RCS file: /home/cvs/OpenXM/doc/install.oxweave,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -p -r1.1 -r1.40
--- OpenXM/doc/install.oxweave	1999/12/15 03:30:13	1.1
+++ OpenXM/doc/install.oxweave	2000/12/01 02:27:31	1.40
@@ -1,216 +1,817 @@
-%% $OpenXM$
+%% $OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/install.oxweave,v 1.39 2000/11/30 12:45:13 takayama Exp $
+OpenXM URL :  http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM
+              http://www.openxm.org
+Consult firstly the ERRATA section for your release on this web cite
+for troubles.
+OpenXM package : Getting started.
+This document is for OpenXM version 1.1.3.  (Draft)
-$B!z(B OpenXM $B%Q%C%1!<%8$N(B Make $BK!(B
-  (FreeBSD 2.2.8, FreeBSD 3.3, Linux $B$GF0:n$9$k$b$N$H4|BT$7$F$^$9(B.)
-   OpenXM, OpenXM_contrib, OpenXM_contrib2 $B$,I,MW$G$9(B.
-   cvs $B%3%_%C%?$N>l9g<!$N$h$&$K$7$F%=!<%9$r$H$j$h$;$^$9(B.
+★ OpenXM GENERIC パッケージの利用方法
+この節では, OpenXM package binary distribution のインストール法を説明します.
+       ★ OpenXM パッケージの Make 法
+RPM, Debian などのパッケージでインストールする場合は
+       Web ページの説明どうりにパッケージをインストールするだけで
+       設定が終了します.      
+インストールに必要なシステムの仕様については, 動作環境を御覧ください.
-How to make OpenXM package?
- (We have tested the OpenXM package on FreeBSD 2.2.8, FreeBSD 3.3, Linux.)
- Do you have directories OpenXM, OpenXM_contrib, OpenXM_contrib2?
- If you are a CVS committer, then you can get all sources as follows:
+In this section, we will explain how to install OpenXM package binary
+If you build from the source, see the section
+      * How to make OpenXM package?
+If you install openxm by using RPM or Debian package,
+install the system following the instruction given on our web page.
+As to the required environment, see the section "System Requirement"
-//&C  rcvs checkout OpenXM OpenXM_contrib OpenXM_contrib2
-//&jp $B$3$l$i$,$=$m$C$F$$$?$i$"$H$O<!$N$h$&$KF~NO$9$k$@$1$G$9(B.
-//&eg Check that you have these directories, then just type in the following commands
+(1)  Tar ボールより次のようにしてディレクトリ OpenXM を取り出します.
+     OpenXM はどこにおいてもかまいません. ルートになってインストール
+     する必要もありません.
+     できれば, /usr/local/OpenXM  においてほしいと思います.
+(1)  Extract the directory OpenXM from the tar ball.
+     You can put the directory OpenXM at any place in the file system.
+     You do not need to be a root to install it.
+     We are happy if you put OpenXM at /usr/local/OpenXM
-   cd OpenXM/src
-   make configure
-   make
+         tar xzvf OpenXM-shared.tgz
+         tar xzvf OpenXM-binary-OPERATING_SYSTEM_CPU_TYPE.tgz
+以下 (1) で生成されたディレクトリ OpenXM の絶対パスを /xxx/yyy/OpenXM
+In the sequel, we will denote the absolute path of the directory OpenXM 
+by /xxx/yyy/OpenXM.
+(2) OpenXM/rc/dot.cshrc, OpenXM/rc/dot.bashrc,
+    OpenXM/rc/openxm, OpenXM/rc/asir, OpenXM/rc/oxmath, 等の
+    ファイルを自動生成します.  
+    openxm, asir, oxmath などは OpenXM クライアントを起動するための
+    シエルスクリプトです. これらを /usr/local/bin にインストールするには
+    次のように入力します. 
+(2) Generate  OpenXM/rc/dot.cshrc, OpenXM/rc/dot.bashrc and 
+    OpenXM/rc/openxm, OpenXM/rc/asir, OpenXM/rc/oxmath, ...
+    The files openxm, asir, oxmath are shell scripts to invoke OpenXM clients.
+    If you want to install these shell scripts to /usr/local/bin,
+    type in as follows.
+     cd /xxx/yyy/OpenXM/rc
+     make install 
-$B!z(B OpenXM $B%Q%C%1!<%8$NMxMQJ}K!(B
-OpenXM $B$r%[!<%`$ND>2<$KE83+$7$?>l9g(B, $B<!$N$h$&$K$7$^$9(B.
