RCS file: /home/cvs/OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Attic/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -p -r1.1 -r1.13
--- OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Attic/Makefile	1999/11/27 11:25:18	1.1
+++ OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Attic/Makefile	2000/02/27 05:24:26	1.13
@@ -1,57 +1,141 @@
-#$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir99/lib/contrib/packages/doc/Makefile,v 1.7 1999/11/20 06:18:58 takayama Exp $
-all : oxxm.texi oxxm-eg.texi oxmath.texi oxmath-eg.texi oxphc.texi oxphc-eg.texi oxgnuplot.texi oxgnuplot-eg.texi oxsm1.texi oxsm1-eg.texi oxom.texi oxom-eg.texi
+#$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/Makefile,v 1.12 2000/02/11 04:31:34 takayama Exp $
+# targets
+# all :   
+#        Extracts all tex-info files from ../src/*
+# install : install-document install-help
+# install-help : all
+#        Installing online help to OpenXM/lib/asir/help-*
+# install-document :  all
+#        Copy the documents to OpenXM/doc/asir-contrib
+# NOTE: install-help should be executed after installing asir2000.
+## PS documents are installed under $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib
+DVIPS=dvips -f
+OXWEAVE= ../../../kxx/oxweave
+JPSRCS= oxxm.texi oxmath.texi oxphc.texi oxgnuplot.texi oxsm1.texi oxom.texi dsolv-jp.texi longname-jp.texi oxtigers-jp.texi
+EGSRCS= oxxm-eg.texi oxmath-eg.texi oxphc-eg.texi oxgnuplot-eg.texi oxsm1-eg.texi oxom-eg.texi dsolv-eg.texi longname-eg.texi oxtigers-eg.texi
+all : $(JPSRCS) $(EGSRCS)
+install : install-document install-help
 oxxm.texi : $(ASIRLIB)/xm Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxxm.texi
-	oxweave C-texi jp-texi  <$(ASIRLIB)/xm >oxxm.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(ASIRLIB)/xm >oxxm.texi
 oxxm-eg.texi : $(ASIRLIB)/xm Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxxm-eg.texi
-	oxweave C-texi eg-texi  <$(ASIRLIB)/xm >oxxm-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(ASIRLIB)/xm >oxxm-eg.texi
 oxmath.texi : $(CONTRIB)/m Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxmath.texi
-	oxweave C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/m >oxmath.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/m >oxmath.texi
 oxmath-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/m Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxmath-eg.texi
-	oxweave C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/m >oxmath-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/m >oxmath-eg.texi
 oxphc.texi : $(CONTRIB)/phc Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxphc.texi
-	oxweave C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/phc >oxphc.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/phc >oxphc.texi
 oxphc-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/phc Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxphc-eg.texi
-	oxweave C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/phc >oxphc-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/phc >oxphc-eg.texi
 oxgnuplot.texi : $(CONTRIB)/gnuplot Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxgnuplot.texi
-	oxweave C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/gnuplot >oxgnuplot.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/gnuplot >oxgnuplot.texi
 oxgnuplot-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/gnuplot Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxgnuplot-eg.texi
-	oxweave C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/gnuplot >oxgnuplot-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/gnuplot >oxgnuplot-eg.texi
 oxsm1.texi : $(CONTRIB)/sm1 Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxsm1.texi
-	oxweave C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/sm1 >oxsm1.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/sm1 >oxsm1.texi
 oxsm1-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/sm1 Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxsm1-eg.texi
-	oxweave C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/sm1 >oxsm1-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/sm1 >oxsm1-eg.texi
 oxom.texi : $(CONTRIB)/om Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxom.texi
-	oxweave C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/om >oxom.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/om >oxom.texi
 oxom-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/om Makefile
 	/bin/rm -f oxom-eg.texi
-	oxweave C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/om >oxom-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/om >oxom-eg.texi
+dsolv-jp.texi : dsolv.oxweave Makefile
+	/bin/rm -f dsolv-jp.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <dsolv.oxweave >dsolv-jp.texi
+dsolv-eg.texi : dsolv.oxweave Makefile
+	/bin/rm -f dsolv-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <dsolv.oxweave >dsolv-eg.texi
+longname-jp.texi : $(CONTRIB)/longname Makefile
+	/bin/rm -f longname-jp.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/longname >longname-jp.texi
+longname-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/longname Makefile
+	/bin/rm -f longname-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/longname >longname-eg.texi
+oxtigers-jp.texi : $(CONTRIB)/tigers Makefile
+	/bin/rm -f oxtigers-jp.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi jp-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/tigers >oxtigers-jp.texi
+oxtigers-eg.texi : $(CONTRIB)/tigers Makefile
+	/bin/rm -f oxtigers-eg.texi
+	$(OXWEAVE) C-texi eg-texi  <$(CONTRIB)/tigers >oxtigers-eg.texi
+help-eg: $(EGSRCS) $(ASIRDOC)/extract_func
+	-rm -rf tmp help-eg
+	mkdir help-eg tmp
+	cp cman-eg.texi $(EGSRCS) tmp
+	-(cd tmp; makeinfo --force cman-eg.texi)
+	(cd help-eg; for i in ../tmp/asir-contrib*; do ../$(ASIRDOC)/extract_func $$i; done)
+help-jp: $(JPSRCS) $(ASIRDOC)/extract_func
+	-rm -rf tmp help-jp
+	mkdir help-jp tmp
+	for i in cman.texi $(JPSRCS); do nkf -e $$i > tmp/$$i; done
+	-(cd tmp; makeinfo --force cman.texi)
+	(cd help-jp; for i in ../tmp/asir-contrib*; do ../$(ASIRDOC)/extract_func -j $$i; done)
+help: help-eg help-jp
+install-help: help
+	/bin/rm -rf $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-jp/xm.help
+	mkdir $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-jp/xm.help
+	-cp -f help-jp/* $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-jp/xm.help
+	/bin/rm -rf $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-eg/xm.help
+	mkdir $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-eg/xm.help
+	-cp -f help-eg/* $(OpenXM_ROOT)/lib/asir/help-eg/xm.help
+install-document : all clean-document
+	-ptex cman.texi
+	-ptex cman.texi
+	-cp cman.dvi $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib/cman-jp.dvi
+	-$(DVIPS) cman >$(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib/cman-jp.ps
+	-tex cman-eg.texi
+	-tex cman-eg.texi
+	-cp cman-eg.dvi $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib/cman-eg.dvi
+	-$(DVIPS) cman-eg >$(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib/cman-eg.ps
+clean-document :
+	/bin/rm -rf $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib
+	mkdir $(OpenXM_doc)/asir-contrib
 clean :
-	/bin/rm -f oxxm.texi oxxm-eg.texi oxmath.texi *~ *.aux *.cp *.dvi *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg *.toc *.tp *.vr oxmath-eg.texi oxphc.texi oxphc-eg.texi oxgnuplot.texi oxgnuplot-eg.texi oxsm1.texi oxsm1-eg.texi oxom-eg.texi oxom.texi
+	/bin/rm -f oxxm.texi oxxm-eg.texi oxmath.texi *~ *.aux *.cp *.dvi *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg *.toc *.tp *.vr oxmath-eg.texi oxphc.texi oxphc-eg.texi oxgnuplot.texi oxgnuplot-eg.texi oxsm1.texi oxsm1-eg.texi oxom-eg.texi oxom.texi dsolv-jp.texi dsolv-eg.texi longname-jp.texi longname-eg.texi oxtigers-jp.texi oxtigers-eg.texi
+	/bin/rm -rf help-jp help-eg tmp