version 1.9, 2000/01/20 08:21:50 |
version 1.18, 2000/01/26 07:48:10 |
%% $OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/install.oxweave,v 1.8 2000/01/20 07:25:25 takayama Exp $ |
%% $OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/install.oxweave,v 1.17 2000/01/25 06:48:49 takayama Exp $ |
OpenXM/doc/install.oxweave |
OpenXM/doc/install.oxweave |
/*&C |
/*&C |
OpenXM URL : |
OpenXM URL : |
Consult firstly the ERRATA section for your release on this web cite |
for troubles. |
OpenXM package : Getting started. |
OpenXM package : Getting started. |
Line 21 As to the required environment, see the section "Syste |
Line 23 As to the required environment, see the section "Syste |
/*&jp |
/*&jp |
(1) Tar ボールより次のようにしてディレクトリ OpenXM を取り出します. |
(1) Tar ボールより次のようにしてディレクトリ OpenXM を取り出します. |
OpenXM はどこにおいてもかまいません. |
OpenXM はどこにおいてもかまいません. ルートになってインストール |
する必要もありません. |
できれば, /usr/local/OpenXM においてほしいと思います. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&eg |
/*&eg |
(1) Extract the directory OpenXM from the tar ball. |
(1) Extract the directory OpenXM from the tar ball. |
You can put the directory OpenXM at any place in the file system. |
You can put the directory OpenXM at any place in the file system. |
You do not need to be a root to install it. |
We are happy if you put OpenXM at /usr/local/OpenXM |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&C |
/*&C |
Line 89 by /xxx/yyy/OpenXM. |
Line 95 by /xxx/yyy/OpenXM. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&C |
/*&C |
source /xxx/yyy/OpenXM/rc/dot.bash |
source /xxx/yyy/OpenXM/rc/dot.bashrc |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&jp |
(3) または (3') を終了したら, いったん logout して login しなおすか |
または, source コマンドで, dot.bashrc または dot.csh を読み込んで下さい. |
*/ |
/*&eg |
After finishing the step (3) or (3'), logout and login again, |
or read dot.bashrc or dot.cshrc file by the source command. |
*/ |
//&C |
//&C |
//&jp (4) asir の利用には key が必要です. 以下のファイルを御覧ください. |
//&jp (4) asir の利用には key が必要です. |
//&eg (5) You need key to use asir. See the following file: |
//&eg (4) You need a key to use asir. |
//&C OpenXM/lib/asir/asir_key |
//&C |
//&C |
/*&jp |
asir の起動時のメッセージまたは OpenXM/lib/asir/asir_key を |
参照して, key を取得して下さい (数秒しかかかりません). |
*/ |
/*&eg |
Please get the key by following the instruction from asir itself or |
that in OpenXM/lib/asir/asir_key (it takes only a few seconds |
to get the key). |
*/ |
/*&C |
/*&C |
***** QUALITY: |
***** QUALITY: |
Line 107 by /xxx/yyy/OpenXM. |
Line 137 by /xxx/yyy/OpenXM. |
OpenXM/bin/ox_math, OpenXM/bin/math2ox |
OpenXM/bin/ox_math, OpenXM/bin/math2ox |
OpenXM/lib/java-support/ * |
OpenXM/lib/java-support/ * |
Asir client functions: m_* (Mathematica) , om_* (OpenMath) |
Asir client functions: m_* (Mathematica) , om_* (OpenMath) |
OpenXM/bin/sm1, ox_sm1 on Linux libc6. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&C |
/*&C |
Line 119 OpenMath 用の OMproxy には現在のところ, jdk が必要です |
Line 150 OpenMath 用の OMproxy には現在のところ, jdk が必要です |
たとえば bash を利用している場合, .bashrc で |
たとえば bash を利用している場合, .bashrc で |
PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin:$PATH |
PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin:$PATH |
export PATH |
export PATH |
などとして, jdk の javac をサーチパスの先のほうへもっていくようにして |
などとして, jdk の java, javac をサーチパスの先のほうへもっていくようにして |
ください. |
ください. |
csh を利用している場合, .cshrc で |
set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path) |
として, jdk の java, javac をサーチパスにいれます. |
注意: |
なお, Kaffe 1.0.b4 の java は, class BigInteger に method |
toByteArray が含まれてないため, OpenMath モジュールでは使用できません. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&eg |
/*&eg |
***** JAVA |
***** JAVA |
Line 128 In order to use OMproxy, asir client om_*, |
Line 166 In order to use OMproxy, asir client om_*, |
you need to install JDK. |
you need to install JDK. |
The bin dir of the JDK must be in yur search path. |