+     /usr/local/bin でなく, home directory の bin にインストールしたい
+     ときは, 次のように入力してください.
-How to use the OpenXM package?
-If you have OpenXM under your home directory, do as follows.
+    If you want to install them under the bin of your home directory,
+    type in as follows.
-    cp OpenXM/rc/asirrc ~/.asirrc 
-    source OpenXM/rc/bashrc (in case of bash)
-    source OpenXM/rc/cshrc  (in case of csh)
+   cd /xxx/yyy/OpenXM/rc
+   make install PREFIX=$HOME/bin
+   [Note] If you are Solaris user, you might have to type in like
+     /usr/ccs/bin/make install PREFIX=$HOME/bin
-OpenXM $B$r%[!<%`$ND>2<$KE83+$7$F$J$$>l9g$O(B OpenXM/rc/bashrc, OpenXM/rc/cshrc $B$r(B
+OpenXM/bin の下のファイルを直接実行したい場合は, 以下の設定が必要です.
+OpenXM clients を実行するだけの場合は, (3), (3') は skip してください.
+(3) csh を利用してる場合, 次の行を ~/.cshrc の最後に加えます.
-If you have OpenXM in a different place, edit OpenXM/rc/bashrc or
-OpenXM/rc/cshrc properly.
+If you want to execute binaries under OpenXM/bin, you need to perform
+(3) and (3').
+If you use only OpenXM clients, skip (3) and (3').
+(3) Append the following line to the end of  ~/.cshrc when you are
+    using csh as your shell.
+    source /xxx/yyy/OpenXM/rc/dot.cshrc
-$BCm0U(B 1.
-asir $B$GF|K\8l$N%X%k%W$rMxMQ$9$k$K$O(B, 
-export PAGER
-$B$J$I$G(B, $BF|K\8l$r07$($k(B PAGER $B$r;XDj$9$kI,MW$,$"$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s(B.
-$BCm0U(B 2.
-FreeBSD 3.3 $B$J$I$K$O(B, /usr/local/bin/javac $B$,$D$$$F$$$^$9(B.
-$B$3$N(B javac $B$G$O(B, OpenXM/src/OpenMath $B0J2<$N%U%!%$%k$,%3%s%Q%$%k$G$-$^$;$s(B.
+(3') bash を利用してる場合, 次の行それぞれを ~/.bashrc および ~/.bash_profile
+(3') Append the following lines to the end of  ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile
+     respectively when you are using bash as your shell.
+    source /xxx/yyy/OpenXM/rc/dot.bashrc             (.bashrc)
+    source ~/.bashrc                                 (.bash_profile)
+ (3) または (3') を終了したら, いったん logout して login しなおすか
+ または, source コマンドで, dot.bashrc または dot.csh を読み込んで下さい.
+   After finishing the step (3) or (3'), logout and login again,
+   or read dot.bashrc or dot.cshrc file by the source command.
+          FAQ
+Q. OpenXM の asir OpenXM client を icon でスタートするには?
+A. 次の行を, .Xdefaults または, xrdb で読み込むファイルに書いておきます.
+Q. How to start asir OpenXM clients in the iconic mode?
+A. Add the following line to .Xdefaults or a file you read by xrdb.
+       ox_xterm*iconic: on
+★ OpenXM FreeBSD binary パッケージのインストール方法
+     openxm-version.tgz 
+   を ftp サイトより copy して,
+   root になって,
+     pkg_add openxm-version.tgz
+   OpenXM は /usr/local/OpenXM にインストールされます.
+   ここで version は OpenXM の version 番号で, たとえば, 
+   2000, 3/20(Mon) 版は  1.1.2
+   pkg_add に失敗した場合は, /var のサイズを大きくしてやりなおして
+   みて下さい.
+   java および linux emulation が実行に必要です.
+   java が, サーチパスのなかにある必要がありますので,
+   たとえば,
+     set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8 $path) 
+     rehash
+   してから, pkg_add して下さい.
+   インストール終了後のメッセージにしたがい, 必要な設定を
+   おこなって下さい.
+   jdk は /usr/ports/lang/jdk よりインストールできます.
+   Linux emulation を有効にするには,
+    /etc/rc.conf に
+    linux_enable="YES"
+   と書き, 
+   /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base を用いて, linux 用の共有ライブラリ等を
+   インストールしておきます.
