C. Simpson (Université de Nice) |
Lectures on Nonabelian Hodge Theory |
I: The Hodge filtration on nonabelian cohomology |
II: Local study and the role of variations of Hodge structure |
III: The noncompact case: weight-two phenomena |
IV: The noncompact case: classification questions |
D. Yamakawa (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.) |
Quiver varieties and parabolic connections on marked projective lines |
Y. Haraoka (Kumamoto Univ.) |
Prolongation and middle convolution of Fuchsian systems |
S. Szabó (Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics) |
Deformations of logarithmic connections and apparent singularities |
Y. Tsuchimoto (Kochi Univ.) |
Endomorphisms of the Weyl algebra An and associated projective modules of rank 1 |
C. Sabbah (École Polytechnique) |
I: Introduction to twistor D-Modules |
II: Twistor D-Modules and Fourier-Laplace transform |
A. Fujiki (Osaka Univ.) |
Anti-self-dual bihermitian structures on Inoue surfaces via twistor method |
M.-H. Saito (Kobe Univ.) |
Deligne-Hitchin-Simpson's twistor spaces and
degenerations of isomonodromic flows |
S. Moriya (Kyoto Univ.) |
Twistor structures on real pro-algebraic homotopy types of compact Kahler manifolds |