- Computational Approach in Mathematical Scienses, Video Archives -
Home of the project (Corrections may be posted here.)
Top page of liceses
This work consists of movies, attachedments(slides, notes) and
the top page of the work.
This work may be copied, distributed, and transmitted.
You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work
(creative commons, Attribution-NoDerivative works 2.1 ).
creative commons, Attribution-NoDerivative works 2.1
as to details
Upon these conditions, distributors of this work and the author(s)
make the following promises.
- The top page edited by us of the work may be distributed
under the Gnu Free Documentation license.
- When the author asks distributors to add corrections to his work,
distributors has to generate
a new distribution containing these corrections.
(Remark: this does not mean that, for example, distributors must replace
his work already distirubted by the new one. Annoucement of a new version
by web pages will be enough.)
- When the author asks distributors to stop the distribution,
they have to stop the distribution.
- Redistibutors have to notify the author that
they redistribute his work as long as the author can be reachable by the e-mail.
Agreement Form
- I agree with recording my lecture and distributing it with the condition above.
- I agree with recording my lecture, but I postpone to make a decision of giving
the permission of the distribution.
- I decline to record my lecture.
Name and signature:
E-mail address:
$Id: license-agreement-en.html,v 1.1 2015/06/23 01:58:17 takayama Exp $