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Volume 1,1958

  1. Urabe, Minoru; Geometric study of nonlinear autonomous oscillations, 1 (1958), 1--84. To document
  2. Hukuhara, Masuo; {$\bigoplus $}-{E}ndomorphisme et {$\cap $}-endomorphisme d'un treillis en dualit\'e et la th\'eorie de {R}iesz sur l'endomorphisme compl\`etement continu. {I}, 1 (1958), 85--102. To document
  3. Hukuhara, Masuo; {$\bigoplus $}-endomorphisme et {$\cap $}-endomorphisme d'un treillis en dualit\'e et la th\'eorie de {R}iesz sur l'endomorphisme compl\`etement continu. {II}. {E}xtension de la th\'eorie de {R}iesz aux applications du treillis, 1 (1958), 103--120. To document
  4. Sibuya, Yasutaka; Non-linear ordinary differential equations with periodic coefficients. , 1 (1958), 121--204. To document

Volume 2,1959

  1. Hukuhara, Masuo and Iwano, Masahiro; \'{E}tude de la convergence des solutions formelles d'un syst\`eme diff\'erentiel ordinaire lin\'eaire, 2 (1959), 1--18. To document
  2. Hukuhara, Masuo; {$\bigoplus $}-endomorphisme et {$\cap $}-endomorphisme d'un treillis en dualit\'e et la th\'eorie de {R}iesz sur l'endomorphisme compl\`etement continu. {III}. {A}pplications aux endomorphismes d'un espace vectoriel, 2 (1959), 19--32. To document
  3. Hirasawa, Yoshikazu; Principally linear partial differential equations of elliptic type. , 2 (1959), 33--94. To document
  4. Yoshizawa, Taro; Liapunov's function and boundedness of solutions, 2 (1959), 95--142. To document
  5. Ura, Taro; Sur le courant ext\'erieur \`a une r\'egion invariante. {P}rolongements d'une caract\'eristique et l'ordre de stabilit\'e, 2 (1959), 143--200. To document

Volume 3,1960/1961

  1. Murakami, Haruo; Semi-linear partial differential equations of parabolic type, 3 (1960/1961), 1--50. To document
  2. Iwasaki, Akira; On {${\cal F}$}-potential, 3 (1960/1961), 51--74. To document
  3. Matuda, Tizuko; \'{E}tude de l'\'equation diff\'erentielle ordinaire sur une surface de {R}iemann, 3 (1960/1961), 75--103. To document
  4. Iwasaki, Akira; On non-linear integral equations of {V}olterra-type, 3 (1960/1961), 105--114. To document
  5. Aizawa, Sadakazu; On the characteristic initial value problem for non-linear wave equations in two space variables, 3 (1960/1961), 115--146. To document

Volume 4,1962

  1. Kimura, Tosihusa; Sur la direction de {J}ulia au point singulier fixe d'une \'equation diff\'erentielle du premier ordre, 4 (1962), 1--27. To document
  2. Sibuya, Yasutaka; Simplification of a system of linear ordinary differential equations about a singular point, 4 (1962), 29--56. To document
  3. Hukuhara, Masuo; The {E}uler transform and its application to differential euations of {F}uchsian type. {I}. {T}he {R}iemann-{L}iouville integral in the complex field, 4 (1962), 57--81. To document
  4. Sibuya, Yasutaka; Asymptotic solutions of a system of linear ordinary differential equations containing a parameter, 4 (1962), 83--113. To document
  5. Sibuya, Yasutaka; Formal solutions of a linear ordinary differential equation of the {$n$}th order at a turning point, 4 (1962), 115--139. To document

Volume 5,1963

  1. Saito, Tosiya; On a singular point of a second order linear differential equation containing a parameter, 5 (1963), 1--29. To document
  2. Yoshizawa, Taro; Stability of sets and perturbed system, 5 (1963), 31--69. To document
  3. Iwano, Masahiro; Asymptotic solutions of a system of linear ordinary differential equations containing a small parameter. {I}, 5 (1963), 71--134. To document
  4. Hukuhara, Masuo; Une propri\'et\'e de l'application {$f(x,y,y\sp\prime, \cdots , y\sp{(n)})$}, 5 (1963), 135--144. To document

Volume 6,1964

  1. Yoshizawa, Taro; Some notes on stability of sets and perturbed system, 6 (1964), 1--11. To document
  2. Aizawa, Sadakazu; The characteristic initial value problem for a non-linear wave equation, 6 (1964), 13--35. To document
  3. Harris, Jr., W. A. and Turrittin, H. L.; Reciprocals of inverse factorial series, 6 (1964), 37--46. To document
  4. Hukuhara, Masuo; Sur la d\'ependance lin\'eaire de trois applications lin\'eaires, 6 (1964), 47--54. To document
  5. Vincze, E.; \"{U}ber eine {V}erallgemeinerung der {C}auchyschen {F}unktionalgleichung, 6 (1964), 55--62. To document
  6. Urabe, Minoru; Relations between periods and amplitudes of periodic solutions of {$\ddot x+g(x)=0$}, 6 (1964), 63--88. To document
  7. Iwano, Masahiro; Asymptotic solutions of a system of linear ordinary differential equations containing a small parameter. {II}. {P}roof of the fundamental lemmas, 6 (1964), 89--141. To document

Volume 7,1965

  1. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; On bounded solutions of elliptic partial differential equations of the second order, 7 (1965), 1--13. To document
  2. Aizawa, Sadakazu; On the characteristic boundary value problem for a nonlinear hyperbolic differential equation, 7 (1965), 15--34. To document
  3. Kimura, Tosihusa and Takahasi, Mitiko; Sur les op\'erateurs diff\'erentiels ordinaires lin\'eaires formellement autoadjoints. {I}, 7 (1965), 35--90. To document
  4. Saito, Tosiya; On dynamical systems in {$n$}-dimensionsl torus, 7 (1965), 91--102. To document
  5. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; On the first boundary problem for quasilinear systems of parabolic differential equations in non-cylindrical domains, 7 (1965), 103--118. To document

Volume 8,1965

  1. Wyler, Oswald; Sur une note de {M}. {H}ukuhara, 8 (1965), 1--3. To document
  2. Yosida, Setuz{\^o}; Hukuhara's problem for partial differential equations, 8 (1965), 5--37. To document
  3. Sat{\=o}, Tokui; Sur l'int\'egrale de {R}iemann-{S}tieltjes, 8 (1965), 39--43. To document
  4. Kato, Junji; Asymptotic equivalences between systems of differential equations and their perturbed systems, 8 (1966), 45--78. To document
  5. Yoshizawa, Taro; Eventual properties and quasi-asymptotic stability of a non-compact set, 8 (1966), 79--90. To document
  6. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; Semi-decomposable systems and vector subfunctions, 8 (1966), 91--97. To document
  7. Hsieh, Po-fang and Sibuya, Yasutaka; Note on regular perturbations of linear ordinary differential equations at irregular singular points, 8 (1966), 99--108. To document
  8. Takahasi, Mitiko; On a non selfadjoint ordinary differential operator, 8 (1966), 109--141. To document
  9. Wasow, Wolfgang; On turning point problems for systems with almost diagonal coefficient matrix, 8 (1966), 143--171. To document

Volume 9,1966

  1. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; A new construction of barrier functions, 9 (1966), 1--7. To document
  2. Yoshizawa, Taro and Kato, Junji; Linear system and its perturbed system, 9 (1966), 9--15. To document
  3. Peyovitch, Tadja; Existence des solutions asymptotiques d'un syst\`eme d'\'equations diff\'erentielles, 9 (1966), 17--21. To document
  4. Conti, Roberto; On the boundedness of solutions of ordinary differential equations, 9 (1966), 23--26. To document
  5. Mitropol{\cprime}ski{\u\i}, Ju. A.; The method of accelerated convergence in problems of non-linear mechanics, 9 (1966), 27--42. To document
  6. Urabe, Minoru; An existence theorem for multi-point boundary value problems, 9 (1966), 43--60. To document
  7. Yosida, Setuz{\^o}; Boundary value problem with {H}ukuhara's data for parabolic systems, 9 (1966), 61--69. To document
  8. Sibuya, Yasutaka and Takahasi, Ken-iti; On the differential equation {$(x+\varepsilon u)\,du/dx+q(x)u-r(x)=0$}, 9 (1966), 71--81. To document
  9. Wasow, Wolfgang; On the analytic validity of formal simplifications of linear differential equations. {I}, 9 (1966), 83--91. To document
  10. Sat{\=o}, Tokui; Sur l'entropie et quelques \'equations fonctionnelles, 9 (1966), 93--97. To document
  11. Kumano-go, Hitoshi; On propagation of analyticity in space-variables for the solutions of partial differential equations, 9 (1966), 99--110. To document
  12. %[null]; Masuo {H}ukuhara, 9 (1966), ii--iii. (1 plate). To document
  13. Yosida, K.; M. {H}ukuhara, 9 (1966), iv--v. To document
  14. %[null]; Works of {P}rofessor {M}asuo {H}ukuhara, 9 (1966), ix--xvii. To document
  15. %[null]; Mitio {N}agumo, 9 (1966), vi. (1 plate). To document
  16. Harris, Jr., William A.; Analytic canonical forms for nonlinear difference equations, 9 (1966), 111--117. To document
  17. Corduneanu, Constantin; Sur certaines \'equations fonctionnelles de {V}olterra, 9 (1966), 119--127. To document
  18. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; Periodic solutions of the first boundary problem for quasilinear parabolic equations of second order, 9 (1966), 129--137. To document
  19. Aizawa, Sadakazu and Kikuchi, Norio; A mixed initial and boundary-value problem for the {H}amilton-{J}acobi equation in several space variables, 9 (1966), 139--150. To document
  20. Murakami, Haruo; On non-linear ordinary and evolution equations, 9 (1966), 151--162. To document
  21. Tanabe, Hiroki and Watanabe, Michiaki; Note on perturbation and degeneration of abstract differential equations in {B}anach space, 9 (1966), 163--170. To document
  22. Ura, Taro; Sur le courant ext\'erieur \`a une r\'egion invariante, 9 (1966), 171--179. To document
  23. Hirasawa, Yoshikazu; On an estimate for a quasi-linear elliptic differential equation, 9 (1966), 181--197. To document
  24. Saito, Tosiya; On an isolated singular point of a non-autonomous periodic system, 9 (1966), 199--206. To document
  25. Russell, David L. and Sibuya, Yasutaka; The problem of singular perturbations of linear ordinary differential equations at regular singular points. {I}, 9 (1966), 207--218. To document
  26. Yamanaka, Takesi; On the uniqueness of solutions of the {C}auchy problem for systems of linear partial differential equations with polynomial coefficients, 9 (1966), 219--249. To document
  27. Kimura, Tosihusa; On conditions for an ordinary differential equation of the first order to be reducible to a {R}iccati equation by a rational transformation, 9 (1966), 251--259. To document
  28. Turrittin, Hugh L.; Stokes multipliers for the differential equation {$d\sp{n}y/dx\sp{n}-y/x=0$}, 9 (1966), 261--272. To document
  29. Iwano, Masahiro; Convergent solution of ordinary nonlinear differential equations, 9 (1966), 273--285. To document
  30. Wa{\.z}ewski, Tadeusz; Remarque sur un cas particulier de la m\'ethode de {R}unge et {K}utta, 9 (1966), 287--290. To document
  31. Nishimoto, Toshihiko and Okubo, Kenjiro; A connection problem for a non-homogeneous system of linear ordinary differential equations, 9 (1966), 291--298. To document
  32. Matuda, Tizuko; Sur la direction de {J}ulia au point singulier fixe d'une \'equation diff\'erentielle ordinaire du premier ordre, 9 (1966), 299--303. To document
  33. K{\=o}mura, Yukio; Die {N}uklearit\"at der {L}\"osungsr\"aume der {H}ypoelliptischen {G}leichungen, 9 (1966), 313--324. To document
  34. Cesari, Lamberto; Smoothness properties of periodic solutions in the large of nonlinear hyperbolic differential systems, 9 (1966), 325--338. To document
  35. Yosida, K.; M. {N}agumo, 9 (1966), vii--viii. To document
  36. %[null]; Works of {P}rofessor {M}itio {N}agumo, 9 (1966), xviii--xxii. To document

Volume 10,1967

  1. Sell, George R.; Some perturbation problems in ordinary differential equations, 10 (1967), 1--13. To document
  2. Russell, David L.; Analytic simplification of second order systems with a combined transition-regular singular point, 10 (1967), 15--34. To document
  3. Yamanaka, Takesi; A note on the {C}auchy problem for equations with polynomial coefficients, 10 (1967), 35--41. To document
  4. Hukuhara, Masuo; Sur l'application semi-continue dont la valeur est un compact convexe, 10 (1967), 43--66. To document
  5. Kuczma, Marek; On a functional characterization of the logarithm, 10 (1967), 67--73. To document
  6. Iwano, Masahiro; A method to construct analytic expressions for bounded solutions of non-linear ordinary differential equations with an irregular singular point, 10 (1967), 75--105. To document
  7. Wasow, Wolfgang; On the analytic validity of formal simplifications of linear differential equations. {II}, 10 (1968), 107--122. To document
  8. Hanson, Richard J.; Analytic linear systems of differential equations in implicit form, 10 (1967), 123--131. To document
  9. Aizawa, Sadakazu; Some properties of convex functions and generalized solutions of the {H}amilton-{J}acobi equation, 10 (1967), 133--143. To document
  10. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; Subfunctions for ordinary differential equations. {II}, 10 (1967), 145--162. To document
  11. Rao, D. Ramakrishna; {$L\sp{p}$}-stability of non-linear differential-difference equations, 10 (1967), 163--166. To document
  12. Kakita, Takao; A characterization of hyperbolic convolution operators, 10 (1967), 167--174. To document
  13. Yosida, Setuz{\^o}; Hukuhara's problem with lags, 10 (1967), 175--203. To document
  14. Hukuhara, Masuo; Int\'egration des applications mesurables dont la valeur est un compact convexe, 10 (1967), 205--223. To document
  15. Rubel, L. A.; Derivation pairs on the holomorphic functions, 10 (1967), 225--227. To document

Volume 11,1968

  1. Mullin, Frank E.; On the regular perturbation of the subdominant solution to second order linear ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients, 11 (1968), 1--38. To document
  2. Lukes, Dahlard L.; Stabilizability and optimal control, 11 (1968), 39--50. To document
  3. Yamaguti, Masaya and Nishida, Takaaki; On some global solution for quasilinear hyperbolic equations, 11 (1968), 51--57. To document
  4. Harris, Jr., W. A. and Sibuya, Y. and Weinberg, L.; A reduction algorithm for linear differential systems, 11 (1968), 59--67. To document
  5. Srivastava, H. M.; Fractional integration and inversion formulae associated with the generalized {W}hittaker transform, 11 (1968), 69--74. To document
  6. Yamanaka, Takesi; A refinement of the uniqueness bound of solutions of the {C}auchy problem, 11 (1968), 75--86. To document
  7. Bank, Steven; On the structure of a fundamental set of solutions near an irregular singularity, 11 (1968), 87--100. To document
  8. Tolle, Jon W.; A theorem on nonlinear difference equations, 11 (1968), 101--110. To document
  9. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; Subfunctions for ordinary differential equations. {III}, 11 (1968), 111--129. To document
  10. Sell, George R.; Compact sets of nonlinear operators, 11 (1968), 131--138. To document
  11. Aizawa, Sadakazu; Some remarks on mixed problems for non-linear partial differential equations of first order, 11 (1968), 139--153. To document
  12. Saito, Tosiya; Isolated minimal sets, 11 (1968), 155--167 (1969). To document
  13. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; On the behavior for large {$x$} of solutions of parabolic equations with unbounded coefficients, 11 (1968), 169--174 (1969). To document
  14. Russell, David L. and Sibuya, Yasutaka; The problem of singular perturbations of linear ordinary differential equations at regular singular points. {II}, 11 (1968), 175--184 (1969). To document
  15. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; Subfunctions for ordinary differential equations. {IV}, 11 (1968), 185--195 (1969). To document
  16. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; Remarks on the behavior of solutions of second order parabolic equations with unbounded coefficients, 11 (1968), 197--205 (1969). To document
  17. Wong, James S. W.; On second order nonlinear oscillation, 11 (1968), 207--234 (1969). To document
  18. Sibuya, Yasutaka; Perturbation of linear ordinary differential equations at irregular singular points, 11 (1968), 235--246 (1969). To document