+     (FreeBSD 3.x, 4.x)
+   /usr/local にインストールしなかった場合は,
+   (2) を実行して下さい.
+***** HOW TO INSTALL OpenXM FreeBSD binary package
+   Copy  
+      openxm-version.tgz 
+   from our ftp cite.
+   Become the super user and type
+      pkg_add openxm-version.tgz
+   OpenXM will be installed to /usr/local/OpenXM
+   Here, version is the version number of OpenXM.
+   For example, the version number of the OpenXM of May 20 (Mon), 2000 
+   is 1.1.2
+   If you fail "pkd_add", increase the size of /var
+   java and linux emulation are required to run OpenXM packages.
+   Java needs to be in the search path. So, for example, execute pkg_add
+   after
+     set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8 $path) 
+     rehash
+   Following the message of pkg_add after the installation,
+   set path.
+   jdk can be installed by /usr/ports/lang/jdk.
+   Add the line
+    linux_enable="YES"
+   to /etc/rc.conf and install shared libraries for linux
+   by /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base.
+   Then, you can emulate linux.
+   If you do not install under /usr/local,
+   goto (2).
+★ OpenXM Redhat Package manager (Linux) 
+   binary パッケージのインストール方法
+      openxm-shared-version-suffix.noarch.rpm
+      openxm-binary-version-suffix.i386.rpm
+   を ftp サイトより copy して,
+   root になって,
+     rpm -i  openxm-shared-version-suffix.noarch.rpm
+     rpm -i  openxm-binary-version-suffix.i386.rpm
+   OpenXM は /usr/local/OpenXM にインストールされます.
+   ここで version は OpenXM の version 番号で, たとえば, 
+   2000, 3/20(Mon) 版は  1.1.2
+   suffix は, RPM 版の minor version number.
+   /usr/local の下へインストールしなかった場合は, (2) を実行して下さい.
+   libgd のインストールが必要な場合もあります.
+   libgd がインストールしてない場合,
+   http://www.redhat.com/downloads へアクセスし, libgd をインストール
+   して下さい.
+***** HOW TO INSTALL OpenXM by the redhat Package manager (Linux)
+   Copy  
+      openxm-shared-version-suffix.noarch.rpm
+      openxm-binary-version-suffix.i386.rpm
+   from our ftp cite.
+   Become the super user and type
+     rpm -i  openxm-shared-version-suffix.noarch.rpm
+     rpm -i  openxm-binary-version-suffix.i386.rpm
+   OpenXM will be installed to /usr/local/OpenXM
+   Here, version is the version number of OpenXM.
+   For example, the version number of the OpenXM of May 20 (Mon), 2000 
+   is 1.1.2
+   suffix is the minor version number of the package.
+   If you do not install under /usr/local, goto (2).       
+   You might need to install libgd.
+   If it is not installed in your system, access to
+   http://www.redhat.com/downloads and get libgd.
+***** OpenXM client programs under OpenXM/bin or /usr/local/bin:
+   asir           
+   oxmath
+   openxm sm1
+***** OpenXM server programs:
+   OpenXM/bin/ox_asir
+   OpenXM/bin/ox_sm1
+   OpenXM/bin/ox_math
+   OpenXM/lib/sm1/bin/ox_sm1_gnuplot
+   OpenXM/lib/sm1/bin/ox_sm1_phc
+   OpenXM/lib/sm1/bin/ox_sm1_tigers
+   OpenXM/lib/java-support/OMproxy.class
+***** QUALITY:
+ Experimental:
+   OpenXM/bin/k0,  OpenXM/bin/d0
+   Asir client functions:   m_* (Mathematica)  ,  om_*  (OpenMath)
+   OpenXM/lib/java-support/ *
+ 70%
+   OpenXM/bin/ox_math,  OpenXM/bin/math2ox
+   OpenXM/bin/sm1, ox_sm1 on Linux libc6.
+**** OpenXM server and client programs (under development)
+     included only in the source distribution
+   OpenXM/src/Macaulay2  ( M2 server and client )
+   OpenXM/src/ruby       ( Ruby client)
+**** Utilities
+   OpenXM/doc/oxlib    ( how to link oxservers as libraries )
+★ Java に関する注意:
+注意 1.
+OpenMath 用の OMproxy には現在のところ, jdk が必要です.
