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We consider the Cauchy problem for the porous media equation


where $m>1$ and $u_0\geq0$. By a solution of (1.1) we mean a function $u(x,t)$ such that

\begin{displaymath}u(x,t){\geq}0{\enskip}{\rm in}{\enskip}R^N{\times}(0,T),\end{displaymath}




for any continuously differentiable function ${\phi}(x,t)$ with compact support in $R^N\times[0,T)$. The problem(1.1) has been studied by many authors. For a detailed account of (1.1) we refer to the survey of Kalashnikov [6]. The existence and the uniqueness of solutions of (1.1) are due to [8] and [9] under some assumption on $u_0$.

We are concerned to the regularity property for $u$. The local Hölder continuity of $u$ was shown by Caffarelli and Friedman [3]. Aronson and Bénilan [1] proved that ${\mit\Delta}u^m$ belongs to $L^1_{loc}(R^N\times(0,T))$. The method of their proof is to obtain the inequarity


which is in the distribution sence. Soon after Bénilan [2] proved that


if $1<p<1+\frac{1}{m}$. Here $p$ needs to be less than 2 in virtue of $m>1$. When $p=2$, there is the following result by one of the authors [4]:


if $1<m<\frac{3N}{3N-2}$. When $u$ is spherically symmetric under some assumption on $u_0$, this result was improved in [5] as follows:


We consider the well-known Barenblatt solution:


where $a$, $\tau>0$ and $k=\left(m-\frac{N-2}{N}\right)^{-1}$. We rewrite $w$ simply with $(t+{\tau})^{-k}\left(\left[g\right]_+\right)^{\frac{1}{m-1}}$. Then obviously


where $P_{ij}$ and $Q_{ij}$ are smooth functions. Hence we see that

\begin{displaymath}{\partial}_{x_i}{\partial}_{x_j}w^m{\in}L^p(R^N\times(0,T)),{\enskip}{\rm if}{\enskip}p\left(\frac{2-m}{m-1}\right)>-1.\end{displaymath}

Let $u$ be the spherically symmetric solution of (1.1). Then from the above we conjecture that for any given $p>2$


if $m$ is close to 1. In this paper our first aim is to verify this conjecture (see Theorem 1 ). Secondly we give precisely the admissive value of $m$ in Theorem 1, when $N=1$ (see Theorem 2). The tool is to prepare some $L^p$ - estimates with a weight by the integreation by parts.

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Nobuki Takayama 2002-04-24