Volume 12,1969

  1. Brooks, James K.; On generalized {J}acobians, 12 (1969), 1--6. To document
  2. Turrittin, H. L.; Convergent solutions of ordinary linear nonhomogeneous differential equations, 12 (1969), 7--21. To document
  3. Yoshizawa, Taro; Asymptotically almost periodic solutions of an almost periodic system. , 12 (1969), 23--40. To document
  4. Iwano, Masahiro; Analytic expressions for bounded solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations with {B}riot-{B}ouquet type singularity, 12 (1969), 41--88. To document
  5. Kato, Junji; Remarks on linear functional differential equations, 12 (1969), 89--98. To document
  6. Ura, Taro; Isomorphism and local characterization of local dynamical systems, 12 (1969), 99--122. To document
  7. Suzuki, Kazumasa; The first boundary value and eigenvalue problems for degenerate elliptic equations. {II}, 12 (1969), 123--147. To document
  8. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; On some obvious theorems in functional analysis, 12 (1969), 149--153. To document
  9. Hsieh, Po-fang; Regular perturbation for a turning point problem, 12 (1969), 155--179. To document
  10. Ahmad, Shair; On {U}ra's axioms and local dynamical systems, 12 (1969), 181--191. To document
  11. Saito, Tosiya; On a compact invariant set isolated from minimal sets, 12 (1969), 193--203. To document
  12. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; On the {D}irichlet problem for second order elliptic differential equations, 12 (1969/1970), 205--220. To document
  13. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; Some remarks on the preceding paper, 12 (1969/1970), 221--225. To document
  14. Suzuki, Kazumasa; The eigenvalue problem in unbounded domains, 12 (1969/1970), 227--232. To document
  15. Kato, Junji and Yoshizawa, Taro; A relationship between uniformly asymptotic stability and total stability, 12 (1969/1970), 233--238. To document
  16. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; Subfunctions for ordinary differential equations. {V}, 12 (1969/1970), 239--249. To document
  17. Iwano, Masahiro; Determination of stable domains for bounded solutions of simplified equations, 12 (1969/1970), 251--268. To document
  18. Kimura, Tosihusa; On {R}iemann's equations which are solvable by quadratures, 12 (1969/1970), 269--281. To document
  19. Aizawa, Sadakazu; A mixed initial and boundary-value problem for the {H}amilton-{J}acobi equation in several space variables. {II}, 12 (1969/1970), 283--296. To document

Volume 13,1970

  1. Stenger, Frank; On the asymptotic solution of two first order linear differential equations with large parameter, 13 (1970), 1--18. To document
  2. Yorke, James A.; A continuous differential equation in {H}ilbert space without existence. , 13 (1970), 19--21. To document
  3. Kimura, Ikuo; Isomorphism of local dynamical systems and separation axioms for phase spaces, 13 (1970), 23--34. To document
  4. Chabrowski, Jan; Propri\'et\'es asymptotiques d'une mesure associ\'ee \`a l'\'equation diff\'erentielle aux d\'eriv\'ees partielles du type parabolique, 13 (1970), 35--43. To document
  5. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; On the growth of solutions of parabolic differential inequalities with unbounded coefficients, 13 (1970), 45--50. To document
  6. Sibuya, Yasutaka; On algebraic differential equations, 13 (1970), 51--59. To document
  7. Bownds, John M.; A uniqueness theorem for non-{L}ipschitzian systems of ordinary differential equations, 13 (1970), 61--65. To document
  8. McCann, Roger C.; Planar dynamical systems without critical points, 13 (1970), 67--95. To document
  9. Lutz, Donald A.; Perturbations of matrix differential equations in the neighborhood of a singular point, 13 (1970), 97--107. To document
  10. Desbrow, D.; On unstable invariant sets, 13 (1970), 109--126. To document
  11. Saito, Tosiya; A supplement to the paper: ``{O}n a compact invariant set isolated from minimal sets'', 13 (1970), 127--129. To document
  12. Ak{\^o}, Kiyoshi; Semi-decomposable boundary value problems, 13 (1970/1971), 131--145. To document
  13. Saito, Tosiya; On the structure of compact dynamical systems, 13 (1970/1971), 147--170. To document
  14. Bajaj, Prem N.; Start points in semi-dynamical systems, 13 (1970/1971), 171--177. To document
  15. Takano, Kyoichi; General solution of a nonlinear difference equation of {B}riot-{B}ouquet type, 13 (1970/1971), 179--198. To document
  16. Naito, Toshiki; Integral manifolds for linear functional differential equations on some {B}anach space, 13 (1970/1971), 199--212. To document
  17. Kimura, Tosihusa; On {F}uchsian differential equations reducible to hypergeometric equations by linear transformations, 13 (1970/71), 213--232. To document

Volume 14,1971

  1. Kikuchi, Norio; On control problems for functional-differential equations, 14 (1971), 1--23. To document
  2. H{\'a}jek, Otomar; Representation of dynamical systems, 14 (1971), 25--34. To document
  3. Carlson, David H.; Extensions of dynamical systems via prolongations, 14 (1971), 35--46. To document
  4. Hino, Yoshiyuki; On stability of the solution of some functional differential equations, 14 (1971), 47--60. To document
  5. Yosida, Setuz{\^o}; Control of {L}i\'enard's equation, 14 (1971), 61--71. To document
  6. Hahn, Wolfgang; On linear geometric difference equations with accessory parameters, 14 (1971), 73--78. To document
  7. Exton, H.; On a certain hypergeometric differential system, 14 (1971), 79--87. To document
  8. Tsutsumi, Masayoshi and Mukasa, Toshio; Parabolic regularizations for the generalized {K}orteweg-de {V}ries equation, 14 (1971), 89--110. To document
  9. Lovelady, David Lowell; A functional differential equation in a {B}anach space, 14 (1971), 111--122. To document
  10. Belanger, David G.; Continuous reparametrizations of dynamical systems, 14 (1971), 123--128. To document
  11. Cellina, Arrigo; On the existence of solutions of ordinary differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 14 (1971), 129--136. To document
  12. Okamoto, Kazuo; On {F}uch's problem on a torus. {I}, 14 (1971), 137--152. To document
  13. Rathie, P. N. and Kannappan, Pl.; On a functional equation connected with {S}hannon's entropy, 14 (1971), 153--159. To document
  14. Kikuchi, Norio and Tomita, Yoshihito; On the absolute continuity of multi-functions and orientor fields, 14 (1971), 161--170. To document
  15. Bajaj, Prem N.; Connectedness properties of start points in semi-dynamical systems, 14 (1971), 171--175. To document
  16. Costello, Thomas; On the fundamental theory of functional-differential equations, 14 (1971), 177--190. To document
  17. Chow, S. N. and Dunninger, D. R. and Schuur, J. D.; Oscillatory properties of solutions of {$n$}-th order ordinary differential equations, 14 (1971), 191--196. To document
  18. Kimura, Tosihusa; On the iteration of analytic functions, 14 (1971), 197--238. To document

Volume 15,1972

  1. Bhatia, Nam P. and Franklin, Lawrence M.; Dynamical systems without separatrices, 15 (1972), 1--12. To document
  2. Heard, Melvin; Estimating solutions of some functional equations, 15 (1972), 13--17. To document
  3. Taniguchi, Masaru; Cauchy problem for hyperbolic systems in {$L\sp{p}$}, 15 (1972), 19--22. To document
  4. Egawa, Jir{\=o}; Invariant positive measures for flows in the plane, 15 (1972), 23--38. To document
  5. Bhatia, Nam P. and Chow, Shui-nee; Weak attraction, minimality, recurrence, and almost periodicity in semi-systems, 15 (1972), 39--59. To document
  6. Nakajima, Fumio; Existence of quasi-periodic solutions of quasi-periodic systems, 15 (1972), 61--73. To document
  7. Urabe, Minoru; Existence theorems of quasiperiodic solutions to nonlinear differential systems, 15 (1972), 75--100. To document
  8. Bownds, J. M. and Cushing, J. M.; Some stability criteria for linear systems of {V}olterra integral equations, 15 (1972), 101--117. To document
  9. Coffman, C. V. and Wong, J. S. W.; Oscillation and nonoscillation theorems for second order ordinary differential equations, 15 (1972), 119--130. To document
  10. Kikuchi, Norio and Nakagiri, Shinichi; An existence theorem of solutions of non-linear integral equations, 15 (1972), 131--138. To document
  11. Seibert, Peter; A unified theory of {L}iapunov stability, 15 (1972), 139--147. To document
  12. Furumochi, Tetsuo; On the uniqueness of solutions of a system of functional-differential equations, 15 (1972), 149--159. To document
  13. Tsutsumi, Masayoshi; On global solutions of the modified {K}d{V} equation in inhomogeneous media, 15 (1972), 161--172. To document
  14. Yosida, Setuz{\^o}; On a control problem including a large control parameter, 15 (1972), 173--192. To document
  15. Bownds, J. M. and D{\'{\i}}az, J. B.; Euler-{C}auchy polygons and the local existence of solutions to abstract ordinary differential equations, 15 (1972), 193--207. To document
  16. Terry, Raymond D. and Wong, Pui Kei; Oscillatory properties of a fourth-order delay differential equation, 15 (1972), 209--221. To document

Volume 16,1973

  1. Chen, Lu San and Kuroda, Tadashi and Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; Some parabolic equations with unbounded coefficients, 16 (1973), 1--28. To document
  2. Exton, H.; Corrigendum: ``{O}n a certain hypergeometric differential system''\ ({F}unkcial. {E}kvac. {\bf 14} (1971), 79-87), 16 (1973), 69. To document
  3. Kimura, Ikuo; Categories of local dynamical systems, 16 (1973), 29--52. To document
  4. Sat{\=o}, Y{\=u}kiti; Limit cycles of a certain nonlinear differential equation of the second order, 16 (1973), 53--67. To document
  5. Kannappan, Pl.; On generalized directed divergence, 16 (1973), 71--77. To document
  6. Lovelady, David Lowell; Behavioral relationships between ordinary and functional differential equations, 16 (1973), 79--88. To document
  7. Donaldson, J. A.; A singular {C}auchy problem with a small parameter, 16 (1973), 89--95. To document
  8. Salzberg, P. M. and Seibert, P.; A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a {L}iapunov function, 16 (1973), 97--101. To document
  9. Hsieh, Po Fang; A general solution of a system of nonlinear differential equations at an irregular type singularity, 16 (1973), 103--136. To document
  10. Takano, Kyoichi; Solutions containing arbitrary periodic functions of systems of nonlinear difference equations, 16 (1973), 137--164. To document
  11. Drobot, Vladimir; Discontinuous solutions of the functional equation {$f(x+y)=H(f(x),\,f(y))$}, 16 (1973), 165--168. To document
  12. Van Dooren, Ren{\'e}; An analytical method for certain highly nonlinear periodic differential equations, 16 (1973), 169--180. To document
  13. Kaplan, James L.; Quickly oscillating solutions of autonomous differential delay equations, 16 (1973), 181--188. To document
  14. Exton, Harold; On a certain hypergeometric differential system. {II}, 16 (1973), 189--194. To document
  15. Martin, Jr., Robert H.; Approximation and existence of solutions to ordinary differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 16 (1973), 195--211. To document
  16. Terry, Raymond D.; Oscillatory properties of a fourth-order delay differential equation. {II}, 16 (1973), 213--224. To document
  17. Kato, Junji; On {L}iapunov-{R}azumikhin type theorems for functional differential equations, 16 (1973), 225--239. To document
  18. Takano, Kyoichi; On the hypertranscendency of solutions of a difference equation of {K}imura, 16 (1973), 241--254. To document
  19. Yosida, Setuz{\^o}; Green's theorem method for a control system with outstanding control, 16 (1973), 255--263. To document

Volume 17,1974

  1. Sharma, Bhu Dev and Soni, Raminder Singh; A new generalized functional equation for inaccuracy and entropy of kind {$\beta $}, 17 (1974), 1--11. To document
  2. Tsutsumi, Masayoshi; Existence and nonexistence of global solutions of the first boundary value problem for a certain quasilinear parabolic equation, 17 (1974), 13--24. To document
  3. Das, K. M. and Lakshmi, S. S.; On start sets and negative prolongational limit sets in semidynamical systems, 17 (1974), 25--29. To document
  4. Chow, Shui Nee and Hale, Jack K.; Strongly limit-compact maps, 17 (1974), 31--38. To document
  5. Kikuchi, Norio and Nakagiri, Shinichi; Kneser's property of solutions of nonlinear integral equations, 17 (1974), 57--66. To document
  6. Szufla, Stanis{\l}aw; Solutions sets of non-linear integral equations, 17 (1974), 67--71. To document
  7. Fu{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k, Svatopluk; Surjectivity of operators involving linear noninvertible part and nonlinear compact perturbation, 17 (1974), 73--83. To document
  8. Pavel, N. H.; Approximate solutions of {C}auchy problems for some differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 17 (1974), 85--94. To document
  9. Hino, Yoshiyuki; On oscillation of the solution of second order functional differential equations, 17 (1974), 95--105. To document
  10. Takano, Kyoichi; On the iteration of holomorphic mappings, 17 (1974), 107--156. To document
  11. Egawa, Jir{\=o}; Continuity and differentiability of reparametrization mappings, 17 (1974), 157--180. To document
  12. Sharma, Bhu Dev and Taneja, Inder Jeet; Functional measures in information theory, 17 (1974), 181--191. To document
  13. {\^O}tsuki, Tominosuke; On a bound for periods of solutions of a certain nonlinear differential equation. {II}, 17 (1974), 193--206. To document
  14. Ogata, Akio; On bounded positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems in an exterior domain, 17 (1974), 207--222. To document
  15. Knight, Ronald A.; Structure and characterizations of certain continuous flows, 17 (1974), 223--230. To document
  16. Ishii, Ippei; On a non-homogeneous flow on the {$3$}-dimensional torus, 17 (1974), 231--248. To document

Volume 18,1975

  1. Salzberg, P. M. and Seibert, P.; Remarks on a universal criterion for {L}iapunov stability, 18 (1975), 1--4. To document
  2. Singh, Bhagat; Damp nonoscillation in third order retarded equations, 18 (1975), 5--13. To document
  3. Lovelady, David L.; Asymptotic analysis of a second order nonlinear functional differential equation, 18 (1975), 15--21. To document
  4. McCann, Roger C.; An embedding theorem for semidynamical systems, 18 (1975), 23--33. To document
  5. Graef, John R. and Spikes, Paul W.; Sufficient conditions for the equation {$(a(t)x\sp{\prime} )\sp{\prime} +h(t,\,x,\,x\sp{\prime} )+q(t)f(x,\,x\sp{\prime} )=e(t,\,x,\,x\sp{\prime} )$}\ to be nonoscillatory, 18 (1975), 35--40. To document
  6. Exton, Harold; Ordinary differential equations with fixed critical points, 18 (1975), 41--47. To document
  7. Chen, Lu San; Asymptotic property of weak solutions of weakly coupled parabolic systems with discontinuous and unbounded coefficients, 18 (1975), 49--58. To document
  8. Egawa, Jir{\=o}; Isomorphisms and local dynamical systems admitting invariant positive measures, 18 (1975), 59--71. To document
  9. Ishii, Hitoshi; On some perturbation of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations in {$L\sp{p}$}\ spaces, 18 (1975), 73--83. To document
  10. Kato, Junji; Favard's separation theorem in functional differential equations, 18 (1975), 85--92. To document
  11. H{\'a}jek, Otomar; Pursuit games with delays, 18 (1975), 93--98. To document
  12. Imdadi, S. M. Shamim and Rama Mohana Rao, M.; Prolongations and prolongational limit sets in non-autonomous differential equations, 18 (1975), 99--106. To document
  13. Kwapisz, M. and Turo, J.; Some integral-functional equations, 18 (1975), 107--162. To document
  14. Miller, Richard K.; Volterra integral equations in a {B}anach space, 18 (1975), 163--193. To document
  15. McCann, Roger C.; Continuous flows with {H}ausdorff orbit spaces, 18 (1975), 195--206. To document
  16. Terry, Raymond D.; Oscillatory and asymptotic properties of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous delay differential equations of fourth order, 18 (1975), 207--218. To document
  17. Hino, Yoshiyuki; Asymptotic property of nonoscillatory solutions of second order differential equations, 18 (1975), 219--226. To document
  18. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi; On the global classical solutions of nonlinear wave equations, 18 (1975), 227--244. To document
  19. Yamada, Haruki; Minimal singular sets for linear differential operators with constant coefficients, 18 (1975), 245--255. To document
  20. Wasow, Wolfgang; Asymptotic simplification of linear {H}amiltonian differential equations with a parameter, 18 (1975), 257--270. To document