+たとえば bash を利用している場合, .bashrc で
 export PATH
-$B$J$I$H$7$F(B, jdk $B$N(B javac $B$r%5!<%A%Q%9$N@h$N$[$&$X$b$C$F$$$/$h$&$K$7$F(B
+などとして, jdk の java, javac をサーチパスの先のほうへもっていくようにして
+csh を利用している場合, .cshrc で
+set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path)
+として, jdk の java, javac をサーチパスにいれます.
+jdk の入手先:  FreeBSD  --- /usr/ports/java/jdk を見てください.
+               Linux    --- http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/ja
+                            http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/ja
+なお, Kaffe 1.0.b4 の java は, class BigInteger に method
+toByteArray が含まれてないため, OpenMath モジュールでは使用できません.
+***** JAVA
+In order to use OMproxy, asir client om_*,
+you need to install JDK.
+The bin dir of the JDK must be in yur search path.
+For example, you need to add the following line
+to your .chsrc when your shell is csh
+set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path)
+Bash users put the following line to .bashrc
+export PATH
+Where can I get jdk? :  FreeBSD --- see /usr/ports/java/jdk
+                        Linux   --- http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/ja
+                                    http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/ja
+The Java interpreter of Kaffe 1.0.b4 does not contain the method
+toByteArray in the class BigInteger.
+So, it cannot be used for the OpenMath module.
+★ 動作環境
-$B0J>e(B.  $B0J2<$N;HMQNc$X?J$s$G2<$5$$(B.
-$B!z(B(1) asir $B$N%^%K%e%"%k$O(B,
-   OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/doc $B$N(B README $B$r8+$F$M(B.
-  (2) asir-contrib $B$N%^%K%e%"%k$O(B,
-  OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc $B$G(B make $B$7$?$"$H(B,
-  ptex cman.texi ($BF|K\8l(B)
-  tex cman-eg.texi ($B1Q8l(B)
-  $B$9$l$P$h$m$7$$(B.
-  Online manual : ox_help(xxx) $B$O8=:_0l;~E*$K$D$+$($^$;$s(B.
-$OpenXM_HOME/bin $B$N2<$N(B, fep, phc $B$O(B, $B$$$^$N$H$3$m(B
-linux $BMQ$N%P%$%J%j$^$?$O%P%$%J%j$X$N%7%s%\%j%C%/%j%s%/$G$9(B. 
-Linux $B0J30$N>l9g$O%P%$%J%j$rF~$l49$($kI,MW$,$"$j$^$9(B.
+OS:  FreeBSD 3.3, 3.4, 4.x (Intel CPU),  
+     Linux systems (Intel CPU):
+         Most Linux with libc5 and with libc6 (glibc 2.x).  
-Solaris $B$G$N(B make $B$NLdBjE@$K$D$$$F$O(B, OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-FAQ-jp.txt
+     X window system is required.
----------------  $B%$%s%9%H!<%k40N;(B ---------------------------
+     Most part of the OpenXM package may work on other versions of 
+     FreeBSD 3.x and Linux, but we have not yet tested.
+次の modules は, OS の標準 distribution 以外に, さらに下に記したソフトを
+The following modules require the listed softwares other than the standard
+OS package.
-OpenXM $B$O(B X Window System $B>e$G$7$+F0:n$7$^$;$s(B. 
+(1) OpenXM/bin/oxmath  :       Mathematica Version 3.x or 4.x 
+   (Mathematica server)         at /usr/local/Mathematica
+    OpenXM/bin/math2ox          [ see http://www.wolfram.com ]
+    Asir client functions  m_*
+(2) OpenXM/lib/java-support :   JDK at /usr/local/jdk??
+                                [ see the section on JAVA]
+    Asir client functions  om_*
+    sm1 client functions   om_*
+(3) PHC pack (OpenXM/bin/phc)  and  asir client functions
+    phc_*  run only on linux (glib5).
+    If you install the linux emulation^{note 1} on Free BSD, they run on
+    FreeBSD, too. 
+    <note 1>
+      Add linux_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf 
+      You need the following packages:
+      pkg_info | grep linu
+      linux_base-5.2      The base set of packages needed in Linux mode
+      linux_devtools-5.2  Packages needed for doing development in Linux mode
-asir $B$rF0:n$5$;$k$K$O(B, key $B$,I,MW$G$9(B.
-OpenXM/lib/asir/asir_key $B$N%3%a%s%H$r$_$F(B, key $B$r(B E-mail $B$G(B
-----------------  Asir $B%/%i%$%"%s%H$N;H$$$+$?(B.
-----------------   $BNc(B : asir $B$K(B kan/sm1  $B$rAH$_9~$`(B.
