymath} (5)

where $\omega =1/\alpha$, and there is a $z\in {\bf R} $ such that

&&\int \limits_0^T\int \limits_0^\pi f(z.\sin nx,t)\sin
nx\, d...
...\partial f}{\partial u}(z.\sin nx,t)\sin ^2nx\, dx\, dt\ne 0\, .

The purpose of this paper is two-fold. We firstly release the parameter $\varepsilon$ in (1), so we consider the equation

u_{tt}+Au=f(u,t)\, .
\end{displaymath} (6)

We have used in [4] the Banach fixed point theorem. To get our results in this paper, we apply the Leray-Schauder fixed point theorem. For this reason, we need more precision condition than (2), see (2.2) below. We also study the resonant case when $0<\dim \ker A<\infty $. We derive a Landesman-Lazer type result [7]. Finally, we present a forced beam equation as an example.

We secondly investigate more correctly and thoroughly the condition (5) than in [4]. By using some results of the number theory [2,3,6], we derive several conditions for $\omega$ when (5) is either satisfied or not.

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Nobuki Takayama 2002-09-18