Volume 19,1976

  1. DeFranco, R. J.; Gronwall's inequality for systems of multiple {V}olterra integral equations, 19 (1976), 1--9. To document
  2. Singh, Bhagat and Dahiya, R. S.; On the nonoscillation of {L}ienard type retarded equations, 19 (1976), 11--18. To document
  3. Salzberg, Pablo M.; On the existence of continuous and semicontinuous {L}iapunov functions, 19 (1976), 19--26. To document
  4. Fitzgibbon, W. E.; Time dependent second order differential equations in {H}ilbert space, 19 (1976), 27--34. To document
  5. Sficas, Y. G. and Sta{\"{\i}}kos, V. A.; Oscillations of differential equations with deviating arguments, 19 (1976), 35--43. To document
  6. Exton, Harold; Third order differential systems with fixed critical points, 19 (1976), 45--51. To document
  7. Bank, Steven B. and Kaufman, Robert P.; An extension of {H}\"older's theorem concerning the gamma function, 19 (1976), 53--63. To document
  8. Webb, G. F.; Linear functional differential equations with {$L\sp{2}$} initial functions, 19 (1976), 65--77. To document
  9. Cushing, J. M.; Admissible operators and solutions of perturbed operator equations, 19 (1976), 79--84. To document
  10. Takano, Kyoichi and Bannai, Eiichi; A global study of {J}ordan-{P}ochhammer differential equations, 19 (1976), 85--99. To document
  11. Bownds, J. M. and Cushing, J. M. and Schutte, R.; Existence, uniqueness, and extendibility of solutions of {V}olterra integral systems with multiple, variable lags, 19 (1976), 101--111. To document
  12. Howes, F. A.; Some classical and nonclassical singular perturbation problems, 19 (1976), 113--132. To document
  13. Lovelady, David Lowell; An asymptotic analysis of an even order linear differential equation, 19 (1976), 133--138. To document
  14. Taneja, Inder Jeet; A generalized functional equation of three variables in information theory, 19 (1976), 139--147. To document
  15. G{\'e}rard, R. and Levelt, A. H. M.; Sur les connextions \`a singularit\'es r\'eguli\`eres dans le cas de plusieurs variables, 19 (1976), 149--173. To document
  16. Yoshida, Masaaki and Takano, Kyoichi; On a linear system of {P}faffian equations with regular singular points, 19 (1976), 175--189. To document
  17. Kwapisz, M.; On the existence and uniqueness of {$L$}-integrable solutions of a certain integral-functional equation, 19 (1976), 191--202. To document
  18. Gingold, H.; Simplification of linear homogeneous differential equations with moving singularities, 19 (1976), 203--225. To document
  19. Singh, Bhagat; Forced nonoscillations in fourth order functional equations, 19 (1976), 227--237. To document
  20. Kat{\'o}, Shigeo; On existence and uniqueness conditions for nonlinear ordinary differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 19 (1976), 239--245. To document
  21. Haddock, John R.; Some new results on stability and convergence of solutions of ordinary and functional differential equations, 19 (1976), 247--269. To document
  22. Walter, Wolfgang; Parabolic differential equations with a singular nonlinear term, 19 (1976), 271--277. To document
  23. Kat{\'o}, Shigeo; On local and global existence theorems for a nonautonomous differential equation in a {B}anach space, 19 (1976), 279--286. To document
  24. Burton, T. A.; Non-continuation of solutions of differential equations, 19 (1976), 287--294. To document
  25. Kisielewicz, Micha{\l}; Description of a class of hereditary differential-integral equations with non-converging successive approximations, 19 (1976), 295--300. To document

Volume 20,1977

  1. Exton, Harold; On a basic analogue of the generalised {L}aguerre equation, 20 (1977), 1--8. To document
  2. Yosida, Setuz{\^o}; Augmentation of control system and its influence on controllability and optimality, 20 (1977), 9--21. To document
  3. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi and Nanbu, Tokumori; On the global solution of some nonlinear parabolic equation, 20 (1977), 23--38. To document
  4. McCann, Roger C.; Negative escape time in semidynamical systems, 20 (1977), 39--47. To document
  5. Terry, Raymond D.; Positive solutions of {$D\sp{n}[r(t)D\sp{n}y(t)]=p(t)y(t-\tau (t))$}, 20 (1977), 49--60. To document
  6. Menzala, Gustavo Perla; On inverse scattering for the {K}lein-{G}ordon equation with small potentials, 20 (1977), 61--70. To document
  7. Heymann, M. and Pachter, M. and Stern, Ronald J.; On linear games with subspace target, 20 (1977), 71--76. To document
  8. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi; On the equation {$u\sb{tt}-u\sb{xx}=F(x,t, u,u\sb{x}, u\sb{t})$}, 20 (1977), 77--95. To document
  9. H{\'a}jek, Otomar; On differentiability of the minimal time function, 20 (1977), 97--114. To document
  10. Bakken, Ivar; On the central connection problem for a class of ordinary differential equations. {I}, 20 (1977), 115--127. To document
  11. Bakken, Ivar; On the central connection problem for a class of ordinary differential equations. {II}, 20 (1977), 129--156. To document
  12. Ogata, Akio; On bifurcation of bounded positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems in an exterior domain, 20 (1977), 157--170. To document
  13. Meyer, K. R. and Schmidt, D. S.; Entrainment domains, 20 (1977), 171--192. To document
  14. Granata, Antonio; Singular {C}auchy problems and asymptotic behaviour for a class of {$n$}-th order differential equations, 20 (1977), 193--212. To document
  15. Tiba, Dan; Nonlinear boundary value problems for second order differential equations, 20 (1977), 213--221. To document
  16. Nakao, Mitsuhiro; Decay of solutions of some nonlinear wave equations in one space dimension, 20 (1977), 223--236. To document
  17. Cushing, J. M.; Strongly admissible operators and {B}anach space solutions of nonlinear equations, 20 (1977), 237--245. To document
  18. Szufla, Stanis{\l}aw; On {V}olterra integral equations in {B}anach spaces, 20 (1977), 247--258. To document
  19. Nagase, Michihiro; A new proof of sharp {G}\.arding inequality, 20 (1977), 259--271. To document
  20. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi and Nanbu, Tokumori; On the global solution of some nonlinear parabolic equation. {II}, 20 (1977), 273--286. To document

Volume 21,1978

  1. Hahn, Wolfgang; On differential equations for orthogonal polynomials, 21 (1978), 1--9. To document
  2. Hale, Jack K. and Kato, Junji; Phase space for retarded equations with infinite delay, 21 (1978), 11--41. To document
  3. Kat{\^o}, Shigeo; On the convergence of the successive approximations for nonlinear ordinary differential equations in a {B}anach space, 21 (1978), 43--52. To document
  4. Das, K. M. and Lakshmi, S. S.; Negative and weak negative attractors in semidynamical systems, 21 (1978), 53--62. To document
  5. Kato, Junji; Stability problem in functional differential equations with infinite delay, 21 (1978), 63--80. To document
  6. Volkmann, Peter; Ausdehnung eines {S}atzes von {M}ax {M}\"uller auf unendliche {S}ysteme von gew\"ohnlichen {D}ifferentialgleichungen, 21 (1978), 81--96. To document
  7. Yanagihara, Niro; Meromorphic solutions of the difference equation {$y(x+1)=y(x)+1+\lambda /y(x)$}. {I}, 21 (1978), 97--104. To document
  8. Yoshida, Masaaki; Local theory of {F}uchsian systems with certain discrete monodromy groups. {I}, 21 (1978), 105--137. To document
  9. Hino, Yoshiyuki; Almost periodic solutions of functional differential equations with infinite retardation, 21 (1978), 139--150. To document
  10. Kumano-go, Hitoshi and Nagase, Michihiro; Pseudo-differential operators with non-regular symbols and applications, 21 (1978), 151--192. To document
  11. Ahmad, Shair and Sarabia, Jos{\'e}; On nonwandering continuous flows, 21 (1978), 193--201. To document
  12. Yoshida, Masaaki; Local theory of {F}uchsian systems with certain discrete monodromy groups. {II}, 21 (1978), 203--221. To document
  13. Yanagihara, Niro; Meromorphic solutions of the difference equation {$y(x+1)=y(x)+1+\lambda /y(x)$}. {II}, 21 (1978), 223--240. To document
  14. Yoshida, Masaaki; An example of a family of ordinary {F}uchsian differential equations with discrete projective monodromy groups, 21 (1978), 241--247. To document
  15. Taniguchi, Masaru; Mixed problem for wave equation in the domain with a corner, 21 (1978), 249--259. To document
  16. Ono, Akira; On isomorphism between certain strong {${\cal L}\sp{(p,\,\lambda )}$}\ spaces and the {L}ipschitz spaces and its applications, 21 (1978), 261--270. To document
  17. De Blasi, F. S. and Myjak, J.; The generic property of existence of solutions for a class of multivalued differential equations in {H}ilbert spaces, 21 (1978), 271--278. To document
  18. Miller, Richard K. and Wheeler, Robert L.; Well-posedness and stability of linear {V}olterra integro-differential equations in abstract spaces, 21 (1978), 279--305. To document

Volume 22,1979

  1. Yoshida, Masaaki and Hattori, Shuzo; Local theory of {F}uchsian systems with certain discrete monodromy groups. {III}, 22 (1979), 1--49. To document
  2. Matahashi, Tomomi and Tsutsumi, Masayoshi; Periodic solutions of semilinear pseudoparabolic equations in {H}ilbert space, 22 (1979), 51--66. To document
  3. Burton, T. A.; Stability theory for delay equations, 22 (1979), 67--76. To document
  4. Inagaki, Yoshio; On a system of difference equations of the form {$y(x-1)=f(x,\,y(x))$}\ with {${\rm lim}\sb{x\rightarrow \infty }(\partial f/\partial y)(x,$} {$0)=I$}, 22 (1979), 77--94. To document
  5. Shimomura, Shun; On a {P}faffian system containing parameters, 22 (1979), 95--119. To document
  6. Szufla, Stanis{\l}aw; Sets of fixed points of nonlinear mappings in function spaces, 22 (1979), 121--126. To document
  7. Naito, Manabu; Existence and asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of differential inequalities with deviating argument, 22 (1979), 127--142. To document
  8. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi; Nonlinear wave equations with variable coefficients, 22 (1979), 143--159. To document
  9. Kumano-go, Hitoshi and Taniguchi, Kazuo; Fourier integral operators of multiphase and the fundamental solution for a hyperbolic system, 22 (1979), 161--196. To document
  10. Balser, W. and Jurkat, W. B. and Lutz, D. A.; A general theory of invariants for meromorphic differential equations. {I}. {F}ormal invariants, 22 (1979), 197--221. To document
  11. Furuya, Hitoshi and Nagumo, Mitio; On {C}auchy problem for linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients, 22 (1979), 223--229. To document
  12. Butler, G. J.; The genericity of the convergence of successive approximations in {B}anach spaces, 22 (1979), 231--240. To document
  13. Kaminogo, Takashi; On a boundary value problem for a nonlinear {B}essel equation, 22 (1979), 241--256. To document
  14. Balser, W. and Jurkat, W. B. and Lutz, D. A.; A general theory of invariants for meromorphic differential equations. {II}. {P}roper invariants, 22 (1979), 257--283. To document
  15. Gupta, Chaitan P. and Thompson, Russell C.; Boundary value problems for a system of ordinary differential equations, 22 (1979), 285--296. To document
  16. Niijima, Koichi; On the behavior of multiple solutions of some singular perturbation problem, 22 (1979), 297--312. To document
  17. Tsutsumi, Masayoshi and Matahashi, Tomomi; A certain class of singular nonlinear pseudoparabolic equations, 22 (1979), 313--325. To document
  18. Kurihara, Mitsunobu; On an asymptotic behavior of solutions of linear functional differential equations, 22 (1979), 327--337. To document
  19. Yamada, Naoki; Estimates on the support of solutions of elliptic variational inequalities in bounded domains. {II}, 22 (1979), 339--350. To document
  20. Granata, Antonio; Corrigendum and addendum: ``{S}ingular {C}auchy problems and asymptotic behaviour for a class of {$n$}th-order differential equations'' [{F}unkcial. {E}kvac. {\bf 20} (1977), no. 3, 193--212;\ {MR} {\bf 58} \#6531], 22 (1979), 351--354. To document

Volume 23,1980

  1. Borzymowski, Andrzej; A {G}oursat problem for a polyvibrating equation of {D}. {M}angeron, 23 (1980), 1--16. To document
  2. Fitzpatrick, W. J. and Grimm, L. J.; On solutions of nonlinear difference systems, 23 (1980), 17--23. To document
  3. Palamides, P. K.; Kneser's type properties for {C}arath\'eodory differential equations, 23 (1980), 25--37. To document
  4. Chen, Goong and Millman, Richard S.; Control theory for the wave equation in compact {R}iemannian manifolds, 23 (1980), 39--61. To document
  5. Singh, Bhagat; Damped trajectories and slow oscillation in forced {L}i\'enard type functional equations, 23 (1980), 63--81. To document
  6. Gripenberg, Gustaf; On the resolvents of nonconvolution {V}olterra kernels, 23 (1980), 83--95. To document
  7. Takano, Kyoichi; Monodromy group of the system for {A}ppell's {$F\sb{4}$}, 23 (1980), 97--122. To document
  8. Kajiwara, Joji and Koyanagi, Ryohei; Propri\'et\'e de {S}tein et l'existence de solutions globales holomorphes d'un syst\`eme d'\'equations diff\'erentielles \`a param\`etres complexes, 23 (1980), 123--133. To document
  9. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i and Yoshida, Norio; Nonlinear oscillation criteria for singular elliptic differential operators, 23 (1980), 135--142. To document
  10. Kat{\^o}, Shigeo; On the existence of periodic solutions for nonlinear ordinary differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 23 (1980), 143--149. To document
  11. Medeiros, L. A.; Nonlinear hyperbolic-parabolic partial differential equations, 23 (1980), 151--158. To document
  12. Ikebe, Nobunori and Ohara, Yasuhiro; Degenerate quasilinear elliptic equations, 23 (1980), 159--169. To document
  13. Kojima, Kiyofumi and Taniguchi, Masaru; Mixed problem for hyperbolic equations in a domain with a corner, 23 (1980), 171--195. To document
  14. Furusho, Yasuhiro; On inclusion property for certain {${\cal L}\sp{(p,\,\lambda )}$}\ spaces of strong type, 23 (1980), 197--205. To document
  15. Niijima, Koichi; Numerical computation of solutions of two-point boundary value problems with a boundary layer, 23 (1980), 207--219. To document
  16. Bressan, Alberto; On two conjectures by {H}\'ajek, 23 (1980), 221--227. To document
  17. Ogata, Akio; On the existence and multiplicity theorems for the exterior elliptic boundary value problems, 23 (1980), 229--243. To document
  18. Ramanujam, N. and Srivastava, U. N.; Singular perturbation problems for systems of partial differential equations of parabolic type, 23 (1980), 245--258. To document
  19. Tsutsumi, Masayoshi and Fukuda, Isamu; On solutions of the derivative nonlinear {S}chr\"odinger equation. {E}xistence and uniqueness theorem, 23 (1980), 259--277. To document
  20. Graef, John R. and Grammatikopoulos, Myron K. and Spikes, Paul W.; Growth and oscillatory behavior of solutions of a differential equation with a deviating argument, 23 (1980), 279--287. To document
  21. Yamaguchi, Masaru; Existence and stability of global bounded classical solutions of initial-boundary value problem for semilinear wave equations, 23 (1980), 289--308. To document
  22. Yanagihara, Niro; Meromorphic solutions of some difference equations, 23 (1980), 309--326. To document
  23. Bondge, B. K. and Pachpatte, B. G.; On some partial integral inequalities in two independent variables, 23 (1980), 327--334. To document
  24. Bank, Steven B.; On certain canonical products which cannot satisfy algebraic differential equations, 23 (1980), 335--349. To document
  25. Gonz{\'a}lez-Velasco, Enrique A.; On limit cycles of two-dimensional analytic flows, 23 (1980), 351--355. To document
  26. McCann, Roger C.; On the parallelizability of regions of asymptotic stability, 23 (1980), 357--360. To document

