.. Sage documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Aug 21 20:15:55 2008. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to the Sage Tutorial! ================================ Sage is free, open-source math software that supports research and teaching in algebra, geometry, number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, and related areas. Both the Sage development model and the technology in Sage itself are distinguished by an extremely strong emphasis on openness, community, cooperation, and collaboration: we are building the car, not reinventing the wheel. The overall goal of Sage is to create a viable, free, open-source alternative to Maple, Mathematica, Magma, and MATLAB. This tutorial is the best way to become familiar with Sage in only a few hours. You can read it in HTML or PDF versions, or from the Sage notebook (click ``Help``, then click ``Tutorial`` to interactively work through the tutorial from within Sage). This work is licensed under a `Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License`__. __ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 introduction tour interactive_shell interfaces programming sagetex afterword appendix bibliography Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`