Sage: Command Line Arguments ============================ There are several flags you can pass to Sage via the command line: - ``-h, -?`` Prints a help message. - ``-notebook`` Starts the Sage notebook running in default mode. This does not open a browser; it just starts a Sage Notebook server running on http://localhost:8000 (or a subsequent port if that port is not available). Pressing {Control-c} stops the server. - ``-i [packages]`` Installs the given Sage packages. If a package is listed at and not available in your current directory, then Sage will try to download the package and install it. - ``-optional`` Lists all optional packages that can be downloaded. - ``-t `` Tests examples in .py, .pyx, .sage or .tex files. - ``-testall`` Tests all examples in Sage. - ``-upgrade`` Downloads the latest non-optional Sage packages from, then builds and installs them. In many cases this requires that your computer has the necessary software development tools (listed in the installation documentation). Optional packages have to upgraded manually using ``sage -i``. (There are no binary packages yet.) - ``file1.sage file2.sage ...`` Starts Sage, compiles any .sage files to .py files, and runs files. - ``-advanced`` Displays additional options that can be passed to Sage.