RCS file: /home/cvs/OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Attic/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -p -r1.16 -r1.31
--- OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Attic/Makefile	2001/05/27 11:00:05	1.16
+++ OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Attic/Makefile	2002/07/14 12:13:42	1.31
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Makefile,v 1.15 2001/05/27 08:48:07 takayama Exp $
+#$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Makefile,v 1.30 2002/07/14 10:53:08 takayama Exp $
 # targets
 # all :   
-#        Extracts all tex-info files from ../src/*
+#     Extracts all tex-info files from ../src/* and generate *.texi files.
 # install : install-document install-help
 # install-help : all
 #        Installing online help to OpenXM/lib/asir/help-*
@@ -9,24 +9,68 @@
 #        Copy the documents to OpenXM/doc/asir-contrib
 # install-html-help
 #        Copy html help to OpenXM/doc/asir-contrib
+# gen-html-en  gen-html-ja
+#        Generate HTML documents under html-en and html-ja
 # NOTE: install-help should be executed after installing asir2000.
+#  How to add new documents in the category xxx
+# "xxx*.texi <--- xxx.oxweave (manually written) + xxx*auto*.texi (automatic)"
+#   (1) "xxx.oxweave" --> xxx-en.texi and xxx-ja.texi
+#       xxx-auto-en.texi and xxx-auto-ja.texi should be included from 
+#       xxx-en.texi and xxx-ja.texi  (JPSRCS, EGSRCS)
+#     NOTE: xxx.oxweave might be embedded in xxx.rr or xxx, 
+#           but this style is obsolete.
+#   (2) "xxx.rr" or "xxx" --> xxx-auto-en.texi and xxx-auto-ja.texi 
+#       (JAAUTO, ENAUTO)
+#       xxx-auto*.texi's are extracted from xxx or xxx.rr
+#   (3) xxx-en.texi and xxx-ja.texi should be included from cman.texi 
+#     and cman-eg.texi
+#  cf.  glib*  base*
+OPTGENTEXI= --include 
+#OPTGENTEXI= --include --example
 ## PS documents are installed under $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib
 DVIPS=dvips -f
 OXWEAVE= ../../../kxx/oxweave
 TEXI2HTML=texi2html -menu -split_node
-JPSRCS= oxxm.texi oxmath.texi oxphc.texi oxgnuplot.texi oxsm1.texi oxom.texi dsolv-jp.texi longname-jp.texi oxtigers-jp.texi names-ja.texi hypergeometric-ja.texi number-ja.texi calculus-ja.texi series-ja.texi matrix-ja.texi  graphic-ja.texi print-ja.texi poly-ja.texi complex-ja.texi
-EGSRCS= oxxm-eg.texi oxmath-eg.texi oxphc-eg.texi oxgnuplot-eg.texi oxsm1-eg.texi oxom-eg.texi dsolv-eg.texi longname-eg.texi oxtigers-eg.texi names-en.texi hypergeometric-en.texi number-ja.texi calculus-ja.texi series-ja.texi matrix-ja.texi  graphic-ja.texi print-ja.texi poly-ja.texi complex-ja.texi
+JPSRCS= oxxm.texi oxmath.texi oxphc.texi oxgnuplot.texi oxsm1.texi oxom.texi dsolv-jp.texi longname-jp.texi oxtigers-jp.texi names-ja.texi hypergeometric-ja.texi number-ja.texi calculus-ja.texi series-ja.texi matrix-ja.texi  graphic-ja.texi print-ja.texi poly-ja.texi complex-ja.texi intro.texi Diff.texi Dmodule.texi Matrix.texi base-ja.texi misc-ja.texi glib-ja.texi pfp-ja.texi
+EGSRCS= oxxm-eg.texi oxmath-eg.texi oxphc-eg.texi oxgnuplot-eg.texi oxsm1-eg.texi oxom-eg.texi dsolv-eg.texi longname-eg.texi oxtigers-eg.texi names-en.texi hypergeometric-en.texi number-en.texi calculus-en.texi series-en.texi matrix-en.texi  graphic-en.texi print-en.texi poly-en.texi complex-en.texi intro-eg.texi cman-eg.texi base-en.texi misc-en.texi glib-en.texi pfp-en.texi
-all : $(JPSRCS) $(EGSRCS)
-install : install-document install-help
+JAAUTO=base-auto-ja.texi pfp-auto-ja.texi poly-auto-ja.texi \
+       print-auto-ja.texi matrix-auto-ja.texi glib-auto-ja.texi
