Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface. Mission: Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab.
  1. SAGE home on the internet.
  2. Documents in DVD. This is a snapshot of the sage documents obtained by the command
       wget -rkL
    on August 5, 2010
  3. Binaries for Mac and Windows are not included in this DVD because of the size limitation. However, KNOPPIX/Math 2010 in the DVD includes SAGE. You can run the KNOPPIX/Math on the vmware emulator (see the folder knoppix-math) on Mac or Windows as well as on a native machine.

This page is edited by the ICMS2010 DVD editing team.