Volume 24,1981

  1. Yoshida, Masaaki; Construction of a moduli space of {G}auss hypergeometric differential equations, 24 (1981), 1--10. To document
  2. Angelov, V. G.; Bounded solutions of functional-differential equations of the superneutral type, 24 (1981), 11--22. To document
  3. Itatsu, Seiichi and Kaneta, Hitoshi; Spectral matrices for first and second order selfadjoint ordinary differential operators with long range potentials, 24 (1981), 23--45. To document
  4. Salzberg, Pablo M.; Absolute stability of general systems, 24 (1981), 47--65. To document
  5. Balakrishna Reddy, K. and Subrahmanyam, P. V.; Extensions of {K}rasnosel\cprime ski\u\i 's and {M}atkowski's fixed point theorems, 24 (1981), 67--83. To document
  6. Tsutsumi, Masayoshi and Fukuda, Isamu; On solutions of the derivative nonlinear {S}chr\"odinger equation. {II}, 24 (1981), 85--94. To document
  7. Acz{\'e}l, J. and Haruki, S.; Partial difference equations analogous to the {C}auchy-{R}iemann equations, 24 (1981), 95--102. To document
  8. Ikebe, Nobunori and Ohara, Yasuhiro; On the nonnegative weak solutions of the {D}irichlet problem for degenerate quasilinear elliptic equations, 24 (1981), 103--111. To document
  9. Yanagihara, Niro; Meromorphic solutions of some difference equations. {II}, 24 (1981), 113--124. To document
  10. Aizawa, Sadakazu and Tomita, Yoshihito; On the semigroup treatment of the {H}amilton-{J}acobi equation in several space variables, 24 (1981), 125--134. To document
  11. Tahara, Hidetoshi; Fundamental systems of analytic solutions of {F}uchsian type partial differential equations, 24 (1981), 135--140. To document
  12. Smith, Hal L.; An abstract threshold theorem for one parameter families of positive noncompact operators, 24 (1981), 141--153. To document
  13. Yanagihara, Niro; Finitely many valued solutions of some difference equations, 24 (1981), 155--165. To document
  14. Itatsu, Seiichi and Kaneta, Hitoshi; Spectral matrices for first and second order selfadjoint ordinary differential operators with short range potentials, 24 (1981), 167--186. To document
  15. Kaminogo, Takashi; Boundary value problems for systems of second order ordinary differential equations, 24 (1981), 187--199. To document
  16. Leung, Anthony; Stabilities for equilibria of competing-species reaction-diffusion equations with homogeneous {D}irichlet condition, 24 (1981), 201--210. To document
  17. Yamanaka, Takesi; The {C}auchy-{K}ovalevskaja theorem with a vector valued time variable, 24 (1981), 211--246. To document
  18. Furumochi, Tetsuo; Periodic solutions of periodic functional-differential equations, 24 (1981), 247--258. To document
  19. Niijima, Koichi; Approximate solutions of singular perturbation problems with a turning point, 24 (1981), 259--280. To document
  20. Yamaguchi, Masaru; Time-decaying solutions and asymptotically almost periodic solutions of nonlinear evolution equations, 24 (1981), 281--306. To document
  21. Steinmetz, Norbert; On factorization of the solutions of the {S}chwarzian differential equation {$\{w,\,z\}=q(z)$}, 24 (1981), 307--315. To document
  22. Elaydi, Saber; Weakly equicontinuous flows, 24 (1981), 317--324. To document
  23. Emmanuele, G.; Convergence of successive approximations for implicit ordinary differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 24 (1981), 325--330. To document
  24. Fattorini, H. O.; Some remarks on second order abstract {C}auchy problems, 24 (1981), 331--344. To document
  25. Hino, Yoshiyuki; Total stability and uniformly asymptotic stability for linear functional-differential equations with infinite delay, 24 (1981), 345--349. To document
  26. Karakostas, G.; Convergence of the bounded solutions of a certain implicit {V}olterra integral equation, 24 (1981), 351--361. To document
  27. Kato, Junji and Yoshizawa, Taro; Remarks on global properties in limiting equations, 24 (1981), 363--371. To document
  28. Takano, Kyoichi; Local equivalence of linear {P}faffian systems with simple poles, 24 (1981), 373--382. To document

Volume 25,1982

  1. Kim, W. J.; On the fundamental system of solutions of {$y\sp{(n)}+py=0$}, 25 (1982), 1--17. To document
  2. Kisielewicz, Micha{\l}; Generic properties of functional-differential equations of neutral type in separable {B}anach spaces, 25 (1982), 19--32. To document
  3. Kajiwara, Joji and Koyanagi, Ryohei; Erratum: ``{S}tein property and the existence of holomorphic global solutions of a system of differential equations with complex parameters''\ [{F}unkcial. {E}kvac. {\bf 23} (1980), no. 2, 123--133; {MR} 82k:32032], 25 (1982), 243. To document
  4. Furumochi, Tetsuo; Periodic solutions of functional-differential equations with large delays, 25 (1982), 33--42. To document
  5. Elaydi, Saber; {$P$}-equicontinuous flows, 25 (1982), 43--49. To document
  6. Burton, T. A.; Boundedness in functional-differential equations, 25 (1982), 51--77. To document
  7. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi; On solutions of semilinear parabolic equations, 25 (1982), 79--96. To document
  8. Sawano, Kensuke; Some considerations on the fundamental theorems for functional-differential equations with infinite delay, 25 (1982), 97--104. To document
  9. Ladas, G. and Stavroulakis, I. P.; On delay differential inequalities of first order, 25 (1982), 105--113. To document
  10. Sta{\"{\i}}kos, V. A. and Tsamatos, P. Ch.; On the dependence of solutions upon initial values and small perturbations for {C}arath\'eodory differential systems with retarded arguments, 25 (1982), 115--126. To document
  11. Matkowski, Janusz; Functional equations and {N}emytski\u\i\ operators, 25 (1982), 127--132. To document
  12. Czerwik, S.; Random solutions of a system of functional-differential equations in a {B}anach space, 25 (1982), 133--139. To document
  13. Hayasida, Kazuya and Tachi, Hideaki; On the three circles theorem for solutions of elliptic equations with two variables, 25 (1982), 141--152. To document
  14. De Blasi, F. S. and Pianigiani, G.; A {B}aire category approach to the existence of solutions of multivalued differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 25 (1982), 153--162. To document
  15. Shimomura, Shun; Painlev\'e transcendents in the neighbourhood of fixed singular points, 25 (1982), 163--184. To document
  16. Shimomura, Shun; Series expansions of {P}ainlev\'e transcendents in the neighbourhood of a fixed singular point, 25 (1982), 185--197. To document
  17. Pachpatte, B. G.; Boundary value problems for nonlinear systems of differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 25 (1982), 199--206. To document
  18. Kartsatos, A. G. and Parrott, M. E.; On a class of nonlinear functional pseudoparabolic problems, 25 (1982), 207--221. To document
  19. Kura, Takeshi; A matrix analogue of {A}tkinson's oscillation theorem, 25 (1982), 223--226. To document
  20. Turinici, Mihai; Differential inequalities on abstract metric spaces, 25 (1982), 227--242. To document
  21. Peichl, Gunther H.; A kind of ``history space'' for retarded functional-differential equations and representation of solutions, 25 (1982), 245--256. To document
  22. Bana{\'s}, J{\'o}zef and Hajnosz, Andrzej and W{\polhk{e}}drychowicz, Stanis{\l}aw; On existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions of some functional equations, 25 (1982), 257--267. To document
  23. Gingold, Harry and Hsieh, Po-Fang; On global simplification of a singularly perturbed system of linear ordinary differential equations, 25 (1982), 269--281. To document
  24. Yosida, Setuz{\^o}; An optimal control problem of the prey-predator system, 25 (1982), 283--293. To document
  25. Werbowski, Jaros{\l}aw; Oscillations of nonlinear differential equations caused by deviating arguments, 25 (1982), 295--301. To document
  26. Shibata, Yoshihiro; On the global existence of classical solutions of mixed problem for some second order nonlinear hyperbolic operators with dissipative term in the interior domai, 25 (1982), 303--345. To document
  27. Seifert, George; Uniform stability for delay-differential equations with infinite delays, 25 (1982), 347--356. To document
  28. Egawa, Jir{\=o}; Harmonizable minimal flows, 25 (1982), 357--362. To document
  29. Shimomura, Shun; Supplement to: ``{S}eries expansions of {P}ainlev\'e transcendents in the neighbourhood of a fixed singular point'', 25 (1982), 363--371. To document

Volume 26,1983

  1. Pachpatte, B. G.; On a nonlinear {V}olterra integral-functional equation, 26 (1983), 1--9. To document
  2. Graef, John R. and Kusano, Taka{\^s}i and Onose, Hiroshi and Spikes, Paul W.; On the asymptotic behavior of oscillatory solutions of functional-differential equations, 26 (1983), 11--16. To document
  3. Yanagihara, Niro; Meromorphic solutions of some difference equations and conformal mapping of infinite strips, 26 (1983), 17--35. To document
  4. Kimura, Hironobu and Okamoto, Kazuo; On the isomonodromic deformation of linear ordinary differential equations of higher order, 26 (1983), 37--50. To document
  5. Kahane, Charles S.; On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear parabolic systems under {R}obin type boundary conditions, 26 (1983), 51--78. To document
  6. Takano, Kyoichi; A {$2$}-parameter family of solutions of {P}ainlev\'e equation ({V}) near the point at infinity, 26 (1983), 79--113. To document
  7. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i and Swanson, Charles A.; Asymptotic properties of semilinear elliptic equations, 26 (1983), 115--129. To document
  8. Majima, Hideyuki; Analogues of {C}artan's decomposition theorem in asymptotic analysis, 26 (1983), 131--154. To document
  9. Miyake, Masatake; On the determinant of matrices of ordinary differential operators and an index theorem, 26 (1983), 155--171. To document
  10. Elaydi, Saber; Semidynamical systems with nonunique global backward extensions, 26 (1983), 173--187. To document
  11. Onose, Hiroshi; Oscillatory properties of the first-order differential inequalities with deviating argument, 26 (1983), 189--195. To document
  12. Trench, William F.; Asymptotic integration of {$y\sp{(n)}+P(t)y\sp{\gamma }=f(t)$} under mild integral smallness conditions, 26 (1983), 197--209. To document
  13. Miyake, Masatake; On the irregularity for general systems of differential equations in the complex domain, 26 (1983), 211--230. To document
  14. Menzala, Gustavo Perla; On the nonexistence of solutions for an elliptic problem in unbounded domains, 26 (1983), 231--235. To document
  15. Nakao, Mitsuhiro; Energy decay of the wave equation with a nonlinear dissipative term, 26 (1983), 237--250. To document
  16. Gopalsamy, K.; Stability and decay rates in a class of linear integro-differential systems, 26 (1983), 251--261. To document
  17. Giga, Yoshikazu and Hashimoto, Yoshiaki and Yamada, Yoshio; Parabolic equations with free boundary conditions, 26 (1983), 263--279. To document
  18. Philos, Ch. G. and Tsamatos, P. Ch.; Asymptotic equilibrium of retarded differential equations, 26 (1983), 281--293. To document
  19. McCann, Roger C.; Absolute and asymptotic stability of closed sets, 26 (1983), 295--300. To document
  20. Shimomura, Shun; Analytic integration of some nonlinear ordinary differential equations and the fifth {P}ainlev\'e equation in the neighbourhood of an irregular singular point, 26 (1983), 301--338. To document
  21. Ohara, Yasuhiro and Ikebe, Nobunori; On the {H}\"older continuity of the solutions for degenerate elliptic equations, 26 (1983), 339--347. To document
  22. Duval, Anne; Lemmes de {H}ensel et factorisation formelle pour les op\'erateurs aux diff\'erences, 26 (1983), 349--368. To document
  23. %[null]; Late {P}rof. {D}r. {H}. {K}umano-go, 26 (1983), i. To document

Volume 27,1984

  1. Niizeki, Sy{\^o}z{\^o}; On the {C}auchy problem for {V}olterra-{L}otka's competition equations with migration effect and its travelling wave like solutions, 27 (1984), 1--24. To document
  2. Saito, Tosiya and Tsukamoto, Ichiro; Perturbation method for linear periodic systems. {I}, 27 (1984), 25--48. To document
  3. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi; On classical solutions to degenerate quasilinear parabolic equations, 27 (1984), 49--73. To document
  4. Nakao, Mitsuhiro; On a system of nonlinear diffusion equations, 27 (1984), 75--84. To document
  5. Elaydi, Saber; Semidynamical systems with nonunique global backward extensions. {II}. {T}he negative aspects, 27 (1984), 85--100. To document
  6. Chabrowski, J.; On the nonlocal problem with a functional for parabolic equation, 27 (1984), 101--123. To document
  7. Nishihara, Kenji; Degenerate quasilinear hyperbolic equation with strong damping, 27 (1984), 125--145. To document
  8. Kaminogo, Takashi; Spectral approach to boundary value problems for functional-differential inclusions, 27 (1984), 147--156. To document
  9. Szufla, Stanis{\l}aw; On the existence of {$L\sp p$}-solutions of {V}olterra integral equations in {B}anach spaces, 27 (1984), 157--172. To document
  10. Tsukamoto, Ichiro; Perturbation method for linear periodic systems. {II}, 27 (1984), 173--200. To document
  11. D'Anna, Armando; Total stability properties for an almost periodic equation by means of limiting equations, 27 (1984), 201--209. To document
  12. Kaneta, Hitoshi; Spectral matrices for first and second order selfadjoint ordinary differential operators with diverging potentials, 27 (1984), 211--227. To document
  13. Burton, T. A.; Periodic solutions of linear {V}olterra equations, 27 (1984), 229--253. To document
  14. Graef, John R. and Rankin, III, Samuel M. and Spikes, Paul W.; Oscillation results for nonlinear functional-differential equations, 27 (1984), 255--260. To document
  15. Meyer, K. R.; Normal forms for the general equilibrium, 27 (1984), 261--271. To document
  16. Arino, O. and Gautier, S. and Penot, J.-P.; A fixed point theorem for sequentially continuous mappings with application to ordinary differential equations, 27 (1984), 273--279. To document
  17. Ogata, Akio; On existence and multiplicity theorems for semilinear elliptic equations in exterior domains, 27 (1984), 281--299. To document
  18. Burton, T. A.; Periodic solutions of nonlinear {V}olterra equations, 27 (1984), 301--317. To document
  19. Makino, Tetu; On the existence of positive solutions at infinity for ordinary differential equations of {E}mden type, 27 (1984), 319--329. To document
  20. Taniguchi, Masaru; Mixed problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of second order with degenerate {N}eumann boundary condition, 27 (1984), 331--366. To document
  21. Yoshida, Setsuji; A general solution of a nonlinear {$2$}-system without {P}oincar\'e's condition at an irregular singular point, 27 (1984), 367--391. To document

Volume 28,1985

  1. Murata, Yoshihiro; Rational solutions of the second and the fourth {P}ainlev\'e equations, 28 (1985), 1--32. To document
  2. Gopalsamy, K.; A simple stability criterion for linear neutral differential systems, 28 (1985), 33--38. To document
  3. Tersian, Stepan; On the periodic problem for the equation {$x''(t)+g(x(t))=f(t)$}, 28 (1985), 39--46. To document
  4. Butler, G. J. and Erbe, L. H.; Oscillation theory for second order differential systems with functionally commutative matrix coefficients, 28 (1985), 47--55. To document
  5. Magalh{\~a}es, Luis T.; Invariant manifolds for functional differential equations close to ordinary differential equations, 28 (1985), 57--82. To document
  6. Ono, Akira; Morrey-{S}obolev type imbedding theorems in the {${\scr L}\sp {(p,\lambda)}$} spaces of strong type, 28 (1985), 83--92. To document
  7. Zhang, B. G.; Oscillation behavior of solution of the first order functional-differential equations, 28 (1985), 93--101. To document
  8. Tsukamoto, Ichiro; Perturbation method for linear periodic systems. {III}, 28 (1985), 103--116. To document
  9. Hino, Yoshiyuki; Recurrent solutions for linear almost periodic systems, 28 (1985), 117--119. To document
  10. Hayasida, Kazuya and Nagase, Haruo; On systems of variational inequalities with mixed boundary conditions, 28 (1985), 121--138. To document
  11. De Blasi, F. S. and Pianigiani, G.; The {B}aire category method in existence problems for a class of multivalued differential equations with nonconvex right-hand side, 28 (1985), 139--156. To document
  12. Wang, Zhi Cheng and Wu, Jian Hong; Neutral functional-differential equations with infinite delay, 28 (1985), 157--170. To document
  13. Hara, Tadayuki and Yoneyama, Toshiaki; On the global center of generalized {L}i\'enard equation and its application to stability problems, 28 (1985), 171--192. To document
  14. Uryu, Hitoshi and Itoh, Shigeharu; Well-posedness in {G}evrey classes of the {C}auchy problems for some second order weakly hyperbolic operators, 28 (1985), 193--211. To document
  15. Nakao, Mitsuhiro and Koyanagi, Ryohei; Existence of classical periodic solutions of semilinear parabolic equations with the {N}eumann boundary condition, 28 (1985), 213--219. To document
  16. Heikkil{\"a}, Seppo; On well-posedness of a boundary value problem involving deviating arguments, 28 (1985), 221--232. To document
  17. Yoshida, Setsuji; {$2$}-parameter family of solutions for {P}ainlev\'e equations ({I})--({V}) at an irregular singular point, 28 (1985), 233--248. To document
  18. Kohno, Mitsuhiko; Frobenius' theorem and {G}auss-{K}ummer's formula, 28 (1985), 249--266. To document
  19. Nambu, Takao; On stabilization of partial differential equations of parabolic type: boundary observation and feedback, 28 (1985), 267--298. To document
  20. Garay, B. M.; Auslander recurrence and metrization via {L}iapunov functions, 28 (1985), 299--308. To document
  21. Seifert, George; Almost periodic solutions for linear differential equations in {B}anach spaces, 28 (1985), 309--325. To document
  22. Chabrowski, J. H.; On the {D}irichlet problem with {$L\sp 1$}-boundary data, 28 (1985), 327--339. To document
  23. Shimomura, Shun; On solutions of the fifth {P}ainlev\'e equation on the positive real axis. {I}, 28 (1985), 341--370. To document