+ENAUTO=base-auto-en.texi pfp-auto-en.texi poly-auto-en.texi \
+       print-auto-en.texi matrix-auto-en.texi glib-auto-en.texi
+all : gentexi $(JPSRCS) $(EGSRCS) $(JAAUTO) $(ENAUTO)
+install :
+	@if [ ! -f ./.done_install ] ; \
+	then \
+		make install2 ; \
+		touch ./.done_install ; \
+	else \
+		echo "NOTE: Installation is already done. Remove .done_install for a new installation." ; \
+	fi
+install2 : install-document install-help install-html-help
+gentexi : gentexi.c
+	gcc -o gentexi gentexi.c
+base-ja.texi : base.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f base-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C ja  <base.oxweave >base-ja.texi
+base-en.texi : base.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f base-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C en  <base.oxweave >base-en.texi
 names-ja.texi : names.oxweave
 	/bin/rm -f names-ja.texi
 	$(OXWEAVE) C ja  <names.oxweave >names-ja.texi
@@ -35,6 +79,14 @@ names-en.texi : names.oxweave
 	/bin/rm -f names-en.texi
 	$(OXWEAVE) C en  <names.oxweave >names-en.texi
+plucker-ja.texi : plucker.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f plucker-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C ja  <plucker.oxweave >plucker-ja.texi
+plucker-en.texi : plucker.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f plucker-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C en  <plucker.oxweave >plucker-en.texi
 hypergeometric-ja.texi : hypergeometric.oxweave
 	/bin/rm -f hypergeometric-ja.texi
 	$(OXWEAVE) C ja  <hypergeometric.oxweave >hypergeometric-ja.texi
@@ -140,13 +192,13 @@ oxgnuplot-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/gnuplot Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxgnuplot-eg.texi
 	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/gnuplot >oxgnuplot-eg.texi
-oxsm1.texi : $(CONTRIB)/sm1 Makefile
+oxsm1.texi : sm1.oxweave Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxsm1.texi
-	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/sm1 >oxsm1.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <sm1.oxweave >oxsm1.texi
-oxsm1-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/sm1 Makefile
+oxsm1-eg.texi : sm1.oxweave Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxsm1-eg.texi
-	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/sm1 >oxsm1-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <sm1.oxweave >oxsm1-eg.texi
 oxom.texi : $(CONTRIB)/om Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxom.texi
@@ -180,37 +232,112 @@ oxtigers-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/tigers Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxtigers-eg.texi
 	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/tigers >oxtigers-eg.texi
-help-eg: $(EGSRCS) $(ASIRDOC)/extract_func
+### Generating *auto*.texi   cf. JAAUTO,  ENAUTO
+## base
+base-auto-en.texi : $(CONTRIB)/names.rr gentexi
+	rm -f base-auto-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) usage  <$(CONTRIB)/names.rr | ./gentexi --category base --en --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >base-auto-en.texi
+base-auto-ja.texi : $(CONTRIB)/names.rr gentexi
+	rm -f base-auto-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) usage  <$(CONTRIB)/names.rr | ./gentexi --category base --ja --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >base-auto-ja.texi
+## poly
+poly-auto-en.texi : $(CONTRIB)/names.rr gentexi
+	rm -f poly-auto-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) usage  <$(CONTRIB)/names.rr | ./gentexi --category poly --en --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >poly-auto-en.texi
