+The package will be installed under /usr/local/OpenXM.
+You need to set /usr/local/OpenXM/lib/asir/asir_key following the opening message
+of the command asir.
Linux RPM (redhat package manager) (RELEASE_1_1_2, i386) INSTALLATION
+The package will be installed under /usr/local/OpenXM.
+You need to set /usr/local/OpenXM/lib/asir/asir_key following the opening message
+of the command asir.
Binaries for i386 (Intel Pentium etc) (for libc 6 = glibc2)
-[ Intel CPU (Shift-Click) ].
+[ Intel CPU (Shift-Click) ].
+This distribution contains the support for Mathematica.
Binaries for ppc (Power PC) (for libc 6 = glibc2)
+[ Power PC (Shift-Click) ].
This distribution does not contain the support for Mathematica.
How to delete packages
-This binary is generated on the following environment:
+ pkg_delete openxm-1.1.2
Binaries for i386 (Intel Pentium etc) (for libc 6 = glibc2)
-[ Intel CPU (Shift-Click) ].
-This distribution does contain the support for Mathematica.
Linux RPM
-This binary is generated on the following environment:
+ rpm -e openxm-binary-1.1.2-test
+ rpm -e openxm-shared-1.1.2-test