Volume 29,1986

  1. Krisztin, T.; On the rate of convergence of solutions of functional-differential equations, 29 (1986), 1--10. To document
  2. Hino, Yoshiyuki and Murakami, Satoru; Favard's property for linear retarded equations with infinite delay, 29 (1986), 11--17. To document
  3. Layton, William; The {G}alerkin method for the approximation of almost periodic solutions of functional-differential equations, 29 (1986), 19--29. To document
  4. Tsukamoto, Ichiro; Perturbation method for linear almost periodic systems with full spectrum, 29 (1986), 31--54. To document
  5. G{\'e}rard, R.; Une classe d'\'equations diff\'erentielles non lineaires \`a singularit\'e r\'eguli\`ere, 29 (1986), 55--76. To document
  6. Cooke, Kenneth L. and van den Driessche, Pauline; On zeroes of some transcendental equations, 29 (1986), 77--90. To document
  7. Sibuya, Yasutaka; Some results concerning injectivity of {${\scr D}$}-modules, 29 (1986), 91--97. To document
  8. Takano, Kyoichi; Reduction for {P}ainlev\'e equations at the fixed singular points of the first kind, 29 (1986), 99--119. To document
  9. Wang, Zhi Cheng and Wu, Jian Hong and Li, Zhi Xiang; The variation of constants formula and periodicity for linear neutral integro-differential equations, 29 (1986), 121--130. To document
  10. Wu, Jian Hong; Stability of neutral functional-differential equations with infinite delay, 29 (1986), 131--139. To document
  11. Nakao, Mitsuhiro; Global existence and smoothing effect for a parabolic equation with a nonmonotonic perturbation, 29 (1986), 141--149. To document
  12. Fukagai, Nobuyoshi; Existence and uniqueness of entire solutions of second order sublinear elliptic equations, 29 (1986), 151--165. To document
  13. Ishii, Hitoshi; Existence and uniqueness of solutions of {H}amilton-{J}acobi equations, 29 (1986), 167--188. To document
  14. Usami, Hiroyuki; On bounded positive entire solutions of semilinear elliptic equations, 29 (1986), 189--195. To document
  15. Agarwal, Ravi P.; Some new results on two-point problems for higher order differential equations, 29 (1986), 197--212. To document
  16. Mishev, D. P. and Ba{\u\i}nov, D. D.; Oscillation properties of the solutions of a class of hyperbolic equations of neutral type, 29 (1986), 213--218. To document
  17. Kenmochi, Nobuyuki and {\^O}tani, Mitsuharu; Asymptotic behavior of periodic systems generated by time-dependent subdifferential operators, 29 (1986), 219--236. To document
  18. Haruki, Shigeru; Partial difference equations analogous to the {C}auchy-{R}iemann equations. {II}, 29 (1986), 237--241. To document
  19. Senba, Takasi; On some nonlinear evolution equation, 29 (1986), 243--257. To document
  20. Praagman, C.; Stokes and {G}evrey phenomena in relation to index theorems in the theory of meromorphic linear difference equations, 29 (1986), 259--279. To document
  21. Carroll, R. and Berkopec, T.; Generating functions in transmutation theory, 29 (1986), 281--298. To document
  22. Hayashi, Nakao; Global strong solutions of coupled {K}lein-{G}ordon-{S}chr\"odinger equations, 29 (1986), 299--307. To document
  23. Yamada, Yoshio and Niikura, Yasuo; Bifurcation of periodic solutions for nonlinear parabolic equations with infinite delays, 29 (1986), 309--333. To document
  24. Murakami, Satoru; Linear periodic functional-differential equations with infinite delay, 29 (1986), 335--361. To document

Volume 30,1987

  1. De Blasi, F. S. and Myjak, J.; Random differential inclusions with nonconvex right-hand side, 30 (1987), 1--8. To document
  2. Jackiewicz, Zdzis{\l}aw; Existence and uniqueness of solutions of neutral delay-differential equations with state dependent delays, 30 (1987), 9--17. To document
  3. Shin, Jong Son; An existence theorem of functional-differential equations with infinite delay in a {B}anach space, 30 (1987), 19--29. To document
  4. D{\l}otko, Tomasz; Global solutions of reaction-diffusion equations, 30 (1987), 31--43. To document
  5. Liang, Zhong Chao; Necessary and sufficient conditions of the stability for a class of second order nonlinear oscillations, 30 (1987), 45--55. To document
  6. Bosznay, {\'A}. P. and Garay, B. M.; Remetrization and a new type of recurrence, 30 (1987), 57--68. To document
  7. Werbowski, Jaros{\l}aw; Oscillations of differential equations generated by advanced arguments, 30 (1987), 69--79. To document
  8. Gutkin, Eugene; Bethe {A}nsatz and functional equations, 30 (1987), 81--104. To document
  9. Wu, Jian Hong and Li, Zhi Xiang and Wang, Zhi Cheng; Remarks on: ``{P}eriodic solutions of linear {V}olterra equations'' [{F}unkcial. {E}kvac.\ {\bf 27} (1984), no.\ 2, 229--253; {MR}0775208 (86d:35037)] by {T}. {A}. {B}urton, 30 (1987), 105--109. To document
  10. D{\l}otko, Tomasz; Decay properties of global solutions of reaction-diffusion equations, 30 (1987), 111--114. To document
  11. Tsutsumi, Yoshio; {$L\sp 2$}-solutions for nonlinear {S}chr\"odinger equations and nonlinear groups, 30 (1987), 115--125. To document
  12. Meyer, K. R. and Sell, George R.; An analytic proof of the shadowing lemma, 30 (1987), 127--133. To document
  13. Nakao, Mitsuhiro and Kuwahara, Hiroto; Decay estimates for some semilinear wave equations with degenerate dissipative terms, 30 (1987), 135--145. To document
  14. Miranda, M. Milla and Medeiros, L. A.; On the existence of global solutions of a coupled nonlinear {K}lein-{G}ordon equations, 30 (1987), 147--161. To document
  15. Persson, Jan; The {C}auchy problem for linear distribution differential equations, 30 (1987), 163--168. To document
  16. Ono, Akira; Boundary estimates for elliptic partial differential equations in the {${\scr L}\sp {(q,\lambda)}$} spaces of strong type, 30 (1987), 169--202. To document
  17. Shimomura, Shun; On solutions of the fifth {P}ainlev\'e equation on the positive real axis. {II}, 30 (1987), 203--224. To document
  18. Shin, Jong Son; On the uniqueness of solutions for functional-differential equations with infinite delay, 30 (1987), 225--236. To document
  19. Faheem, Mohd. and Rao, M. Rama Mohana; A boundary value problem for nonautonomous nonlinear functional-differential equations of delay type with {$L\sb 2$}-initial functions, 30 (1987), 237--249. To document
  20. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi; On the semilinear heat equations and wave equations with unbounded coefficient, 30 (1987), 251--268. To document
  21. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i and Naito, Manabu; Oscillation theory of entire solutions of second order superlinear elliptic equations, 30 (1987), 269--282. To document
  22. Sasai, Takao; Geometry of analytic space curves with singularities and regular singularities of differential equations, 30 (1987), 283--303. To document
  23. Okamoto, Kazuo; Studies on the {P}ainlev\'e equations. {IV}. {T}hird {P}ainlev\'e equation {$P\sb {{\rm III}}$}, 30 (1987), 305--332. To document
  24. Kenmochi, Nobuyuki and Kubo, Masahiro; Periodic solutions to a class of nonlinear variational inequalities with time-dependent constraints, 30 (1987), 333--349. To document
  25. Taniguchi, Masaru; Mixed problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of second order with degenerate oblique boundary condition, 30 (1987), 351--382. To document
  26. Karakostas, George; Asymptotic equilibrium in prey-predator interactions with nonlinear ``per capita'' growth rates, 30 (1987), 383--397. To document
  27. Yoshino, Masafumi; On sufficient conditions for convergence of formal solutions, 30 (1987), 399--416. To document
  28. Yamada, Naoki; Viscosity solutions for a system of elliptic inequalities with bilateral obstacles, 30 (1987), 417--425. To document

Volume 31,1988

  1. Ueno, Kazuo; Multiplicative {J}ordan decomposition in {${\rm Aut}\sb {\bf C}\,{\bf C}[[x\sb 1,\cdots,x\sb n]]$} and the exponential map, 31 (1988), 1--23. To document
  2. Iwasaki, Katsunori; On the inverse {S}turm-{L}iouville problem with spatial symmetry, 31 (1988), 25--74. To document
  3. Cheng, Sui Sun and Li, Horng Jaan; Oscillatory behavior of a class of nonlinear three term recurrence equations, 31 (1988), 75--87. To document
  4. Kartsatos, Athanassios G.; A direct method for the existence of evolution operators associated with functional evolutions in general {B}anach spaces, 31 (1988), 89--102. To document
  5. Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.; On the theory of functional-differential inclusions of neutral type in {B}anach spaces, 31 (1988), 103--120. To document
  6. Kawano, Nichiro and Satsuma, Junkichi and Yotsutani, Shoji; Existence of positive entire solutions of an {E}mden-type elliptic equation, 31 (1988), 121--145. To document
  7. Aizawa, Sadakazu and Tomita, Yoshihito; On unbounded viscosity solutions of a semilinear second order elliptic equation, 31 (1988), 147--160. To document
  8. Trench, William F.; Efficient application of the {S}chauder-{T}ychonoff theorem to functional perturbations of {$x\sp {(n)}=0$}, 31 (1988), 161--178. To document
  9. Zhang, Shu Nian; Comparison theorems on boundedness, 31 (1988), 179--196. To document
  10. Immink, G. K.; Resurgent functions and connection matrices for a linear homogeneous system of difference equations, 31 (1988), 197--219. To document
  11. Hara, Tadayuki and Yoneyama, Toshiaki; On the global center of generalized {L}i\'enard equation and its application to stability problems. {II}, 31 (1988), 221--225. To document
  12. Nikodem, Kazimierz; Set-valued solutions of the {P}exider functional equation, 31 (1988), 227--231. To document
  13. Yoneyama, Toshiaki and Sugie, Jitsuro; On the stability region of differential equations with two delays, 31 (1988), 233--240. To document
  14. Wada, Ryoko; A uniqueness set for linear partial differential operators of the second order, 31 (1988), 241--248. To document
  15. Taniguchi, Masaru; A systematization of the {$L\sp 2$}-well-posed mixed problem and its applications to the mixed problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of second order, 31 (1988), 249--296. To document
  16. Augustynowicz, A. and Kwapisz, M.; On differentiability with respect to parameters of solutions and shooting method for boundary value problems for neutral differential delay equations, 31 (1988), 297--314. To document
  17. Nakagiri, Shin-ichi and Yamamoto, Masahiro; Identifiability of linear retarded systems in {B}anach spaces, 31 (1988), 315--329. To document
  18. Atkinson, F. V. and Haddock, J. R.; On determining phase spaces for functional-differential equations, 31 (1988), 331--347. To document
  19. Haddock, J. R. and Hornor, W. E.; Precompactness and convergence in norm of positive orbits in a certain fading memory space, 31 (1988), 349--361. To document
  20. Hayashi, Nakao and Nakamitsu, Kuniaki and Tsutsumi, Masayoshi; Nonlinear {S}chr\"odinger equations in weighted {S}obolev spaces, 31 (1988), 363--381. To document
  21. Villari, Gabriele and Zanolin, Fabio; On forced nonlinear oscillations of a second order equation with strong restoring term, 31 (1988), 383--395. To document
  22. Klar{\`e}s, B.; Analytical reduction of differential systems, 31 (1988), 397--409. To document
  23. Thaheem, A. B.; On a functional equation on {$C\sp *$}-algebras, 31 (1988), 411--413. To document
  24. Noussair, Ezzat S. and Swanson, Charles A.; Decaying entire solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations, 31 (1988), 415--438. To document
  25. Yamazaki, Taeko; On local solutions of some quasilinear degenerate hyperbolic equations, 31 (1988), 439--457. To document
  26. Bressan, Alberto; Directionally continuous selections and differential inclusions, 31 (1988), 459--470. To document
  27. Haraux, A.; A new characterization of weak solutions to the damped wave equations, 31 (1988), 471--482. To document
  28. Okubo, Kenjiro and Takano, Kyoichi and Yoshida, Setsuji; A connection problem for the generalized hypergeometric equation, 31 (1988), 483--495. To document

Volume 32,1989

  1. Koike, Minoru; An abstract nonlinear {C}auchy problem with a vector valued time variable, 32 (1989), 1--22. To document
  2. Burton, T. A. and Casal, A. and Somolinos, A.; Upper and lower bounds for {L}iapunov functionals, 32 (1989), 23--55. To document
  3. Allegretto, W. and Huang, Y. X.; On positive solutions of a class of fourth order elliptic systems, 32 (1989), 57--65. To document
  4. Betina, K.; Caract\'erisation des connexions singuli\`eres r\'eguli\`eres le long d'un diviseur \`a croisements normaux, 32 (1989), 67--80. To document
  5. Aitdads, E. and Arino, O.; A nonlinear delay differential equation whose solutions are asymptotically sums of periodic functions, 32 (1989), 81--89. To document
  6. Murakami, Satoru and Naito, Toshiki; Fading memory spaces and stability properties for functional-differential equations with infinite delay, 32 (1989), 91--105. To document
  7. Yagi, Atsushi; Parabolic evolution equations in which the coefficients are the generators of infinitely differentiable semigroups, 32 (1989), 107--124. To document
  8. Motai, Takahiro; Existence of global strong solution for nonlinear {K}lein-{G}ordon equation, 32 (1989), 125--144. To document
  9. Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.; Functional-differential inclusions in {B}anach spaces with nonconvex right-hand side, 32 (1989), 145--156. To document
  10. Tsuji, Mikio and Li, Ta-tsien; Remarks on characteristics of partial differential equations of first order, 32 (1989), 157--162. To document
  11. Kisielewicz, Micha{\l}; Subtrajectory integrals of set-valued functions and neutral functional-differential inclusions, 32 (1989), 163--189. To document
  12. Kahane, Charles S.; On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of parabolic equations under homogeneous {N}eumann boundary conditions, 32 (1989), 191--213. To document
  13. Chabrowski, J.; On nonlocal problems for elliptic linear equations, 32 (1989), 215--226. To document
  14. Furusho, Yasuhiro; Existence of global positive solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations in unbounded domains, 32 (1989), 227--242. To document
  15. Lemmert, Roland; Existenzs\"atze f\"ur gew\"ohnliche {D}ifferentialgleichungen in geordneten {B}anachr\"aumen, 32 (1989), 243--249. To document
  16. Jaro{\v{s}}, Jaroslav and Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; Asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of nonlinear functional-differential equations of neutral type, 32 (1989), 251--263. To document
  17. Grace, S. R.; Oscillation of even order nonlinear functional-differential equations with deviating arguments, 32 (1989), 265--272. To document
  18. Nagase, Haruo; On an application of {R}othe's method to nonlinear parabolic variational inequalities, 32 (1989), 273--299. To document
  19. Kubo, Masahiro; Characterization of a class of evolution operators generated by time-dependent subdifferentials, 32 (1989), 301--321. To document
  20. Takayama, Nobuki; Holonomic solution of {W}eisner's operator, 32 (1989), 323--341. To document
  21. Nishihara, Kenji; Global existence and asymptotic behaviour of the solution of some quasilinear hyperbolic equation with linear damping, 32 (1989), 343--355. To document
  22. Fukagai, Nobuyoshi and Yoshida, Kiyoshi; An existence theorem for positive solutions of degenerate semilinear elliptic equations, 32 (1989), 357--364. To document
  23. Haraoka, Yoshishige; Theorems of {S}ibuya-{M}algrange type for {G}evrey functions of several variables, 32 (1989), 365--388. To document
  24. Khalil, R. and Deeb, W.; One parameter semi-groups of operators of {S}chatten class {$C\sb p$}, 32 (1989), 389--394. To document
  25. Gopalsamy, K. and Gy{\H{o}}ri, I. and Ladas, G.; Oscillations of a class of delay equations with continuous and piecewise constant arguments, 32 (1989), 395--406. To document
  26. Cellina, A. and Colombo, G.; An existence result for differential inclusions with nonconvex right-hand side, 32 (1989), 407--416. To document
  27. Nawa, Hayato and Tsutsumi, Masayoshi; On blow-up for the pseudo-conformally invariant nonlinear {S}chr\"odinger equation, 32 (1989), 417--428. To document
  28. Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.; Existence of optimal controls for nonlinear distributed parameter systems, 32 (1989), 429--437. To document
  29. Mahfoud, W. E.; Asymptotic stability of an integrodifferential system with a nonintegrable kernel, 32 (1989), 439--451. To document
  30. Hara, Masaki and Sasaki, Takeshi and Yoshida, Masaaki; Tensor products of linear differential equations---a study of exterior products of hypergeometric equations, 32 (1989), 453--477. To document
  31. Thaheem, A. B. and Mohammad, Noor; On a functional equation over {H}ilbert spaces, 32 (1989), 479--481. To document
  32. Nakagiri, Shin-ichi and Yamamoto, Masahiro; Identification problems for partial differential equations, 32 (1989), 483--505. To document