+poly-auto-ja.texi : $(CONTRIB)/names.rr gentexi
+	rm -f poly-auto-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) usage  <$(CONTRIB)/names.rr | ./gentexi --category poly --ja --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >poly-auto-ja.texi
+## print
+print-auto-en.texi : $(CONTRIB)/names.rr gentexi
+	rm -f print-auto-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) usage  <$(CONTRIB)/names.rr | ./gentexi --category print --en --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >print-auto-en.texi
+print-auto-ja.texi : $(CONTRIB)/names.rr gentexi
+	rm -f print-auto-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) usage  <$(CONTRIB)/names.rr | ./gentexi --category print --ja --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >print-auto-ja.texi
+## matrix
+matrix-auto-en.texi : $(CONTRIB)/names.rr gentexi
+	rm -f matrix-auto-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) usage  <$(CONTRIB)/names.rr | ./gentexi --category matrix --en --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >matrix-auto-en.texi
+matrix-auto-ja.texi : $(CONTRIB)/names.rr gentexi
+	rm -f matrix-auto-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) usage  <$(CONTRIB)/names.rr | ./gentexi --category matrix --ja --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >matrix-auto-ja.texi
+misc-ja.texi : misc.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f misc-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C ja  <misc.oxweave >misc-ja.texi
+misc-en.texi : misc.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f misc-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C en  <misc.oxweave >misc-en.texi
+glib-ja.texi : glib.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f glib-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C ja  <glib.oxweave >glib-ja.texi
+glib-en.texi : glib.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f glib-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C en  <glib.oxweave >glib-en.texi
+glib-auto-en.texi : ${ASIRLIB}/glib gentexi
+	rm -f glib-auto-en.texi
+	cat ${ASIRLIB}/glib | $(OXWEAVE) usage | ./gentexi  --category glib --en --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >glib-auto-en.texi
+glib-auto-ja.texi : ${ASIRLIB}/glib gentexi
+	rm -f glib-auto-ja.texi
+	cat ${ASIRLIB}/glib | $(OXWEAVE) usage  | ./gentexi   --category glib  --ja --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >glib-auto-ja.texi
+pfp-ja.texi : pfp.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f pfp-ja.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C ja  <pfp.oxweave >pfp-ja.texi
+pfp-en.texi : pfp.oxweave
+	/bin/rm -f pfp-en.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C en  <pfp.oxweave >pfp-en.texi
+pfp-auto-en.texi : $(CONTRIB)/pfpcoh.rr $(CONTRIB)/pfphom.rr gentexi
+	rm -f pfp-auto-en.texi
+	cat $(CONTRIB)/pfpcoh.rr $(CONTRIB)/pfphom.rr | $(OXWEAVE) usage | ./gentexi  --en --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >pfp-auto-en.texi
+pfp-auto-ja.texi : $(CONTRIB)/pfpcoh.rr $(CONTRIB)/pfphom.rr gentexi
+	rm -f pfp-auto-ja.texi
+	cat $(CONTRIB)/pfpcoh.rr $(CONTRIB)/pfphom.rr | $(OXWEAVE) usage  | ./gentexi  --ja --upnode Top ${OPTGENTEXI} >pfp-auto-ja.texi
+### Generating online manual
+gen-help-eg: $(EGSRCS) $(ASIRDOC)/extract_func $(ENAUTO)
 	-rm -rf tmp help-eg
 	mkdir help-eg tmp
-	cp cman-eg.texi $(EGSRCS) tmp
+	cp cman-eg.texi $(EGSRCS) $(ENAUTO) tmp
 	-(cd tmp; makeinfo --force cman-eg.texi)
 	(cd help-eg; for i in ../tmp/asir-contrib*; do ../$(ASIRDOC)/extract_func $$i; done)
 ## duplicate some help files
 	-(cd help-eg; cp sm1_hilbert hilbert_polynomial)
