RCS file: /home/cvs/OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/top/misc.oxw,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -p -r1.3 -r1.21
--- OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/top/misc.oxw	2006/02/11 02:31:24	1.3
+++ OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/top/misc.oxw	2021/06/08 23:17:16	1.21
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@c $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/top/misc.oxw,v 1.2 2005/04/14 07:11:58 takayama Exp $
+@c $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/top/misc.oxw,v 1.20 2021/06/08 01:42:28 takayama Exp $
 @node Misc,,, Top
@@ -24,39 +24,113 @@ These will be moved to independent sections in a futur
-fix-link.sh を書き換えること.
-@subsection [[dsolv]] (Solving the initial ideal for holonomic systems) 
-  dsolv
-@subsection [[ok_diff]] (Okutani's library for differential operators)
-  ok_diff
-@subsection [[ok_dmodule]] (Okutani's library for D-modules)
-  ok_dmodule
-@subsection [[plucker]] (Plucker relations)
-  plucker
-@subsection [[pfpcoh]] (Ohara's library for homology/cohomology groups for p F q )
-  pfpcoh
-@subsection [[gnuplot]] (gnuplot ox server for graphics)
-  gnuplot
-@subsection [[mathematica]] (Mathematica (TM) ox server)
-  mathematica
-@subsection [[om]] (om (java) ox server for translating CMO and OpenMath)
-  om
-@subsection [[phc]] (PHC ox server for solving systems of algebraic equations by the homotopy method)
-  phc
-@subsection [[sm1]] (Kan/sm1 ox server for the ring of differential operators)
-  sm1
-@subsection [[tigers]] (tigers ox server for toric universal Grobner bases)
-  tigers
+@subsection dsolv (Solving the initial ideal for holonomic systems) 
+  @uref{../dsolv-html/dsolv-en.html}
+@subsection gtt_ekn (Two way contingency tables by HGM)
+  @uref{../gtt_ekn-html/gtt_ekn-en.html}
+@subsection f_res (Comuting resultant)
+  @uref{../f_res-html/f_res-en.html}
+@subsection  (gnuplot ox server for graphics)
+  @uref{../gnuplot-html/gnuplot-en.html}
+@subsection mathematica (Mathematica (TM) ox server)
+  @uref{../mathematica-html/mathematica-en.html}
+@subsection mt_graph (3D grapher)
+  @uref{../mk_graph-html/mk_graph-en.html}
+@subsection mt_gkz (Intersection matrix of GKZ systems)
+  @uref{../mt_gkz-html/mt_gkz-en.html}
+@subsection n_wishartd  (restriction of matrix 1F1)
+  @uref{../n_wishartd-html/n_wishartd-en.html}
+@subsection nn_ndbf (local b-function)
+  @uref{../nn_ndbf-html/nn_ndbf-en.html}
+@subsection noro_mwl (Mordel Weil Lattice)
+  @uref{../noro_mwl-html/noro_mwl-en.html}
+@subsection noro_module_syz (syzygies for modules)
+  @uref{../noro_module_syz-html/noro_module_syz-en.html}
+@subsection ns_twistedlog (twisted logarithmic cohomology group)
+  @uref{../ns_twistedlog-html/ns_twistedlog-en.html}
+@subsection nk_fb_gen_c (Fisher Bingham MLE)
+  @uref{../nk_fb_gen_c-html/nk_fb_gen_c-en.html}
+@subsection ok_diff (Okutani's library for differential operators)
+  @uref{../ok_diff-html/ok_diff-en.html}
+@subsection ok_dmodule (Okutani's library for D-modules)
+  @uref{../ok_dmodule-html/ok_dmodule-en.html}
+@subsection om (om (java) ox server for translating CMO and OpenMath)
+  @uref{../om-html/om-en.html}
+@subsection ox_pari (OpenXM pari server)
+  @uref{../ox_pari-html/ox_pari-en.html}
+@subsection  (Plucker relations)
+  @uref{../plucker-html/plucker-en.html}
+@subsection  pfpcoh (Ohara's library for homology/cohomology groups for p F q )
+  @uref{../pfpcoh-html/pfpcoh-en.html}
+@subsection phc (PHC ox server for solving systems of algebraic equations by the homotopy method)
+  @uref{../phc-html/phc-en.html}
+@subsection sm1 (Kan/sm1 ox server for the ring of differential operators)
+  @uref{../sm1-html/sm1-en.html}