The bin dir of the JDK must be in yur search path. |
For example, you need to add the following line |
For example, you need to add the following line |
to your .chsrc |
to your .chsrc when your shell is csh |
set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path) |
set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path) |
Bash users put the following line to .bashrc |
PATH=/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin:$PATH |
export PATH |
Remark: |
The Java interpreter of Kaffe 1.0.b4 does not contain the method |
toByteArray in the class BigInteger. |
So, it cannot be used for the OpenMath module. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&C |
/*&C |
Line 148 set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path) |
Line 194 set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path) |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&C |
/*&C |
OS: FreeBSD 3.3, |
OS: FreeBSD 3.3 (Intel CPU), |
Linux systems (Plamo Linux on Linux 2.0.33, glibc5, ) |
Linux systems (Intel CPU): |
Most Linux with libc5 and with libc6 (glibc 2.x). |
X window system is required. |
X window system is required. |
Most part of the OpenXM package may work on other versions of |
Most part of the OpenXM package may work on other versions of |
FreeBSD and Linux, but we have not yet tested. |
FreeBSD 3.x and Linux, but we have not yet tested. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&jp |
/*&jp |
Line 288 xm Version 20000116. ox_help(0); ox_help("keyword"); f |
Line 335 xm Version 20000116. ox_help(0); ox_help("keyword"); f |
[270] |
[270] |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&jp |
--------------- 例 : asir より tigers を呼び出す. |
/*&jp |
asir |
load("xm"); |
★ sm1 クライアントの利用例 |
tigers_start(); |
B = tigers(0,[[1,1,1,1],[0,1,2,3]]); |
length(B) は 8 です. これは, 行列 A = [[1,1,1,1],[0,1,2,3]] |
に付随した, toric ideal I_A の Grobner fan が 8 つの maximal |
dimensional fan を持つことを意味します. |
A[i] は i 番目の GB (グレブナ基底)です. |
Binomial polynomial x^a-x^b を [[a_1, ..., a_n],[b_1, ..., b_n]] なる形式で |
表示します. |
たとえば A[0]; |
[[[1,0,1,0],[0,2,0,0]],[[1,0,0,1],[0,1,1,0]],[[0,1,0,1],[0,0,2,0]]] |
ですから, |
x1 x3 - x2^2, x1 x4 - x2 x3, x2 x4 - x3^2 |
が GB であり, initial ideal は |
x1 x3 , x1 x4 , x2 x4 |
で生成されています. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&eg |
****** Example of the use of sm1 client |
*/ |
/*&C |
/*&C |
-------------------------------------- call ox_asir from sm1 |
-------------------------------------- call ox_asir from sm1 |
sm1 |
sm1 |
Line 373 See OpenXM/Copyright. |
Line 410 See OpenXM/Copyright. |
/*&jp なお, OpenXM/src/ox_math のコンパイルおよび利用には Mathematica が, |
/*&jp なお, OpenXM/src/ox_math のコンパイルおよび利用には Mathematica が, |
OpenXM/src/OpenMath のコンパイルおよび利用には |
OpenXM/src/OpenMath のコンパイルおよび利用には |
には, jdk (java 環境) が必要です. |
には, jdk (java 環境) が必要です. |
Documents を生成するには, tex, ptex (ascii 日本語 tex), dvips, texinfo, |
texi2html, nkf, |
が必要です. 詳しくは Makefiles を見て下さい. |
Document は, binary distribution の OpenXM/doc, OpenXM/lib |
より得るのが簡単です. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&eg In order to use and compile OpenXM/src/ox_math, you need Mathematica. |
/*&eg In order to use and compile OpenXM/src/ox_math, you need Mathematica. |
In order to use and compile OpenXM/src/OpenMath, |
In order to use and compile OpenXM/src/OpenMath, |
you need jdk (java environment). |
you need jdk (java environment). |
In order to generate the full documentation including Japanese documents, |
you need tex, ptex (ASCII Inc. Japanese tex), dvips, texinfo, texi2html, |
nkf. See each Makefile. |
The generated documents are in OpenXM/doc and OpenXM/lib |
in the binary distribution. |
If you do not like to install Japanese environment such as ptex, |
type in R for the tex error prompt ? or |
prepare empty shell scripts ptex and nkf. |
*/ |
*/ |
/*&C |
/*&C |