Desktop icon ============ These instructions will help you make a KDE desktop icon which starts the Sage notebook. Instructions for a Gnome desktop icon are probably similar. #. Create a ``notebook.sage`` file containing only the line :: notebook(openviewer=True) #. In your Desktop subdirectory, create a file ``Sage-notebook.desktop`` containing the lines :: [Desktop Entry] Comment= Comment[de]= Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=/usr/local/bin/sage /home/martin/notebook.sage GenericName= GenericName[de]= Icon= MimeType= Name=Sage Name[de]=Sage Path=$HOME StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-DCOP-ServiceType= X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username= You will have to edit the ``Exec=`` line to point to your ``sage`` script and your ``notebook.sage`` file. #. Right click on the Sage notebook desktop icon and click on ``Properties``, then ``Application``, then ``Advanced Options``, then ``Run in Terminal``. If you want to title the xwindow terminal, add in the terminal option box ``-T "sage notebook"``. To quit the Sage notebook, first enter ``Ctrl-c`` in the xwindow terminal running Sage, then enter ``Ctrl-d`` to quit Sage in the terminal, and finally close the browser (or browser tab) which was displaying the Sage notebook server. For a picture for your icon, check out the Sage art at