Welcome to the home page of OpenXM.
-Last update is May 4, 2000 JST.
+Last update is October 20, 2000 JST.
+Japanese Page (experimental),
What is OpenXM? It is an infrastructure for mathematical
-communication. (But, it is not XML.)
-It is an experiment to connect mathematica software each other
-on the infrastructure.
-We are providing packages of mathematical software
-supporting the OpenXM protocol. See a
+The project is also making experiments to connect mathematical
+software systems each other on the infrastructure.
+We are providing packages of mathematical software systems
+supporting the OpenXM protocol. Here is a quick tour of the OpenXM package:
+functions 1,
+functions 2,
+Efficient computation.
Binary Distribution by tar+gzip (RELEASE_1_1_2)
Binary Distribution by tar+gzip (RELEASE_1_1_3)
Binary Distribution by Packages (RELEASE_1_1_2)
Binary Distribution by Packages (RELEASE_1_1_3)
-Questions and Answers (some are in Japanese)
+Questions and Answers (in Enshlish) FAQ.
+Questions and Answers (in Japanese) FAQ.
Papers and Tutorials
@@ -87,8 +92,8 @@ Questions and Answers (some are in Japanese)