-P=sm1_start();    /* P $B$O%W%m%;%9HV9f(B */
-sm1_pgb(P,[katsura(4),[u0,u1,u2,u3,u4]]); /* sm1 $B$G%0%l%V%J4pDl$r7W;;(B */
----------------    $BNc(B : asir $B$h$j(B gnuplot $B$r8F$S=P$9(B.
-gnuplot(P,"plot  tan(x); ");
-gnuplot(P,"splot sin(x)*cos(x); ");
+注意 1.
+asir で日本語のヘルプを利用するには, 
+export PAGER
+などで, 日本語を扱える PAGER を指定する必要があるかもしれません.
----------------    $BNc(B : asir $B$h$j(B tigers $B$r8F$S=P$9(B.
-B = tigers(0,[[1,1,1,1],[0,1,2,3]]);
-length(B) $B$O(B 8 $B$G$9(B.  $B$3$l$O(B, $B9TNs(B A = [[1,1,1,1],[0,1,2,3]]
-$B$KIU?o$7$?(B, toric ideal I_A $B$N(B Grobner fan $B$,(B 8 $B$D$N(B maximal
-dimensional fan $B$r;}$D$3$H$r0UL#$7$^$9(B.
-A[i] $B$O(B i $BHVL\$N(B GB ($B%0%l%V%J4pDl(B)$B$G$9(B.
-Binomial polynomial x^a-x^b $B$r(B [[a_1, ..., a_n],[b_1, ..., b_n]] $B$J$k7A<0$G(B
-$B$?$H$($P(B A[0];
-x1 x3 - x2^2, x1 x4 - x2 x3, x2 x4 - x3^2
-$B$,(B GB $B$G$"$j(B, initial ideal $B$O(B
-x1 x3 , x1 x4 , x2 x4 
+The installation is completed. 
+★ 文書
+  OpenXM パッケージでもっとも充実しているクライアントは,
+  asir です.
+  asir のつかいかたは 
+        OpenXM/doc/asir2000/man-jp.dvi
+       または OpenXM/doc/asir2000/html-jp の HTML ファイルを見て下さい.
+  asir 用 OpenXM クライアントライブラリのつかい方は,
+        OpenXM/doc/asir-contrib/cman-jp.dvi
+  を見て下さい.  dvi の付くファイルは xdvi で見ることができます.
+  OpenXM の設計の概要については, 
+      OpenXM/doc/issac2000/issac2000.ps
+  を見て下さい.
+  ps の付くファイルは, ghostview で見ることができます.
+  Mathematica client については, OpenXM/doc/ox_math を御覧ください.
+  sm1 client については, OpenXM/doc/kan96xx を御覧ください.
+  asir は, 多項式処理用のライブラリとしてリンクできます.
+  これについては, OpenXM/doc/oxlib を御覧ください. 
+  OpenXM 対応の, サーバ を作成するには, OpenXM/src/ox_toolkit
+  が参考になるかもしれません. Java のクラスについては 
+  OpenXM/src/OpenMath が参考になるかもしれません.
+  The best OpenXM client in the OpenXM package is now 
+  asir.
+  Documents on asir are
+    OpenXM/doc/asir2000/man-eg.dvi
+    OpenXM/doc/asir2000/html-eg (HTML)
+  The file
+    OpenXM/doc/asir-contrib/cman-eg.dvi
+  is a document on OpenXM client libraries for asir.
+  The design outline is described in
+      OpenXM/doc/issac2000/issac2000.ps
+  Dvi files can be previewed by xdvi and
+  ps files  can be previewed by ghostview.
+  As to Mathematica client, see OpenXM/doc/ox_math.
+  As to sm1 client, see OpenXM/doc/kan96xx.
+  The asir can be used as a C library for polynomial manupulation.
+  See OpenXM/doc/oxlib.
+  If you are interested in writing a server for OpenXM, please refer to
+  OpenXM/src/ox_toolkit and OpenXM/src/OpenMath.
+★ ASIR による使用例  
+asir を動作させるには, key が必要です.
+OpenXM/lib/asir/asir_key のコメントまたは起動時のメッセージをみて, 
+key を E-mail でとりよせて下さい.
+----------------   Call ox_sm1 from asir.
+bash-2.03$ asir
+This is Risa/Asir, Version 20000120.
+1994-1999. All rights reserved.
+xm Version 20000116. ox_help(0); ox_help("keyword"); for help message 
+[269] sm1_genericAnn([x^3-y^2,[s,x,y]]); 
+   /* The annihilating ideal of (x^3-y^2)^s */
+---------------    Call gnuplot from asir.