Volume 33,1990

  1. Sch{\"a}fke, R. and Volkmer, H.; On the formal fundamental solution of a differential equation depending on a parameter, 33 (1990), 1--17. To document
  2. Villari, Gabriele and Zanolin, Fabio; On a dynamical system in the {L}i\'enard plane. {N}ecessary and sufficient conditions for the intersection with the vertical isocline and applications, 33 (1990), 19--38. To document
  3. Hara, Tadayuki and Yoneyama, Toshiaki and Itoh, Toshiki; Asymptotic stability criteria for nonlinear {V}olterra integro-differential equations, 33 (1990), 39--57. To document
  4. Balser, Werner; Analytic transformation to {B}irkhoff standard form in dimension three, 33 (1990), 59--67. To document
  5. Gajda, Zbigniew; A generalization of d'{A}lembert's functional equation, 33 (1990), 69--77. To document
  6. Haraoka, Yoshishige; The {G}alois theory for linear homogeneous partial differential equations of the first order, 33 (1990), 79--126. To document
  7. Korman, Philip; On existence of periodic solutions for a class of quasilinear noncoercive problems, 33 (1990), 127--138. To document
  8. Yagi, Atsushi; Parabolic evolution equations in which the coefficients are the generators of infinitely differentiable semigroups. {II}, 33 (1990), 139--150. To document
  9. Nishihara, Kenji and Yamada, Yoshio; On global solutions of some degenerate quasilinear hyperbolic equations with dissipative terms, 33 (1990), 151--159. To document
  10. Loday-Richaud, Mich{\`e}le; Calcul des invariants de {B}irkhoff des syst\`emes d'ordre deux, 33 (1990), 161--225. To document
  11. Erbe, Lynn H. and Lu, Hong; Nonoscillation theorems for second order differential equations, 33 (1990), 227--244. To document
  12. Tsukamoto, Ichiro; Perturbation method for linear almost periodic systems with full spectrum. {II}, 33 (1990), 245--267. To document
  13. Sibuya, Yasutaka; Some results concerning injectivity of {${\scr D}$}-modules. {II}, 33 (1990), 269--275. To document
  14. Dalmasso, Robert; Solutions d'\'equations elliptiques semi-lin\'eaires d'ordre {$2m$}, 33 (1990), 277--289. To document
  15. Miklav{\v{c}}i{\v{c}}, Milan; Galerkin approximations for weakly nonlinear second order evolution equations, 33 (1990), 291--305. To document
  16. Nakao, Mitsuhiro; On solutions of the wave equation with a sublinear dissipative term. {II}, 33 (1990), 307--316. To document
  17. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi and Furusho, Yasuhiro; On some semilinear parabolic equations with unbounded coefficients in exterior domain, 33 (1990), 317--324. To document
  18. Kitamura, Yuichi and Kusano, Taka{\^s}i; Oscillation and asymptotic behavior of solutions of first-order functional-differential equations of neutral type, 33 (1990), 325--343. To document
  19. Hamaya, Yoshihiro; Total stability property in limiting equations of integrodifferential equations, 33 (1990), 345--362. To document
  20. Hinton, D. B. and Shaw, J. K.; Differential operators with spectral parameter incompletely in the boundary conditions, 33 (1990), 363--385. To document
  21. Pinto, Manuel; Integral inequalities of {B}ihari-type and applications, 33 (1990), 387--403. To document
  22. Wang, Ke; On the equation {$x'(t)=f(x(x(t)))$}, 33 (1990), 405--425. To document
  23. Chen, Shao Zhu and Huang, Qing Guang; Necessary and sufficient conditions for the oscillations of solutions to systems of neutral functional-differential equations, 33 (1990), 427--440. To document
  24. Tarafdar, E.; Nonlinear variational inequality with application to the boundary value problem for quasilinear operator in generalized divergence form, 33 (1990), 441--453. To document
  25. Kamimura, Yutaka; An expansion formula for spectral functions, 33 (1990), 455--474. To document
  26. Dalmasso, Robert; Solutions positives globales d'une \'equation biharmonique sur-lin\'eaire, 33 (1990), 475--492. To document
  27. Ueno, Kazuo; Hypergeometric series formulas through operator calculus, 33 (1990), 493--518. To document
  28. Heikkil{\"a}, Seppo; On functional-differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side in ordered {B}anach spaces, 33 (1990), 519--526. To document
  29. Sasaki, Takeshi and Yoshida, Masaaki; Tensor products of linear differential equations. {II}. {N}ew formulae for the hypergeometric functions, 33 (1990), 527--549. To document
  30. Ishii, Katsuyuki and Yamada, Naoki; On the rate of convergence of solutions for the singular perturbations of gradient obstacle problems, 33 (1990), 551--562. To document

Volume 34,1991

  1. Dibl{\'{\i}}k, Josef; On existence of {$\delta$}-bounded solutions of a nonhomogeneous linear system of differential equations, 34 (1991), 1--18. To document
  2. Haraux, Alain and Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to some degenerate parabolic equations, 34 (1991), 19--38. To document
  3. Iwano, Masahiro; On a {$4$}-parameter family of bounded solutions of a nonlinear {$4$}-system with an irregular type singularity not satisfying {P}oincar\'e's condition, 34 (1991), 39--84. To document
  4. Garay, Barnabas M.; Deleting homeomorphisms and the failure of {P}eano's existence theorem in infinite-dimensional {B}anach spaces, 34 (1991), 85--93. To document
  5. Kubo, Akisato; Well posedness for the mixed problems of degenerate hyperbolic equations, 34 (1991), 95--102. To document
  6. Toyoizumi, Hiroshi; Continuous dependence on obstacles in variational inequalities, 34 (1991), 103--115. To document
  7. G{\'e}rard, R.; Sur le th\'eor\`eme de {M}aillet, 34 (1991), 117--125. To document
  8. Naselli Ricceri, Ornella; Classical solutions of the problem {$x'\in F(t,x,x'),\ x(t\sb 0)=x\sb 0,\ x'(t\sb 0)=y\sb 0$} in {B}anach spaces, 34 (1991), 127--141. To document
  9. Ishii, Hitoshi and Koike, Shigeaki; Viscosity solutions of a system of nonlinear second-order elliptic {PDE}s arising in switching games, 34 (1991), 143--155. To document
  10. Philos, Ch. G.; On oscillations of some difference equations, 34 (1991), 157--172. To document
  11. Lenhart, Suzanne M. and Yamada, Naoki; Perron's method for viscosity solutions associated with piecewise-deterministic processes, 34 (1991), 173--186. To document
  12. Freedman, H. I. and Kuang, Y.; Stability switches in linear scalar neutral delay equations, 34 (1991), 187--209. To document
  13. Sasai, Takao and Tsuchiya, Susumu; On a fourth order {F}uchsian differential equation of {O}kubo type, 34 (1991), 211--221. To document
  14. Cheng, Sui Sun and Yan, Tze Cheung and Li, Horng Jaan; Oscillation criteria for second order difference equation, 34 (1991), 223--239. To document
  15. Krisztin, T.; On stability properties for one-dimensional functional-differential equations, 34 (1991), 241--256. To document
  16. Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.; Volterra integrodifferential inclusions in reflexive {B}anach spaces, 34 (1991), 257--277. To document
  17. Szufla, Stanis{\l}aw; On the {H}ammerstein integral equation with weakly singular kernel, 34 (1991), 279--285. To document
  18. Yoshino, Masafumi; Representation formula for cluster sets of eigenvalues, 34 (1991), 287--302. To document
  19. Matos, Marivaldo P. and Pereira, Ducival C.; On a hyperbolic equation with strong damping, 34 (1991), 303--311. To document
  20. Wang, Zhicheng and Yu, Jian She; Oscillation criteria for second order nonlinear difference equations, 34 (1991), 313--319. To document
  21. Colombo, R. M. and Fryszkowski, A. and Rze{\.z}uchowski, T. and Staicu, V.; Continuous selections of solution sets of {L}ipschitzean differential inclusions, 34 (1991), 321--330. To document
  22. Jaro{\v{s}}, Jaroslav; On characterization of oscillations in first-order linear neutral differential equations, 34 (1991), 331--342. To document
  23. Emmanuele, Giovanni; Existence of approximate solutions for {O}.{D}.{E}.s under {C}arath\'eodory assumptions in closed, convex sets of {B}anach spaces, 34 (1991), 343--353. To document
  24. H{\'a}jek, Otomar; Bilinear control: rank-one inputs, 34 (1991), 355--374. To document
  25. Ohmiya, Mayumi; On the {D}eift-{T}rubowitz trace formula for the {$1$}-dimensional {S}chr\"odinger operator with integral potential, 34 (1991), 375--390. To document
  26. Fe{\v{c}}kan, Michal; A remark on the shadowing lemma, 34 (1991), 391--402. To document
  27. Dalmasso, Robert; Positive entire solutions of superlinear biharmonic equations, 34 (1991), 403--422. To document
  28. Saigo, Megumi and Srivastava, H. M.; Some asymptotic formulas exhibiting the behaviors of the triple hypergeometric series {$F\sb S$} and {$F\sb T$} near the boundaries of their convergence regions, 34 (1991), 423--448. To document
  29. Hishida, Toshiaki; Existence and regularizing properties of solutions for the nonstationary convection problem, 34 (1991), 449--474. To document
  30. Hoshino, Hiroki and Yamada, Yoshio; Solvability and smoothing effect for semilinear parabolic equations, 34 (1991), 475--494. To document
  31. Yoneyama, Toshiaki; Uniform asymptotic stability for {$n$}-dimensional delay-differential equation, 34 (1991), 495--504. To document
  32. Klar{\`e}s, Bernard and Sadler, Charles; Irregular singularity, iterated integrals and connexion problem, 34 (1991), 505--527. To document
  33. Burton, T. A.; The nonlinear wave equation as a {L}i\'enard equation, 34 (1991), 529--545. To document

Volume 35,1992

  1. Nawa, Hayato; ``{M}ass concentration'' phenomenon for the nonlinear {S}chr\"odinger equation with the critical power nonlinearity, 35 (1992), 1--18. To document
  2. Mu{\~n}oz Rivera, Jaime E.; Energy decay rates in linear thermoelasticity, 35 (1992), 19--30. To document
  3. Qin, Tie Hu; Periodic solutions of linear integrodifferential equations in {H}ilbert spaces, 35 (1992), 31--40. To document
  4. Tsutsumi, Masayoshi and Matahashi, Tomomi; Viscosity solutions of a degenerate parabolic equation with measures as initial data, 35 (1992), 41--50. To document
  5. Kahane, Charles S.; On the competition-diffusion equations for closely competing species, 35 (1992), 51--64. To document
  6. Yokoyama, Toshiaki; A system of total differential equations of two variables and its monodromy group, 35 (1992), 65--93. To document
  7. Naito, Y{\=u}ki; Asymptotic behavior of decaying nonoscillatory solutions of neutral differential equations, 35 (1992), 95--110. To document
  8. Chaljub-Simon, Alice and Volkmann, Peter; Sur l'existence d'une branche de solutions positives pour une \'equation diff\'erentielle sur {${\bf R}$}, 35 (1992), 111--115. To document
  9. Senba, Takasi; On the level sets of the solutions for {$u\sb t=u\sb {xx}+f(u)$} with {$f(u)=u\sp \alpha$} or {$u(\log(1/u))\sp \beta\sb +$}, 35 (1992), 117--135. To document
  10. Ntouyas, S. K. and Tsamatos, P. Ch.; On well-posedness of boundary value problems involving deviating arguments, 35 (1992), 137--147. To document
  11. Tanabe, Hiroki; Fundamental solutions for linear retarded functional-differential equations in {B}anach space, 35 (1992), 149--177. To document
  12. Nakagiri, Shin-ichi and Haruki, Shigeru; Optimization of initial functions for linear retarded systems in {B}anach spaces, 35 (1992), 179--198. To document
  13. Schmidt, Sabina; Existenzs\"atze f\"ur gew\"ohnliche {D}ifferentialgleichungen in {B}anachr\"aumen, 35 (1992), 199--222. To document
  14. Steinbart, Enid M.; On the location of zeros of solutions to {$w''+Aw=0$}, 35 (1992), 223--254. To document
  15. Choe, Boo Rim; A functional equation of {P}exider type, 35 (1992), 255--259. To document
  16. Grace, S. R.; Oscillation theorems for damped functional-differential equations, 35 (1992), 261--278. To document
  17. Hara, Tadayuki and Yoneyama, Toshiaki and Miyazaki, Rinko; Some refinements of {R}azumikhin's method and their applications, 35 (1992), 279--305. To document
  18. Philos, Ch. G.; Oscillation for first order linear delay differential equations with variable coefficients, 35 (1992), 307--319. To document
  19. Kawai, Shigeo; On the {D}irichlet problem of the equation {$-\Delta u=Ku\sp 5$} on the ball in {$\bold R\sp 3$}, 35 (1992), 321--331. To document
  20. Mawhin, Jean and Omana, Walo; A priori bounds and existence of positive solutions for some {S}turm-{L}iouville superlinear boundary value problems, 35 (1992), 333--342. To document
  21. Takayama, Nobuki; Propagation of singularities of solutions of the {E}uler-{D}arboux equation and a global structure of the space of holonomic solutions. {I}, 35 (1992), 343--403. To document
  22. Yoshida, Setsuji; A general solution of a nonlinear {$2$}-system without {P}oincar\'e's condition at an irregular singular point. {II}, 35 (1992), 405--427. To document
  23. Tabara, Tatsuhiko J.; A locally prescribed {S}tokes phenomenon, 35 (1992), 429--450. To document
  24. Shin, Jong Son; Kneser type theorems for functional-differential equations in a {B}anach space, 35 (1992), 451--466. To document
  25. Tanuma, Kazumi; Asymptotic behavior of the shock curve and the entropy solution to the scalar conservation law with periodic initial data, 35 (1992), 467--484. To document
  26. Arino, O. and Ch{\'e}rif, A. A.; On the existence of periodic solutions for a class of nonlinearly forced systems, 35 (1992), 485--503. To document
  27. Sasai, Takao and Tsuchiya, Susumu; On a class of even order {F}uchsian equations of {O}kubo type, 35 (1992), 505--514. To document
  28. Nagasawa, Takeyuki; The rate of convergence for chemical interfacial reaction models, 35 (1992), 515--531. To document
  29. Noussair, Ezzat S. and Swanson, Charles A. and Yang, Jian Fu; Transcritical biharmonic equations in {$\bold R\sp N$}, 35 (1992), 533--543. To document
  30. Erbe, L. H. and Kong, Q.; Oscillation results for second order neutral differential equations, 35 (1992), 545--555. To document
  31. Chen, Yong Shao; Existence of nonoscillatory solutions of {$n$}th order neutral delay differential equations, 35 (1992), 557--570. To document
  32. Miyazaki, Y{\^o}ichi; Remarks on irregular open sets and its application to the eigenvalue distribution, 35 (1992), 571--580. To document
  33. Qian, Chuan Xi and Yan, Ju Rang; Existence and comparison results of positive solutions of difference equations, 35 (1992), 581--594. To document
  34. Nishioka, Keiji; Painlev\'e's theorem on automorphic functions. {II}, 35 (1992), 597--602. To document
  35. Kabeya, Yoshitsugu; Existence theorems for quasilinear elliptic problems on {$\bold R\sp n$}, 35 (1992), 603--616. To document

