RCS file: /home/cvs/OpenXM/bin/Attic/configure2,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -p -r1.3 -r1.6
--- OpenXM/bin/Attic/configure2	1999/10/30 11:25:25	1.3
+++ OpenXM/bin/Attic/configure2	1999/11/07 06:45:23	1.6
@@ -1,13 +1,28 @@
+#  $OpenXM: OpenXM/bin/configure2,v 1.5 1999/11/02 12:34:37 takayama Exp $
+if test -f lin_phcv2p.gz.uuencoded
+   uudecode lin_phcv2p.gz.uuencoded
+   gunzip lin_phcv2p.gz
+   chmod +x lin_phcv2p
+if test -f fep.linux.gz.uuencoded
+   uudecode fep.linux.gz.uuencoded
+   gunzip fep.linux.gz
+   chmod +x fep.linux
 if test `uname` = "Linux"
-  ln -fs ./fep.linux fep
-  ln -fs ./lin_phcv2p phc
+  /bin/rm -f fep phc
+  ln -f -s ./fep.linux fep
+  ln -f -s ./lin_phcv2p phc
   echo "We have the binary of phc only for linux."
-ln -fs ../lib/asir/ox_asir asir
+/bin/rm -f asir
+ln -f -s ../lib/asir/ox_asir asir