+bash-2.03$ asir
+This is Risa/Asir, Version 20000120.
+1994-1999. All rights reserved.
+xm Version 20000116. ox_help(0); ox_help("keyword"); for help message 
+[269] gnuplot("plot sin(x);");
+★  sm1 クライアントの利用例
+******  Example of the use of sm1 client
+--------------------------------------  call ox_asir from sm1
 (oxasir.sm1) run  ;
-(x^20-1). fctr pmat ;       sm1 $B$h$j(B ox_asir $B$r8F$S=P$7$F0x?tJ,2r$5$;$k(B.
+[(x^20-y^20) (x,y)] fctr pmat ;     factorize x^20-y^20 by call ox_asir
-[$BCx:n8"I=<((B] ($B8=:_%F%9%HHG$N$?$a>pJs$,40Hw$7$F$^$;$s(B)
-$B$3$N%=%U%H%&%(%"$OF0:n$*$h$S$=$N7k2L$K$D$-(B, $B0l@Z$NJ]>Z$r$7$^$;$s(B.
-$B%i%$%;%s%97ABV$K$D$$$F$O8=:_8!F$Cf$G$"$j$^$9(B.  $BK!L3(Bcommitter $B$r(B
+OpenXM/Copyright を御覧ください.
+See OpenXM/Copyright.
-OpenXM : url http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/openXM
-         cvs cite : kerberos.math.kobe-u.ac.jp
-sm1 :  $B:n<T(B Nobuki Takayama, url http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/KAN, 
-       $B%i%$%;%s%97ABV(B   GPL??
-asir :    $B:n<T(B  url
-         $B%i%$%;%s%97ABV(B   ??
-gnuplot : $B:n<T(B  url
-         $B%i%$%;%s%97ABV(B   GPL?
-phc : $B:n<T(B Jan Verschelde,  url
-         $B%i%$%;%s%97ABV(B   ??
-tigers : $B:n<T(B Birk Hubert,  url
-         $B%i%$%;%s%97ABV(B   ??
-[OpenXM $B$K$D$$$F$NO"Mm@h(B]
-[OpenXM_HOME $B2<$N%U%!%$%k$N9=@.(B]
-lib/asir $B$K$O(B, asir $B$N%i%$%V%i%j(B, ox_asir $BK\BN(B
-(ox_asir.xxyyzz.os $B$J$kL>A0$G3JG<$5$l$F$$$^$9(B)
-lib/sm1 $B$O(B src/SSkan/Doc $B$X$N(B symbolic link
-$B$G$"$j(B, sm1 $B$N%i%$%V%i%j%U%!%$%k$,3JG<$5$l$F$$$^$9(B.
-lib/sm1/bin $B$K$O(B, binaryfiles
+★ OpenXM パッケージの Make 法
+  FreeBSD 3.x, FreeBSD 4.x, Linux で動作するものと期待してます.
+  (Linux glib6 では, いまのところ, /usr/include/features.h
+   で #define __FAVOR_BSD 1 してコンパイルする必要がありしたが,
+  一部のソースを
+  -D_BSD_SOURCE option をつけて gcc でコンパイルするように変えてます
+  (setjmp と sigsetjmp の問題, dirty trick) 現在では問題ありません. )
+   OpenXM, OpenXM_contrib, OpenXM_contrib2 が必要です.
+   ftp.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/1.1.3 より
+        openxm-1.1.3.tar.gz 
+   を get して展開して下さい.
+        tar xzvf openxm-1.1.3.tar.gz
+   openxm-1.1.3/OpenXM    openxm-1.1.3/OpenXM_contrib   
+   openxm-1.1.3/OpenXM_contrib2
+   が生成されます.
+   cvs コミッタの場合次のようにしてソースをとりよせます.
+* How to make OpenXM package?
+ We have tested the OpenXM package on FreeBSD 3.x, FreeBSD 4.x, Linux.
+ (On Linux glib6, we needed to define 
+   #define  __FAVOR_BSD 1
+ in /usr/include/features.h,
+ but now we are compiling some sources with -D_BSD_SOURCE
+ (setjmp vs sigsetjmp).  So, you do not need to make this change.)
+ Do you have directories OpenXM, OpenXM_contrib, OpenXM_contrib2?