-help-jp: $(JPSRCS) $(ASIRDOC)/extract_func
-	-rm -rf tmp help-jp
-	mkdir help-jp tmp
-	for i in cman.texi $(JPSRCS); do nkf -e $$i > tmp/$$i; done
-	-(cd tmp; makeinfo --force cman.texi)
-	(cd help-jp; for i in ../tmp/asir-contrib*; do ../$(ASIRDOC)/extract_func -j $$i; done)
+gen-help-jp: $(JPSRCS) $(ASIRDOC)/extract_func $(JAAUTO)
+	-rm -rf tmp-ja help-jp
+	mkdir help-jp tmp-ja
+	for i in cman.texi $(JPSRCS) $(JAAUTO); do nkf -e $$i > tmp-ja/$$i; done
+	-(cd tmp-ja; makeinfo --force cman.texi)
+	(cd help-jp; for i in ../tmp-ja/asir-contrib*; do ../$(ASIRDOC)/extract_func -j $$i; done)
 ## duplicate some help files
 	-(cd help-jp; cp sm1_hilbert hilbert_polynomial)
-html-en: help-eg
+gen-html-en: gen-help-eg
 	-rm -rf html-en
 	-mkdir html-en
 	-cp tmp/*.texi html-en
 	-(cd html-en; ${TEXI2HTML} cman-eg.texi)
-html-ja: help-jp
+gen-html-ja: gen-help-jp
 	-mkdir html-ja
-	-cp tmp/*.texi html-ja
-	-cp tmp/cman.texi html-ja/cman-ja.texi
+	-cp tmp-ja/*.texi html-ja
+	-cp tmp-ja/cman.texi html-ja/cman-ja.texi
 	-(cd html-ja; ${TEXI2HTML} cman-ja.texi)
-help: help-eg help-jp
+help: gen-help-eg gen-help-jp
 install-help: help
 	/bin/rm -rf $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-jp/xm.help
@@ -220,7 +347,7 @@ install-help: help
 	mkdir $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-eg/xm.help
 	-cp -f help-eg/* $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-eg/xm.help
-install-html-help: html-en html-ja
+install-html-help: gen-html-en gen-html-ja
 	-( tar cf - html-en | (cd $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib ; tar xf -))
 	-( tar cf - html-ja | (cd $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib ; tar xf -))
@@ -237,10 +364,13 @@ install-document : all clean-document
 clean-document :
 	/bin/rm -rf $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib
+	rm -f ./.done_install
 	mkdir $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib
 clean :
-	/bin/rm -f oxxm.texi oxxm-eg.texi oxmath.texi *~ *.aux *.cp *.dvi *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg *.toc *.tp *.vr oxmath-eg.texi oxphc.texi oxphc-eg.texi oxgnuplot.texi oxgnuplot-eg.texi oxsm1.texi oxsm1-eg.texi oxom-eg.texi oxom.texi dsolv-jp.texi dsolv-eg.texi longname-jp.texi longname-eg.texi oxtigers-jp.texi oxtigers-eg.texi names-ja.texi names-en.texi hypergeometric-ja.texi hypergeometric-en.texi number-en.texi number-ja.texi calculus-en.texi calculus-ja.texi series-en.texi series-ja.texi matrix-en.texi matrix-ja.texi graphic-en.texi graphic-ja.texi print-en.texi print-ja.texi poly-en.texi poly-ja.texi complex-en.texi complex-ja.texi
-	/bin/rm -rf help-jp help-eg tmp html-en html-ja
+	rm -f ./.done_install
+	rm -f gentexi $(JAAUTO) $(ENAUTO) gentexi-in.tmp gentexi-out.tmp
+	rm -f oxxm.texi oxxm-eg.texi oxmath.texi *~ *.aux *.cp *.dvi *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg *.toc *.tp *.vr oxmath-eg.texi oxphc.texi oxphc-eg.texi oxgnuplot.texi oxgnuplot-eg.texi oxsm1.texi oxsm1-eg.texi oxom-eg.texi oxom.texi dsolv-jp.texi dsolv-eg.texi longname-jp.texi longname-eg.texi oxtigers-jp.texi oxtigers-eg.texi names-ja.texi names-en.texi hypergeometric-ja.texi hypergeometric-en.texi number-en.texi number-ja.texi calculus-en.texi calculus-ja.texi series-en.texi series-ja.texi matrix-en.texi matrix-ja.texi graphic-en.texi graphic-ja.texi print-en.texi print-ja.texi poly-en.texi poly-ja.texi complex-en.texi complex-ja.texi plucker-ja.texi plucker-en.texi base-ja.texi base-en.texi glib-ja.texi glib-en.texi misc-ja.texi misc-en.texi pfp-ja.texi pfp-en.texi
+	/bin/rm -rf help-jp help-eg tmp tmp-ja html-en html-ja