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Á. Elbert, Oscillation and nonoscillation theorems for some nonlinear ordinary differential equations, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Lecture Notes in Math., No. 1964, 187-212, Springer (Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1982).

Á. Elbert and T. Kusano, Oscillation and non-oscillation theorems for a class of second order quasilinear differential equations, Acta Math. Hung., 56 (1990), 325-336.

D. V. Izyumova and D. D. Mirzov, Oscillation properties of solutions of nonlinear differential systems, Differential Equations, 12 (1976), 838-842.

T. Kusano and M. Naito, Nonlinear oscillation of fourth order differential equations, Can. J. Math., 28 (1976), 840-852.

D. D. Mirzov, Oscillatory properties of solutions of a system of nonlinear differential equations, Differential Equations, 9 (1973), 447-449.

D. D. Mirzov, Ability of the solutions of a system of nonlinear differential equations to oscillate, Math. Notes, 16 (1974), 932-935.

nuna adreso:
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Doctor Course
Ehime University
Matsuyama 790-8577

Nobuki Takayama 2002-04-24