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Revision 1.2 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Tue Mar 17 14:58:23 2009 UTC (16 years ago) by ohara
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: R_1_3_1-2,
Changes since 1.1: +4 -4
Diff to previous 1.1 (unified)
Macros CONSOLE, _WINDOWS, WIN32, __WIN32__ and SILENT removed if these are unused.
Revision 1.1 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Mon Mar 9 16:00:42 2009 UTC (16 years ago) by ohara
Branch: MAIN
Now we can build Risa/Asir for Windows x64 by Visual Studio 2008. but pari functions and html helps are disabled. makefiles are written in Microsoft nmake.