Volume 36,1993

  1. Feireisl, Eduard; Exponentially attracting finite-dimensional sets for the processes generated by nonautonomous semilinear wave equations, 36 (1993), 1--10. To document
  2. Pastro, Pier Ivan; Cohomological interpretation of some classic formulas satisfied by hypergeometric functions, 36 (1993), 11--43. To document
  3. Wong, Fu Hsiang; Uniqueness of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations, 36 (1993), 45--51. To document
  4. Nishizawa, Kiyoko and Sekiguchi, Koji and Yoshino, Kunio; Location of algebraic integers in a filled-in {J}ulia set, 36 (1993), 53--69. To document
  5. Jeong, Jin-Mun; Retarded functional-differential equations with {$L\sp 1$}-valued controller, 36 (1993), 71--93. To document
  6. Domachowski, Stanis{\l}aw and Pruszko, Tadeuz; An application of the {E}ilenberg-{M}ontgomery theorem to measurable orientor fields on manifolds, 36 (1993), 95--107. To document
  7. Arosio, A. and Panizzi, S.; Global bounded weak solutions for an abstract nonlinear {T}imoshenko beam equation with four propagation speeds, 36 (1993), 109--121. To document
  8. Ishii, Katsuyuki; Viscosity solutions of nonlinear second order elliptic {PDE}s associated with impulse control problems, 36 (1993), 123--141. To document
  9. Suzuki, Fukuz{\=o} and Taniguchi, Masaru; Three applications of a systematization of second order hyperbolic equations, 36 (1993), 143--185. To document
  10. Takayama, Nobuki; Propagation of singularities of solutions of the {E}uler-{D}arboux equation and a global structure of the space of holonomic solutions. {II}, 36 (1993), 187--234. To document
  11. Blot, Jo{\"e}l; Almost periodically forced pendulum, 36 (1993), 235--250. To document
  12. Miyake, Masatake; Relations of equations of {E}uler, {H}ermite and {W}eber via the heat equation, 36 (1993), 251--273. To document
  13. Aizicovici, Sergiu and Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.; Multivalued {V}olterra integral equations in {B}anach spaces, 36 (1993), 275--301. To document
  14. Grace, S. R. and Lalli, B. S.; On the oscillation of certain neutral functional-differential equations, 36 (1993), 303--310. To document
  15. Iida, Masato and Yamada, Yoshio and Yotsutani, Shoji; Convergence of solutions of a chemical interfacial reaction model, 36 (1993), 311--328. To document
  16. Kostov, Vladimir; The {S}tokes' multipliers and the {G}alois' group of a non-{F}uchsian system and the generalised {P}hragmen-{L}indel\"off principle, 36 (1993), 329--357. To document
  17. Bressan, Alberto and Colombo, Giovanni; Boundary value problems for lower semicontinuous differential inclusions, 36 (1993), 359--373. To document
  18. Lin, Ching Her and Sibuya, Yasutaka and Tabara, Tatsuhiko; Zeros of solutions of a second order linear differential equation with polynomial coefficients, 36 (1993), 375--384. To document
  19. Kabeya, Yoshitsugu; On some quasilinear elliptic problems involving critical {S}obolev exponents, 36 (1993), 385--404. To document
  20. Sasaki, Takeshi and Uehara, Tomoyuki; Power series solutions around a singular point of the system of hypergeometric differential equations of type {$(3,6)$} by use of special values of {$\sb 3F\sb 2$}, 36 (1993), 405--431. To document
  21. Zhang, Bo; Periodic solutions of nonlinear abstract differential equations with infinite delay, 36 (1993), 433--478. To document
  22. Aizicovici, Sergiu; An abstract doubly nonlinear {V}olterra integral equation, 36 (1993), 479--497. To document
  23. Nagamachi, Shigeaki and Nishimura, Takeshi; Edge of the wedge theorem for {F}ourier hyperfunctions, 36 (1993), 499--517. To document
  24. Wakabayashi, Seiichiro and Suzuki, Michiharu; Microhypoellipticity for a class of pseudodifferential operators with double characteristics, 36 (1993), 519--556. To document
  25. Kawano, Nichiro and Yanagida, Eiji and Yotsutani, Shoji; Structure theorems for positive radial solutions to {$\Delta u+K(\vert x\vert )u\sp p=0$} in {$\bold R\sp n$}, 36 (1993), 557--579. To document
  26. Koitabashi, Toshiyuki; A normalization of a nonlinear {$n$}-system not satisfying the {P}oincar\'e condition at an irregular singularity, 36 (1993), 581--600. To document

Volume 37,1994

  1. Tsutaya, Kimitoshi; Global existence and the life span of solutions of semilinear wave equations with data of noncompact support in three space dimensions, 37 (1994), 1--18. To document
  2. Bardi, Martino and Soravia, Pierpaolo; A comparison result for {H}amilton-{J}acobi equations and applications to some differential games lacking controllability, 37 (1994), 19--43. To document
  3. Zou, Xing Fu; Comparison theorems concerning the oscillation of higher order functional-differential equations with middle terms, 37 (1994), 45--57. To document
  4. Nishioka, K.; Painlev\'e-{U}memura extensions, 37 (1994), 59--64. To document
  5. Mizutani, Yutaka; On the {H}\"older continuous solutions of the {D}irichlet problem for degenerate quasi-linear elliptic equations, 37 (1994), 65--79. To document
  6. Narukawa, Kimiaki and Suzuki, Takashi; Nonlinear eigenvalue problem for a modified capillary surface equation, 37 (1994), 81--100. To document
  7. Conti, G. and Nistri, P. and Zecca, P.; Nonconvex set-valued systems in {B}anach spaces, 37 (1994), 101--114. To document
  8. Burton, T. A. and Zhang, Bo; Boundedness and periodicity in a wave equation with a delay, 37 (1994), 115--153. To document
  9. Sakata, Sadahisa; On the existence of periodic solutions of a {L}i\'enard system, 37 (1994), 155--174. To document
  10. Maruo, Kenji; Existence of solutions for wave equations with time dependent subdifferentials, 37 (1994), 175--194. To document
  11. Nishioka, Keiji and Nishioka, Kumiko; Algebraic independence of functions satisfying a certain system of functional equations, 37 (1994), 195--209. To document
  12. Grace, S. R. and Lalli, B. S.; On the oscillation of certain higher order functional-differential equations of neutral type, 37 (1994), 211--220. To document
  13. Golda, Wies{\l}awa and Werbowski, Jaros{\l}aw; Oscillation of linear functional equations of the second order, 37 (1994), 221--227. To document
  14. Tajima, Shinichi and Uchida, Motoo; Integral formula for the resolution of a plane curve singularity, 37 (1994), 229--239. To document
  15. Yu, J. S. and Wang, Z. C.; Asymptotic behavior and oscillation in neutral delay difference equations, 37 (1994), 241--248. To document
  16. Uesaka, Hiroshi; The {C}auchy problem for the semilinear {E}uler-{P}oisson-{D}arboux equation with the third order power nonlinearity, 37 (1994), 249--261. To document
  17. B{\'e}zivin, Jean-Paul; Sur une classe d'\'equations fonctionnelles non lin\'eaires, 37 (1994), 263--271. To document
  18. Yoshida, Kiyoshi; On oscillation and decay of solutions for some ordinary differential systems, 37 (1994), 273--287. To document
  19. Tsutsumi, M. and Hatano, S.; Well-posedness of the {C}auchy problem for {B}enney's first equations of long wave short wave interactions, 37 (1994), 289--316. To document
  20. G{\'e}rard, Raymond and Tahara, Hidetoshi; On the existence of holomorphic solutions of the {C}auchy problem for nonlinear partial differential equations, 37 (1994), 317--327. To document
  21. Henr{\'{\i}}quez, Hern{\'a}n R.; Periodic solutions of quasi-linear partial functional-differential equations with unbounded delay, 37 (1994), 329--343. To document
  22. Kusano, Taka{\^s}i and Ogata, Akio; Existence and asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of second order quasilinear differential equations, 37 (1994), 345--361. To document
  23. Tsukamoto, Ichiro; Remarks on the papers: ``{O}n solutions of {$x''=\pm e\sp {\alpha\lambda t}x\sp {1+\alpha}$}'' [{T}okyo {J}. {M}ath.\ {\bf 12} (1989), no.\ 1, 181--203; {MR}1001741 (90f:34019)], 37 (1994), 363--371. To document
  24. Hara, Tadayuki; Exponential asymptotic stability for {V}olterra integrodifferential equations of nonconvolution type, 37 (1994), 373--382. To document
  25. Lu, Wu Du; Nonoscillation and oscillation for first order nonlinear neutral equations, 37 (1994), 383--394. To document
  26. Sibuya, Yasutaka; Convergence of formal solutions of meromorphic differential equations containing parameters, 37 (1994), 395--400. To document
  27. Elaydi, S. and Zhang, S.; Stability and periodicity of difference equations with finite delay, 37 (1994), 401--413. To document
  28. Krawcewicz, W. and Spanily, T. and Wu, J.; Hopf bifurcation for parametrized equivariant coincidence problems and parabolic equations with delays, 37 (1994), 415--446. To document
  29. Kawanago, Tadashi; Large time behavior of solutions for quasilinear diffusion equations with strong nonlinearity, 37 (1994), 447--460. To document
  30. Dalmasso, Robert; Uniqueness of positive and nonnegative solutions of nonlinear equations, 37 (1994), 461--482. To document
  31. Furuya, Kiyoko and Yagi, Atsushi; Linearized stability for abstract quasilinear evolution equations of parabolic type, 37 (1994), 483--504. To document
  32. Naito, Manabu and Naito, Y{\=u}ki; Solutions with prescribed numbers of zeros for nonlinear second order differential equations, 37 (1994), 505--520. To document
  33. Reissig, Michael; A generalized theorem of {P}eano in scales of {B}anach spaces with completely continuous imbedding, 37 (1994), 521--530. To document
  34. Cheng, Sui Sun; Hille-{W}intner type comparison theorems for nonlinear difference equations, 37 (1994), 531--535. To document
  35. Igari, Katsuju; Fuchs type localizations and non-existence of singular solutions, 37 (1994), 537--547. To document

Volume 38,1995

  1. Idogawa, Tomoyuki and {\^O}tani, Mitsuharu; The first eigenvalues of some abstract elliptic operators, 38 (1995), 1--9. To document
  2. Yokoyama, Toshiaki; On an irreducibility condition for hypergeometric systems, 38 (1995), 11--19. To document
  3. Uryu, Hitoshi; The local uniqueness of some characteristic {C}auchy problems for the first order systems, 38 (1995), 21--36. To document
  4. Saito, Mutsumi; Contiguity relations for the {L}auricella functions, 38 (1995), 37--58. To document
  5. Ntouyas, S. K. and Tsamatos, P. Ch.; Existence and uniqueness for second order boundary value problems, 38 (1995), 59--69. To document
  6. Omari, Pierpaolo and Ye, Wei Yin; Periodic solutions of a second order ordinary differential equation with an effective damping, 38 (1995), 71--80. To document
  7. Favini, Angelo and Yagi, Atsushi; Abstract second order differential equations with applications, 38 (1995), 81--99. To document
  8. Ishii, Hitoshi; On the equivalence of two notions of weak solutions, viscosity solutions and distribution solutions, 38 (1995), 101--120. To document
  9. Saeki, Akihiro; Foliations on complex spaces, 38 (1995), 121--157. To document
  10. D'Ancona, Piero; On weakly hyperbolic equations in {H}ilbert spaces, 38 (1995), 159--177. To document
  11. Kabeya, Yoshitsugu and Yu, Xue Ting; Existence of oscillatory solutions to {$\Delta u+K(\vert x\vert )\vert u\vert \sp {4/(n-2)}u=0$} in {${\bf R}\sp n$}, 38 (1995), 179--196. To document
  12. Nagase, Haruo; Remarks on nonlinear evolutionary variational inequalities with an abstract {V}olterra operator, 38 (1995), 197--215. To document
  13. Ozawa, T.; Remarks on quadratic nonlinear {S}chr\"odinger equations, 38 (1995), 217--232. To document
  14. Allegretto, Walter and Huang, Yin Xi; Eigenvalues of the indefinite-weight {$p$}-{L}aplacian in weighted spaces, 38 (1995), 233--242. To document
  15. Kato, Mitsuo; Connection formulas for {A}ppell's system {$F\sb 4$} and some applications, 38 (1995), 243--266. To document
  16. Park, Jong Yeoul and Jeong, Jin-Mun; Supplement to the paper: ``{R}etarded functional-differential equations with {$L\sp 1$}-valued controller'' [{F}unkcial.\ {E}kvac.\ {\bf 36} (1993), no.\ 1, 71--93; {MR}1232080 (94h:93012)] by {J}eong, 38 (1995), 267--275. To document
  17. Nishioka, Keiji; Linear differential equation attached to {P}ainlev\'e's first equation, 38 (1995), 277--282. To document
  18. Makay, G.; Uniform boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness for functional differential equations, 38 (1995), 283--296. To document
  19. Ishii, Katsuyuki; Viscosity solutions of nonlinear second-order elliptic {PDE}s associated with impulse control problems. {II}, 38 (1995), 297--328. To document
  20. Miyake, Masatake and Yoshino, Masafumi; Toeplitz operators and an index theorem for differential operators on {G}evrey spaces, 38 (1995), 329--342. To document
  21. Hidano, Kunio; Global behavior of radial solutions to semilinear wave equations in three space dimensions, 38 (1995), 343--366. To document
  22. Miyata, Syuji and Yanagida, Eiji; Stable stationary solutions with multiple layers in a scalar parabolic equation with variable diffusion, 38 (1995), 367--380. To document
  23. G{\'e}rard, R. and Lutz, D. A. and Sch{\"a}fke, R.; Analytic reduction of some nonlinear difference equations, 38 (1995), 381--410. To document
  24. Mimachi, Katsuhisa; An integral representation of the solution of a fourth order {F}uchsian differential equation of {O}kubo type, 38 (1995), 411--416. To document
  25. Nakao, Mitsuhiro and Ono, Kosuke; Global existence to the {C}auchy problem of the semilinear wave equation with a nonlinear dissipation, 38 (1995), 417--431. To document
  26. Ishizaki, Katsuya and Yanagihara, Niro; On admissible solutions of algebraic differential equations, 38 (1995), 433--442. To document
  27. Iwano, Masahiro; New study on the convergence of a formal transformation, 38 (1995), 443--472. To document
  28. Colli, Pierluigi and Favini, Angelo; On some degenerate second order equations of mixed type, 38 (1995), 473--489. To document
  29. Milani, Albert and Shibata, Yoshihiro; On the strong well-posedness of quasilinear hyperbolic initial-boundary value problems, 38 (1995), 491--503. To document
  30. Kato, Shigeo; Almost periodic solutions of functional-differential equations with infinite delays, 38 (1995), 505--517. To document
  31. Yamaguchi, Masaru; Existence of periodic solutions of second order nonlinear evolution equations and applications, 38 (1995), 519--538. To document
  32. Ebihara, Yukiyoshi and Kawashima, Shuichi and Levine, Howard A.; On solutions to {$u\sb {tt}-\vert x\vert \sp \alpha\Delta u=f(u)$} {$(\alpha>0)$}, 38 (1995), 539--544. To document
  33. Dan, Wakako and Shibata, Yoshihiro; On a local energy decay of solutions of a dissipative wave equation, 38 (1995), 545--568. To document