+ get 
+        openxm-1.1.3.tar.gz 
+ from ftp.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/1.1.3
+ Expand it by
+        tar xzvf openxm-1.1.3.tar.gz
+ Then, you will get
+   openxm-1.1.3/OpenXM    openxm-1.1.3/OpenXM_contrib   
+   openxm-1.1.3/OpenXM_contrib2
+ If you are a CVS committer, then you can get all sources as follows:
+//&C  rcvs checkout OpenXM OpenXM_contrib OpenXM_contrib2
+//&jp これらがそろっていたらあとは次のように入力するだけです.
+//&eg Check that you have these directories, then just type in the following commands
+   cd OpenXM/src
+   make configure
+   make 
+   make install
+/*&jp なお, OpenXM/src/ox_math のコンパイルおよび利用には Mathematica が, 
+OpenXM/src/OpenMath のコンパイルおよび利用には
+には, jdk (java 環境) が必要です.
+Documents を生成するには,  tex, ptex (ascii 日本語 tex), dvips, texinfo, 
+texi2html, nkf, jlatex2html
+が必要です. 詳しくは Makefiles を見て下さい.
+Document は, binary distribution の OpenXM/doc, OpenXM/lib 
+/*&eg In order to use and compile OpenXM/src/ox_math, you need Mathematica. 
+In order to use and compile OpenXM/src/OpenMath, 
+you need jdk (java environment).
+In order to generate the full documentation including Japanese documents,
+you need tex, ptex (ASCII Inc. Japanese tex), dvips, texinfo, texi2html,
+nkf, jlatex2html.  See each Makefile.
+The generated documents are in OpenXM/doc and OpenXM/lib 
+in the binary distribution.
+If you do not like to install Japanese environment such as ptex, 
+type in R for the tex error prompt ? or 
+prepare empty shell scripts ptex and nkf.
+To run the system, you need to read OpenXM/rc/dot.cshrc or 
+OpenXM/rc/dot.bashrc by the source
+command for setting proper environmental variable values.
+By the commands
+         cd OpenXM/rc
+         make
+you can generate dot.cshrc and dot.bashrc.
+Read these file by the source command in your .cshrc 
+or .bashrc (or .bash_profile).
+システムを動かすには, OpenXM/rc/dot.cshrc または 
+OpenXM/rc/dot.bashrc を source コマンドで
+         cd OpenXM/rc
+         make
+で dot.cshrc および dot.bashrc が生成されます.
+これらのファイルを source コマンドで,
+.cshrc または .bashrc (または .bash_profile) より読むようにして下さい.
+[OpenXM 下のファイルの構成メモ]
+lib/asir には, asir のライブラリ, ox_asir 本体
+cd OpenXM/src/kxx ; make install-for-debug した場合,
+lib/sm1 は src/SSkan/Doc への symbolic link
+であり, sm1 のライブラリファイルが格納されています.
+lib/sm1/bin には, binaryfiles
     sm1, ox_sm1, ox,  ox_log, ox_sm1_*
-$B$3$N%7%s%\%j%C%/%j%s%/$O(B src/kxx $B$G(B make install $B$r<B9T$9$k$3$H$K$h$j(B
+このシンボリックリンクは src/kxx で make install-for-debug を実行することにより
-sm1 $B$,(B ox_asir $B$rMxMQ$9$k$N$KI,MW$J%U%!%$%k(B.
+sm1 が ox_asir を利用するのに必要なファイル.
    lib/sm1/bin/ox, lib/sm1/bin/ox_log  (src/kxx/ox, src/kxx/ox_log)
    lib/sm1/ox.sm1, lib/sm1/oxasir.sm1
-asir $B$,(B ox_sm1_forAsir $B$rMxMQ$9$k$N$KI,MW$J%U%!%$%k(B:
+asir が ox_sm1_forAsir を利用するのに必要なファイル:
-   lib/sm1/bin/ox_sm1_forAsir (ox_sm1 $B$X$N%j%s%/(B)
+   lib/sm1/bin/ox_sm1_forAsir (ox_sm1 へのリンク)
-   lib/sm1/ $B0J2<$N(B *.sm1 $B$J$k$9$Y$F$N(B $B%i%$%V%i%j%U%!%$%k(B.
+   lib/sm1/ 以下の *.sm1 なるすべての ライブラリファイル.
      callsm1.sm1 callsm1b.sm1 
-     (ox_sm1_forAsir $B$NDj5A%U%!%$%k(B, src/kxx/oxserver00.c 
-      ox_sm1 $B$,(B ox_sm1_forAsir $B$H$$$&L>A0$G8F$P$l$k$H$3$l$i$N%U%!%$%k$r%m!<%I(B.)