+@subsection tigers (tigers ox server for toric universal Grobner bases)
+  @uref{../tigers-html/tigers-en.html}
+@subsection tk_ode_by_mpfr (Generating C codes for numerical analysis of ODE by MPFR, document in Japanese)
+  @uref{../tk_ode_by_mpfr-html/tk_ode_by_mpfr-ja.html}
+@subsection dsolv (Solving the initial ideal for holonomic systems) 
+  @uref{../dsolv-html/dsolv-ja.html}
+@subsection gtt_ekn (Two way contingency tables by HGM)
+  @uref{../gtt_ekn-html/gtt_ekn-ja.html}
+@subsection f_res (Comuting resultant)
+  @uref{../f_res-html/f_res-ja.html}
+@subsection  (gnuplot ox server for graphics)
+  @uref{../gnuplot-html/gnuplot-ja.html}
+@subsection mathematica (Mathematica (TM) ox server)
+  @uref{../mathematica-html/mathematica-ja.html}
+@subsection mt_graph (3D grapher)
+  @uref{../mk_graph-html/mk_graph-ja.html}
+@subsection mt_gkz (Intersection matrix of GKZ systems, English)
+  @uref{../mt_gkz-html/mt_gkz-ja.html}
+@subsection n_wishartd (restriction of matrix 1F1)
+  @uref{../n_wishartd-html/n_wishartd-ja.html}
+@subsection nn_ndbf (local b-function)
+  @uref{../nn_ndbf-html/nn_ndbf-ja.html}
+@subsection noro_mwl (Mordel Weil Lattice)
+  @uref{../noro_mwl-html/noro_mwl-ja.html}
+@subsection noro_pd (New Primary Ideal Decomposition)
+  @uref{../noro_pd-html/noro_pd-ja.html}
+@subsection noro_module_syz (syzygies for modules)
+  @uref{../noro_module_syz-html/noro_module_syz-ja.html}
+@subsection ns_twistedlog (twisted logarithmic cohomology group)
+  @uref{../ns_twistedlog-html/ns_twistedlog-ja.html}
+@subsection nk_fb_gen_c (Fisher Bingham MLE)
+  @uref{../nk_fb_gen_c-html/nk_fb_gen_c-ja.html}
+@subsection ok_diff (Okutani's library for differential operators)
+  @uref{../ok_diff-html/ok_diff-ja.html}
+@subsection ok_dmodule (Okutani's library for D-modules)
+  @uref{../ok_dmodule-html/ok_dmodule-ja.html}
+@subsection om (om (java) ox server for translating CMO and OpenMath)
+  @uref{../om-html/om-ja.html}
+@subsection ox_pari (OpenXM pari server)
+  @uref{../ox_pari-html/ox_pari-ja.html}
+@subsection  (Plucker relations)
+  @uref{../plucker-html/plucker-ja.html}
+@subsection  pfpcoh (Ohara's library for homology/cohomology groups for p F q )
+  @uref{../pfpcoh-html/pfpcoh-ja.html}
+@subsection phc (PHC ox server for solving systems of algebraic equations by the homotopy method)
+  @uref{../phc-html/phc-ja.html}
+@subsection sm1 (Kan/sm1 ox server for the ring of differential operators)
+  @uref{../sm1-html/sm1-ja.html}
+@subsection tigers (tigers ox server for toric universal Grobner bases)
+  @uref{../tigers-html/tigers-ja.html}
+@subsection tk_ode_by_mpfr (Generating C codes for numerical analysis of ODE by MPFR)
+  @uref{../tk_ode_by_mpfr-html/tk_ode_by_mpfr-ja.html}
-@subsection [[todo_parametrize]]
-   todo_parametrize
+@subsection todo_parametrize
+  @uref{../todo_parametrize-html/todo_parametrize-ja.html}
 パッケージ @code{todo_parametrize/todo_parametrize.rr} をロードすることにより,
@@ -92,7 +166,37 @@ As to details, see
 @end example
+@subsection taji_alc
+ @uref{../taji_alc-html/taji_alc-ja.html}
+パッケージ @code{taji_alc.rr} をロードすることにより,
+(@uref{http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/Current/doc/asir-contrib/ja/taji_alc-html/taji_alc-ja_toc.html, Web 版 Risa/Asir 一変数代数的局所コホモロジー類に関する Risa/Aisr パッケージ説明書}).
+@subsection taji_alc
+With loading the file @code{taji_alc.rr}
+functions for algebraic local cohomology groups in one variable are imported.
+@end example
 @subsection  Texinifo でないマニュアル, 論文等.
@@ -100,6 +204,8 @@ As to details, see
 @uref{http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/Current/doc/index-doc-ja.html, OpenXM documents}.
 には texinfo で書かれていない asir-contrib のファイルや関数のマニュアル, および
+(yang, fj_curve, nk_mora 等)