version 1.1, 2001/03/07 02:42:10 |
version 1.4, 2001/03/08 06:19:21 |
% $OpenXM$ |
% $OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/ascm2001/homogeneous-network.tex,v 1.3 2001/03/07 08:12:56 noro Exp $ |
\subsection{Distributed computation with homogeneous servers} |
\subsection{Distributed computation with homogeneous servers} |
\label{section:homog} |
\label{section:homog} |
Line 54 the computational cost and the communication cost for |
Line 54 the computational cost and the communication cost for |
Figure \ref{speedup} shows that |
Figure \ref{speedup} shows that |
the speedup is satisfactory if the degree is large and $L$ |
the speedup is satisfactory if the degree is large and $L$ |
is not large, say, up to 10 under the above environment. |
is not large, say, up to 10 under the above environment. |
If OpenXM provides operations for the broadcast and the reduction |
If OpenXM provides collective operations for broadcast and reduction |
such as {\tt MPI\_Bcast} and {\tt MPI\_Reduce} respectively, the cost of |
such as {\tt MPI\_Bcast} and {\tt MPI\_Reduce} respectively, the cost of |
sending $f_1$, $f_2$ and gathering $F_j$ may be reduced to $O(\log_2L)$ |
sending $f_1$, $f_2$ and gathering $F_j$ may be reduced to $O(\log_2L)$ |
and we can expect better results in such a case. |
and we can expect better results in such a case. In order to implement |
such operations we need new specifications for inter-sever communication |
and the session management, which will be proposed as OpenXM-RFC 102. |
We note that preliminary experiments show the collective operations |
work well on OpenXM. |
\subsubsection{Competitive distributed computation by various strategies} |
\subsubsection{Competitive distributed computation by various strategies} |
Line 95 def dgr(G,V,O,P0,P1) |
Line 99 def dgr(G,V,O,P0,P1) |
return [Win,R]; |
return [Win,R]; |
} |
} |
\end{verbatim} |
\end{verbatim} |
\subsubsection{Nesting of client-server communication} |
Under OpenXM-RFC 100 an OpenXM server can be a client of other servers. |
Figure \ref{tree} illustrates a tree-like structure of an OpenXM |
client-server communication. |
\begin{figure} |
\label{tree} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{picture}(200,140)(0,0) |
\put(70,120){\framebox(40,15){client}} |
\put(20,60){\framebox(40,15){server}} |
\put(70,60){\framebox(40,15){server}} |
\put(120,60){\framebox(40,15){server}} |
\put(0,0){\framebox(40,15){server}} |
\put(50,0){\framebox(40,15){server}} |
\put(135,0){\framebox(40,15){server}} |
\put(90,120){\vector(-1,-1){43}} |
\put(90,120){\vector(0,-1){43}} |
\put(90,120){\vector(1,-1){43}} |
\put(40,60){\vector(-1,-2){22}} |
\put(40,60){\vector(1,-2){22}} |
\put(140,60){\vector(1,-3){14}} |
\end{picture} |
\caption{Tree-like structure of client-server communication} |
\end{center} |
\end{figure} |
Such a computational model is useful for parallel implementation of |
algorithms whose task can be divided into subtasks recursively. A |
typical example is {\it quicksort}, where an array to be sorted is |
partitioned into two sub-arrays and the algorithm is applied to each |
sub-array. In each level of recursion, two subtasks are generated |
and one can ask other OpenXM servers to execute them. |
Though it makes little contribution to the efficiency in the case of |
quicksort, we present an Asir program of this distributed quicksort |
to demonstrate that OpenXM gives an easy way to test this algorithm. |
In the program, a predefined constant {\tt LevelMax} determines |
whether new servers are launched or whole subtasks are done on the server. |
\begin{verbatim} |
#define LevelMax 2 |
extern Proc1, Proc2; |
Proc1 = -1$ Proc2 = -1$ |
/* sort [A[P],...,A[Q]] by quicksort */ |
def quickSort(A,P,Q,Level) { |
if (Q-P < 1) return A; |
Mp = idiv(P+Q,2); M = A[Mp]; B = P; E = Q; |
while (1) { |
while (A[B] < M) B++; |
while (A[E] > M && B <= E) E--; |
if (B >= E) break; |
else { T = A[B]; A[B] = A[E]; A[E] = T; E--; } |
} |
if (E < P) E = P; |
if (Level < LevelMax) { |
/* launch new servers if necessary */ |
if (Proc1 == -1) Proc1 = ox_launch(0); |
if (Proc2 == -1) Proc2 = ox_launch(0); |
/* send the requests to the servers */ |
ox_rpc(Proc1,"quickSort",A,P,E,Level+1); |
ox_rpc(Proc2,"quickSort",A,E+1,Q,Level+1); |
if (E-P < Q-E) { |
A1 = ox_pop_local(Proc1); |
A2 = ox_pop_local(Proc2); |
}else{ |
A2 = ox_pop_local(Proc2); |
A1 = ox_pop_local(Proc1); |
} |
for (I=P; I<=E; I++) A[I] = A1[I]; |
for (I=E+1; I<=Q; I++) A[I] = A2[I]; |
return(A); |
}else{ |
/* everything is done on this server */ |
quickSort(A,P,E,Level+1); |
quickSort(A,E+1,Q,Level+1); |
return(A); |
} |
} |
\end{verbatim} |
Another example is a parallelization of the Cantor-Zassenhaus |
algorithm for polynomial factorization over finite fields. |
It is a recursive algorithm similar to quicksort. |
At each level of the recursion, a given polynomial can be |
divided into two non-trivial factors with some probability by using |
a randomly generated polynomial as a {\it separator}. |
In the following program, one of the two factors generated on a server |
is sent to another server and the other factor is factorized on the server |
itself. |
\begin{verbatim} |
/* factorization of F */ |
/* E = degree of irreducible factors in F */ |
def c_z(F,E,Level) |
{ |
V = var(F); N = deg(F,V); |
if ( N == E ) return [F]; |
M = field_order_ff(); K = idiv(N,E); L = [F]; |
while ( 1 ) { |
/* gererate a random polynomial */ |
W = monic_randpoly_ff(2*E,V); |
/* compute a power of the random polynomial */ |
T = generic_pwrmod_ff(W,F,idiv(M^E-1,2)); |
if ( !(W = T-1) ) continue; |
/* G = GCD(F,W^((M^E-1)/2)) mod F) */ |
G = ugcd(F,W); |
if ( deg(G,V) && deg(G,V) < N ) { |
/* G is a non-trivial factor of F */ |
if ( Level >= LevelMax ) { |
/* everything is done on this server */ |
L1 = c_z(G,E,Level+1); |
L2 = c_z(sdiv(F,G),E,Level+1); |
} else { |
/* launch a server if necessary */ |
if ( Proc1 < 0 ) Proc1 = ox_launch(); |
/* send a request with Level = Level+1 */ |
/* ox_c_z is a wrapper of c_z on the server */ |
ox_cmo_rpc(Proc1,"ox_c_z",lmptop(G),E, |
setmod_ff(),Level+1); |
/* the rest is done on this server */ |
L2 = c_z(sdiv(F,G),E,Level+1); |
L1 = map(simp_ff,ox_pop_cmo(Proc1)); |
} |
return append(L1,L2); |
} |
} |
} |
\end{verbatim} |