+     (ox_sm1_forAsir の定義ファイル, src/kxx/oxserver00.c 
+      ox_sm1 が ox_sm1_forAsir という名前で呼ばれるとこれらのファイルをロード.)
-asir $B$,(B ox_sm1_gnuplot $B$rMxMQ$9$k$N$KI,MW$J%U%!%$%k(B:
+asir が ox_sm1_gnuplot を利用するのに必要なファイル:
-    lib/sm1/bin/ox_sm1_gnuplot (ox_sm1 $B$X$N%j%s%/(B, ox_sm1_gnuplot $B$O(B fork $B$7$F(B
-                                gnuplot_forox $B$r<B9T$7$^$9(B.)
+    lib/sm1/bin/ox_sm1_gnuplot (ox_sm1 へのリンク, ox_sm1_gnuplot は fork して
+                                gnuplot4ox を実行します.)
     lib/sm1/callsm1.sm1, lib/sm1/gnuplot.sm1
-     (ox_sm1_gnuplot $B$NDj5A%U%!%$%k(B, src/kxx/oxserver00.c 
-      ox_sm1 $B$,(B ox_sm1_gnuplot $B$H$$$&L>A0$G8F$P$l$k$H$3$l$i$N%U%!%$%k$r%m!<%I(B.)
-    bin/gnuplot_forox,  bin/gnuplot_x11  (gnuplot $BK\BN(B, src/gnuplot*)
+     (ox_sm1_gnuplot の定義ファイル, src/kxx/oxserver00.c 
+      ox_sm1 が ox_sm1_gnuplot という名前で呼ばれるとこれらのファイルをロード.)
+    bin/gnuplot4ox,  bin/gnuplot_x11  (gnuplot 本体, src/gnuplot*)
-<< sm1, ox_sm1, ox, oxlog $B$N(B debug >>
-binary file $B$O3F(B directory $B$N(B make install $B$K$h$j(B
-OpenXM/bin $B$K%3%T!<$5$l$^$9$,(B,
-debug $BMQ$K$$$A$$$A%3%T!<$9$k$N$OLLE]$J$N$G(B,
-OpenXM/src/kan96xx $B$G(B make install2
-OpenXM/src/kxx $B$G(B make install2
-OpenXM/bin/sm1, ox, ox_sm1, oxlog $B$h$j(B,
+<< sm1, ox_sm1, ox, oxlog の debug >>
+binary file は各 directory の make install により
+OpenXM/bin にコピーされますが,
+debug 用にいちいちコピーするのは面倒なので,
+OpenXM/src/kan96xx で make install-for-debug
+OpenXM/src/kxx で make install-for-debug
+OpenXM/bin/sm1, ox, ox_sm1, oxlog より,
 OpenXM/src/kxx/ox, OpenXM/src/kxx/ox_sm1, OpenXM/src/kxx/oxlog
-<<  OpenXM $B%G%#%l%/%H%jG[I[HG$N:n@.J}K!(B >>
+<<  OpenXM ディレクトリ配布版の作成方法 >>
 rcvs export -rHEAD OpenXM
 rcvs export -rHEAD OpenXM_contrib
 rcvs export -rHEAD OpenXM_contrib2
-$B$7$F(B, OpenXM, OpenXM_contrib, OpenXM_contrib2 $BA4BN$r(B tar+gzip.
+cd OpenXM/src ; make generate-source-distribution
+して, OpenXM, OpenXM_contrib, OpenXM_contrib2 全体を tar+gzip.
+★ Solaris に関する注意.
+Solaris ではまだ問題が山積してます.
+Solaris での make の問題点については, OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-FAQ-jp.txt
+Solaris でコンパイルするには, /usr/ccs/bin をサーチパスの最初へもっていって
+ There are a lot of troubles on Solaris for now.
+ At least,
+ /usr/ccs/bin must be at the top of the command search path to compile
+ on Solaris.
+★ Redhat Linux 6.1 上でのコンパイル
+m4-1.4 と autoconf-2.13 が必要.
+(あらかじめはいっている,  autoconf は 2.12 でありこれは
+ gnuplot の make で不具合を生じます.)
+***** COMPILE ON Redhat Linux 6.1
+m4-1.4 and autoconf-2.13 are required.
+(Preinstalled autoconf is version 2.12. It causes a trouble when
+ you build gnuplot.)