Volume 39,1996

  1. So, Joseph W.-H. and Yu, J. S. and Chen, Ming-Po; Asymptotic stability for scalar delay differential equations, 39 (1996), 1--17. To document
  2. Charri{\`e}re, H. and G{\'e}rard, R.; \'{E}tude des \'equations de la forme {$\tau y=F(x,y)$} o\`u {$\tau$} est un champ de vecteurs singulier \`a\ l'origine de {${\bf C}\sp n$} et {$F(x,y)$} une fonction holomorphe \`a\ l'origine de {${\bf C}\sp n$}, 39 (1996), 19--37. To document
  3. Iida, Masato and Ninomiya, Hirokazu; Asymptotic expansion of solutions to a chemical model with boundary reaction terms, 39 (1996), 39--67. To document
  4. Hara, Tadayuki and Sugie, Jitsuro; Stability region for systems of differential-difference equations, 39 (1996), 69--86. To document
  5. Burton, T. A. and Furumochi, Tetsuo; Periodic and asymptotically periodic solutions of {V}olterra integral equations, 39 (1996), 87--107. To document
  6. Kawamuko, Hiroyuki; Symmetrization of the sixth {P}ainlev\'e equation, 39 (1996), 109--122. To document
  7. Ito, Akio and Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to phase field models with constraints, 39 (1996), 123--142. To document
  8. Suzuki, Takashi; Positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations on expanding annuli: mountain pass approach, 39 (1996), 143--164. To document
  9. Takayama, Nobuki and Yoshida, Masaaki; C{R}-geometry on the configuration space of {$5$} points on the projective line, 39 (1996), 165--181. To document
  10. Badiale, Marino and Dobarro, Fernando; Some existence results for sublinear elliptic problems in {${\bf R}\sp N$}, 39 (1996), 183--202. To document
  11. Uhl, Roland; An extension of {M}ax {M}\"uller's theorem to differential equations in ordered {B}anach spaces, 39 (1996), 203--216. To document
  12. Odani, Kenzi; Existence of exactly {$N$} periodic solutions for {L}i\'enard systems, 39 (1996), 217--234. To document
  13. Kajitani, Kunihiko and Wakabayashi, Seiichiro; The {C}auchy problem for a class of hyperbolic operators with double characteristics, 39 (1996), 235--307. To document
  14. Yamashiro, Takaaki; On some estimate of {C}auchy problem for degenerate elliptic equations of {M}onge-{A}mp\`ere type with two variables, 39 (1996), 309--321. To document
  15. Hirose, Munemitsu; Structure of positive radial solution to a semilinear elliptic {PDE} with a gradient-term, 39 (1996), 323--345. To document
  16. Yang, Bo and Zhang, B. G.; Qualitative analysis of a class of neutral differential equations, 39 (1996), 347--362. To document
  17. Anada, Kouichi and Fukuda, Isamu and Tsutsumi, Masayoshi; Regional blow-up and decay of solutions to the initial boundary value problem for {$u\sb t=uu\sb {xx}-\gamma(u\sb x)\sp 2+ku\sp 2$}, 39 (1996), 363--387. To document
  18. Dohmen, Claus; A {P}ohozaev-type inequality for a quasilinear {H}araux-{W}eissler equation, 39 (1996), 389--397. To document
  19. Ninomiya, Haruki; A note on the {N}irenberg example, 39 (1996), 399--402. To document
  20. Hayashi, Makoto; On polynomial {L}i\'enard systems which have invariant algebraic curves, 39 (1996), 403--408. To document
  21. Sibuya, Yasutaka and Tabara, Tatsuhiko J.; Isomonodromic deformation of a second order linear differential equation with polynomial coefficients, 39 (1996), 409--420. To document
  22. Barbu, Viorel and Favini, Angelo and Romanelli, Silvia; Degenerate evolution equations and regularity of their associated semigroups, 39 (1996), 421--448. To document
  23. Mikami, Masahiro; The {C}auchy problem for degenerate parabolic equations and {N}ewton polygon, 39 (1996), 449--468. To document
  24. Immink, G. K.; On the summability of the formal solutions of a class of inhomogeneous linear difference equations, 39 (1996), 469--490. To document
  25. Wong, Patricia J. Y. and Agarwal, Ravi P.; Oscillation and monotone solutions of second order quasilinear difference equations, 39 (1996), 491--517. To document
  26. Murakami, Kouichi; Asymptotic constancy and periodic solutions for linear autonomous delay differential equations, 39 (1996), 519--540. To document
  27. Deng, Keng; Nonexistence of entire solutions of a coupled elliptic system, 39 (1996), 541--551. To document
  28. Haddock, John R. and Zhao, Jiaxiang; Instability for autonomous and periodic functional-differential equations with finite delay, 39 (1996), 553--570. To document

Volume 40,1997

  1. Murakami, Satoru; Periodic solutions of some functional-differential equations with diffusion, 40 (1997), 1--17. To document
  2. Inoue, Hiroshi and {\^O}tani, Mitsuharu; Periodic problems for heat convection equations in noncylindrical domains, 40 (1997), 19--39. To document
  3. Naito, Manabu and Naito, Y{\=u}ki and Usami, Hiroyuki; Oscillation theory for semilinear elliptic equations with arbitrary nonlinearities, 40 (1997), 41--55. To document
  4. Shimizu, Senjo; Scattering theory for elastic wave propagation problems in perturbed stratified media {${\bf R}\sp 3$}, 40 (1997), 57--77. To document
  5. Kobayashi, Katsumasa and Tsuruta, Kunio; Uniform boundedness and uniform asymptotic stability in functional-differential equations with constant delay, 40 (1997), 79--92. To document
  6. Nagabuchi, Yutaka and Ohnaka, Kohzaburo and Yagi, Atsushi; Global stability of economic growth model with the labor mobility, 40 (1997), 93--121. To document
  7. Yamamoto, Yoshitaka; Characterization of certain intermediate spaces related to functionals of {B}r\'ezis and {F}raenkel, 40 (1997), 123--138. To document
  8. Noumi, Masatoshi and Okamoto, Kazuo; Irreducibility of the second and the fourth {P}ainlev\'e equations, 40 (1997), 139--163. To document
  9. Korman, Philip; Steady states and long time behavior of some convective reaction-diffusion equations, 40 (1997), 165--183. To document
  10. Thai Son, Nguyen Duy and Liem, Nguyen Dac and Van, Tran Duc; Minimax solutions for monotone systems of first-order nonlinear partial differential equations with time-measurable {H}amiltonians, 40 (1997), 185--214. To document
  11. Kojo, Tomomi and Tsutsumi, Masayoshi; Cauchy problem for some degenerate abstract differential equations of {S}obolev type, 40 (1997), 215--226. To document
  12. Taira, Kazuaki; Oscillation of delay parabolic boundary value problems, 40 (1997), 227--233. To document
  13. Kato, Yoshio; Free boundary problems for the heat equation and application to a {B}ingham flow, 40 (1997), 235--253. To document
  14. Ono, Kosuke; Global existence and decay properties of solutions for some mildly degenerate nonlinear dissipative {K}irchhoff strings, 40 (1997), 255--270. To document
  15. Shioda, Tsutomu and Takano, Kyoichi; On some {H}amiltonian structures of {P}ainlev\'e systems. {I}, 40 (1997), 271--291. To document
  16. Ikehata, Ryo and Matsuyama, Tokio and Nakao, Mitsuhiro; Global solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for the quasilinear viscoelastic wave equation with a perturbation, 40 (1997), 293--312. To document
  17. Moriyama, Kazunori and Tonegawa, Satoshi and Tsutsumi, Yoshio; Almost global existence of solutions for the quadratic semilinear {K}lein-{G}ordon equation in one space dimension, 40 (1997), 313--333. To document
  18. Zhang, Bo; Asymptotic stability criteria and integrability properties of the resolvent of {V}olterra and functional equations, 40 (1997), 335--351. To document
  19. Bisognin, E. and Bisognin, V. and Perla Menzala, G.; Asymptotic behavior in time of the solutions of a coupled system of {K}d{V} equations, 40 (1997), 353--370. To document
  20. Li, Wan-Tong and Cheng, Sui Sun; Classifications and existence of positive solutions of second order nonlinear neutral difference equations, 40 (1997), 371--393. To document
  21. Allegretto, W. and Barabanova, A.; Existence of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with nonlocal terms, 40 (1997), 395--409. To document
  22. Nagai, Toshitaka and Senba, Takasi and Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Application of the {T}rudinger-{M}oser inequality to a parabolic system of chemotaxis, 40 (1997), 411--433. To document
  23. Haraoka, Yoshishige; Monodromy of an {O}kubo system with non-semisimple exponents, 40 (1997), 435--457. To document
  24. Fujiwara, Daisuke and Kumano-go, Naoto and Taniguchi, Kazuo; A proof of estimates of {K}umano-go-{T}aniguchi type for multiproduct of {F}ourier integral operators, 40 (1997), 459--470. To document
  25. Miyazaki, Rinko; Characteristic equation and asymptotic behavior of delay-differential equation, 40 (1997), 471--481. To document
  26. Ito, Akio and Kenmochi, Nobuyuki; Errata to: ``{A}symptotic behaviour of solutions to phase field models with constraints'' [{F}unkcial.\ {E}kvac.\ {\bf 39} (1996), no.\ 1, 123--142; {MR}1401656 (97g:80011)], 40 (1997), 483--484. To document

Volume 41,1998

  1. Ha, Junhong and Nakagiri, Shin-ichi; Existence and regularity of weak solutions for semilinear second order evolution equations, 41 (1998), 1--24. To document
  2. Wang, Jingfa; On second order quasilinear oscillations, 41 (1998), 25--54. To document
  3. Kato, Yoshio; A remark on general free boundary problems for the heat equation, 41 (1998), 55--65. To document
  4. Aassila, Mohammed; On a quasilinear wave equation with strong damping, 41 (1998), 67--78. To document
  5. Zhang, B. G. and Yang, Bo; New approach of studying the oscillation of neutral differential equations, 41 (1998), 79--89. To document
  6. Mimachi, Katsuhisa; The little {$q$}-{J}acobi polynomial associated with a {$q$}-{S}elberg integral, 41 (1998), 91--100. To document
  7. Szufla, Stanis{\l}aw; On the differential equation {$x\sp {(m)}=f(t,x)$} in {B}anach spaces, 41 (1998), 101--105. To document
  8. Nishikawa, Masataka; Convergence rate to the traveling wave for viscous conservation laws, 41 (1998), 107--132. To document
  9. G{\'e}rard, Raymond and Tahara, Hidetoshi; Formal power series solutions of nonlinear first order partial differential equations, 41 (1998), 133--166. To document
  10. Hoshiga, Akira; The lifespan of solutions to quasilinear hyperbolic systems in the critical case, 41 (1998), 167--188. To document
  11. Do{\v{s}}l{\'a}, Zuzana and Kiguradze, Ivan; On vanishing at infinity solutions of second order linear differential equations with advanced arguments, 41 (1998), 189--205. To document
  12. Isselkou, Ould Ahmed-Izid-Bih; A critical value for the boundary datum of a {D}irichlet's problem, 41 (1998), 207--214. To document
  13. Naito, Y{\=u}ki and Suzuki, Takashi; Radial symmetry of positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations on the unit ball in {${\bf R}\sp n$}, 41 (1998), 215--234. To document
  14. Hino, Yoshiyuki and Murakami, Satoru; A generalization of processes and stabilities in abstract functional-differential equations, 41 (1998), 235--255. To document
  15. Yuan, Rong; The existence of almost periodic solutions of first order neutral delay differential equations with piecewise constant argument, 41 (1998), 257--270. To document
  16. Cavalcanti, M. M. and Lar{\cprime}kin, N. A. and Soriano, J. A.; On solvability and stability of solutions of nonlinear degenerate hyperbolic equations with boundary damping, 41 (1998), 271--289. To document
  17. Matsumoto, Keiji; Intersection numbers for {$1$}-forms associated with confluent hypergeometric functions, 41 (1998), 291--308. To document
  18. Bouchekif, Mohammed; On certain quasilinear elliptic equations with indefinite terms, 41 (1998), 309--316. To document
  19. Qi, Jiangang and Lu, Yongjing; The slowly decaying solutions of {$\Delta u+f(u)=0$} in {${\bf R}\sp n$}, 41 (1998), 317--326. To document
  20. Burton, T. A. and Furumochi, Tetsuo; Periodic solutions of a neutral integro-differential equation, 41 (1998), 327--336. To document
  21. Yamazawa, Hiroshi; Newton polyhedrons and a formal {G}evrey space of double indices for linear partial differential operators, 41 (1998), 337--345. To document
  22. Pan, Jiaqi; Parameter analysis of a chemostat equation with delay, 41 (1998), 347--361. To document
  23. Nakatani, Minobu and Noumi, Masatoshi; {$q$}-hypergeometric systems arising from quantum {G}rassmannians, 41 (1998), 363--381. To document
  24. Miyakawa, Tetsuro; Application of {H}ardy space techniques to the time-decay problem for incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes flows in {${\bf R}\sp n$}, 41 (1998), 383--434. To document
  25. Sakata, Sadahisa; Asymptotic stability for a linear system of differential-difference equations, 41 (1998), 435--449. To document
  26. Ozawa, Tohru; Finite energy solutions for the {S}chr\"odinger equations with quadratic nonlinearity in one space dimension, 41 (1998), 451--468. To document
  27. Manfrin, Renato; A note on the global solvability in {G}evrey and {S}obolev classes of some nonlinear hyperbolic equation, 41 (1998), 469--482. To document
  28. Noumi, Masatoshi and Yamada, Yasuhiko; Higher order {P}ainlev\'e equations of type {$A\sp {(1)}\sb l$}, 41 (1998), 483--503. To document

Volume 42,1999

  1. Watanabe, Humihiko; On the defining variety and birational canonical transformations of the fourth {P}ainlev\'e equation, 42 (1999), 1--7. To document
  2. Omata, Seiro and Yamaura, Yoshihiko; A free boundary problem for quasilinear elliptic equations. {II}. {$C\sp {1,\alpha}$}-regularity of free boundary, 42 (1999), 9--70. To document
  3. Iwano, Masahiro; A method to construct stable domains of a sectorial type, 42 (1999), 71--103. To document
  4. Tsamatos, P. Ch.; On a boundary value problem for a system of functional-differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, 42 (1999), 105--114. To document
  5. Caldas, C. S. and Limaco, J. and Barreto, R. K.; Linear thermoelastic system in noncylindrical domains, 42 (1999), 115--127. To document
  6. Kong, De-xing and Tsuji, Mikio; Global solutions for {$2\times 2$} hyperbolic systems with linearly degenerate characteristics, 42 (1999), 129--155. To document
  7. Shioji, Naoki; Periodic solutions for nonlinear evolution equations in {B}anach spaces, 42 (1999), 157--164. To document
  8. Iwano, Masahiro; Analytical simplification of a {$2$}-system of nonlinear equations with a degenerated irregular type singularity, 42 (1999), 165--199. To document
  9. Fruchard, Augustin and Sch{\"a}fke, Reinhard; Exceptional complex solutions of the forced van der {P}ol equation, 42 (1999), 201--223. To document
  10. Shimomura, Shun; A confluent hypergeometric system associated with {$\Phi\sb 3$} and a confluent {J}ordan-{P}ochhammer equation, 42 (1999), 225--240. To document
  11. Teramoto, Tomomitsu; Existence and nonexistence of positive entire solutions of second order semilinear elliptic systems, 42 (1999), 241--260. To document
  12. Nakanishi, Kenji; Local wellposedness and illposedness in the critical {B}esov spaces for semilinear wave equations with quadratic forms, 42 (1999), 261--279. To document
  13. Tsutsumi, Masayoshi and Yasuda, Takatoshi; Penalty method for variational inequalities and its error estimates, 42 (1999), 281--289. To document
  14. Shimizu, Yasuyuki; {$L\sp \infty$}-estimate of first-order space derivatives of {S}tokes flow in a half space, 42 (1999), 291--309. To document
  15. Hayashi, Nakao and Naumkin, Pavel I.; Large time behavior of solutions for derivative cubic nonlinear {S}chr\"odinger equations without a self-conjugate property, 42 (1999), 311--324. To document
  16. Zakharin, Sergei F. and Parasyuk, Igor O.; Generalized and classical almost periodic solutions of {L}agrangian systems, 42 (1999), 325--338. To document
  17. Klokov, Yurii and Sadyrbaev, Felix; Rapid oscillations in sublinear problems, 42 (1999), 339--353. To document
  18. Graef, John R. and Thandapani, E.; Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of solutions of third order delay difference equations, 42 (1999), 355--369. To document
  19. Mu{\~n}oz Rivera, Jaime E. and Portillo Oquendo, Higidio; Exponential decay for a contact problem with local damping, 42 (1999), 371--387. To document
  20. Wong, Patricia J. Y. and Agarwal, Ravi P.; Nonoscillatory solutions of functional difference equations involving quasi-differences, 42 (1999), 389--412. To document
  21. Nikkuni, Yoshiko; Stability of stationary solutions to some discrete velocity model of the {B}oltzmann equation in the half-space, 42 (1999), 413--434. To document
  22. Haraoka, Yoshishige; Quadratic relations for confluent hypergeometric functions on {$Z\sb {2,n+1}$}, 42 (1999), 435--490. To document
  23. Larkin, Nikolai A.; The nonlinear boundary value problem for the equation of mixed type, 42 (1999), 491--506. To document